Chapter 672
Later generations don't know if he can still appear on the stage, the holy ancestor of the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi, once said that riding and archery is the foundation of our country!It hasn't been long since Jiannu entered the customs, and they have implemented this point thoroughly. Some of Liu Liangzuo's troops even went hungry for six or seven days. They had a glimmer of hope for Jiannu, and came here when they were too hungry. Those who surrendered, under such circumstances, Jiannu still retained about [-] cavalry, and they were still in good condition. They would rather let people starve to death than let their horses starve to death. This shows the viciousness of Jiannu's opponents.

But it is true that these [-] cavalry are more useful than tens of thousands of green camps. The entire defensive position of Jiannu is like a dozen or eight-shaped trenches, surrounding the two cores of Zhangshan and Fenghuangshan, and between the two mountains is a With no trenches blocking it, this narrow area just formed an excellent racetrack. Stepping on the dry ridges in October, ferocious cavalry roared to kill.

At this time, it was the weakest time of the Ming army. After fighting all morning, it was the time when the north and the south joined forces. Tens of thousands of soldiers from the old army rushed onto the flat ground without any defense. He became a living target in Jiannu's hands.


The cavalry rushed past like the wind, full of unbelievable screams, and the Ming army who was rushing out of the trench to kill the remnants of the green battalion fell like a wheat harvester among the wild cavalry, not only the Ming army, but also the remnants of Li Chengdong and Liu Liangzuo They didn't let it go, even though they trampled over with their horses, in the hazy wind and fog, the head was chopped off with a knife, and the sound of the sternum and thigh being trampled off by the horse's hoof kept coming and going.

"Back! Rewind!"

Looking back, above the ferocious cavalry, sticky blood, flying heads, and limbs flew up like magic. The joy of shooting the enemy general just now disappeared as if cold water had been poured on it. Turning his head to face the blood-stained subordinates who rushed out after him with joy, Li Xiaohei screamed with all his strength.

They really turned around and ran, behind them was the whistling cavalry wind and the sharp sound of cavalry knives rubbing against the air, the violent vibration shook everyone's beating heart, and the Ming army rushing up from the foot of Phoenix Mountain screamed in fear Going backwards.

"Marshal Ying, wait, wait for me! Ah..."

He was almost deaf in his ears, and Li Xiaohei was also filled with fear, and ran backwards screaming, but as he ran, the familiar scream came to his ears again, and he turned his head in horror, that Coming out of the same village next door to him, his father, Li Laobai, is the son of Du Dazhuang, the nemesis, Lao Du, who pursued Nurse Chen together, joined the army together, competed with each other, supported each other, and struggled until now. Stamped down alive, Li Xiaohei seemed to hear the sound of the bones breaking apart from tens of meters away.

Not only him, but the brothers in Li Xiaohei's battalion were hacked to death one by one by the ferocious Jiannu cavalry while screaming. In an instant, Li Xiaohei felt all the blood in his body rushing to his brain inside.

"I'm the grandma of your eighteenth generation of slaves!"

Song Qingshu once taught that the biggest difference between the Qihuo Army and other Ming armies is that the commander of the Qihuo Army rushed to the front when facing the enemy!This is not some kind of heroism or bravery. When a person truly integrates into this group and identifies with this group, everything comes from the heart.

Amidst the sound of puffing, a Jiannu Niulu Ezhen just raised his butcher knife excitedly, but suddenly the horse under him gave way, and crawled straight down with a wail. He flung it ruthlessly, twisting and throwing it more than ten meters, his neck twisted unnaturally, and it seemed that he was dead.

Holding the bayonet in both hands, the sturdy military boots under his feet seemed to be worn out. Gritting his teeth and roaring, Li Xiaohei was pushed a few meters away by the impact of the dying horse.It is said that the power of role models is infinite. Seeing my battalion commander resolutely plunge into the crowd in order to cover the retreat of the big guys, and more than a dozen soldiers of the First Division of Taiwan who ran behind also turned around and fought frantically. Throwing the bayonet fiercely at the running Jiannu, unexpectedly, many Jiannu were caught off guard and were picked off their horses and stabbed to death, although these same Ming soldiers were also knocked into the air by war horses, trampled to death, and chopped down Hacked to death with a saber, relying on the slave-building team at the edge, the indomitable pace of attack was miraculously delayed in the midst of turning their backs on their backs.

"Ming Gouzi!"

Niu Lu'er is really dead, his soldiers are fine, but he will be severely punished, the cavalry on both sides rushed out, seeing the forehead fell to the ground, the red-eyed Jiannu riders cursed again in Manchu , pumping the horse and galloping back.

It's an honor, right?I don't know if Xiao Chen will ring me?And my father, you should call me unfilial again!

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Li Xiaohei's mind, but the corner of Li Xiaohei's mouth turned into a hint of ferocity. Jiannu, who was charging, suddenly showed fear. He wanted to rein in his horse in horror, and faced them, a series of deadly grenades Li Xiaohei had already led them to them fiercely, and it was the yellow gunpowder equipped by the officer to blast the sky.


"Hey, comrade, wake up!"

The eardrums seemed to be shattered, as if countless bees were buzzing beside Li Xiaohei's ears, and his face was slapped lightly. It took a long time for Li Xiaohei to come back to his senses. It was pitch black, wearing Ming army armor, and a guy he didn't know was looking at him gloomyly.

"Where's my camp!"

Unexpectedly, Li Xiaohei turned over in a jerk, and Li Xiaohei looked around in horror. Who knew that with a crash, more than a hundred soldiers around him knelt down together, marching with a crying voice.

"Marshal, we are here!"

That's all there is left!Li Xiaohei buzzed his head again, and sat back dejectedly, but seeing him wake up, the officer who slapped his face squeezed out an ugly smile.

"Don't worry, brother, you are lucky to be able to return your battalion. Several vanguard battalions have been completely trapped!"

He patted Li Xiaohei's shoulder comfortingly, the officer tilted his head and winked at the person beside him, and immediately surrounded by medical soldiers, they took care of Li Xiaohei who was in despair, let him go, the black-faced officer was in a hurry again He ran to the front ditch and clasped his fists at the general who was wearing a big cloak and looking forward with binoculars.

"Marshal, that battalion commander is not dead, it's all right!"

"Tell Yuer, take special care of him!"

He hesitated for a while, but Song Qingshu didn't turn his head, still staring at the battlefield with the binoculars.

Xiong Tingbi, Song Qingshu's father-in-law, once said that the slave army's method of warfare is that the dead soldiers are in front and the sharp soldiers are behind. The dead soldiers wear heavy armor and ride forward on two horses. After killing the son, wait for it to impulsively attack our formation, and then the sharp soldiers will take advantage of it to win.

This sentence summarizes the basic tactics of the Jiannu Eight Banners. The elite dead cavalry rushed to disrupt the enemy's formation, and then the fine infantry and sharp soldiers took advantage of the victory to pursue. Today Song Qingshu fell into this method of warfare. Unexpectedly, Jiannu would still be able to fight At least 5000 cavalry were swallowed up by the defensive counterattack. Song Qingshu was itching with hatred when he saw the Jiannu wandering between the two mountains roaring and shouting.

Fortunately, this is just a flashback. Today, we have many Ming soldiers!

At this time, more infantry phalanxes of the Ming army were transported to the front line, and the trenches were already full of furious volunteers, waving bayonets in their hands, wishing to kill Jiannu at any time.


Han Dahu, the commander of the No.13 division of Yingtianbei Prefecture and the former head of the trade union, stood at the front, not holding a bayonet, but actually holding a heavy sledgehammer in his hand when he was working and reeling silk, roaring and shouting at the soldiers under him.

"Don't forget the blood debt these bastards owe us to Yingtian, and don't forget what the little scholar died for! Don't forget the oath you made to the commander before you came here, don't follow if you are afraid of death, go home go!"

"Who will die first?"

"I die first!"

Holding their bayonets high, the excited workers and soldiers shouted to the sky.

Without saying a word, holding his big hammer upside down, Han Dahu was the first to rush out of the ditch without hesitation, followed by more than 50 angry soldiers of the division, who were also revenge fighters from hell, rushing towards him. Jian slaves of the brigade.

As expected of the Iron Cavalry of the Eight Banners, in the face of such a vast ocean, the leading few Gushan Zhangjing also raised their sabers and roared in Manchu, yanked the reins of the horses, and rushed forward frantically with the dead soldiers.

Ping Pong Pong~
Dense flames flickered on the swarming Ming army's front, and the roaring Jiannu heavy arrows also flew in mid-air, and finally pierced into the crowd fiercely, and the Jiannu people turned their backs on their backs. Immediately, these gaps were filled by the team behind. Amidst the shouts, the two crazy teams collided like a comet hitting the earth.

In an instant, countless Ming soldiers were knocked backwards and vomited blood by the terrifying impact of the galloping horses, and countless bayonets were also ruthlessly pierced into the horses and people, stabbing the Jiannu cavalry in the first few rows into hedgehogs. Despite the huge casualties, relying on the strong temperament of the workers, more than a dozen rows of the Ming army resisted the impact, and the sharp Jiannu cavalry was stuck in the formation like a huge gel.

Puff, puff, puff, crackling sound filled the entire battlefield, and the Ming army division and the Jiannu sharp soldier tribe who rushed afterward collided with each other one after another, and an unprecedented melee broke out at the foot of Phoenix Mountain.

"Ming dog, go to hell!"

"Go to hell, you bitch!"

Mutual abuse, mutual hatred, everyone is red-eyed. The ancestors followed the old slave Nurhachi to fight against Ming Dynasty. They have already won two generations. Now they are forced to death. Every Jian slave is a dying wolf. Like that, biting crazily, but with that unforgettable hatred, the Ming army became even crazier. In the chaotic battle, there were lunatic Jian slaves squeezing into the bayonet array at every moment, slashing and killing without hesitation. , There are also Han Chinese martyrs with dozens of knives in their bodies, and they still want to stab the bayonet in Jiannu's heart fiercely.

However, the advantage of the Ming army was too great. As time went by, the balance of the goddess of victory continued to press towards Song Qingshu.

"Kill! Kill!"

Puff, puff~
The war ended at about three o'clock in the afternoon, and the [-] cavalrymen who managed to save Jiannu had been wiped out. Jiannu's banners and cattle records on Fenghuang Mountain also began to be defeated one after another. At about five o'clock in the afternoon, all the trenches on the dangerous Fenghuang Mountain He also fell into the state of barking teeth. In Song Qingshu's binoculars, he saw Yue Le, the son of Gushan, who was Jiannu, screaming with a bloody sword. Immediately, a bayonet of a soldier of the Ming Dynasty pierced his thigh. The slave slashed back with a knife, and two more bayonets pierced into his left rib, and in the midst of his screams, he picked out the trench, and countless bayonets swarmed up.

Why are there so few Manchus in the South in later generations?The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom’s insurgent army, who had suffered hundreds of years of slavery, slaughtered hundreds of thousands or even millions of slaves all over the city. During the Revolution of 200, the revolutionary army under the banner of expelling the Tartars once again raised the knife of revenge , in Guangzhou alone, it is said that [-] to [-] Jian slaves, men, women, and children were slaughtered. It was more than [-] years since the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, and time has not diluted the hatred, let alone the time when the new hatred is strong.

This battle will definitely end when one side is completely killed.

However, the battle situation on Fenghuang Mountain, where the Eight Banners of Jiannu need to gather, has reached a one-sided situation. On the other side, Zhang Shan, where the Eight Banners of Han are stationed, has not made much progress. On the one hand, more than 100 divisions and 30 main forces have almost all been transferred. To attack Fenghuang Mountain, Zhang Shan had only tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. On the other hand, defending the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty is actually a bit stronger than the Eight Banners of Manchu and Mongolia who are good at attacking.

"Come on, kill these two dogs!"

crackle crackle!

Facing the horn of the Ming army's charge, on the mountainside, there was also a dense rain of bullets. Almost the majority of the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty were the Liaodong Ming army who surrendered. They also had a lot of firearms in their hands. A large piece fell and had to crawl and return fire.

Compared with the bayonet at the other end of Fenghuang Mountain, the progress here is slow.

"Report! Commander! No. 70 Eighth Division, No. 70 Ninth Division's attack has been beaten back!"

Behind him, the urgent report of the messenger came to his ears, and Song Qingshu then turned his gaze back to the Phoenix Mountain battlefield where the night battle with lanterns was lit up, and the shouts and killings were loud. It's not too important, Song Qingshu simply shook his head as he watched the continuous gunshots behind him.

"Order to Li Tiezhu to suspend the attack, wait for the logistics armed forces to push the cannons, and then bombard and attack!"

"As ordered!"

With a promise, the messenger rushed to Zhang Shan's battle line again. It is estimated that General Li Tiezhu, who commanded the general army, would not be happy with this order.After sending him away, Song Qingshu once again focused his attention on the Phoenix Mountain battlefield, anxiously waiting for the news that Bo Luo died in battle or that Nikan's head was enshrined.

Who knew that at this time, Chen Zilong, who was in charge of commanding the logistics in Yixing, arrived at a starry night. After being intercepted by his own soldiers, even the literati's calm pretentiousness that the mountain collapsed in front of him lost three steps and made two hurried steps He quickly ran into Song Qingshu's temporary headquarters in the trench, but after looking around, he hurriedly dragged Song Qingshu aside, muttering in his ear.


After a while, Song Qingshu's face immediately became extremely ugly...

(End of this chapter)

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