where is the father

Chapter 375 I Will Definitely Save Your Mother

Chapter 375 I Will Save Your Mother

"Cai Die, I order you to wake up immediately. Your daughter was born to you. You can't just throw it to me like this. Get up quickly."

"Cai Die, didn't you say that you will always chase after me, and whenever I turn around, you will be there."

"Caidie, as long as you get up, I promise you, I will take care of our daughter with you, I will try my best to like you, I will work hard, as long as you get up, we will work hard together."

"Cai Die, get up."

Unknowingly, tears fell from the corners of his eyes, this was not the ending he wanted, how could she be so cruel, how could she.

Xiaolong clasped his palms together, murmured words, and when he waved his palms, snowflakes flew in the ice cave, and the woman in Long Yan's arms was frozen in ice at the moment when he was about to die.

Holding the cold and stiff woman in his arms, Long Yan shouted at Xiaolong: "What did you do?"

Xiaolong stepped forward and said softly: "I froze him, so as to keep her only vitality. When I go to the Immortal Palace to get the Resurrection Pill, she can come back to life."

Xiaolong's words brought hope to everyone, Long Yan held Xiaolong's hand tightly, and said anxiously: "Really? Is there really a soul-reviving pill? Go, go and get it."

"Brother Xiaolong, you must save my mother." Long Wuhui tightly tugged on Xiaolong's clothes, tears streaming down her face, she had never seen her mother like this, never.

Xiaolong rubbed the top of Roulong Wuhui's head, and said with a smile: "Long Wuhui, don't worry, I will definitely save your mother."

After Xiaolong left, Xiaohu looked at the sad Long Wuhui, and suddenly said: "If I remember correctly, the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill can save people from life to death. Know."

As soon as Xiaohu said that, everyone's hearts raised again: "What? Say it quickly." Luo Lan yelled at Xiaohu.

"People who have taken the Jiuzhuan Huanhun Pill will lose all memory after waking up. All memory will be like a newborn baby, and everything will start again." Xiaohu said slowly, with his handsome eyebrows locked tightly, looking at There was a touch of pity in Long Wuhui's eyes.

"Don't you even remember Wuhui?" Long Wuhui couldn't believe it. They who have always depended on each other for life, and their mother who has always loved her more than their lives, how could they forget her, how could they forget her?

Long Yan's complex face suddenly overflowed with a trace of clarity: "Perhaps, for Caidie, this is a better start." He looked at Luo Lan, the woman who was deeply in his heart, perhaps, his Life can be started all over again.

Some love, some affection, perhaps should be buried deeply from now on.

Luo Lan and Jun Boqing clasped their hands, and nodded heavily towards Long Yan, giving him silent support. If Caidie can wake up and lose her memory, it may not be a bad thing for her.

All the pain in the past will be erased, and what greets her will be a brand new life with Long Yan.

For Xiaolong, Tiangong is as familiar as going home. After the previous confrontation, there is probably no one in Tiangong who doesn't know Xiaolong.

He went straight to the Spiritual God Treasure House, and he remembered that among the many treasures in the treasure house, there was a Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill, which could life and death, flesh and bones.

The ground in front of the treasure house was full of dust and fallen leaves, as if it had been left unattended for a long time, Xiaolong couldn't help sighing softly: "The decline of Tiangong is really worrying!"

If the Heavenly Palace continues to decline like this, one day it will be attacked by the demon world. At that time, the world will be in chaos, people will not be human, and gods will not be gods.

Since Jun Yushu left the heaven, the treasure house of the spirit god has been completely banned, and no one can enter.

Only when the spirit and god reappears can the treasure house be opened and possess many of the most powerful magic weapons in the world.

Countless pairs of fairy eyes were secretly watching Xiaolong's every move, no one dared to disturb him, but they wanted to know whether Xiaolong was really reincarnated, as long as Xiaolong could open the door of the treasure house, he would get all kinds of treasures. If the spirit god who greets the immortals cannot open the door of the treasure house, then they will have an excuse to unite the power of the immortals to expel him.

The secret spell needed to open the treasure house is known only to the spirit god and Jun Yushu who left. Because of this, when the glazed cup is lost, the immortals will immediately suspect Jun Yushu, because in their cognition, only Jun Yushu Only Yushu can enter the treasure house, and others cannot enter with Ben.

How the glazed cup was lost and how He Dao stole the treasure is still a mystery.

Xiaolong's thin lips parted slightly, and a set of secret spells engraved in the depths of his soul were slowly released from his mouth.

Combined with the unique divine power of the spirit god, the door of the treasure house slowly opened, and the small body swept into the treasure house, and the door of the treasure house closed again.

The immortals who were peeping from a distance had complex expressions.

Some people rejoice, others worry.

In the days when the spirit god is absent, they have no leader. Although they are chaotic, they are very comfortable and can do whatever they want. If the spirit god returns, will their free days come to an end?

"That kid, he might be someone from Jun Yushu. Apart from the spirit god, Jun Yushu can also open the treasure house, can't he?"

Some people want the spirit god to return to his position, and naturally some people don't want it. Those who don't want to, naturally have to find some reasons why the spirit god can't return to his position.

"It's not impossible. Perhaps, we should find out the truth of the matter."

"What if he is the real spirit god? Who of you can bear the responsibility for colliding with the spirit god?"

All the immortals expressed their thoughts with your words and mine. At this moment, the door of the treasure house opened again, and Xiaolong's figure appeared in everyone's eyes again.

He held a white jade bottle in his hand, and his face showed joy.

He raised his eyes and glanced at the location of the immortals, and then rose up: "The fairyland in your eyes is nothing in my eyes. Since you don't need me, then, take good care of your so-called fairyland. .”

Xiaolong drove away on the cloud, and the immortals realized that they seemed to have done something wrong.

Can a fairy world without spirits and gods last long?After hearing the news that spirits and gods do not exist, can the world of monsters not be restless?

If the two worlds of monsters and demons jointly attack, can they defend the fairy world without spirits and gods?

"Who are you? Who am I?" The beautiful face was pale, the blood stains on the corners of the mouth had been wiped off, and the rose-like lips were tightly pressed, and the mind was blank, which made people feel sad. She panicked.

Who is she?what is her name?where is this place?Why is she here?Who are these people in front of them?

"Mother, you really don't even know Wuhui?" Long Wuhui kept tugging on Caidie's sleeve with a mournful face.

Caidie looked down at Yuxue's lovely Long Wuhui. When she looked at her, a wave of warmth flowed to her limbs, making her extremely comfortable, mother?She is her mother?She didn't even know her daughter, what happened?
"Cai Die, your name is Cai Die, maybe you don't remember anything now, but you don't have to be afraid, we will tell you everything and help you find all your lost memories." Luo Lan grabbed Cai Die's hand and walked straight Looking into her eyes, he said slowly.

She looked at everyone, the woman in plain clothes holding her hand, the man in black behind the woman, the two little boys who looked exactly the same, and the man in white who was staring deeply at her, the white clothes were covered with Blood stains, his handsome face was haggard, his deep eyes were full of pity, pity?

I don't know why, being stared at by him like this, my heart is beating wildly fast. What is the relationship between her and him?
(End of this chapter)

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