where is the father

Chapter 472 She Will Never Let Him Go

Chapter 472 She Will Never Let Him Go
The rest of the ten or so people all looked at Luo Lan with horrified eyes. Such a beautiful girl is so vicious. If they escape, the island owner will definitely not let them go. If they rush up, they will also die. what to do?
Luo Lan looked at these people, although their cultivation was higher than hers, but as long as she had Doutian Jue, she would not be afraid of them at all.

Luo Lan looked at the people in front of her, a smile appeared on her beautiful face, her hands formed seals, and while strengthening her protective barrier, Luo Lan raised her hands lightly, and Doutian slammed them together...

Those people's expressions changed immediately, and they wanted to escape, but how did they know the mystery of this Dou Tian Jue?The ever-changing changes contained in Doutian Jue are simply not something you can stop.

Seeing the panic on the faces of those people, Luo Lan made up her mind that these people should be dealt with quickly so that she could find Jun Boqing. Just as she was about to perform the second form of Fighting Heaven Jue, Luo Lan suddenly felt that the vitality in her body was unstable , It seems to be chaotic, this is not a good thing, Luo Lan was startled, and quickly glanced around, trying to find a direction to escape.

As soon as those men in black noticed that Luo Lan's vitality was unstable, they immediately changed their expressions, and one of them shouted: "Everyone, this woman's vitality is unstable, everyone go up and kill her."

Before the words fell, someone rushed towards Luo Lan, and quickly surrounded Luo Lan.Before Luo Lan had time to think of a countermeasure, the barrier around her body had disappeared. Luo Lan couldn't dodge it in time, and was hit on the shoulder by the man in the front left. Luo Lan suffered from pain and gave a low hum.

He raised his head again to look at the man who hurt her, his eyes were like icebergs and mist.She will never let anyone who dares to hurt her!
Gritting her teeth slightly, she murmured a spell while drawing a formation, and with the help of magic, she is not suitable for head-to-head confrontation now, she must find a place to rest and recuperate.

At this time, from the place where Luo Lan was located as the center of the circle, a huge white mist quickly formed, and spread to the outside at an extremely fast speed^...

Those people couldn't dodge in time, and they were quickly submerged in the thick fog that could not be stretched out...

Luo Lan sat in the room and meditated quietly, thinking that despite Grandpa Hua's dissuasion, she resolutely entered the barrier.But why the Qinglong Palace that fell here did not see Jun Boqing.

I don't even know when the guards of the Azure Dragon Palace found me. If I didn't have the Dou Tian Jue, I must have been arrested or killed by now, right?But when Luo Lan thought about it, she always felt that something was wrong. When those guards appeared, she didn't notice it at first. Killed!But why should they startle themselves?It's really strange, thinking that I have injured several of their guards, and now my shoulder is also injured.

She doesn't know how many guards there are in Qinglong Palace.But if there are more and more guards like just now, if he is found out, he will be outnumbered. Even if his vitality is not fluctuating and has been stable, he can barely break through, but he can't hide in the room in the corner of the palace all the time.

Although the room is a little crude, but looking at the cleanliness, it doesn't look like there is no one there.

Luo Lan sat on the ground to heal herself, while thinking about the things that happened after she entered the Azure Dragon Palace, every building and every piece was a bit suspicious, and Luo Lan always felt that something was wrong there.

Now I don't know how to find Jun Boqing, I can't detect any breath of Jun Boqing here.

Luo Lan was thinking about it when she suddenly heard footsteps at the door of the room.Luo Lan immediately sensed that someone was approaching the room, Luo Lan couldn't help being startled, her eyes rolled several times.The ear does not forget to discern the sound carefully.

Luo Lan judged from the voice that it was a person who was breathing and exhaling very evenly, and walking extremely lightly.It's very elegant.Luo Lan was slightly surprised. She didn't expect that there was such a person in Qinglong Palace, and she didn't know whether the person who came was an enemy or a friend, good or bad. Are you hiding there?This room is so empty that there is not even a cabinet, there is nowhere to hide!

Hearing the approaching footsteps, Luo Lan became more and more anxious.How should this be done?Gently got up from the ground, looked around the whole room, and found that apart from this bed, it seemed that he really had nowhere to hide?

Alas, he sighed helplessly, what would he think if Xiaolong and Xiaohu, the two mothers who knew about them, actually got under the bed?What's more, I'm still pregnant!This kind of thing is really embarrassing enough.But for now, that's all there is to it.This is not a quick wit, but a last resort.

Luo Lan had an extremely weird expression, and then flashed under the bed very quickly. When lying on the bottom of the bed, she thought that it was fortunate that she was thinner, and fortunately she was just pregnant, otherwise, if she had a big belly, she would probably be really pregnant by then. It's hard to get under the bed.However, this person's room is really clean, even under the bed, there is no dust.

When Luo Lan was evaluating the cleanliness of the room, there was only a creak, and the wooden door of the room was opened. Luo Lan looked towards the door through the white plain brocade sheets hanging down from the bed.

I saw a pair of people wearing blue embroidered boots walking in, slightly revealing the hem of the blue robe.

After the man pushed open the door, he didn't come in in a hurry, but stood at the door for a while. Luo Lan looked at the boots that hadn't moved for a long time, and her heart suddenly rose to her throat. Could this man notice her? right?Did he not come in for so long to call someone over?
Luo Lan's heart began to beat extremely fast, and after a while, the man suddenly turned around.Luo Lan watched the man turn around and thought he was going out, so she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Just as Luo Lan lowered her head and breathed a sigh of relief, she heard the door creak shut. Before Luo Lan could be pleasantly surprised, she heard footsteps coming towards her. No, they were coming towards the wooden bed. The stunning little face immediately collapsed.Did this person find her?This is too torturous!
Luo Lan kept staring at the pair of moving boots. Seeing that the boots were less than ten steps away from the wooden bed, Luo Lan couldn't help counting the distance. "Ten...nine...eight...seven...six...five..." When Luo Lan counted to five, the pair of boots stopped at five and did not move.Luo Lan frowned, but she didn't know why.

Although Luo Lan was puzzled, she didn't dare to act rashly, so she could only lie quietly under the spring light.

The room fell into silence, as if the air was not moving.

After a while, a pleasant male voice sounded in the room, breaking the quiet atmosphere. "Hehe, come out, I just knew you were here."

When the words fell, Luo Lan was startled, she knew just now, so who did he just know!
(End of this chapter)

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