Chapter 107 Dragon Capture Hand and Dragon Claw Hand

"Today I want to learn how powerful the famous Batian warrior of the Dragon Group is!" Seeing that Zheng Batian resisted his powerful hand, the fighting spirit in Sun Litao's heart suddenly rose.

In fact, his strength is still the same as two months ago, and he is still innate mid-term strength, but he can't stand Ye Guzhou giving him so many martial arts cheats.Even a pig can achieve some results, not to mention that he is an innate warrior himself, and after adding those martial arts, he is even more powerful and boundless.

With the strength of the innate mid-stage, he forcibly resisted Zheng Batian's aura of the innate late stage, and even had a faint tendency to gain the upper hand.

"I didn't come here today to cause trouble, I just came here for my lost child. If you really think that if you follow the saint, I will be afraid of you, then I will accompany you to the end." Zheng Zheng Ba Tian made it clear what he came for, but seeing Sun Litao's provocative appearance, he was also furious.

The majestic leader of the dragon group was actually despised by a traitor who was kicked out of the sect by the Qingyun sect?If this kind of anger is not vented, I'm afraid it will be suffocated.

"Dragon Catcher!"

The next second, the moment Zheng Batian finished speaking, Sun Litao made a move, and the moment he made a move was Ye Guzhou's lost dragon-capturing hand.

Capture the dragon, capture the dragon, and Zheng Batian is the leader of the dragon group, isn't he the one who captures the dragon?

boom!In an instant, Sun Litao's right hand was thrust out suddenly, and a stream of innate qi surged out from his arm.

Roar... When Sun Litao reached out with his claws, he let out a dragon cry, which is truly miraculous.

In the next second, the innate zhenqi gushing out of him actually walked against the wind, and instantly turned into a dragon claw. This is the real appearance of a dragon claw.As soon as the dragon claw came out, it immediately moved towards Zheng Batian with momentum, and grabbed it alive... This grab seemed to force Zheng Batian to come.

"What... is this... the Dragon Claw Hand?" Zheng Batian was startled when he saw the Dragon Claw transformed into true energy.For a moment, his eyes lit up, as if he recognized something.

But the dragon claw hand he mentioned is different from the dragon capture hand that Sun Litao tried out now.

Although the two are similar, but the dragon-capturing hand is intended to capture people, but the damage is not as high as the dragon-claw hand.

Before he could be surprised, Zheng Batian blocked it with his hands.It was also a burst of innate zhenqi gushing away, heading directly towards the dragon-shaped claw, entwining it, preventing it from moving forward.

"Break me!"

In a trance, just when the zhenqi entangled the dragon-shaped zhenqi, Zheng Batian suddenly took a step forward, turned his palm into a knife, and slashed down.

click... when...

This infuriating connection actually made a crisp sound of metal colliding, which is really weird.

However, after Zheng Batian's sword strike, Sun Litao's dragon-capturing hand was also annihilated.

"Not bad, not bad! As expected of the dragon head, okay, okay, just now you said the dragon claw hand? It seems that you are a bit knowledgeable, but what I used was not the dragon claw hand, but the dragon claw hand!" Sun Litao's move was rejected Pounce, the body is also a sharp step back.Looking at Zheng Batian's trembling right hand, he couldn't help but smile.

Using a hand knife to break a move, isn't this looking for abuse?

"What benefits did you get? How could you even know this kind of lost martial art? Could it be that the saint gave it to you?" Zheng Batian was moved, he could see that this Sun Litao was far inferior to himself.But the martial arts that were displayed were enough to make up for his shortcoming.

In an instant, Zheng Batian couldn't help becoming interested in that saint.Sure enough, he is worthy of being a master of the holy realm. There are such lost skills, and he even gave them to his subordinates afterwards. He really confided his heart.

"Naturally, you can actually understand the benevolence of a saint? Hehe, just now I let you see the Dragon Claw Hand, so now... let me show you the real Dragon Claw Hand!"

Suddenly, Sun Litao's aura instantly rose, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.Dragon Claw Hand is a big killer move, once it is shot, it will definitely see blood.It is rare for those on TV to easily avoid the martial skill of Dragon Claw Hand.Otherwise, everyone can avoid this Dragon Claw Hand, so can it be called a lost technique?
It was that right hand again, all the zhenqi in Sun Litao's body gathered on his arm, and his arm had slowly turned pale gold.In Zheng Batian's shocked eyes, Sun Litao shot again.

"Dragon Claw Hand!"

boom... boom...

There was another dragon chant, but this time the dragon shape was more domineering than last time, and it wanted to destroy everything even more. The overwhelming aura immediately made Zheng Batian retreat for a while, and even shouted at the people behind him: "Back, go..."

In the next second, Zheng Batian stepped on the ground with his right foot, and his body was like a big clock, firmly blocking in front of Zhang Xueyan and others.

He actually wanted to use his body's current dragon claw hand.

"Ah... the innate domineering body!"

Congenital body dominance, this is his famous stunt, which is similar to the indestructible magic of King Kong.However, his move is more defensive, while King Kong's indestructible magic skill is even better, with both offense and defense.

hum!At this moment, his body actually let out a buzzing sound, as if a real bell had been struck.The Dragon Claw Hand hadn't arrived yet, but the aura had blown Zheng Batian's clothes all over the place.Those streams of true energy even tore Zheng Batian's clothes.

Boom... when...

Finally, Sun Litao's dragon claw hand hit Zheng Batian's innate overbearing body steadily, and only heard the sound of a big bell being struck, which spread throughout the community.For a while, all the residents turned on the lights, as if they wanted to see what was going on, and they still made this sound in the middle of the night.

The sound stopped, but Sun Litao took a step back in a bit of exhaustion, his face was a little pale.Obviously, the Dragon Claw Hand, with his strength, is still a bit difficult to use.

As for Zheng Batian, his clothes are already in tatters, but they can still cover up his ugliness.Except for the gray layer on the face, there is no visible injury.This time, it seemed that he had the upper hand in the collision.

Sure enough, the gap in realm is still huge.Even though Sun Litao had so many unique skills, he still failed to defeat Zheng Batian.

But really, only Zheng Batian knows.Looking at his trembling hands, he knew that even if he won, it would be uncomfortable.

"Unexpectedly, I still can't beat you! Sure enough, you are worthy of being the leader of the dragon team, hehe, the title of Tyrant Warrior is still very loud!" Sun Litao is telling the truth, this is his heart as a warrior, if he loses, he loses Yes, there is no need to admit defeat.

Looking at Sun Litao's pale face, at this moment, Zhang Xueyan actually disregarded the morality of a warrior, directly pulled out a dagger from his waist, and stabbed it suddenly.

"You bastard, you dare to hurt my husband!"

Zhang Xueyan was really angry. Ever since she lost her child who was less than half a year old because of that map 19 years ago, her heart has been in great pain.After giving birth to another daughter a year later, she made her family her whole.

But now Sun Litao is treating Zheng Batian like this in front of her, how can she not be angry?
"Presumptuous, Snow Goose is back!"

Seeing his wife going directly to kill Sun Litao in disregard of the warrior's morality, Zheng Batian was dumbfounded and stopped her immediately.

But in the end it was still a step too late, he was not afraid of his reputation being affected, but he was afraid of Zhang Xueyan's life.Although Sun Litao is very weak now, he is still an innate warrior after all, so how can you, a mere acquired warrior, be able to provoke him?

Seeing the cold flash of the dagger, Sun Litao narrowed his eyes suddenly, and a surge of anger rose from his heart.

"Hmph, the people in the dragon group... are nothing more than that! Die for me..."

This time, Sun Litao was really angry. In his heart, he thought that these people came to trouble Ye Guzhou.Now as long as he is killed regardless of other things, when the time comes, the old man and the others inside will be their opponents?

He who had already planned to be loyal to Ye Guzhou, how could he tolerate this kind of thing happening, seeing Zhang Xueyan rushing forward, he couldn't help but get angry.

All of a sudden, the aura of a congenital master suddenly rose from the ground again, Zhang Xueyan, an acquired martial artist, could not resist such a monstrous aura.Suddenly, before she could run up, she was already oppressed and unable to move.

"Those who dare to disregard the words of the saint and trespass into the forbidden area... die!"

Sun Litao's voice was extremely cold, his heart belonged to Ye Guzhou from the moment he was brought back by Ye Guzhou.Of course, everyone should not get it wrong, his loyalty will always belong to Ye Guzhou.

This is the charm of personality. Some people can’t feel that kind of sympathy even if you are together for a lifetime, but some people will make you feel like you hate seeing each other even if you just take a look.

Zheng Batian was shocked, Sun Litao's murderous intent was too obvious, even if he went up now, he might not be able to save Zhang Xueyan.

"Xueyan, you are so impulsive!" Zheng Batian couldn't help shouting in his heart.

"Stop, Sun Litao, stop. As long as you stop, I will give you the evidence that you did not betray the Qingyun faction back then. When you go up the mountain with the evidence, you will be able to return to the Qingyun faction!" Zheng Batian was really I can't think of a way to save him, so I can only lure him.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, Sun Litao couldn't help being stunned for a moment.But just for a moment, he returned to his murderous look.

"Hmph, since the Qingyun sect doesn't want me, I don't need to go back. But you have to pay the price for trespassing on the forbidden area!" Sun Litao is determined to kill Zhang Xueyan, and he just suspects that these people from the dragon group are here to find him. Ye Guzhou's family is in trouble.

Raising his arm, Sun Litao's true energy was already released, just a little bit, Zhang Xueyan would surely die!
However this time...


There was a sound of stopping!
At the same time, on a small, deserted street in Kyoto, Ye Guzhou slowly got out of the taxi, and then burned the car to the ground.

And just as he was about to leave, a sudden aura of warriors fighting caught his attention.Suddenly, he turned around and headed there!

(End of this chapter)

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