Domineering in the universe: the best earth fairy showing supernatural powers

Chapter 111 Whoever insults my Chinese will be killed!

Chapter 111 Whoever insults my Chinese will be killed!
After receiving the mysterious piece of iron that William handed over, Bolton seriously put the piece of iron into a trick box.This mechanism box is the latest one developed by SHIELD, each one has its intended owner before the finished product.To open this box, in addition to the key and password of its original owner, it even needs skin tissue, blood and other related things.

It can be said that every time this kind of box is used, it is equivalent to self-mutilation.Although, this level of damage doesn't matter.

It wasn't until the box was carefully put away that Bauer turned around and looked at William, frowning: "William, didn't the others escape?"

Upon hearing this, William immediately prayed to Bauer: "Captain Bauer, please go and save my team members, they were all captured by the Huaxia people."

"What? Caught, you mean they were captured alive? Even when they were conscious?" Bolton was startled. Every time an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Before being captured alive, he would drink the potion.

That potion destroys the memory cortex of the brain, and after drinking it, he completely becomes a vegetable.This is also what SHIELD agents must do in order to keep the secrets of SHIELD.

However, this is better than the suicide of an island ninja. After all, there is still one life left, right?It doesn't matter whether you dare to stay or not.

William's body trembled, he did not see the scene of Jack and others being arrested, but when he thought of Ye Guzhou's terrifying skills, he couldn't help but tighten his heart: "I'm afraid...I'm afraid it is!"

"Oh, shit. William, you'd better pray that your team members won't reveal the secrets of S.H.I.E.L.D., or you'll just wait for the super court of the empire!" Bolton cursed, this super court is The US Empire opened it exclusively for their agents.Once their agents make a mistake, they're sent in there to stand trial.

This is an extremely chilling place.

Super Court?William couldn't help shrinking his neck. It was obvious that he was very afraid of this super court.

"Jie Jie Jie... Baoer, you are still the same old way, you just like to scare your subordinates. If you have the ability to rescue all the captured agents, you can kill them all!"

Just when William was about to intercede with Bauer, a very gloomy word suddenly rang out in the room that was about to be demolished.

As soon as the voice came out, Na Bolton frowned, as if he already knew who was coming.

boom!With a loud noise, one wall of the room collapsed immediately.A few figures also slowly walked in from outside the collapsed wall.

Dressed in samurai uniforms, these people are clearly islanders.The leader was an old man who looked to be eighty years old, but this old man didn't have any problems that ordinary old people should have.

"Hmph, we don't need your island ninjas to intervene in our S.H.I.E.L.D." Seeing the person coming, Bauer snorted disdainfully, obviously not very good with this islander.

The old man from the island country smiled: "Anyway, we are here in Huaxia through cooperation this time. Now that you have obtained a secret order, you should give it to us for safekeeping. How can you enjoy it alone?"

Bauer was taken aback for a moment, and a murderous gaze suddenly swept towards the group of subordinates behind him.

It was only just now that he got the secret order. The islanders knew about it so quickly and rushed over. It was obvious that there was a traitor among his subordinates.

But looking at the confusion on everyone's faces, Bauer couldn't find the traitor, so he turned to the old man from the island country and snorted coldly: "Meichuan Yunuma, you dare to place a chess piece next to me? It's really big!" Courage, your island country is just a dog of our US empire, isn't it afraid that our US empire will remove all forces that support your island country?" Bolton became angry, pointing at the old man of the island country and cursed.

The old man in the island country is called Umekawa Yunuma, um, a very meaningful name.Hearing Bauer's words at this time, his old face was also angry, "Hmph, Bauer, don't forget that we signed an agreement when we came to China this time. If you are not happy with the agreement, it's a big deal, everyone will break up When the time comes, I will hand over this agreement to Huaxia's Dragon Group, you said...will they go to your country to wreak havoc?"

Threat, the threat of red fruit.

Bolton blushed angrily and pointed at the old man Mei Chuan and cursed: "fuck, you island dogs, you really want to bite the master back! Hmph, so what if you hand over the agreement to the dragon group? I, Aegis The bureau is not afraid of them Chinese people, but they are just a group of idiots, just like you island people...all idiots! Trash..."

Just as Bauer was yelling to his heart's content, a ray of light shot in immediately, heading directly towards Bauer's mouth.

Thanks to Bauer's vigilance, the moment Jingman entered the room, he rolled sideways and dodged.

boom!The ray of light hit the opposite wall directly, and the wall was pierced instantly, revealing a small hole the size of a thumb.

Hiss...Bauer looked at the small hole, and suddenly sucked in a breath of air. If he had been hit just now, it would have been the end of the game.

Boom!There was another loud noise, and Ye Guzhou's figure had already kicked the door open and walked in slowly.With a gloomy face, Ye Guzhou's expression was very ugly.

Bauer's insult to the Chinese people just now has aroused his anger.

Looking at Bauer coldly, the anger in Ye Guzhou's heart slowly rose, and he said word by word: "I will kill those who insult me ​​Chinese! Today, you will die!"

From the bottom of his heart, Ye Guzhou doesn't want to see these two countries, the US Empire and the island country. These two countries are working together, and they don't know how many unreasonable things they have done to China.

But now, he was met by Ye Guzhou again, they were insulting the Chinese, and in an instant, the little anger in Ye Guzhou's heart was stirred up.

Swish!At this moment, the moment Ye Guzhou finished speaking, the hairs all over Ball's body stood on end.Looking at Ye Guzhou's emotionless eyes, a trace of fear actually appeared in his heart.

"Impossible, impossible... How could I have such emotions? I am the master of the eleventh-level agent of SHIELD..."

Ball began to howl in his heart, but under Ye Guzhou's eyes, he dared not speak out.

Mei Chuan Yuuma looked at Ye Guzhou who came in, and took a step back involuntarily.After that ray of light shot in just now, he had a comparison in his mind, the young man in front of him was definitely stronger than himself.

Coupled with Ye Guzhou's icy aura, he became even more cautious.

"Who are you? Are you from the Huaxia Dragon Team?" Mei Chuan looked at Ye Guzhou and asked tentatively, but he glanced at Bauer.

Baoer understood, stood up slowly, and looked at Ye Guzhou coldly.

"Hehe, do you want to win with more than less? Even if you all go up together today, it is impossible to leave here alive!" Ye Guzhou naturally saw through their tricks, but... it's not that there are too many ants, it's true Elephants can be killed.

"Jie Jie Jie... Since you have discovered us, can stay here today!" Mei Chuan smiled slyly, and suddenly appeared with a long knife in his hand.

"I, Meichuan Yunuma, have killed countless people, but those who died at my hands were all heroes. It is also your honor to die at my hands today!" The old man Meichuan was very proud.

It's just...he said this sentence, but it made Ye Guzhou laugh to death.

Puchi...Ye Guzhou laughed straight away: "What did you say your name was? Didn't you wear a bra? Cough cough... Old man, I didn't expect you to be quite romantic at such a long age. So you still like to wear that stuff Son!"

"Baga, my father's name is Meichuan Xiongmao!" Just as Ye Guzhou was laughing, a middle-aged man next to the old man Meichuan suddenly stood up and yelled at Ye Guzhou.

"Huh? Who are you?" Ye Guzhou frowned, slightly upset when someone interrupted him.

I saw the middle-aged man proudly raised his head and chest, and shouted loudly: "My humble Meichuan is cool!"

No panties?puff!

The smile that had been suppressed just now suddenly burst out again.

"Hahaha... so talented, you father and son... hahaha, your names are a perfect match! One is not wearing a bra, the other is not wearing underwear, haha, I am dying of laughter..."

Ye Guzhou is laughing so hard that he can't straighten up now, this Nima is really a wonderful father and son, the name was given, he is really talented.

"Wow, Baga, you're dead, dead, hard work!"

The next moment, the man who didn't wear underwear rushed over with the sword in his hand, his face flushed red.He is proficient in Chinese, so he naturally understands that Ye Guzhou is humiliating them!
"Hmph, you're overthinking yourself. Get the hell out of here!"

Looking at the rushing figure with cold eyes, Ye Guzhou let out a cold snort of disdain, and immediately jumped up, punching the dagger fiercely.

There was only a proper sound, and Ye Guzhou punched the Taidao into pieces, and the blades scattered all over the ground.

Immediately afterwards, in the astonishment of the islander, Ye Guzhou swept out with a whip leg again.

Bang, kicked him in the waist all at once.With a click, his waist was broken!He fell to the ground suddenly, trembling in pain.


Beep!Ye Guzhou was so powerful that he pointed out directly, and a ray of light shot out, hitting his forehead.He died instantly without wearing underwear.

One face-to-face, it kills in seconds!
"Ah... my son!"

Angry for not wearing a bra, his only son died just like that.In an instant, a wave of anger rushed to his forehead.

"Kill him for me..."

The ninjas of the island country rushed forward immediately, even though they were afraid of death, they still obeyed their boss's orders.

"Hmph, a bunch of trash, don't leave today, all of you stay. If you dare to insult my Chinese, I will kill you today!"

Looking at the islanders rushing up, Ye Guzhou couldn't help but shout angrily.With a sudden step on the feet, all the walls of this room were reshaped once again, and there was a hint of khaki light shining.

This is one of the magical skills of the Land Lord, the cage of the earth!
(End of this chapter)

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