Chapter 120 Dragon Shadow
"Welcome Master to come!"

This young man who claims to be the prince is so respectful to a wood carving at this moment, if outsiders see it, they will laugh their teeth off.

This prince, in Kyoto, is the top figure of the younger generation.How could he face a wood carving like this?

The wooden carving was obviously not a simple object, and it trembled even more violently amidst the prince's greeting, as if it had been shaken by an earthquake.But the other objects didn't move for a moment, just such a wood carving was shaking.

Snapped!There was a sound of something breaking, and the wood carving finally stopped shaking and regained its calm.However, at the same time as the calm was restored, a ray of light shot out from the wood carving in an instant.It hit the clean white wall on the opposite side steadily, and with a swish, a shadow slowly appeared.

As soon as this shadow appeared, it suddenly exuded an extremely strong aura, and instantly a strong wind swept through the box.

Just a shadow can exude such a strong momentum, which shows how powerful the owner of the shadow is.

"Bang!" There was a slight sound, and the strong wind finally stopped after all the objects in the box were knocked down.


Seeing the strong wind stop, the prince let out a slight breath and relaxed.Every time this shadow appeared, he would be extremely nervous.

"Master's strength has improved a lot. Congratulations!" He was always flattered by others, but today he started to flatter others.

The shadow on the wall was a five-clawed black dragon, majestic and majestic.Even though it's just a shadow, you can still feel the astonishing power of the dragon, which is definitely not something ordinary people can resist.

"Hey... Yunlong... You are the No.1 disciple accepted by this seat, and you are also the one with the best qualifications among the disciples of this seat, but your ability to handle affairs is the worst one. This seat will explain what you do, It's been so long, and you still don't have a clue, you say...what's the use of me keeping you?" The dragon-shaped shadow even roared angrily, and the sound of dragon chant wafted continuously in the box.

This sentence, uttered from the shadow's mouth, is full of murderous intent.Even this prince is already sweating profusely, which is scary.

With a snap, the prince knelt down directly facing the dragon-shaped shadow.And he knelt down straight, without even bending his knees, and there was a bang, which was very loud.

"Forgive me, Master, please forgive me... this disciple will definitely do his best... please give me one last chance, Master." The prince, who is usually high above him, is not as good as a dog at this time, just like those people who flatter him , even begging for mercy at one of them.

"Hmph, forgive you? Forgive you, how can I explain to your other senior brothers?" The dragon-shaped shadow showed a very tough attitude.

The meaning of these words is already obvious, that is to punish this guy who claims to be the prince.

"It's been a year, a whole year... You haven't brought me any news... Your other senior brothers have more or less got some news. But, this year, even though you have no clue, I I have never treated you badly... I have given you a lot of skills and spirit stones... But you always give me the words 'Sorry, no news'!" The dragon-shaped shadow was really angry Yes, that tone of voice was cold and frightening.

The prince trembled all over, his face was very ugly, and it was changing complicatedly...

"Master... Master, I am really loyal to you. You know, I am human after all, and the place where I live is a society with laws. Here... I really can't do anything, Master Venerable... half a year, as long as you give me another half a year, Master, I will definitely find you that man of destiny... At that time, I will catch him in front of you and let you dispose of him... Master!" The prince is really like a dog now, begging for mercy from his master.

And from his words, it can be known that he is also a man of destiny.Isn't this what Zitong has been looking for?

"Hmph, half a year? You're thinking beautifully. Could it be that this year was just for you to play with?" The dragon-shaped shadow didn't buy it.

Hearing this, Yunlong, who claimed to be the prince, understood.His master came here today not to give him an explanation, but to punish him.

Thinking about it, I only cared about being pampered and developing my power secretly for a year, and I really neglected to visit that man of destiny unannounced.

Looking at the shadow on the white wall, Yunlong gritted his teeth for the last time and pulled out a dagger.Staring at the shadow on the wall, he stabbed viciously.

But what he stabbed was not the shadow, but the direct abdomen.

Puff... After one sound, blood flowed out!Yunlong understood that if he did it himself, it was only a flesh injury, if he waited until the master did it, it would really be over.

When the dagger went down, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.But he didn't care at all, instead he showed a released smile.

"Please rest assured, Master, Yunlong will definitely find that man of destiny within half a year, and will definitely bring him in front of you, Master, and leave him to your disposal!" Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Yunlong slammed his abdomen He pulled out the dagger, threw it aside, and let the blood flow out, but he said respectfully to the dragon-shaped shadow.

This is a person who can even kill himself, definitely a super ruthless character.

Even oneself is so ruthless, let alone the enemy?
Seeing Yunlong's behavior, the dragon-shaped shadow finally nodded and made a satisfied sound.

"Well, good. I will give you another half a year. You have to remember... Everything you have today is given by me. If you work for me with peace of mind, you will definitely get more. If you don't take care of yourself Doing things for you... Huh, I will definitely make your life worse than death!" The harsh words came from the mouth of the dragon-shaped shadow.

Wow... the moment this sentence was finished, the shadow on the wall also flickered and disappeared.That strong momentum also disappeared.

Boom!As soon as the dragon-shaped shadow left, Yunlong couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground.After bleeding profusely, his face was already pale.He didn't even have the energy to speak, and he didn't even dare to heal his wounds just now with Master around.

At this time, as soon as the master left, he immediately took out two bottles from his arms, one bottle was filled with powder, which should be Jinchuang medicine, and quickly wiped it on the wound.The wound that was still bleeding was really healed by these powders, at least it wouldn't bleed anymore.This is just a blink of an eye, which shows how precious this medicine is.

After touching the powder, Yunlong quickly opened another bottle, took a pill and swallowed it.After tossing and tossing for a long time, his complexion slightly improved.

Huh... Breathing out lightly, Yunlong slowly closed his eyes, as if he was recovering from his wounds.It wasn't until an hour later that I opened my eyes.

"Contact me the people from the Southern League of Heroes, put down everything at hand, and go find those two people for me with all your strength! It is the task that was originally entrusted to you, and the time is only five months. Take care of yourself, if you don't find it... you You don't have to come back to see me!"

Taking out his mobile phone, Yunlong dialed a number and said darkly to the person on the other end.

The leader behind the Southern League of Legends is actually him!
After hanging up the phone, Yunlong's eyes began to narrow slowly, very cold: "The man of destiny? The one in the wedding dress? Don't let me find it, otherwise, I must treat you well!"

At the same time, in one of the largest shopping malls in Kyoto.Ye Guzhou and the others were blinking their eyes at the dazzling array of products, as well as...ahem, and girls in miniskirts and shorts.

"Damn, look... what are they doing? Why did that man put his hand under the woman's?" Suddenly, Chen Nuo seemed to have discovered something interesting, and pulled Ye Guzhou and the three of them over, casually pointed to the past.

This sentence, as if Ye Guzhou and the three hungry wolves saw the meat, their eyes lit up immediately.

"Where is it, where is it?" Fatty Wei was the first to turn around and asked directly, while looking around vigorously.

Taking a closer look, sure enough, in a KFC store, a young man and woman were passionately kissing each other, coughing... stroking.

"Damn it, did I make a mistake? Is there any reason for this? So fair and aboveboard, and... can this man stop being so ugly... I'm so sorry for that woman's appearance!" Bai Chi Immediately felt sorry, that man was not even as good as him.

However, despite this, several people still watched with gusto!


And just when the few people were watching with vigor, a disdainful voice suddenly came over.This is the second time someone has said that about them today.

Turning around, the four of them were stunned, including the one who spoke.

Yo, I'm still an acquaintance!Isn't this Liu Yao who was beaten to the ground by Ye Guzhou before, Mr. Liu?

This is really in response to that sentence, where in life do we not meet each other!

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Liu? Why... your car has been repaired?" Looking at Liu Yao, Ye Guzhou immediately laughed.This brat, he's looking for another one.

Seeing Ye Guzhou's appearance, Liu Yao's body twitched violently. Obviously, Ye Guzhou's impression on him was too deep.

"You...what do you want to do? Let me tell you...this is a public place. If you dare to do something, I will definitely call the police and arrest you!" Liu Yao was so scared that he even trembled when he spoke.

"Hehe... You seem to have scolded us again just now... Why, don't you want to apologize?" Ye Guzhou's evil smile appeared again.

Liu Yao's body trembled suddenly, and he quickly pointed out his fingers: "No, I mean that pair of dogs and men!"

This finger pointed out that it was a coincidence that the couple walked out of the KFC store, and when Liu Yao scolded him like this, the man immediately became angry.

In an instant, he walked over with a gloomy face.

(End of this chapter)

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