Chapter 131 blood stripping

Slowly getting out of the ground, Ye Guzhou's face was full of peace, as if nothing happened.However, his eyes have become more spiritual.Every time the eyeball turns, it seems to be able to seduce the soul, making people have a feeling of wanting to stop.

His state of mind actually improved after sleeping here and having such a strange dream.

"Hey, all of this is fate, what should come will always come!"

Looking up at the sky, Ye Guzhou sighed, and then said such a sentence inexplicably.But then, his expression changed again, becoming a little melancholy, a little hesitant, and more, still firm.

This firmness, and his hesitation, did not want to rush.It seems that the things that are decided are not the same.

"The Man of Destiny? Is it you?" Ye Guzhou looked in one direction, then sighed and shook his head, "It doesn't matter, I must clear up all those obstacles...Only in this way...they can live a better life Ah, only in this way can he not need to pay so much!"

"Blood... separation!"

In an instant, Ye Guzhou's body shook suddenly, and a shadow was suddenly stripped from his back.

What was stripped out was obviously the blood power in his body.

Turning around and looking at this blood power, Ye Guzhou nodded in satisfaction. What was stripped out was half of the blood power in his body, but why did he want to strip his own blood power? Now I understand.

The power of this bloodline is his great weapon, but now that it is stripped out, he has discarded this weapon.This kind of courage is really only possessed by Ye Guzhou.

However, fortunately, he still reserved half of his bloodline's power for emergencies.

Looking at this figure condensed by the power of blood, Ye Guzhou nodded at him, and then said: "I leave everything to you!"

The figure chuckled: "You're welcome! You and I are one, and your business is mine, so please tell me."

Ye Guzhou nodded, his face straightened, he turned his head and stopped thinking, looking in the direction of the capital, Ye Guzhou went directly to Tudun.Now that there are no dark clouds to cover the sky, it would be bad to be found if you fly again.

And after Ye Guzhou left, the power stripped from him also slowly disappeared, and in a blink of an eye, the area was quiet again.

This Ye Guzhou didn't know what fate it was, but under the punishment of God, he was able to get away safely, and just slept in the ground.If this is known to those who have lost their souls because of the scourge of heaven, I don't know if they will be reborn, so they can have a good discussion with the gods?Isn't this unfair treatment?

And just after Ye Guzhou left, several flashes of light flashed across the sky quickly, and finally landed steadily at the place where Ye Guzhou had just left.

These flashes of light were indeed figures, looking at the empty ground, each of these figures couldn't help but frown.

"What's going on? I clearly felt it just now, and the golden elixir of the wedding dress is here, why is it gone now? Could it be that the wedding dresser, what happened?" Among the few people, the one who looked the most The elder couldn't help but speak first.

When he opened his mouth, the rest of the people were naturally puzzled.These people are old monsters who have lived in seclusion for many years. If they noticed something today, they would come out of the mountain, but in the end, it was still nothing.

"It seems that something must have happened to the person in the wedding dress. Now we can't even feel the breath of the golden core of the wedding dress. This is not a good sign. Maybe those people must have succeeded..."

"Impossible, just now there was a little guy from the people over there who came to me and persuaded me to surrender. From the words and deeds of that little guy, I can see that they didn't succeed!" At this time, a The figure said firmly, this person is the Taoist priest who stood on the waterfall in the deep mountain before.

"Oh? Hehe, Xuanji, it seems that you still have more face, and the people over there just refuse to let go. It seems that they are not reconciled if they don't dig you in. We are old and immortal, but We were persuaded to surrender once by them, and to welcome us again would be an assassination. If it weren't for our strength, we wouldn't be standing here with you today!" Hearing what the Taoist said, an old man couldn't help but Waving the whisk in his hand, he spoke to the Taoist priest with a sense of joke.

That Taoist priest was originally called Xuanjizi.Hearing the teasing from my companions at this time, I couldn't help laughing, and I couldn't help but think that you are coming to curry favor with me: "Then you have to treat me well, otherwise, I will really surrender! Hahaha... At that time, if they have a prophet like me on their side, you will be miserable."

Er... As soon as this sentence came out, the foreheads of the rest of the people went black.This mystery, isn't this waiting for an opportunity to seek benefits?

It's just that not everyone is trying to take advantage of this mystery. Although he understands what this guy is joking about, a middle-aged man who has been standing aside with a long sword in his hand stares at him coldly. Xuanjizi's face was covered.


As soon as this middle-aged man stared at him, Xuanjizi, who was still laughing just now, stopped laughing, looked at this man with a dark face, and couldn't help saying in his heart, why did he forget about this guy? A guy who knows how to joke.

Sure enough, as soon as Xuanjizi finished speaking, the man with the cold face let out a cold snort, and there was an ice-like gleam hidden in his eyes, instantly chilling Xuanjizi's whole body.

"If you dare to betray the Lord of Destiny, I will kill you!"

A cold, domineering, murderous sentence could not help but come out of this man's mouth.The long sword in his hand trembled after his words, and let out a sword cry.

Swish!With a flash of golden light, the long sword flew out of the scabbard by itself, and with a jerk, a cold air that seemed to come from the Nine Nether Lands was instantly released from the sword body. The flashing light of the sword body did not conceal its charm sharp.

As soon as the cold air was released, in an instant, everyone present couldn't help but retreat, and they all showed a hint of fear.They knew that this man... He never joked, and he never let the people around him make jokes.

Before, one of his disciples was stabbed to death by his sword just because he was joking in front of him.The reason is: people who practice Taoism, every word they say has cause and effect, just kidding, it is only suitable for ordinary people!

Xuanjizi's face turned cold, this man really didn't give him face, after all, he is also a senior figure, yet he was forced by others like this.

"Hmph, Breaking Ice Zen, I am the mentor appointed by the Man of Destiny, you dare to threaten me?" This Xuanjizi actually claimed to be the mentor of the Man of Destiny who has not yet awakened. His words are a bit pretentious Overwhelming taste.

What an honor to be the mentor of the Man of Destiny!

However, this middle-aged man named Po Bingchan seemed to disdain his identity. With a sudden swish of the volleying long sword, he flew in front of Xuanjizi, intending to stab it.

"As soon as you open your mouth today, karma has already been formed. The prophets over there must have known it. are no longer worthy of being the mentor of the Lord of Heaven!" To deprive this Xuanji of his status as a mentor.

"You..." Xuanjizi was furious. The identity of this mentor has always been his most important thing. If it weren't for the status of this god-appointed mentor, he might not have blessed it for so long.Maybe... After coming there three or four times, he surrendered.After all, the conditions offered there are very attractive.

"Hmph, haven't you felt it yet? A force of karma has been placed in your body. And karma, it's really because of what you said just now... In the future, you must be joking about you today I paid the price! I told you a long time ago that if the catastrophe is approaching today, we cultivators should not talk nonsense, who has heard of it? Prophet? That’s all, huh!” Po Bingchan snorted coldly , after the cold snort, the long sword returned to its sheath with a snap, as if it had received some order.

The power of cause and effect?

Suddenly, Xuanji was shocked and immediately closed his eyes.After a while, he took a few steps back abruptly, his face pale.

puff!A mouthful of blood spurted out, and in an instant, his body began to tremble.

"How is it possible, how is it possible... I am the mentor of the destined person. I am not affected by karma. Why, why did I become infected with the power of karma..."

Xuanjizi was already a little crazy, his eyes were already red, and he kept asking questions.

"Hey, where in this world is there really no existence of karma? Even the aloof saint, isn't he also tainted with karma? Otherwise...there won't be these successive cataclysms! However, those saints are immortal, and it will always be us ants who are in trouble!" Po Bingchan sighed rarely, and the sadness on his face seemed to add a bit of vicissitudes to him.

cause and effect?

Xuanji was startled, and then slowly calmed down.

"Hey, I made a mistake. It seems... I am indeed not suitable to be the mentor of the man of destiny, but... the position of mentor is too important. We must re-select someone who has both ability and political integrity... a more important one." What's more, he must be from our side!"

When everyone heard the words, they nodded.

"Speaking of arrogance, on our side...the ones who have both ability and political integrity and strength are nothing more than us. Do you want to choose from among us?" Suddenly, someone raised it.

When these words were spoken, the eyes of the rest of the people suddenly brightened... The mentor of the man of destiny has a lot of benefits. Which of these people does not want to be a mentor?

However, just when they were about to introduce themselves, a voice that seemed to be from above nine heavens slowly came over.

"Hehe... let me take the position of mentor, let me come, and you people will help from the side!"

Domineering, directly determined the identities of these people.Assisting from the side, this is a good way to say it, but it is not good, it is the same as a servant.

Xuanjizi frowned suddenly, "Presumptuous, who? Come out to me!"

In the next second, Xuanjizi shot out a burst of true energy, heading directly in a certain direction.

"Hey, you were able to find out where I am? But... in front of me, how dare you call yourself I? It's ridiculous..."

when!The spurted true essence was instantly extinguished, and then a figure slowly walked out of the void.

This figure appeared, and in an instant, an aura directly overwhelmed the Xuanji who had shot just now.

boom!Xuanjizi was furious immediately when his body was crushed, but when he saw the figure clearly, he was completely dumbfounded.

" are..."

The figure smiled: "That's right, it's me. Let me take the position of mentor. This should be over. Do you have any opinions?"

Have an opinion?

In an instant, everyone, including that Breaking Ice Zen, suddenly knelt down: "I have seen the Holy King, and the Holy King will be the teacher, and I have no objection!"

"Well, that's good! Let's go, I'll take you to meet the man of destiny, and from now have to be by his side and teach him how to behave in the world!" This man called the Holy King, Nodding in satisfaction.

"The Man of Destiny? The Holy King means that you have found the Man of That Mandate?" Everyone was shocked. This is indeed the Holy King whom we have been enshrining for a long time. After not finding it for so long, he found it first.

The Holy Monarch nodded, and with a wave of his hand, he lifted everyone up.

"That's right, I have already identified the man of destiny, and I know who he is now."

The few people were overjoyed, and hurriedly got up and flew to follow the sage, and the direction... was Jiangnan!

At the same time, at the junction of the suburbs and the urban area of ​​Kyoto, there is no one here.

And Ye Guzhou also slowly drilled out from the underground here.

It's not that he doesn't want to go out to the urban area, but that he is really not very familiar with the urban area. If someone finds out as soon as he comes out, isn't it to scare people to death?

A man who came out of the ground?Wouldn't that be considered a ghost?

Shaking his head, he walked slowly towards the city.Along the way, Ye Guzhou wanted to take a taxi, but there was no car here.

And at the same time as Ye Guzhou returned, the martial world in Kyoto had already set off a storm.

The Ice Dragon God, one of the guardian gods of China, and the long-lost grandson of Zheng Tianyuan's family were found, and this grandson is also a master of martial arts who has already condensed a golden core!These have been witnessed by many people.

For a while, as soon as this news appeared, not to mention the capital, but the entire martial arts world in China was already shaken.

(End of this chapter)

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