Chapter 134

In the cafeteria of Kyoto University, Qian Jia was eating lunch with a good friend of hers, that is, Cheng Xue who was welcoming freshmen before.Suddenly, I heard the people at the next table holding a mobile phone, exclaiming incessantly.

"Cheng Xue, what's going on with them? Why can't they stop eating so much!" Qian Jia frowned, the exclamation had already seriously affected her mood for eating.

Cheng Xue was taken aback for a moment, without saying much, she just stood up and walked towards those tables.Originally, she was going to tell these people not to make noise, but just now when she walked over, she suddenly yelled, the sound was definitely louder than the noise just now, and it covered the entire cafeteria at once up.You know, the cafeteria at Kyoto University is huge.

"Ah... Jiajia, Jiajia, come here... It's terrible, something big happened... Come on! Your boyfriend is cheating on you!" Cheng Xue really has no brains, this sentence Shouting out, all eyes were gathered in the past.

In an instant, Qian Jia became the focus of everyone.

Qian Jia, the fourth in the flower list of Kyoto University, has a boyfriend, and the boyfriend cheated on her?This news immediately spit out the shock of everyone in the cafeteria.

Hearing Cheng Xue's cry, Qian Jia's forehead was covered with black lines.This is really inadvertent in making friends. It seems that in the future, I will buy a box of brain supplements for everyone around me. Otherwise, who knows if this kind of thing will happen next time?

But when Cheng Xue said that her boyfriend had cheated on her, Qian Jia still stood up.

"Boyfriend? The boyfriend I talked about with Xiaoxue seems to be Ye Guzhou, right? Why would he wear a cuckold for himself? You know, Miss Ben is the fourth beauty on the school flower list!" Is quite confident.Except for the ice beauty Leng Yunshuang who ranked first, she actually didn't pay attention to the others who were ahead of her at all, it was nothing more than a little higher status.

Walking slowly, when she saw Cheng Xue put away the phone in her hand, her body trembled involuntarily.On the mobile phone, it was on the school bbs, Ye Guzhou molested Tong Baobao, and in the end it was the post that Tong Lao appointed as Tong Baobao's boyfriend.This post is now in the school, it is already a god post, there are really very few people who don't know it, unless they are like Qian Jia, they don't play this kind of forum.

Looking at Ye Guzhou's high-definition, uncensored photo on the post, as well as Tong Baobao and others beside him, Qian Jia suddenly trembled, and her eyes turned red.

"This bastard... He, he actually agreed?"

Qian Jia was very angry, really angry.According to her words, my mother's body has been fucked so many times by you bastard, then you should treat your aunt well, and you can only love my mother in this life.But, but now you actually agreed to be someone else's boyfriend?You fucking are Hong Guoguo's ruthless dick!

If Qin Yuer knew about Qian Jia's thoughts, I don't know if Qin Yuer would feel the same way.But... It seems that there are only two girls who are really pulled out by Ye Guzhou now!Hmm, not bad!
"Bastard!" Cursing angrily, Qian Jia turned around and walked towards the cafeteria door, looking furious, she wanted to find Ye Guzhou immediately and ask him to give an explanation!

Cheng Xue was shocked, once Qian Jia really got angry, it would be terrifying.Even the shrew who swears in the street has to kneel down in front of her and call her Patriarch.

"Jiajia, you have to calm down, you have to calm down...Although this man is ruthless, but...but you still have to calm down, don't get angry!" Looking at Qian Jia's figure, Cheng Xue couldn't help shouting Looking up, she intended to comfort Qian Jia, but when the words came out of her mouth, the taste changed.

Ruthless pulling dick?

As soon as these four words appeared, everyone in the cafeteria was shocked.Nima, such a juicy flower girl has already been pulled out, and after being pulled out, she still doesn't know how to cherish it!

Qian Jia's footsteps stopped suddenly, her face turned dark, what kind of friends did she really have, and why did she always add fuel to the flames!
"Cheng Xue..."

Qian Jia glared angrily at this good girlfriend.

In an instant, Cheng Xue shut up obediently like a child who made a mistake.

It wasn't until Qian Jia left the cafeteria that Cheng Xue slowly breathed a sigh of relief. Under Qian Jia's cannibalistic eyes, it was so difficult to breathe.

However, as soon as Qian Jia left, someone with good intentions quickly took out her mobile phone and posted a post.Ever since, on the bbs of the campus, there was another post on the top.

"School belle's boyfriend pulls his dick ruthlessly, Tong's grandson and son-in-law are actually cheap men", such a post, within just half an hour, its popularity has gone up immediately, and it has a faint tendency to become the first post on bbs.

However, at this moment, Ye Guzhou didn't know that he had become famous in Kyoto University again.

It's really rare for someone like him to become a celebrity in just a day or two.Ye Guzhou, this can be regarded as setting a record. When he came to the school to report on the first day, he became famous the next day!
Accompanying Qin Yuer for a good stroll around the capital, the night has slowly fallen.Now that Qin Yu'er has arrived in the capital, Ye Guzhou doesn't plan to let her go back to Chaoyang County.After calling the old man at home, Ye Guzhou took Qin Yu'er directly to the hotel.

As for what to do in the hotel, do you even need to ask?Of course he did something bad. The so-called little goodbye is better than a newlywed.

However, what Ye Guzhou never expected was that just as he was pulling Qin Yuer to open the room and was about to go up to do something shameful, Qian Jia was already standing at the door of the hotel angrily.

"Er... Jiajia... how did you find it?" Ye Guzhou actually had the face to ask this question, but at this moment his hand was still holding Qin Yu'er.

Looking at Qian Jia's angry eyes, Ye Guzhou suddenly paused in his heart, a feeling of being caught by his ex-wife suddenly arose.

"Okay, you ruthless man who pulls out his dick, you actually got so many women outside behind my back? There was one in school, and now he came out with another one, Ye bastard! What on earth are you behind?" How many women do I have outside?" Qian Jia's tough side was instantly revealed at this moment, and as soon as the words came out, everyone was shocked.

The staff of the surrounding hotels, as well as other guests who came to open the room, all stared at Ye Guzhou.

In an instant, Ye Guzhou frowned and his face darkened.What kind of shit is this, I brought my daughter-in-law out to open a house, you guys look at it.

Qin Yu'er also frowned, but she was very sensible and didn't make a fuss immediately.In fact, from the very beginning, she was already mentally prepared for this. After all, a good man will always attract many butterflies.

But his heart was still very uncomfortable, and a hand pinched his waist fiercely.

However, this kind of femininity is useless to Ye Guzhou at this time.With his current physical strength, as long as it wasn't that kind of missile, it wouldn't be able to hurt him at all.

What bullets, grenades, rocket launchers, those are all weak explosives.After all, it is also the great power of the golden core stage now!
But at this moment, how dare Ye Guzhou be so tough?When Qin Yu'er got it, she tried her best to pretend to be in pain.

Ever since, such a scene appeared in the lobby of the hotel.There were three people, one man and two women. The man stood there in great pain, with a beautiful woman on his arm.But this beauty's hand was pinching the soft flesh on his forehead and waist.And the other beauty was very aggressive, cursing at the man fiercely.

"Damn, enough!"

Perhaps it was because of his lack of thick skin, Ye Guzhou was also a little annoyed by those people pointing fingers.Damn, you old lady, you still want to go against the sky!

Qian Jia was startled by the sound immediately, and looked at Ye Guzhou in surprise, but then the grievance in her heart became stronger.

"You... you bastard, you still dare to scold me... I have been playing with you for so long, you still dare to scold me?" Qian Jia's words are not insufferable, if Ye Guzhou heard it He also raised his hands in surrender.

Seeing that this fucking lady is the lady I just met, this is a female hooligan at all!
Seeing Qian Jia's pear blossoms with rain, Ye Guzhou couldn't help but feel soft-hearted, but when he walked to Qian Jia's side, the girl opened her mouth and bit her.

"Damn it, it's really turned upside down!"

Ye Guzhou was furious, and hugged Qian Jia fiercely, turned around, raised his palm abruptly, and slapped her round little butt.

"Tell you to be disobedient, tell you to lose your temper, tell you to bite... Let's see if you dare next time..." Ye Guzhou said as he hit back, very rhythmic.

Every time, Qian Jia screamed again and again.It's just that little butt is Qian Jia's Achilles' heel, if you hit her lightly, she will flood.

However, this action of Ye Guzhou was regarded as an idol by other men.

"Nimma, you are really capable. You took the mistress to open a room and got caught by your wife. How dare you do this? What a fucking man!"

clap clap...

After a while of sound, Ye Guzhou didn't stop until Qian Jia's eyes glowed with peach blossoms.Sweeping Qian Jia and Qin Yu'er with a glance, he pointed at the newly opened elevator very domineeringly.

"I'll go in for you, and I'll treat you well when I get to the room!"

Suddenly, everyone gave Ye Guzhou a thumbs up.This fucking brought his wife and mistress to open a house together, this is really unprecedented.

What's more, the two women didn't even fight, and went in so docilely and obediently.

"Fuck, why don't I have such a good wife?" A man finally couldn't help but yelled, but what followed was his own wife who was standing beside him, devastated like a storm.

(End of this chapter)

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