Chapter 188 Seeing Pangu?
Above the hall, all the girls were chatting enthusiastically with Zhang Xueyan, and even the little guy like Meng Baobao was smiling.But at this moment, a sudden loud noise frightened everyone, everyone turned pale, and the shocked cow turned his head to look at the inside of the hall, which was Ye Guzhou's room.

problem occurs!
This explosion immediately reminded them of this.Without thinking too much at all, the crowd ran over, that was extremely anxious.It seemed that if one step was too late, Ye Guzhou's life would be in danger.

At the same time, the old man and the others were also alarmed, and they all ran towards Ye Guzhou's room, with worried faces on their faces.

"What's the matter, what happened to the explosion just now?" Outside Ye Guzhou's room, the old man asked everyone, but no one could answer him.

While the old man was speaking, a pair of guards ran over with guns.This is the residence of the leader and his family members. If something happens to this place, they will not be able to eat and walk around.

"Chief, are you okay?" The captain of the guard looked at the old man and asked with concern.

However, the old man will not answer his words now, and he is worried about Ye Guzhou at this moment.

Looking at the room, the old man discovered the problem. The door was shaky, as if it could collapse at any time.This immediately shocked him, and then he pushed open the door suddenly.

Squeak... bang...

As soon as the door of this room was opened, there was only a creaking sound, and the next second, the door, which was still in good condition, suddenly fell down.It hit the ground hard.

Seeing the empty room, everyone was shocked.In this room, how come the bed is gone?

"Ah, where's Feng'er... Where's my Feng'er?" Zhang Xueyan yelled suddenly, she was in the hall the whole time, watching Ye Guzhou walk into the room.But at this time Ye Guzhou was missing... mysteriously disappeared, which immediately made him panic.

When Ye Guzhou was young, he had already lost it once, but he finally got it back, why did he disappear again?Is it really Zheng Jia Ke him?
And Zhang Xueyan's words immediately shifted everyone's attention to Ye Guzhou, and everyone panicked.

"Find it, find it for me... even if you dig three feet into the ground, I want to find my Feng'er..." Mr. Zheng stared at the boss, looking at his daughter-in-law who was about to faint, he couldn't help shouting loudly at the guards stand up.

For a while, the entire courtyard area entered a state of martial law.A big living person disappeared just like that. If the news got out, the guards wouldn't have to do anything, and they could just go home and plant sweet potatoes.

"Feng'er..." With a wailing sound, Zhang Xueyan almost passed out. The disappearance of her son again, plus the sound of a huge explosion before disappearing, had already hit her hard.

"What is that?" This comforted Zhang Xueyan, and Meng Dada found a little thing pressed by the door.

Opening the door, I saw a few pieces of iron lying quietly on the ground, it was the secret order.

"This is... a secret order!" Zheng Batian recognized it immediately, he couldn't help but screamed, and brought the thing over.Getting two pieces of this thing at once made Zheng Batian stunned for a while, and suddenly seemed to think of something bad.

"Could it be them again?" Zheng Batian's face was very ugly, thinking of the night more than ten years ago, that is, the night when Ye Guzhou disappeared when he was a child, Ye Guzhou was hit by someone's palm, and then in a fight, he disappeared.

"It's a secret order... It's another secret order... My Feng'er must have been captured by those people, my poor Feng'er..." Looking at the secret order, Zhang Xueyan cried, very sad...

And when these people outside were worried, in a mysterious place, Ye Guzhou was looking around vigilantly.

Here is a gray area, there is no so-called darkness and light, only a gray area.There was no wind, no water, not even a sound.

And after Ye Guzhou was sucked in by that black hole, he passed out inexplicably, and when he woke up again, he was already here.

where is thishe does not know.Is there anyone here?He didn't know either.

Anyway, after he woke up, he realized that this place is very big, really big.It is almost boundless to describe.What also shocked Ye Guzhou was that there is no land here. It can be said that Ye Guzhou is standing on a piece of gray air.

"Is anyone there?" After flying for a long time, Ye Guzhou didn't find anyone.No, it should be said, not a single creature.

There seems to be nothing else here except him.

Looking around, Ye Guzhou suddenly panicked, this kind of unknown place is often the most dangerous place.It was also the place where he was most defenseless.

"No, there must be a way to get out of here... That's right, since I can be brought here, then there is a way to get out!" Ye Guzhou was a little flustered.


However, at this moment, within this mysterious space, something that excited Ye Guzhou suddenly happened.That is, he seems to have caught the wind!

The wind, in this place where there is nothing but gray gas, finally has a gust of wind.

And when this gust of wind blew, those gray gases floated towards a place together as if they had heard some call.

"Well, where are they going? Could it be that they were blown out by the wind? Wouldn't they be able to go out?" Looking at these floating gases, Ye Guzhou suddenly moved his mind, and with a flash of his body, he followed these gray ones carefully. Gas away.

Hope to find a way out.

The gray gas was moving faster and faster, and Ye Guzhou found that at the speed of his Mahayana realm, he couldn't keep up with it.This immediately made him anxious.

However, after floating for a certain period of time, the gray gas slowly slowed down again.Clouds of gray gas, whose thickness is unknown, slowly gathered together.

Huh... another gust of wind blew, and the gathered gray gas suddenly surrounded a center and began to coil rapidly.

After about an hour or so, the rotating gas slowly quieted down.

In a daze, the center they surrounded was turbulent, and a strong force was blown out from the inside to the outside. In an instant, the air was blown away, and a huge egg was exposed from the center!
That's right, it's eggs!A gigantic egg!
"This... what kind of bastard is this, what the hell. Did I come to some monster's territory?" Looking at this big bastard, Ye Guzhou felt a sudden pause in his heart, and secretly yelled "Oops."

What kind of creature can produce such a large egg?This is already as high as more than ten floors!
All of a sudden, Ye Guzhou suddenly had a bad encounter in his heart.Maybe this is going to the territory of some giant beast!
However, just when Ye Guzhou was worried, the huge egg suddenly turned.It's like spinning like a spinning top.With this rotation, another gust of wind like a tornado blew up, sucking back the gray gas that had just been blown away.

This egg already has life and consciousness!

Seeing this scene, Ye Guzhou instantly understood that the gale of emotion just now was caused by this!


After the gray gas gathered again, this time the egg seemed to be hungry, and frantically began to devour the gray gas.

And every time it devours a bit, it actually grows ten feet taller!This kind of thing also shocked Ye Guzhou!

Finally, when it was almost devoured by the gray gas, it finally stopped.At this time, it was already thousands of feet high, and Ye Guzhou couldn't even see its top.


The moment it stopped devouring, it began to tremble violently.

This kind of vibration, even with it, vibrated the entire space.Ye Guzhou only felt that his body was uncomfortable for a while, as if he was going to be encased and die at any time!
A quarter of an hour later, a huge explosion almost deafened Ye Guzhou's ears!

I saw that huge egg exploded unexpectedly.


Just after the gigantic egg broke open, there was another loud cry.

Ye Guzhou was shocked, could it be that some giant beast was born?
But when he saw clearly, this person was dumbfounded!Dumbfounded, what he was talking about was his current situation.

What did he see?
After the egg broke open, a man who looked more developed than Stallone slowly walked out.

This person is thousands of feet tall, naked, with long hair over his shoulders, and on his right hand, he is holding a towering giant axe, and a jade plate on his head!
A man born from an egg?With a giant ax in hand?A jade plate on the head?


In an instant, Ye Guzhou exclaimed, his whole body had already softened, and he couldn't even move.

The aura of this man can shake the world, it is not something Ye Guzhou can resist.


Looking at this and that person, Ye Guzhou was dumbfounded. Isn't this a scene from a fairy tale?Pangu was born in the chaos before the heaven and the earth opened, holding a huge ax to open the sky, and a jade plate of good fortune on his head!

" this the chaos before the world was divided?" Ye Guzhou couldn't help being stunned, looking at the gray surroundings, he couldn't help being stunned.

In mythology, isn't chaos just a cloud of gray?This is called the air of chaos!

(End of this chapter)

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