Chapter 199 Abandoned again!

Just because of my mother's words, the little warmth of Ye Guzhou and Yu'er was ruined.But fortunately, Ye Guzhou has many women, he lost a Yu'er, a Lan'er, and a Jiajia...

So, in the middle of the night, these two girls who had fooled around with each other went straight to Ye Guzhou's room.The euphemistic name is: This is my mother's order, and it is also the old man's words!
This is a typical example of holding an imperial decree for personal gain!

However, would Ye Guzhou be afraid of these two girls?It's obviously impossible... So, the sky above the Zheng family compound was enveloped by waves of lewd and profane voices throughout the night.

After getting up the next day, Ye Guzhou went out in good spirits, while the two girls were still lying on the bed unable to move.Such a glorious record once made Ye Guzhou proud.

At breakfast, when Jiajia and Lan'er did not come out, my mother glanced at Ye Guzhou ambiguously, and secretly gave him a thumbs up.The meaning is self-evident, this is to encourage him... work hard... well, it is indeed hard work!
After breakfast, Ye Guzhou went out again, this time he was still going to guide the ten war wolves.

Since arriving in the capital, the ten wolf warriors never stayed in the Zheng family compound for one night. Instead, they went directly to the outskirts of the capital, chose a large mountain, and followed Ye Guzhou's new cultivation method to stay there. practicing.

In the mountains, there is no one to disturb the quietness; at the same time, it is the closest to nature, which is also very beneficial for cultivation.

But at this time, in this piece of mountain forest, there was a sudden loud noise, and then a tree fell down.

"Hahaha, Lao Tzu's Vajra Art is really very domineering, but it knocked down a lot of people with just one blow. If this person is in front of me, wouldn't they all be dead?"

Canglang Bus waved his fist proudly, looking at the fallen tree in front of his eyes, this was exactly the power of his punch just now.It was also his strongest punch so far!
And the Vajra Jue in his mouth is an extremely powerful cultivation technique.Just like its name, it is purely aggressive. According to the standard of the technique, it has been practiced to the extreme. With one punch, the sky will break.Really very powerful!

Seeing the complacent look of the bus, the rest of the war wolves couldn't help but look at him with disdain.In their words, Daba is a reckless man who is brave and foolish, and this kind of person can only be a thug.However, the bus didn't care at all, and instead said proudly: It is also an honor to be able to be the wolf's head thug!

Everyone agrees with this statement.

Seeing the complacent look of the bus, Qinglang Chen Hao shook his head helplessly.This time this guy is going to make a mess here, and finally he has to clean it up.

Looking at the fallen tree, Chen Hao walked over slowly and waved his hands lightly.Immediately, a streak of cyan true energy instantly turned into a gust of wind, which suddenly lifted up all these big trees, and even planted them down again.After being blown by the cyan true essence, it suddenly became alive again!

Qinglang Chen Hao, with wood attribute skills, has both offense and defense, he can be regarded as the healer in the Wolf Warriors team!

"If you dare to mess around here again in the future, so that we can't practice quietly, don't blame us for being rude!" Chen Hao looked at the bus fiercely, and his eyes were already fixed on the bus, and his heart was trembling.

Recalling vaguely how he was beaten by these nine guys yesterday, he shrunk his neck involuntarily, and immediately became quiet.

Seeing this, everyone didn't say anything, but started to practice.

And Ye Guzhou, who had been here long ago and had been hiding all this time, nodded in satisfaction at the results of these ten people.

"That's right...but after only a day or two of cultivation, there is already a faint tendency to break through the innate realm. It seems that these guys are working very hard. Foundation building, this is a crucial step... "

Looking at the ten people, Ye Guzhou slowly raised his hand.In an instant, in this area, an invisible cover was raised to prevent them from disturbing.And Ye Guzhou turned around and left!
An Le Club, Sun Yunlong's exclusive box on the top floor!

At this time, Sun Yunlong was standing quietly on the side, but in front of him were two men dressed in black, kneeling respectfully in front of him.

"Prince, the situation in the south of the Yangtze River is already very unfavorable for us. Ye Guzhou, who appeared suddenly, killed the Zhao family directly, and took advantage of the trend to subdue the Qian family and the Huo family. Now My Li family's position in the south of the Yangtze River is in jeopardy, please show me the prince!"

The kneeling one was none other than the Li family, one of the four major families in the south of the Yangtze River.

However, the proud attitude of the past has completely disappeared at this time. Jiangnan... is no longer something that a mere Li family can play around with.

Sun Yunlong frowned slightly. After that group of people were sent out to destroy the Diancang faction, it stands to reason that they went to the south of the Yangtze River to destroy the traitors of the alliance, that is, the Qian family and the Huo family.But until now there is no audio.Although he knew that those people had been wiped out, he didn't expect that Ye Guzhou was the one who took over the Qian family and the Huo family.

At this time, he also understood why Ye Guzhou knew that he had sent someone to destroy the Diancang faction.

The relationship was what the Qian family or the Huo family told him.

Unable to help, Sun Yunlong's eyes narrowed slowly.Looking at the members of the Li family who were kneeling in front of him, he slightly raised his hand and helped the two of them up.

The two of them suddenly felt a gentle force on their bodies, and they stood up involuntarily, and even sat down on the chair beside them.

However, this did not surprise them much.Perhaps in their eyes, no matter how miraculous Sun Yunlong is, that's what he should be, he is a prince!
"I know it's difficult for your Li family to do things right now, but... I also know that your four major families were united in the same spirit back then. I think you must have placed a lot of eyeliners in the Qian family and the Huo family. ?” Sun Yunlong narrowed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth, showing a hint of conspiracy.

eyeliner?The two of the Li family nodded when they heard this.

"Indeed, this is something that everyone knows very well. Even if we are united, we must take precautions before they happen!" The Li family said, "In the Qian family and the Huo family, we have indeed placed many Less eyeliner. But this time after the two families surrendered to Ye Guzhou, more than half of those eyeliners have been removed, and some even surrendered directly. Now there are few that can play a role!"

Sun Yunlong smiled: "There are not many, so there are still a few? Do you want to regain the dominance of Jiangnan? If you want to, just do as I say!"

Dominance?Immediately, the two members of the Li family became energetic.They came to Sun Yunlong today, isn't that what they want?
"Please show me the prince!" The two said respectfully, clasping their fists together.

" go back right now, and let your few in the Qianhuo family's eyeliner spread the news. Let's say that the next goal of our alliance is Liuyunmen!" The corners of Sun Yunlong's mouth slowly curled up. Wake up, it seems that a good result has been foreseen!
Liuyunmen, a first-rate sect, is just a first-rate sect that is at the bottom.But being able to advance to the first-class sect naturally has his capital.And Sun Yunlong dared to say that, it seems that he has a lot of confidence!

"Oh? What's the meaning of this?" The two of the Li family looked at Sun Yunlong in confusion. Once the news was sent out, those eyeliners would be finished.

Sun Yunlong smiled faintly, and said: "Just do what I say. Before long, the control of Jiangnan will still belong to your Li family!"

The members of the Li family were slightly taken aback, although they didn't understand what they meant by doing so, since Sun Yunlong said so.And after making such a promise, the Li family has nothing to worry about.Now that Qian Huo's family in the south of the Yangtze River has Ye Guzhou's support, they are becoming more and more arrogant. It is not something his Li family can resist.Might as well give it a go!

It wasn't until these guys left that Sun Yunlong's face slowly changed from smiling to gloomy!

"Come on!" A gloomy voice sounded.

Swish!Suddenly, a black shadow appeared and knelt in front of Sun Yunlong on one knee.

"The prince ordered!" The voice of the visitor was extremely cold, without a trace of emotion, like a walking dead.

And this person is the dead man Sun Yunlong cultivated himself, the one who is truly loyal to him.

"Go, tell people to keep an eye on the Li family... Once they spread the news, they will be completely wiped out with a thunderbolt. Don't let people follow them and find me!" Sun Yunlong's eyes When he opened his eyes, it turned out that he wanted to destroy the Li family.He was still talking and laughing just now, but now he wants to get rid of the burden of the Li family.

Even, before kicking him off, he has to squeeze out his remaining value.It can be said to be extremely cruel!
"Your subordinate understands!" The dead man nodded, and was about to leave when Sun Yunlong stopped him again.

"When the people from the dragon group enter Liuyunmen, let people go and eradicate the Lie Yanmeng, leaving no one behind... Destroy the gate!"

Sun Yunlong was trying to smack east and west, first deliberately released the news, so that the people in the dragon group thought they were going to destroy Liuyunmen, then he turned his gun and ruthlessly wiped out the Lieyanmeng!That Lie Yanmeng is a second-rate sect, but it belongs to the top existence of the second-rate sect.

There is nothing he can do about it, the evil dragon is so tight, if he doesn't work, I'm afraid that the evil dragon will send someone to get rid of him without waiting for Ye Guzhou to come to the door!
If Sun Yunlong knew that his second-generation master had actually regarded him as an abandoned son, what would he think?

In fact, Nielong and Sun Yunlong are the same thing, Nielong regards Sun Yunlong as an abandoned son, and Sun Yunlong regards the Li an abandoned son!

(End of this chapter)

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