Chapter 314 Doubt

"Give me a set of that supreme VIP villa!"

After saying a word, the whole hall fell silent for a while, and everyone looked at this man who was dressed all over the floor in a foolish way.His eyes were full of suspicion, and there was even a trace of ridicule.

The Supreme VIP villa is worth [-] to [-] million yuan. How can such a poor man come up with so much money?What's more, the villa still bears the word "VIP", which means that it is not something ordinary people can buy.In this Huaxia Xinyang Sales Center, if you want to get the status of VIP, you can only get the title of VIP unless you are a princeling or someone who has spent more than [-] million here.

And the reason why the fat manager was recommending the supreme VIP villa to Park Zhengtai just now was because Park Zhengtai's identity was the son of the ambassador of Bangzi Kingdom in Beijing.This can be regarded as a small princeling...

"You... what did you just say?" The fat manager looked at Ye Guzhou behind him stupidly. At this time, Ye Guzhou was there with a relaxed face...cough cough, holding his nose slightly.Well, absolutely no booger buckle.

It's just that the attire of street stalls and the indecent behavior are really unbelievable. Such a person can spend hundreds of millions to buy a villa.

However, this fat manager also knows that in this capital, there are many young masters who like to pretend to be aggressive. It would be no fun to offend those people by accident.So after seeing Ye Guzhou, although he felt disdainful, he asked with a smile on his face.

"Sir, you just said that you want to buy one of our supreme VIP villas? Did I hear you right?" The fat manager began to ask. If this is true, he will go to the top floor to ask the general manager to come down.Anyone who is qualified to win this kind of supreme VIP villa is a big man with a head and a face, and it is simply not something that a small hall manager like him can receive.

But... because he was the first to receive him, if Ye Guzhou really bought it, he would still get a commission.That is definitely a commission that can make him rich overnight.

When the time comes, take this sum of money and go to a small city to open a small company by yourself. How happy life is.

Looking at the fat manager's expectant eyes, Ye Guzhou did not disappoint him, and nodded: "Yes, you heard me right, I just want a set."

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, the fat manager asked again: "Then, sir, are you our VIP at Xinyang? Can I show you your VIP card?"

Park Zhengtai on the side has already raised his little heart. If he really took out the VIP card, then he will be playing big.Don't look at him as the son of the ambassador of the Bangzi Kingdom to Beijing, but at best he is just a bigger crab. It's nothing to walk sideways at ordinary times, but if he really encounters those princelings in Kyoto, then he should avoid their edge and make a detour And the line.

Looking at Ye Guzhou nervously, Park Zhengtai began to regret agreeing to this competition just now.

"VIP card? What is that? I don't have..." Ye Guzhou said this in a very bachelor way.

This sentence reassured Park Zhengtai.At the same time, he became even more proud, but he was just a bumpkin.

The fat manager's face turned black, didn't he?You're fucking kidding me, you don't have a VIP card, you're not a VIP status, you still want to buy a supreme VIP villa?
"I'm sorry, you are not qualified to buy our supreme VIP villa." The fat manager changed his face as soon as he said it, with a stiff tone and a disdainful demeanor, as if he was so amazing.

This performance really made Ye Guzhou a little annoyed, this fucking snobbery is still a snobbish snobbery who is going to lick the face of the little boy in Bangziguo.

"Hahaha, you poor ghost, you still want to buy a house here, even if you sell you, it is not enough to buy a toilet here, hahaha... I will reluctantly take away these beauties around you One!"

The sound of Pu Zhengtai's laughter shook the entire hall, and no one could not hear it.Seeing that a person from the Bangzi Kingdom dared to be so arrogant in China, these people all glared.

However, the so-called matter has nothing to do with oneself. Although these people were upset, none of them stood up and said a few words.After all, it is better not to offend someone who can buy a villa worth more than 6000 million yuan.In addition, most of the people on the first floor are nouveau riche with no major background at all. If something big happens, they simply cannot protect themselves.

"What are you laughing at? This fat manager said that I am not qualified. Is it true that I am not qualified? He is just a small hall manager, what can he know?" Looking at Park Zhengtai's virtue, Ye Guzhou Immediately cursed.

But these words made the fat manager dissatisfied. After Ye Guzhou said this, he immediately yelled: "Security, what about the security... Throwing these people out of me and rushing here to make trouble is really exhausting my ambition." The leopard is emboldened. You don’t care about what you say, look at the place, is this a place where you can act wildly? How dare you go against Mr. Pu, I think you hanged yourself as a birthday man, and your life is too long!"

This fat manager is indeed a battle-tested man, with that mouth, it's easy to talk.At the same time, he patted Park Zhengtai's flattery. This is his benefactor, so he must curry favor with him.

Following the fat manager's words, three or four tall security guards came over immediately.That fierce look on his face seemed to warn everyone that I am not easy to mess with.

"Heh, is this how Xinyang treats customers? Just to lick the ass of this man from Bangzi Country, do you treat your compatriots like this?" Ye Guzhou frowned, looking at the fat manager with an indescribable disgust .This is a typical traitor, uh...Although the words are a bit serious, but that's what it means.

"You are presumptuous. Mr. Park Zhengtai is a noble man. He is the son of the ambassador of Bangzi Kingdom in Beijing. Can you compare? Security, get me out!" Hearing Ye Guzhou say that he licked Park Zhengtai's ass, the fat manager immediately became angry. Angry, he yelled loudly and called the security guards to drive them out.

Seeing the fat manager's attitude, swearing to be a lackey of Bangzi Kingdom, Ye Guzhou's brows became deeper and deeper.In today's world, if you want to say which countries Ye Guzhou hates the most, they are the island countries and the Bangzi countries.And this fat manager turned out to be a running dog of Bangziguo, isn't this forcing himself to die?

When the security guard came over, Ye Guzhou couldn't help saying: "Fatty, I remember you. Since you like to be a lackey, then go to Bangziguo as a lackey. This huge China may not be able to accommodate you anymore! "

Hearing that Ye Guzhou dared to call himself a fat man, the fat manager was furious.The thorn in the hearts of fat people is that they don't want others to call them fat.

"Blow me out, get out..."

The fat manager is already a little bit out of order, with a flailing look, he can't wait to go on the stage and blow Ye Guzhou out.

The security guards stepped forward slowly, and just as they were about to put their hands on Ye Guzhou's shoulders, a voice full of anger burst out.

"I don't think anyone would dare. Could it be that you, a little fat pig, are in charge of Xinyang?"

Fat pig?

This word had already deeply hurt the fat manager's heart, and he shouted with red eyes in an instant: "Fuck, who is it, get out of here... Come out!"

This cry had already exhausted his strength, almost to the point of lack of oxygen, and his fat face was flushed red.

Da da da……

A series of footsteps came in across the crowd, and then a man and a woman with extremely bad expressions came over.This pair of men and women, the man is tall and mighty, and the woman is also very iconic.

Seeing the people coming, Ye Guzhou, Leng Yunshuang and Qian Jia smiled.The people who came were their acquaintances, Zhao Gang and Cheng Xue.

At this time, the faces of these two people were extremely ugly, almost as black as coal.Both eyes stared at the fat manager viciously, even with a hint of murderous intent.

"Short... young master?"

The moment he saw Zhao Gang, the fat manager trembled suddenly, and his feet were already wobbling.Thinking that he had scolded the Young Master just now, the fat manager felt frightened for a while.

Young master?Ye Guzhou was happy, damn, this capital is really small, wherever you go you can run into shops opened by acquaintances.

Such a magnificent real estate sales center was regarded by Ye Guzhou as a shop.

"Young master, I didn't know it was you just now... I was pissed off by this bastard, young master... I..." The fat manager hurriedly walked up to Zhao Gang, pointed at Ye Guzhou and began to explain for himself.

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhao Gang, still very forcefully.

Snapped!A slap in the face, Zhao Gang's slap in the face, directly slapped the fat manager to the ground.The fat manager foolishly covered his face and looked at Zhao Gang tremblingly, with no hatred in his heart.

He knew that even if the young master in front of him killed him, no one would care.This is power. In the face of powerful power, everything is imaginary!
"Prince...I'm really sorry, it was my negligence that let such a bastard who loves to lick Bangziguo's ass, join the company."

After Zhao Gang knocked the fat manager to the ground with a slap, he quickly ran up to Ye Guzhou, lowered his head, and begged his elders for forgiveness like a child who had done something wrong.

However, his words of prince made everyone present dumbfounded.Although most of them are upstarts, they still know some things.Since the downfall of Sun Yunlong, the Zheng family's status has risen in a straight line, faintly becoming the number one family in China.And the eldest grandson of the Zheng family has become the new prince of Kyoto!
There were even rumors outside that the Sun family was brought down because they offended the newcomer's eldest prince.Such a big man, yet standing in front of him at this moment, is he even just wearing clothes that are spread all over the place?
No one doubted, didn't you see that the eldest son of the Zhao family, one of the princelings, has already bowed his head to others?Could it be wrong?

"Too... prince?"

The fat manager suddenly trembled, and there was a stench, he...was scared to pee!
As for that Park Zhengtai, his legs were also weak, and he almost fell directly. Fortunately, he was holding on to the sand table on one side.However, his face was already very pale, and he was still muttering: "It's over... It's over, it's all because of a momentary desire for sex... I want to abstain from sex... I want to abstain from sex!"

(End of this chapter)

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