Chapter 316 Strange Gesture

In Mingzhu City, in a room of Zhou Kang's villa, Qiu Binghe was making a strange gesture with his respectful hands, and then kowtowed to the token in front of him.Every time he kowtowed, he would murmur: "Disciple Qiu Binghe, I implore the Venerable Wedding Dress to show up and see you!"

And every time he yelled such a sentence, Qiu Binghe would use that strange gesture to click on the spirit card in front of him.And at this point, there will be a ray of light directly coming out of the finger and drilling into the token.

When this ray of light drilled into the spirit card, the originally peaceful spirit card would tremble and jump, and then emit a burst of white light.Immediately after, this white light will leave the spirit card and fly directly outside through the wall.

Seeing this situation, Qiu Binghe would have a happy expression on his face: "It really appeared? The Venerable Wedding Dress has really appeared. Only when the lifeline is awakened can this spirit card appear like this. That one flew out The white light, is to find the wedding dress venerable!"

In the next second, Qiu Binghe kowtowed even harder, and each time he made a point, causing the spirit card to continuously shoot out streaks of white light.

Along with this, Ye Guzhou in the capital was holding his heart, his face was a bit ugly, pale and bloodless.

As soon as he walked out of the Xinyang Sales Center, Ye Guzhou staggered, and felt a wonderful force pulling himself hard.To be precise, it was pulling the blood power of the bride in her body.

When he was fading out against the sky and changing his fate, Ye Guzhou saw that the blood of the wedding gown was powerful, so he forcibly kept the blood of the wedding gown that was going to leave in his body after changing his fate.This kind of forcibly retaining this power, for Ye Guzhou, is also retaining a life-saving talisman at a critical moment.

However, at this moment, Ye Guzhou felt that the blood power in his body was about to move, and it seemed that he would leave his body at any time and head towards the calling place.

"What's going on? Why do I have this feeling, who is calling me...Why is this feeling so forced, I insist on meeting with you..."

Slowly suppressing the agitated blood power, Ye Guzhou quickly left Xinyang Sales Center, took all the girls and went straight to the new house.

The location of that supreme VIP villa is not very far from the Xinyang sales center, and it is located in a bustling and lively center.In this kind of place, building such a large-scale villa that looks like a community is definitely not something that can be done with money alone.

After arriving in the villa, Ye Guzhou didn't have time to appreciate the new house, so he ran into a room and lay down quietly on the bed.

He didn't care what the room was for, as long as there was a bed.

As soon as he lay down, Ye Guzhou entered into a wonderful consciousness.In this consciousness, he seems to be the supreme god, who can take the lives of tens of thousands of people with just a flip of his hands. This feeling is very strange...

And less than a moment after Ye Guzhou lay down, there were streaks of white light that directly passed through the wall, and then penetrated into the space between his eyebrows.Before the white light penetrated into the center of Ye Guzhou's eyebrows, it would circle around Ye Guzhou's body, shedding a little brilliance.


After all these white lights entered Ye Guzhou's eyebrows, Ye Guzhou's body began to tremble slightly.In the next second, a translucent figure slowly climbed up from Ye Guzhou's body.

The appearance of this figure is exactly the same as Ye Guzhou's, as if it is Ye Guzhou's soul.

And after this translucent figure got up, he first touched his body, as if he was very surprised; then when he saw Ye Guzhou lying on the bed with a smile on his mouth, he was even more shocked.

"How could this be? Am I dead... What's the matter, why does it feel like the soul is out of the body..."

The figure suddenly spoke, and that voice was Ye Guzhou's.This translucent figure is another form of existence of Ye Guzhou, which looks very mysterious.

However, before Ye Guzhou started to be surprised again, another ray of white light passed through the wall, and directly turned into a road, spreading in front of this translucent body.

"What is this?" Looking at the road in front of him, the translucent body of 'Ye Guzhou' couldn't help but wonder.

But just when he was wondering, a suction force immediately pulled him to this avenue, and before he could exclaim in surprise, the avenue immediately started to move, and in the next second, the avenue The translucent 'Ye Guzhou' disappeared directly into the room.

In the room, there was only Ye Guzhou's body lying quietly on the bed with a smile.

All the women outside the room were busy appreciating the palace-like villa, but they didn't pay attention to Ye Guzhou's movements.

Mingzhu City, within Zhou Kang's villa.

"Father, what do you think this old ancestor is doing? Why did he walk into the room with a spiritual card and seal the doors and windows? Are you afraid that we will go and see?" Lan'er looked at the closed room, He asked his father puzzledly.

Zhou Kang also patted his head, not knowing what was going on at all.

"Okay, let's not speculate about the matter of our ancestors. This time I call you back, and you don't want to go back to Ye Guzhou's side in the future. Although he is also a master, but for us at this time, he His value is not that high anymore, there is no need for you to stay by his side anymore." Zhou Kang waved his hand and said to Lan'er.

Leaving Ye Guzhou?
Lan'er's body trembled slightly: "But the daughter is already his!"

Zhou Kang's body trembled, and there was a hint of shock in his eyes, he raised his trembling right arm, and said angrily: " are really mad at me, you will die in this matter In your stomach, you are not allowed to tell anyone in the future. After your ancestors show you that hero, you will completely forget about that Ye Guzhou!"

"Hero, what hero?" Lan'er asked with wide-eyed eyes.

Zhou Kang looked at his daughter proudly, as if the hero was talking about himself: "This time when the ancestor came back, he not only took away a thing that we have protected for generations, but also found one for you. Good husband!"

"Husband-in-law?" Lan'er's body shook suddenly, and she took two steps back.

"That's right, and I heard from my ancestors that the husband-in-law I found for you is still a young man. Most importantly, he is stronger than the ancestors. Once you marry him, it will be for you , for our Qianshoumen, this is a good thing. Moreover, this matter is decided by the ancestor, and you cannot refute it. You can wait with peace of mind. When the time comes, the ancestor will definitely take you to meet that hero! "Perhaps seeing Lan'er's intention to resist, Zhou Kang immediately blocked Lan'er's words in the name of the ancestor.

marry someone else?

Lan'er shook her head vigorously, her body backed away slowly, her feet hit the stool: "No, I don't want to marry someone else. I'm already a member of Ye Guzhou, how can I marry someone else... No, this is the way No way……"

Lan'er is still quite a classic woman, and her mind still has a trace of chastity.In her opinion, since she has given her body to Ye Guzhou, she is Ye Guzhou's man, and it is absolutely impossible to marry someone else.The classical idea that one woman should not marry two husbands was deeply rooted in her consciousness.

"Presumptuous, this is a marriage decided by our ancestors, do you still want to resist? You are disrespectful, do you want to implicate your father and be punished with you?" Zhou Kang's face changed for a while, and the fierce look was still the same. The first time I treated my daughter like this.

However, the so-called fault of the son not teaching his father, if Lan'er really disobeyed Qiu Binghe's intention, then his father would definitely be severely punished.

After being yelled at by her father, Lan'er's body trembled suddenly, and she almost fell upside down on the chair.

And just when Zhou Kang was about to yell loudly again, Qiu Binghe's voice came from the room: "If you continue to make such noise, I will depose you!"

Although this sound sounded very plain, the trace of anger in the words was already obvious.Where did Zhou Kang dare to scold, he immediately shut up, and sat aside awkwardly.But his eyes are still staring at Lan'er, as if to warn Lan'er, don't try to refute.

In the room, just as Qiu Binghe yelled, he immediately bowed respectfully to the wordless spiritual tablet.

"Disciple Qiu Binghe, I implore the Venerable Wedding Clothes to show up and see you!" The cry was extraordinarily loud, and after that point of light was tapped, the whole spirit card no longer glowed white, but was covered by a streak of purple Wrapped and slowly suspended.

In the next second, a huge aura gushed out, enough to make people feel a pious worship in their hearts.

Upon seeing this situation, Qiu Binghe was overjoyed immediately, as if seeing his own father on his face, very respectful.Then he stood up, straightened his clothes, knelt down on his knees respectfully again, as if worshiping God, his predecessor completely fell to the ground.

"The disciple of the Marriage Clothes Sect, Qiu Binghe...respectfully invite the Venerable Marriage Clothes to show up, the Venerable has a long life, and the heaven and the earth live together!"

Following these words, the floating spirit card trembled suddenly, and then a road slowly appeared in the room under the purple light of the spirit card.

And the translucent Ye Guzhou also appeared in the room stepping on the road!
As soon as he appeared, looking at this strange room, 'Ye Guzhou' was puzzled for a while.How did I come here?

And just when he was wondering, the spirit card wrapped in purple light suddenly floated to the top of his head.Then the purple light slowly broke away from the spirit tablet and penetrated into the top of Ye Guzhou's head.

(End of this chapter)

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