Chapter 318 Pick up cheap!
The Dharma outside the body is a key to the land's enlightenment.Condensing the nine external dharma forms, they finally gather together to form the Dishu god, and truly become a generation of land.

It can be seen how important this appearance outside the body is to Ye Guzhou.But now, the remaining power of these nine old men is enough to help him condense a dharma form.For Ye Guzhou, this is definitely a big bargain.

"Hey, big brother... why didn't you leave a little more power and seal it in the wordless spirit card. Maybe it can directly help Xiao Shi more to condense a dharma image outside his body, and save him a lot of time. .”

Looking at the headed old man, one of them spoke.But the old man's words also made others look at his elder brother in doubt.

The old man at the head shook his head slightly and stood up slowly, his black Taoist robe shone with a mysterious light.This mysterious light seems to have the effect of refreshing the mind. If an ordinary person takes a look at it, they may be able to live a lifetime without worry and peace.

"We left power, but only to protect the remaining memory. This is also allowed by God, but if we really leave too much power, then the wordless spirit card will definitely be destroyed. Our power has already It does not belong to the human world, nor does it belong to any world. The power beyond the three realms and six realms is absolutely not allowed to be accommodated by the heavens."

The longest old man looked up at the sky outside the hut, as if yearning for something.And what he said, if other monks heard it, they would definitely turn pale with shock.

Beyond the Three Realms and Six Realms, what kind of existence is that?That is comparable to a saint. Among the three realms and six realms, only a few saints, as well as the Three Emperors, were pardoned by the Dao of Heaven because of their great merit, or great mana, and transcended the three realms and six realms.

That is the real immortality, unkillable, unbeatable, undead... Maybe, only the destruction of the universe, the subversion of the heavenly way, and the reset of the laws of time and space will allow them to die as an existence beyond the three realms and six realms.

However, wanting to destroy the universe, subvert the way of heaven, and reset the laws of time and space is nothing but empty talk.

"Hey, I think that the wedding dresses like me are the existences that transcend the shackles of the three realms and six realms, but are forced to be trapped in this sealed space. If there is a chance to go out in the future, I must go out with those self-righteous saints." A good fight, it is because of their fight that this world catastrophe will be caused. Now, this mess is for us to clean up...I don't accept it!"

Another old man stood up. He was wearing a blood-red Taoist robe, which was full of wildness and murderousness.A person might become a murderous maniac just by looking at it.

"Second brother, your temper is still so irritable. It's been so long since you've been trapped here, why haven't you let your temper go away?" The boss shook his head slightly, and said to the old man in the blood-red Taoist robe .But the old man in the blood-red Taoist robe was ranked second.

"Brother, I think what the second brother said is right. Now that Hongjun Daozu has joined the Dao, he will be hidden from the world. In the depths of the universe, the development of the general trend is maintained. And those saints began to do whatever they wanted. If it weren't for them In order to win the beliefs of those human beings, they frequently cast down the immortal veins to the lower world, secretly changing the nature of human beings, making human beings bigger and stronger, and the rulers of other worlds will not set their sights on it. out of the human world."

"Yes, those saints are the culprits. The first nine catastrophes did not make them feel the crisis at all. They still did their own way, which led to the tenth catastrophe that shouldn't have happened. Under the heavens , Nine is honor, and is extreme. And this tenth heaven and earth catastrophe has come, it is already a thing against the sky."


With an opening, these old people began to vent their dissatisfaction.However, from their catharsis, they also got a lot of news.

At least, I know that the culprits of these ten catastrophes are those high-ranking saints!

"Hey, that's it! You don't want to fight anymore!"

Seeing the faces of his brothers who were all filled with anger, the boss also yelled out and stopped their noise.

This elder brother still has a bit of courage, once he drank it, the rest of the elders stopped talking.

"Of course I understand what you are thinking. But don't forget, those great saints are backed by Patriarch Hongjun. Don't you think you can drag Patriarch Hongjun down with just a few of us?"

This elder brother's words immediately rendered the rest of the elders speechless.Yes, these saints are all disciples of Patriarch Hongjun. Even if he has the strength to kill them, Daozu Hongjun will never allow himself to do so. Maybe he will take action himself and kill himself and others. Suppression will really see the light of day.

"Hmph, Daoist Hongjun has joined the Dao and turned into the Dao of Heaven, so there should be no personal emotions! Hey, I hate that I don't have any backstage, otherwise... I won't be bullied by those saints!"

There was a cry of displeasure, and the eight old men sighed unwillingly.

Looking at his brother's appearance, the boss shook his head helplessly.Indeed, no matter where it is, there is a strong backing, that is the guarantee.

call out!Boom...

And just as these people were sighing, a brilliant light suddenly appeared from nowhere, broke through the space wall of the sealed place, and came towards the nine old men.

And this ray of light is surprisingly the one that shot out when Ye Guzhou suddenly opened his eyes before, heading straight into the sky.

"Hey, this is..."

The nine old men were startled by the sudden shock, and seeing the flying light, none of them knew what it was.

Suddenly, this ray of light went directly towards the eyebrows of the oldest old man.

"Brother be careful!"

Everyone was shocked, the sudden appearance of a bright light was an unknown danger.

However, the speed of that ray of light was extremely fast, without waiting for them to make the above action, it directly got into the center of the boss's eyebrows and went away.

hum!As soon as this radiance entered the center of the old man's eyebrows, the old man's body trembled violently.But then, he closed his eyes.

"Big brother..."

The other eight old men were shocked immediately. Who knew if this ignorant man was in danger, just entered their elder brother's body like this, which immediately made them panic.

But seeing that their elder brother didn't show any pain on his face, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, these people calmed down and waited quietly for their elder brother to open his eyes.

After a while, their eldest brother finally slowly opened his eyes.

Those eyes were full of excitement and excitement.The deep eyes caused the other eight old men around to take a step back.That look, as if trying to swallow everything in, was very deep.

"Hahaha, good, good... The nine of us have been busy for so long, and we have lived for so long, but we are not as courageous as Xiao Shi, hahaha... He is the real brave man! He is willing to cut himself, dare Drag the saint off the horse! Hahaha, well..."

The elder brother's laughter was so resonant that it could spread throughout this small sealed place.The bursts of cheerful laughter even infected the surrounding flowers and trees, and each of them began to sway, as if echoing the old man's laughter.

"Brother...what is it, what's going on with that brilliant light, why are you laughing like this?" Immediately, someone stepped forward and asked.

The eldest brother smiled mysteriously: "Xiao Shi played very big this time, really big. He combined two fates in one body, and was even selected to become the inheritor of the land... This is a great opportunity, and it is also a great opportunity." Opportunity. If Xiao Ten's plan really succeeds, among other things, even those high-ranking saints will start to worry about their holy throne!"

Hearing the elder brother's words, the other eight elders were in a daze, and didn't understand what it meant at all.

Looking at the puzzled brothers, the eldest brother shook his head and said: "The secret of heaven must not be revealed!" Then he continued to meditate.

The eight old men scratched their heads, not understanding what the secret was.However, he didn't ask too much, and began to meditate with his legs crossed.

On the earth, in the room of Zhou Kang's villa in Mingzhu City, Ye Guzhou opened his eyes, but the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, as if he was smiling at someone.

But in front of him, there is a white wall, where is anyone?Qiu Binghe was standing on his left side.

Seeing Ye Guzhou open his eyes, Qiu Binghe immediately stood in front of him and bowed respectfully: "Congratulations to your lord for successfully accepting the memory, congratulations!"

Ye Guzhou nodded, he was no longer so confused at this time, and then said: "From now on, you don't need to call me Venerable, just call me Young Master!"

He did remember that that evil dragon was also called the Venerable by others.Therefore, Ye Guzhou still doesn't like the title of Venerable.

"Disciple, remember!" Qiu Binghe said respectfully.

Ye Guzhou nodded in satisfaction, the power in his body was too violent at this time, he had to release it as soon as possible to condense the second dharma form outside his body.Otherwise, if it goes on like this, the body will not be able to bear it.

However, before leaving, I still need to talk to Qiu Binghe.After all, this cheap thing was brought to him indirectly by this old man.

"You have worked so hard for the wedding dress family for so long, I know it. When I come, I will definitely reward you!" Ye Guzhou said with a slight smile. Now that he has accepted the incomplete memories of the first nine wedding dresses, he also It's that simple to understand that the wedding dress gate was established in the first place to ensure that the next wedding dress recipient can accept the memory and residual strength of the previous one.

This is the mission of the wedding dress door!
reward?Hearing this, Qiu Binghe was overjoyed and immediately knelt down to thank him.

However, watching an old man kneel down to him, Ye Guzhou felt really uncomfortable.However, seeing him so persistent, forget it.

(End of this chapter)

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