Chapter 330 Stalking
The killers who originally decided to act at night because of the crowds during the day had already left Kyoto University.But in order to be able to confirm whether Ye Guzhou would leave the school, he almost found a gangster and asked him to watch at the school gate, and that gangster was this Shamat bastard.

Little bastards like Goudan, there are not ten thousand in Kyoto, and there are eight thousand.This kind of person will definitely not attract too much attention if he wanders around the gate of Kyoto University.After all, it is very common for these gangsters to wander around the school gate.

At this moment, the bitch looked at the killers sitting in the car, smiling obsequiously, rubbing his hands together.That means it's obvious, I've already watched it for you, now you can pay!
And the killers in the two cars also smiled slightly, and one of them waved at Goudan, signaling him to get in the car and talk.Although Goudan was a little conflicted in his heart, he still went in.

"Hey, Boss, I've already watched for you. This guy just entered this hotel, and he brought a few classmates with him. There is a girl among them, damn... she looks very juicy... Hehe!" As soon as the dog got into the car, he started talking to these people, with a wicked smile on his face.Obviously, she was also fascinated by Chen Yuanyuan...

Those killers nodded, they were still very satisfied with this bastard's ability to handle affairs.

"Hey, boss... Look, the remaining 1000 yuan, isn't it... um..."

And when Goudan asked for money, one of the killers patted him lightly on the back.In an instant, Goudan, who hadn't finished speaking, closed his eyes and fell directly into the arms of these killers, already dying.

For these killers, they must not leave any clues when they are working, otherwise they will be asking for their own death.Moreover, killing such a little bastard is definitely a small matter that can be done easily.

It is also because the window glass of this car is not that transparent. It is not easy to see what is going on inside.

Pressing the dog egg directly under the seat, they slowly parked the car in the parking lot of the hotel, then got off one by one, and entered the hotel one after another.

It is very difficult to answer the question of what method the killer used to kill.The killer's methods emerge in endlessly and are adapted to local conditions.Like in this hotel, poisoning is usually the main thing.Of course, there are also direct shots.

However, compared to the trouble of taking a direct shot, poisoning is much easier.And, generally, it's a surefire thing.You will never come to this hotel to meet guests for dinner, and you still have to ask someone to try the dishes?Unless you're a leadership figure...

However, even if Ye Guzhou was the so-called First Prince of Kyoto, he would not be so ostentatious.

In a private room, Ye Guzhou and his party were sitting here quietly, waiting for Fatty Wei to speak.

Since Fatty Wei Jinkou opened to treat guests, the task of ordering the first dish was naturally entrusted to him.

It's just that when Fatty Wei picked up the recipe, he refused to speak for a long time.It wasn't until this time that Fatty Wei realized that he had overestimated himself.This three-star hotel in Kyoto, and the three-star hotel in my hometown Chaoyang County, the food prices are the same as the sky and the world.

Seeing that a dish of boiled cabbage costs 98 yuan, Fatty Wei immediately became worried about the bank card in his pocket.This is only a deposit of a few thousand dollars, is it really enough to eat here?This 98 boiled cabbage is already the cheapest in this recipe.The rest of the dishes are slightly better, but they can be hundreds of thousands.

And this meal, I must have some drinks... Fatty Wei immediately rolled his eyes when he saw the page of drinks.

Then, under the watchful eyes of Ye Guzhou and others, Fatty Wei finally made a difficult decision.He licked his face and said to the waiter beside him, "Hmm...give me a serving of boiled cabbage. I want more vegetables and less water, remember that!"

After these words came out, the box immediately became quiet, and at the same time, there was a strange atmosphere.Boiled cabbage with more vegetables and less water?What is this Nima talking about...

After saying that, Fatty Wei handed over the menu to Bai Chi, and at the same time stared at Bai Chi with a warning gaze.The meaning of this is self-evident, that is, you give brother something cheap, otherwise brother will never spare you lightly.

It's just that, this time, Bai Chi had the mentality of being rich, so why would he heed the fat man's warning?After taking the menu, he directly turned to the page of the finale.Then he said: "This Australian abalone, give us one each. Two catty lobsters, two, and any shark fins... Oh, there are other signature dishes, too. Come up all of them, don't be polite. We are not short of money, you know?"

Bai Chi was messing around with the recipes, and at the end he emphasized that he was not short of money.This is forcing Fatty Wei to a 'dead end'.

The moment Bai Chi finished speaking, Fatty Wei had already clenched his fists, looking like he couldn't wait to do it directly.Those murderous eyes have been staring at Bai Chi's fat head and big ears all the time.

"Bai are really a brother!" With a cold voice, Fatty Wei's face turned slightly pale. If it was really served according to what Bai Chi said, it would not be enough to keep him here. Pay for the meal.

Seeing Fatty Wei's appearance, Bai Chi waved his hands with a serious face, "Oh, we're all brothers, you're offended by saying that. I know you, Fatty Wei, worry about money every day. Brother, naturally I want to help you share it. You don't have to thank me..."

"I want to thank your brother-in-law..." Fatty Wei said in a word, as if venting his inner anger.

"My brother-in-law? No need, I don't have a sister, you can just thank me..." Bai Chi waved his hand like a bachelor, and then waved to the waiter at the side, telling him to go down to prepare, and then added A bottle of red wine worth fifteen thousand.

Under Fatty Wei's fierce gaze, the waiter immediately ran out of the box.He didn't care about Fatty Wei's reaction, after this pause, his commission would at least be in the thousands.

"Xiaobai, that's fine. My brother hasn't hurt you in vain these past few days. This reward from you really makes me feel very warm!" Patting Bai Chi's shoulder, Fatty Wei showed a smile on his face. A half-smile look.

Bai Chi chuckled: "Ahem, fat brother, you're being polite. As a brother, you should help. You don't have to keep it in mind. I will definitely help you next time when you have another treat."

Next time, do you want to have a next time?Fatty Wei took a deep look at Bai Chi...

Seeing the appearance of these two live treasures, Ye Guzhou could only shake his head.How could he not know that although Fatty Wei's family is quite rich, his father is notoriously frugal.Even though this son is going to go to university in Kyoto, the living expenses are definitely the same as ordinary students, at most [-] a month.After this meal, I am afraid that the only way to mortgage the fat man is here.

"Hehe, you guys are so humorous, I feel much happier when I'm with you!"

In due time, Chen Yuanyuan spoke.As soon as she opened her mouth, a strange fragrance wafted out and permeated the box.

As soon as the fragrance came out, Fatty Wei's body vibrated slightly, and then he looked at Chen Yuanyuan fascinated, as if he enjoyed looking at her like this.

Smelling this faint fragrance, Ye Guzhou couldn't help frowning.This fragrance is sparse and ordinary, and it really smells nothing unusual.However, Ye Guzhou always felt uneasy.

"Wow, Miss Chen, what brand of toothpaste do you use? There is still a scent in your mouth." Looking at Chen Yuanyuan's faint smile, Ye Guzhou always felt uneasy and kind, and said involuntarily.

The words came out, but it caused a subtle space vibration.Immediately, the scent dissipated.

Chen Yuanyuan was shocked, and looked at Ye Guzhou in surprise.There was a hint of disbelief in his eyes, and his face changed slightly.

"How is it possible? After I took that pill in my mouth, the fragrance that came out should have permeated the entire box. How could it be all dissipated after he said a word?"

Chen Yuanyuan was shocked. It turned out that the fragrance she exhaled was due to the pill she took when she was in the dormitory.

(End of this chapter)

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