Chapter 336 Meng Xian's Anger

Xuanyuan Villa is said to have been built when Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor was there.There are many internal organs, and the guards are very strict when entering and exiting. Even the personnel inside Xuanyuan Villa have to go through heavy inspections if they want to enter and exit.

Moreover, it is rumored that there is an old ancestor in Xuanyuan Villa.The strength of this old ancestor has surpassed the scope of a cultivator and reached the level of a fairy in the upper realm, but in order to protect the villa, he stayed in the lower realm and did not ascend.

Within this kind of power, it is undoubtedly a dream to install an eyeliner.But Ye Guzhou knew so many things inside Xuanyuan Villa, if he hadn't put eyeliner, who would have told him?

You know, if you think about this kind of top power, even if you leak a little bit, it is a capital offense.Who would risk being killed to tell Ye Guzhou?
"Inserting eyeliner? Hehe... I don't need to do such a thing, someone will tell me all of this." Ye Guzhou smiled and shook his head, showing a trace of mystery.The slightly raised corners of his mouth looked like a guy who was hiding something.

Meng Xian was still very shocked in his heart, and he didn't put any eyeliner, but someone would tell him?Could it be that this guy has some life-and-death acquaintance in Xuanyuan Villa, so that that person is willing to risk disappointment and tell him these things?
"You haven't told me yet, you said that my younger brother Ye Cheng has started to practice secret arts, how did you know about this! As far as I know, Ye Cheng's master, that is, that holy king, doesn't seem to have started What kind of secret technique are you going to give him!" Ye Guzhou dropped a heavyweight bomb again, and this sentence directly made Meng Xian's eyeballs pop out in shock.

"You... You bastard... Who are you... How do you know so many things. You know that even Shengjun didn't hand in the secret technique... You really deserve to be a man of great destiny, Unfathomable..."

Meng Xian was dumbfounded, this sage didn't have Ye Cheng's secret technique, he didn't even know about it, and the guy in front of him actually said it out of his mouth.

Suddenly, Meng Xian admired his old prophet even more.

The old prophet of the God's Eye family has cultivated God's Eye to the perfection.I opened my eyes once, and it seems that I have seen the future across time and space.I understand that this catastrophe of heaven and earth is the most critical time for the survival of human beings.Compared with the previous nine times, it was even more serious.

"In this catastrophe, only relying on those mere destiny-destined people, human beings can only go to extinction! If our God-eye clan wants to continue the incense and save our lives, we must find a strange number that came out of the catastrophe. Only he can do it." It can be guaranteed that it will continue to bring us to glory..."

This is what the old prophet of the Shenyan family said to Meng Xian, and the strange number he said was naturally Ye Guzhou.These are all the news obtained by the old prophet who acted against the sky and forcibly opened his divine eyes to peep at the secrets of heaven.

And the old prophet was also severely punished because he despised the way of heaven, acted against the sky, and peeped at the secrets of heaven.

Both eyes were blinded by God!
The strength of the people of the Shenyan clan comes from these eyes; once the eyes are disabled, that life will be over.It can be said that life is worse than death, and every day will be tortured...

However, he was able to bring a glimmer of hope to the family, but the old prophet did not regret it at all.

Seeing that Ye Guzhou was so powerful and able to know so many things that others didn't know, Meng Xian admired that old prophet even more.

"Didn't the Holy Monarch teach Ye Cheng the secret technique?"

Hearing Ye Guzhou's words, Meng Xian was slightly taken aback, and looked at Ye Guzhou in surprise, "How did you know about this? Are you sure?"

Ye Guzhou smiled: "Of course I'm sure, but did you know that Ye Cheng started practicing secret arts?"

Hearing this, Meng Xian paused in his heart, and a bad premonition arose: "I heard from the owner of Xuanyuan Mountain Villa that he has acted in an upright manner all his life, and he will never lie to us. Moreover, it is still In front of so many people..."

"The owner of Xuanyuan Villa?"

Ye Guzhou's tone paused, his eyes gradually fixed on a certain place, but there was a doubt between his brows.

"The sage obviously didn't teach Ye Cheng the secret art, so why did he preach? Besides, it was still in front of other people... Could it be that there are other people teaching Ye Cheng?" Ye Guzhou suddenly changed his tone , a murderous aura spewed out.

It seems that other people are teaching Ye Cheng that it is a capital offense!
"Is there someone else teaching Ye Cheng?" Meng Xian was also surprised, and then shook his head again and again, "Impossible, absolutely impossible. There is no one in this world who is more suitable to teach the destiny than that holy king. And ... This secret technique is not known to everyone. Especially the secret technique that the man of destiny wants to practice has always been kept by Xuanyuan Villa. Even I don't know what the secret technique is. Someone might teach..."

All of a sudden, Meng Xian, who was speaking, was shaken, and a bright light burst out from his eyes.Then he looked at Ye Guzhou as if to ask: "Could it be that the people from Xuanyuan Villa taught Ye Cheng in advance without permission?"

As soon as these words were uttered, before Ye Guzhou could react, Meng Xian's face was already blushing.The anger on that face was about to burst out.

In the end, Meng Xian forcibly released all his aura, and then punched the ground fiercely, in order to vent his anger in the play.

Fortunately, Ye Guzhou was helping to block the aura on him, otherwise the people around would not have to live, and all would be oppressed to death by this huge aura.

However, this loud sound also woke up the surrounding people from their sleep.

Not to mention others, but the girls in Ye Guzhou's villa all put on their clothes in a hurry and ran out.Seeing that Ye Guzhou was with a middle-aged man in the yard, especially when there was a huge hole exposed under the middle-aged man's feet, he couldn't help but worry, did something happen?
However, when Meng Dada saw Meng Xian, her body trembled slightly: "Father..."

Father?When these words came out, the women around were stunned for a moment. Is this man Meng Dada's father?
Looking at his daughter, Meng Xian didn't show a smile, as if the anger just now hadn't faded away.

And Ye Guzhou frowned slightly, seeing that the pregnant Yu'er didn't want to wake up, he couldn't help feeling dissatisfied.What if this scares the child in Yu'er's stomach?
Immediately, Ye Guzhou's face darkened: "Restrain me a little, you are such a big man, even a little thing can make you mess up, what's the point!"

What Ye Guzhou said was not polite, as if he was the elder.

After he said this, Meng Xian really restrained himself, and his aura returned to normal afterward.

Seeing that her father was so obedient, Meng Dada couldn't help but look at Ye Guzhou a few more times. This hooligan was so powerful that his father lost his temper in just one sentence.

"You guys go in and rest, there's nothing to do, he just wanted to talk to me about something..." Ye Guzhou waved his hand to the girls, and Ye Guzhou let them in.

Smart women don't talk nonsense, and after Ye Guzhou waved his hand, these women also went in.It's just that before Meng Dada went in, she took a special look at the two people in the yard.

Seeing that all these women went in, Ye Guzhou waved his hand casually, and a khaki light covered him and Meng Xian, so that the conversation between the two would not be leaked out.

"The people in Xuanyuan Villa are so courageous that they even dare to snatch the merits of the Holy King. Do they really think that they are invincible?" Meng Xian said angrily.

According to the rules, the mentor who teaches the man of destiny is chosen by heaven, and no one else is allowed to teach the man of destiny except this mentor.It's just that Xuanjizi, the mentor chosen by heaven this time, had to withdraw because he was infected with the power of cause and effect.Hence the appearance of the Holy King...

Therefore, according to the rules, all the inheritance of Ye Cheng must be taught by the sage, and no one else can interfere.However, the merits of teaching people of destiny are really too great, which makes everyone very jealous.And the people from Xuanyuan Villa were actually secretly teaching Ye Cheng, that is, they were competing with the holy king for merit, and they meant not to take others seriously.

After all, although so many people are jealous, they obey the rules and don't interfere...

This is already against the sky!
"Hmph, my Shenyan clan and Yujianmen come from the same lineage as Xuanyuan Villa, with three branches in one school. He did this kind of thing secretly, and even kept it from us... It's really unreasonable... That's a great merit! "

Hearing this, Ye Guzhou suddenly felt a black line on his forehead.The feeling guy is angry not because Xuanyuan Villa doesn't obey the rules, but because Xuanyuan Villa didn't bring him along...

Seeing Meng Xian's angry look, Ye Guzhou could only shake his head.

However, soon, his brows began to wrinkle.The people in Xuanyuan Villa didn't follow the rules, which disrupted all his plans.Now that Ye Cheng has learned the secret technique in advance, the time for confronting Nielong and the others will be greatly shortened...

After being silent for a long time, Meng Xian thought about strength again, and then said to Ye Guzhou: "By the way, there is one more thing... I heard that a force has appeared in this martial arts world, and it is very domineering. It has destroyed many sects Yes, now we have been paid attention to by the high-level officials of the Tiandao League. Do you know their origins?"

Seeing that Ye Guzhou even knew about Shengjun, Meng Xian asked.

A new force in the martial arts world?How many sects have been destroyed?

Ye Guzhou was startled for a moment, but then he realized that he was referring to the Southern League of Legends.Unexpectedly, Nielong's plan had some effect. At least, this cannon fodder team has already attracted the attention of the top leaders of Tiandaomeng.

(End of this chapter)

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