Chapter 342 Copying Ye Guzhou

At first, Fatty Wei looked at the pipe like a father looking at his son, which made Ye Guzhou feel nothing.But at the back, Fatty Wei's eyes changed absurdly. He looked at the pipe like he was looking at his wife.

This accident immediately made Ye Guzhou feel a chill.

Fuck, this is really heavy taste.Rao Ye Guzhou thinks that his mental capacity is very strong, but in the face of such a situation, it is difficult to suppress the feeling of wanting to vomit in his heart.

Seeing the shuddering gaze of the fat man, Ye Guzhou immediately trembled, and a wave of true energy came from his arm, instantly drowning out the red light of the pipe.


In the next second, Fatty Wei's body trembled, and the red light in his eyes disappeared, and he returned to his normal appearance.

Seeing the fat man's appearance, Ye Guzhou nodded, and then calmly injected a stream of true essence into the tube in his hand, directly suppressing it with a powerful method.

"Well, wait until I erase your evil nature and refine it again, so that it can be used by fat people." Ye Guzhou said lightly in his heart, but he was thinking about what kind of weapon he would refine into.

Slowly putting down the pipe in his hand, Ye Guzhou began to teach Fatty Wei the formulas for nourishing his body and mind.

At the same time, in a small mountain village in Huaxia.

Nielong was lying in the small courtyard at this time, listening to several singers singing comfortably.With a leisurely look on his face, he didn't seem to worry about other things at all.


Suddenly, there was a thunderous sound, like the sound of thunder rolling in the sky.This sound was accompanied by a wave of shock, like an earthquake.

Immediately, the eyes of Nielong opened suddenly, and a bright light burst out directly.There was a touch of anger in his expression, as if he was very annoyed by the voice that disturbed his rest.

"Let me go and see what happened, please!" Nie Long's voice was very flat, this is his base.On his own territory, what big things can happen.

However, before someone went out to check, they saw a figure who was completely black, as if he had been struck by lightning, and was even emitting green smoke, stumbling in.

There was a touch of shock and excitement on this figure's face. When he entered the small courtyard where Nielong was, he actually forgot the etiquette that he usually obeyed. He yelled and ran directly to Nielong's around.

"My lord, we succeeded... We succeeded... Hahaha, we succeeded..."

The almost crazy look on the face of this reckless figure made Nielong frowned, seeming a little displeased.However, seeing him so crazy, he naturally knew that something big had happened, and it was a big enough event to make him excited.

The singers on the side were also very knowledgeable. Seeing this, they bowed to Nielong one after another, and then withdrew from the small courtyard.

Seeing no one around, Nielong waved his hand: "Tell me, what is the success that can make you so excited? Could it be that there is any breakthrough in the study of the human entrance?"

Nielong said lightly, it seemed that the news he said was not enough to excite him.

The figure below shook his head again and again, and there was a trace of disdain on his face.It seems that what Nielong said is not enough to compare with what he is about to say.

"My lord, do you still remember the bottle of blood we got from the pioneer leader of the demon world?" The figure asked a little excitedly, with excitement in his eyes.

"A bottle of blood?" Nie Long was stunned, looking at the figure kneeling in front of him, with a look of doubt on his face.

However, just a moment later, that touch of doubt completely disappeared.The result of the transformation was endless excitement, and even the body began to tremble.Compared with the charred hand in front of him, it is not much better.

"You...what did you say? Say it again...successful? Did it really succeed?" Nielong's body began to tremble. Although he tried his best to restrain himself from getting excited, he could still feel it above his words. His kind of excitement.

"It's a success, my lord, it's really a success... After repeated experiments and researches using that bottle of blood, we finally successfully reproduced the first warrior who is not restricted by the earth's space wall. And... this There seems to be a sliver of memory left in the blood of the famous soldier, and he has miraculously obtained a sliver of inheritance. This is a divine skill, a real divine skill..."

The coke-like figure with green smoke all over his body couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, so he opened his mouth and said directly.

After quietly listening to this subordinate's words, Nie Long calmed down his inner excitement.Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and quietly wait for the restless heart to calm down.

It's just that the effect of doing this doesn't seem to be good at all. Finally, he stopped suppressing himself and screamed up to the sky: "Hahaha...God help me, really God help me...It seems that even God I don’t want this human being to continue to be so domineering, but he also blessed me with success... Hahaha..."

In this maniacal laughter, there was a hint of comfort.

"Hahaha, the land, the land... I am here from now on, and I don't need to be afraid at all. Hahaha, with your blood, this seat will complete an eternal hegemony. From then on, I will replace the ruler of human beings." Position, become a person who is truly favored by the heavens!"

The arrogance on Nielong's face was revealed without any concealment, his noble aura seemed to be the master of the world, and he despised the common people.

"Hurry up, let the person who received the blood come to me, I want to see how powerful he is!" Nielong said excitedly to the figure in front of him, but before the subordinate replied, Immediately changed his words, "Forget it, let me go there in person..."

As soon as the voice fell, Nielong's figure had disappeared from the small courtyard.

When he reappeared with that subordinate who was covered in green smoke, he had already entered another closed room.

In this room, at this time, it was already full of figures in black robes.These people are all Nielong's confidant dead soldiers. They should be like ice cubes as dead soldiers, but now they also showed a look of excitement on their faces.

As soon as they saw Nielong coming in, these guys knelt down on one knee in front of him, shouting in unison: "I have seen the lord, congratulations to the lord that the situation has become..."

Looking at these dead men, Nielong smiled all over his face, and waved his hand: "Well, well, all are rewarded, all are rewarded..."

Such a generous sentence from Nielong immediately made those dead soldiers look happy: "Thank you, Lord!"

"Stop talking nonsense, where is the person... Where is the person, let me meet..." Nielong waved his hand and said hastily.

And at the moment when Nielong's voice fell, a figure slowly walked over, and then bowed respectfully to Nielong: "Subordinate... Ye Guzhou, I have seen the Lord!"

Ye Guzhou, the guy who saluted the evil dragon, actually claimed to be Ye Guzhou.

Nielong shook his body, looked at the figure in front of him, and couldn't help but startled: "Like, it's too similar. These are twins carved out of the same mold..."

Nielong was shocked, and the excitement on his face was even worse.Looking at the person in front of him, he couldn't help sighing.

The guy who called himself 'Ye Guzhou' had a wicked smile on his lips.If someone who knew Ye Guzhou was here, he would definitely be surprised.Because this guy actually looks exactly like Ye Guzhou, there is no slight difference.

If there was any difference, it was the evil smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hahaha, good...Ye Guzhou, Ye Guzhou, I didn't expect that I used your blood to completely reproduce another you...hahaha..." Nielong laughed.

It turned out that because of Zheng Yaqin, the bottle of blood that Ye Guzhou handed over ended up in the hands of Nielong.

When the scheming Nielong saw this bottle of Ye Guzhou's blood, he thought of using this blood. He wondered if he could create a warrior who was not restricted by the space wall of the earth.

After all, Ye Guzhou is the descendant of the land, and also a strange number in this world.There should be a trace of unspeakable power hidden in his blood.

It's just that what Ling Nielong didn't expect was that a hypothesis at the beginning has actually succeeded now.Even this guy who has fused Ye Guzhou's blood has undergone earth-shaking changes in appearance. He looks exactly the same as Ye Guzhou, not bad at all.

"Very good, very good... Come on, use your strongest blow to attack me. Don't show mercy, it must be the strongest blow..." Nielong stepped back and suddenly called out to the fake 'Ye Guzhou' road.

These people are all people who obey orders. Since Nielong has said so, he will naturally not hold back.

In the next second, the body of that fake 'Ye Guzhou' was shaken, and suddenly a sky-high aura gushed out, destroying the entire room in an instant.Even the dead men in black robes around them just squeezed their chests and sat down on the ground with pale faces, as if they couldn't stand the huge momentum.

As for Nielong, his face was filled with joy: "The breath of the faint land? Hahaha, good, good... I didn't expect you to actually get a little benefit from that blood, not bad, not bad... Now, to I'm attacking..."

As soon as Nielong's voice fell, that figure rushed over without showing any mercy.Moreover, when he set off, the ground was already trembling, as if the ground was being controlled by him, but the control was not strong.

"Okay!" Nielong shouted loudly, his body shook violently, and received a punch abruptly.

This punch carried an incomparable momentum, as if Mount Tai was pressing down on the top, it slammed on Nielong's body fiercely.

beep, beep...

With one punch, this strong man who had already attained the Dao from the prehistoric world actually took a few steps back, with a look of shock on his face, but more excitement and excitement.

Pushed back the evil dragon with one punch!
This is just a drop of Ye Guzhou's blood...

"Hahaha, okay..." Nielong laughed loudly, but in the next second, his expression became extremely serious, "From now on, you must forget your previous identity. You... are the heirs of the land, Ye Guzhou! You are human, remember?"

(End of this chapter)

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