Chapter 349
With a sharp blow, the bodies of Ye Guzhou and old man He fell fiercely to the ground.

Pfft... At the same time again, the two spat out a mouthful of blood, their faces turning slightly pale.It's very ugly, like suffering from some terminal illness, it's really scary!
"Ahem... I didn't expect that you are not weak. Cough... But, if you only have this little strength, then... you can lie here today!"

With a light cough, old man He slowly stood up, although his face was pale, but there was a trace of murderous look.The feeling of Mount Rimoxi just now disappeared in an instant.At the same time, his complexion slowly returned to color, and his aura slowly rose again.

Just now, this old man He didn't use his full strength, it seemed that the blow was just a test!
"Old man, you take yourself too seriously, don't you?"

In the next second, Ye Guzhou's body slowly got up, twisting his body involuntarily.There was a clicking sound, as if the bones of the whole body were ringing.

cough cough...

Similarly, Ye Guzhou coughed lightly and spit out a mouthful of bloody saliva; however, there was no paleness on his face, and the color of blood also returned to him.

It seems that this first blow, these two people are just a tentative shot!It didn't use real strength, but... this was just a tentative blow, and the forest outside the suburbs had already been turned into ruins.

"Old man, I have already felt that although your strength is strong, there seems to be something restraining you in the dark. It can be seen that your strength is not obtained by your own actual practice, but by what Secret techniques, or drugs to forcibly improve it!" Cleaning up the dirt on his body, Ye Guzhou frowned and looked at old man He, and revealed the secret of his strength in one word.

Sure enough, the old man He was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

"You can actually feel it? Yes, it's really good. No wonder you will be the one chosen for the wedding dress. You have good eyesight!" Old man He was slightly surprised, but he didn't take it to heart.Right now, he already has the strength of this body, although it is temporary, but it is enough to compete with Ye Guzhou.

"However, vision alone is not enough, you also need strength, otherwise you are doomed to be a tragedy today!" Old man He looked at Ye Guzhou with disdain, with his middle-stage mortal strength, isn't it easy to deal with Ye Guzhou?Even if Ye Guzhou resisted, the result would not change. Old man He would be the winner after all.

This is what old man He said in his heart.

"Tragedy? It depends on whether you have the ability..." Ye Guzhou's face changed, and suddenly, his body flashed over, and he directly kicked him fiercely with a whip.

This kick was very hasty, and at the same time, very ferocious.Almost in an instant, all the actions have been completed, getting up, ejecting, and kicking.This flowing movement was completed without even giving old man He any time to react.

A whip leg went down, and before the leg arrived, the wind of the leg had already rushed towards him.Like a sudden hurricane, just a gust of hurricane is already mixed with the aura of Xiao Sha.If an ordinary person was blown by such a hurricane, he would be blown away in an instant, like Ling Chi, scraping off the flesh piece by piece.

It can be seen that this hurricane is powerful!
However, in the face of this fierce hurricane, old man He just frowned slightly, and quickly punched with his right hand, hitting all the strength in his body, and immediately blasted out.

Boom!There was a loud sound, but old man He's fist had already rubbed against the air and produced a raging fire.The raging fire wrapped old man He's fist, adding a bit more power.

With one punch, the aura is menacing, as if it is about to destroy the world.

This old man He actually wanted to kill Ye Guzhou with a punch. He suddenly forgot what the black shadow sage said, and he just taught him a lesson.

boom!Suddenly, the flames on old man He's fist suddenly rose up, as if growing against the wind.The flames were blazing, and the scorching breath was like a small sun falling, and it was about to scorch the surrounding area.

Snapped!In the blink of an eye, the soaring flames met the hurricane kicked by Ye Guzhou.The moment the two met, there was a sudden soft sound, and then they began to bite each other, and no one would let the other start to get entangled.

And just as the flames on Old He's fist entangled with the gust of hurricane, Ye Guzhou's whip kick had already arrived.After kicking, there was a burst of ripples, as if the whole space couldn't bear his kick, and there was a clear and mournful sound.

"Lie down for me!"

In an instant, Ye Guzhou roared loudly, and the whip kicked hard.Under one leg, a rock-like soil immediately wrapped around Ye Guzhou's kicked leg, forming an effective protection.

This leg seemed to shatter the space, and strong winds followed.

"Small Jier! You are the one who should lie down..." Old Man He's face froze, and the flames on his fists suddenly ignited again.

The ferocious flame suddenly turned into a big hand.This big flaming hand fiercely grabbed Ye Guzhou's kick.


There was a cracking sound, and Ye Guzhou's leg was firmly grasped.It's just that the crack just now was because old man He was kicked because he forcibly grabbed Ye Guzhou's leg.

However, it seems worthwhile to exchange a small injury for a chance.

When the calf was caught, Ye Guzhou's face changed, and he didn't show a smug look at all because he kicked old man He.On the contrary, be very cautious!

Being grabbed by the calf, Ye Guzhou's first thought was to kick his feet to get out of the way.

However, old man He's reaction was even faster.Before Ye Guzhou pulled his leg away, he grabbed Ye Guzhou's calf fiercely and threw it out.

"Lie down!"

This time, he almost used up all the strength of Old Man He.The old man's face was already flushed, and his thin body was showing muscles at this moment.

All the strength of the strands gathered on this one arm of his, as if putting all his eggs in one basket.

"not good……"

In an instant, Ye Guzhou screamed in his heart that something was wrong, but just as he wanted to get out, it was already too late.The next second, his body flew upside down uncontrollably, even sparking a spark.

That's how fast it takes, and how much power it takes.He actually threw Ye Guzhou out, and even flames appeared all over his body due to friction.

Heck... In an instant, Ye Guzhoushen's clothes were almost completely burned, and then his body was smashed to the ground.


Broken, several of Ye Guzhou's ribs were broken in an instant!
puff!The broken ribs made Ye Guzhou's face extremely pale, and the spout of blood made him even more pale.

Click!This time, Ye Guzhou's heart was more than half cold, this old man He was so fierce, as if he couldn't use up all his strength.

"You...cough, puff..." Looking up at old man He, Ye Guzhou was about to speak, but what followed was a mouthful of blood.

An energy, while the old man threw Ye Guzhou out, he actually injected an energy into Ye Guzhou's body.That dark force is constantly destroying everything in Ye Guzhou's body, but... Fortunately, Ye Guzhou's vitality is strong, it was destroyed just now, and it was repaired in an instant.However, the pain during this period is self-evident.

"Jie Jie Jie, boy... I said, you can't be my opponent. Today... you are destined to be a tragedy, and what I said will definitely... eh? Pfft..."

Seeing Ye Guzhou's appearance, old man He looked proud.However, within a minute of this complacency, his body suddenly shook, and as soon as he covered his chest, a stream of blood spurted out from his mouth.

Old man He's complexion changed drastically. He saw that his arms had completely turned a khaki color, and this khaki color had even extended to his heart.

" bastard, how dare you play tricks? You actually concealed a ray of real energy under that leg just now, and penetrated into my body from my arm..." Old man He was furious, his chest Ups and downs.

This old man is very domineering, so he is only allowed to use dirty tricks, and no one else is allowed to use them.

"Ahem... each other!" Ye Guzhou smiled lightly, although he was injured and even had a few broken ribs.But the old man He didn't get any benefits.The strand of true essence he left behind was eroding his body all the time.

Old man He's face turned red, and the next moment, he didn't even adjust his breath to the wound in his body, but directly lifted his body into the air, as if a fairy descended from the earth, looking down on all living beings.

boom!In the next second, old man He's aura was released without reservation.For a moment, it was really raging, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the rolling thunder and lightning kept rolling.

Old man He meant that he was going to desperately, his chest kept rising and falling, he no longer cared about it, but looked at Ye Guzhou below with cold eyes.

"Today, you must die!"

die!This old man He was really murderous, and he didn't care what the black shadow sage said.


Suddenly, the sky thundered, and I saw old man He's hands continuously making out one by one.Every time this tactic appears, it turns into a ray of light and penetrates into the clouds, as if something is brewing.

Ye Guzhou, who was standing on the ground, frowned, feeling a crisis in his heart.

"So strong, is it possible that this old man is brewing a secret technique?"

Ye Guzhou paused in his heart, and in the next second, his feet suddenly took root in the ground.He raised his head and glared at old man He, then immediately made a mysterious gesture with both hands.

What followed seemed to be the real fatal confrontation between the two!

Perhaps, victory or defeat is between one thought!
(End of this chapter)

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