Chapter 356 The Emperor?

"Owing a favor?"

Hearing this, Ye Guzhou's face suddenly darkened.In my heart, I have already discovered that it is not easy.There is no saying that the lion opened his mouth. For others, that may be a good thing.But now for Ye Guzhou, it is an extremely embarrassing thing, even a little out of place.

And taking such a great opportunity to make them open their mouths, this black and white impermanence just made such a simple request that others will look at, and they will know that there is a problem.

Moreover, the most important thing is that I don't want anything, but I just want a favor that is considered insignificant by others.This is too fake, right?No matter how you look at it, it looks like a great article...

"These two guys seem to be ordered by someone, so they kicked out such a request. However, in this underworld, they are already among the top ten shady and handsome black impermanence. That’s a lot. Excluding Emperor Yin, there are Yama and Judge in the Great Hall..."

'Ye Guzhou' was thinking in his heart, and the first step was to rule out the judge.Although this judge is not a low-ranking official, it is still impossible to completely make Hei Wuchang obey, after all... Hei Wuchang is one of the top ten handsome men.

Then the possibility of the top ten Yan Luos is the highest... After all, the existence of Emperor Yin who rules the entire Fengdu is not so idle.

"Yan Luo of the Ten Palaces? What exactly do you want to do? My personal favor... No, it should be Ye Guzhou's personal favor. How can it be so simple? Could it be that this is self-protection?" Occupying Ye Guzhou The body, the remnant soul of the Holy Lord of the Earth Spirit, slowly hid, as if he dared not give an answer to this question easily, so that Ye Guzhou could answer it by himself.

Gradually, the blood red in Ye Guzhou's eyes gradually receded, and returned to the normal look before.However, when he opened his eyes again, there was obviously a sharp light, which shot away in an instant.

After this ray of light came out of Ye Guzhou's eyes, it turned out to be a direct black and white impermanence and began to hover in the sky above his head.Moreover, there was also a faint pressure, an aura that seemed to overwhelm everyone.Under its momentum, Black and White Wuchang even felt uncomfortable all over, as if an ordinary person was being targeted by a poisonous snake, and dared not move.

"How can I have this feeling? I've only felt this feeling in Tianzi Yin..." Hei Wuchang's illusory body began to tremble.That trembling appearance seemed to be a courtier who was afraid of a violent king.

And the same as Hei Wuchang, Bai Wuchang also trembled all over, and suddenly paused in his head, as if he remembered something, and then his eyes widened.There was a hint of excitement in the eyes, but it was more of a fear.

"Da Laohei... We, we are afraid that we are too direct. No wonder Yama of the Ten Temples will inform us... We are coming... This, this is simply looking for death..." Bai Wuchang trembling body, with consciousness and Hei Wuchang communicated.

"How do you say it?" Ye Guzhou turned his head to look at Bai Wuchang, with a flustered expression and a little doubt.

"Do you still remember the gathering in Fengdu once every hundred years? At that time, Yama of the Ten Palaces would bring the judges and us to meet Emperor Yin... But, before each gathering, Emperor Yin would Do you want us to bow down to a wordless spiritual tablet?" Bai Wuchang looked at Hei Wuchang with something in his eyes.

Hei Wuchang also tensed up when he heard Bai Wuchang's words.Inexplicably, there was a sense of fear in my heart.

"After we bowed down to the wordless spiritual tablet, it would absorb a touch of Yin energy from us, even the supreme Yin Tianzi did not let it go." Bai Wuchang continued to speak to Hei Wuchang with his consciousness, "At that time, At a certain moment... the aura emitted by the spirit card, and the ray of light above our heads, don't they bring us the same pressure and feeling?"

Finally, amidst Bai Wuchang's words, Hei Wuchang's face immediately turned pale with fright.This expression has already affected his reputation as Hei Wuchang in his eyes, this is to compete with Bai Wuchang for a job...

However, Bai Wuchang didn't seem to mind at all that Hei Wuchang did something to steal his job. On the contrary, this guy's face was terribly gloomy and dark.These two, this is switching roles to play...

However, the trembling of the faces of the two of them is enough to reflect the fear of the two of them.

It's just that when he thought of the explanation of Yan Luo from the Ten Palaces, he insisted on it abruptly, and still made that tough look.

However, as for what the two thought of and were afraid of, this is unknown.

Ye Guzhou, who gradually regained consciousness, looked at the old man lying on the ground and the three illusory ghosts standing beside him, he couldn't help frowning, and then walked to the old man's body lightly.

Ye Guzhou looked very calm, as if he knew everything about what happened before.It's not at all like in that ancient site, after being occupied by the earth spirit sage, he will lose his memory.

Right now, Ye Guzhou's eyes are extremely calm, even clear and boundless.That appearance is not at all like the person who died of grandpa.

"What is he doing?"

Seeing Ye Guzhou walk into Mr. Ye's body, the two Wuchang became a little restless, they became anxious, and their expressions became flustered.At the same time, seeing the power of merit in Ye Guzhou's hands, the two of them began to feel a little bit lost in their hearts.What's more, it's a kind of fear.

"Is he going to use the power of merit to forcibly resurrect this old guy? With such a large amount of merit, let alone resurrect this old guy, I'm afraid his strength will be even higher after resurrection." One floor! But in this way, wouldn't we have no chance to complete the task assigned by Yama of the Ten Temples?"

Hei Wuchang was very annoyed, and already began to stamp his feet anxiously on the spot.Although, his feet are nothing at all...

"No, you can't let him do this, otherwise... Yama of the Tenth Temple is not easy to explain. If we fail, we will end up in hell and be punished like those evil spirits! The temper of Yama of the Tenth Temple , that's notoriously weird, I don't dare to gamble with my own safety..."

Hei Wuchang immediately made a decision to stop Ye Guzhou's actions.

Looking at Hei Wuchang's appearance, Bai Wuchang obediently stood aside, looking at his partner sympathetically.Offending Yama of the Ten Temples is better than offending this guy, right?At least... we still have a chance, don't we?It's a pity that Hei Wuchang can't listen to it at all!
Obviously, the black and white impermanence must know something.In other words, knowing what secret Ye Guzhou has, that's why he's so afraid.

Seeing Ye Guzhou take out that clump of meritorious power, the evil spirit in Hei Wuchang's eyes immediately began to spin, and with a jerk, it split a little bit, and directly got into the soul of Mr. Ye .

This evil spirit is like Sun Houzi's magic spell, or a binding rope, keeping the soul of old man Ye firmly by his side.Then his eyes were still looking at Ye Guzhou nervously...

"Huh? Overthinking one's abilities!"

For an instant, Ye Guzhou couldn't help being startled, then snorted coldly, turned his head suddenly, and looked straight at Hei Wuchang.A sharp light flashed above his eyes, like a long spear stabbing directly.

With just one look, there was a loud noise.In the next second, Heiwuchang's body was like a kicked badminton, rising high and then slowly falling down.

He vomited blood, and the ghost also vomited blood.It can be seen that this ghost cultivator is also different from the ghosts we imagined. After being injured, they can also spit out a pool of blood.

"That's... so strong, he really deserves to be someone who even Emperor Yin would kneel down... Sure enough, we can't fight against him!" Hei Wuchang's complexion was extremely gloomy, which is a common phenomenon after being injured.However, at the same time, his body began to retreat slowly, as if he was afraid of Ye Guzhou's vigorous efforts to destroy him.

He was originally a ghost, if he was wiped out again, he would really be out of his wits.

Bai Wuchang, who was standing on the side, breathed a sigh of relief, secretly glad that he didn't do stupid things with this Hei Wuchang just now.How could he provoke a person who could bring Hei Wuchang to the ground with just one look?I am not as good as Hei Wuchang.

Da da da... Taking small steps, Ye Guzhou walked towards Hei Wuchang step by step, with a very gloomy face.It could be seen that Ye Guzhou was a little annoyed in his heart.

"Emperor...Emperor, spare me...the little god didn't mean it, the little god didn't mean it!" Hei Wuchang suddenly turned over and knelt down to Ye Guzhou, exclaiming in his mouth.

Great Emperor, this Hei Wuchang's address to Ye Guzhou at this time is very strange.Today's Ye Guzhou has many identities, and now there is another great emperor?What is this?

Ye Guzhou, on the other hand, had a flat expression, as if he didn't feel any doubt or surprise at all.On the contrary, it was very natural, and slowly released the aura of the person in charge.

At this moment, Ye Guzhou is like the Son of Heaven, looking down on all living beings.It seems that a wave of hands can determine the life and death of a large number of people.In front of him, no matter who they are, they are nothing but ants.

"Emperor? Huh, I think your underworld has become more courageous, and you dare to come over and threaten me!" Ye Guzhou snorted coldly, what was expressed in his words seemed to be that he was the ultimate boss in the underworld.

This is completely opposite to what was revealed when the remnant soul of the Earth Spirit Sage Lord occupied Ye Guzhou's body before.

(End of this chapter)

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