Chapter 366 Entering Xuanyuan Villa
This sudden sentence made Ye Guzhou frown.He understood that it was someone who saw the baby and moved his mind.In the world of cultivators, killing people and seizing treasures is simply commonplace, and it will not attract the attention of others in the slightest.

This is a place where strength speaks. Even if someone kills him without strength, it can only prove that he is incompetent, and he will not even have some sympathy.


Just when the words fell, there were only seven or eight figures, and they had already come through the air.All of them held long swords in their hands and flew towards them with murderous looks.The outfits they wear also imply that their identities are not vulgar.

More importantly, Ye Guzhou could tell at a glance that the long swords held by these people were basically of the spirit weapon level.Although most of them are low-grade spiritual artifacts, being able to take out such spiritual artifacts at once shows that these people's backgrounds are still very powerful.After all... Among some small sects, only the heads and elders are eligible to hold spiritual weapons.

Ye Guzhou's face twitched, and a hint of helplessness appeared at the corner of his mouth.Among this group of people, the strongest one is only in the early stage of distraction. In his hands, this kind of thing is not an enemy at all.But a small team led by the early stage of the division of spirits can all get the spiritual weapons, which means... the backstage is not so tough.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that such a thing of killing people and seizing treasures would happen to me. The most ridiculous thing is that I'm still the one who was robbed and killed!" With a sigh in his heart, Ye Guzhou pulled away and was about to leave.His goal tonight is to use the ginseng doll in his hand to get rid of the demons in Ye Cheng's heart. It's better to ignore these little fish.

It's just that Ye Guzhou let these little trash fish go, but these little trash fish didn't mean to let Ye Guzhou go at all.

Watching Ye Guzhou pull away and move, a long sword pierced the sky and was firmly nailed to Ye Guzhou's feet.

With a sound of ding, I saw the spiritual weapon long sword stabbing the ground suddenly, and a layer of white light visible to the naked eye appeared.

This light seems to be able to erode people's eyeballs, and people who shine can't open their eyes at all.

However, how could this little trick stop Ye Guzhou?Gently shaking his head and waving his hands casually, the dazzling white light disappeared instantly.In the next second, Ye Guzhou reached out and pulled out the long sword, and looked casually at the guys behind the god.This is just a bunch of minions, at least in Ye Guzhou's eyes.

Seeing his long sword being held by Ye Guzhou, the only young man who didn't get the long sword suddenly changed his face: "Presumptuous, you still dare to rob my Xuanyuan Villa's spiritual weapon? Hurry up!" Return it to me, do you know who I am? Offending me is tantamount to offending the entire Xuanyuan Villa, so don’t give me the spirit weapon quickly..."

It can be heard that this young son still has some status.At least, he dared to speak so brazenly, so he had confidence.Moreover, after seeing Ye Guzhou's strength, he didn't panic, and there was more anger in his eyes.

"From Xuanyuan Villa?" Ye Guzhou was taken aback, he came so late, didn't he just want to enter Xuanyuan Villa?I didn't expect to prepare a guide for myself. This is really God's blessing.

Seeing Ye Guzhou in a daze, the son immediately became complacent, with an arrogant expression on his face: "Hmph, yes. This son is the second son of Xuanyuan Villa, and the owner of the villa is my father. If you return the ginseng doll and the spiritual weapon Me, I will let you go, should understand that the strength of Xuanyuan Villa is obvious to all!"

The second son of Xuanyuan Villa?This identity is indeed not ordinary, no wonder such a guy who is only in the early stage of distraction can come out to wander around with so many spiritual weapons.

But this status that allowed him to dominate in the past is of no use to Ye Guzhou.He is not weak enough to be afraid of Xuanyuan Villa.

"It seems...whether it is in the city or the place where the cultivators are, there are brainless second-generation ancestors." With a soft laugh, Ye Guzhou suddenly threw it like a long sword.

After receiving the long sword, the Second Patriarch's expression changed, and he was extremely angry, as if Ye Guzhou's words just now had offended him.

"you wanna die……"

The Second Generation Ancestor let out a cold snort, touched the ground with his right foot, and the long sword in his hand turned into a sharp light and went straight to the center of Ye Guzhou's eyebrows.

The leaders have all started, and the rest of the people will naturally not be stunned.All of a sudden, seven or eight long swords stabbed at Ye Guzhou.

The long sword came fiercely, every point had the power to split mountains, and most people would not dare to take it head-on.

"Oh? Is this a combined sword move? Or a sword formation would be more appropriate..." Seeing the stabbing long sword, Ye Guzhou couldn't help but be surprised.

This combination of sword moves is indeed extraordinary.It's a pity that the strength of the people who use it is too low.If seven or eight people in the early stage are used to use it, even the masters in the late Mahayana stage will fall if they are not careful.It can be seen the power of this sword move.

Seeing the long sword being swung, Ye Guzhou shook his head slightly, these people are too weak.Even swinging a long sword can't hurt him in the slightest.However, Ye Guzhou would not hurt them, after all, this Xuanyuan Villa is not some evil heretic, and Ye Cheng is still there.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he saw a mirror-like light curtain appearing in front of Ye Guzhou.

Ding ding ding... Those long swords all made a crisp sound as if they had been pierced on fine steel, and could no longer move forward.The streamer flowing on the long sword also disappeared at this moment.

"Lie down and have a rest!" Ye Guzhou smiled, and his outstretched palm snapped together.In an instant, the light curtain turned into spots of light like fireflies.These light spots quickly penetrated into the bodies of those people, and in an instant, except for the second generation ancestor, they all fell to the ground.

At this moment, the second generation ancestor became a little panicked. Looking at these people lying on the ground, he couldn't help but start to tremble, and stepped back: " killed them? Do you know what you are doing? It is a capital crime, an absolute capital crime. No one who dares to kill Xuanyuan Villa will end well."

The second generation ancestor's legs started to tremble, but his mouth showed no mercy at all, and he showed no intention of surrendering.

This place is near Shennongjia, and he believed that other cultivators would pass by in a short time.At that time, he will have a chance to escape. After all, Xuanyuan Villa is a master of the cultivation sect. If he is rescued, it means that he has made friends with Xuanyuan Villa, which means a lot of benefits.

However, with such a good plan, how could Ye Guzhou give him time?Suddenly, with a single point, a sharp light directly hit the center of his brow.In an instant, the second generation ancestor's eyes began to loosen, as if walking dead.

This is temporarily manipulated by Ye Guzhou. When the time comes, he will forget everything that happened just now.And those who go to the end will also lose the memory of this period of time...

"Take me into Xuanyuan Villa!"

Looking at the second generation ancestor who was temporarily manipulated by him, Ye Guzhou gave the order directly.This Xuanyuan Villa is said to have been built when the Yellow Emperor was there. No one knows what traps and traps are inside, nor what kind of masters there are.Although there are some rumors, Ye Guzhou still knows why the rumors cannot be fully believed.Having a free guide is still very good, at least it can save a lot of unnecessary troubles.

Anyone who knows about Xuanyuan Villa only knows that it is near Shennongjia, but the exact location is unknown to outsiders.

However, with a free guide, for Ye Guzhou, where is Xuanyuan Villa is not a problem at all.Let the second generation ancestor lead the way all the way, and after only a quarter of an hour, the two stopped in a dense jungle.

Then, I saw that the second generation ancestor took out a jade pendant from his arms, and waved it at a certain place.In the next second, I saw a ray of light suddenly appear, without any sign, and I couldn't tell where it came from.It was as if the light came from nowhere.


A slight sound sounded, and after the ray of light shone on the second-generation ancestor jade pendant, a curtain of light suddenly appeared in the dense bushes just now.This is obviously a hidden formation, containing space.extremely brilliant...

Seeing this light curtain, Ye Guzhou couldn't help being stunned.This light curtain turned out to be a feeling of inferiority in his heart, this is definitely the first time it has appeared.

You must know that no matter how poor and weak he was back then, he never had this mentality.But today in this light curtain, there is such a thought?This light curtain really has some tricks.

"This is definitely a formation that was set up in ancient times. The divinity implied in it is definitely not something that a cultivator can have today. Only the formation left by the great powers of ancient times will make me cautious. .In this Xuanyuan Villa, even a mountain protection formation was left over from the ancient times. It seems that there must be countless organs in this mountain gate, and...very likely, it was left over from the time of the Yellow Emperor!"

Looking at this light curtain, Ye Guzhou couldn't help but tremble in his heart.Fortunately, I was lucky to find such a guide, otherwise it would be a big problem to enter the villa.

Grabbing the second generation ancestor, Ye Guzhou stepped into the light curtain and entered Xuanyuan Villa.However, before going in, he took out a wooden thing from his bosom and broke it.

At the same time, in the secret place of Xuanyuan Villa, a young man was sitting cross-legged in meditation.And this young man is the sage king that everyone in Xuanyuan Villa respects, that is, Ye Cheng's master.

At this time, he who was meditating suddenly opened his eyes, and his face changed, revealing a little puzzlement.

"Why did he come? The time hasn't come yet, why did he come early?"

(End of this chapter)

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