Chapter 372 Seal the Demon
"Oh no……"

There was a miserable cry, and the body of the heart demon was swallowed by Ye Guzhou's big mouth.Nothing was left behind, and he didn't even spit out his clothes.

"No... Let me go out, you can't do this. You are acting against the sky... Let me go, let me go, otherwise those high-ranking saints will not let you go, let me go..."

After swallowing the demon in one gulp, Ye Guzhou's face was very pale.The deliberate loss of his vitality just now, and even resisting the attacks of the inner demon a few times, has already hurt his foundation.However, he finally tricked this demon, and successfully subdued him Weiwei.

However, the swallowed demon is still alive.He kept hitting Ye Guzhou's body and shouted angrily.Although there was a trace of unwillingness and worry in those words, it was more of a kind of gloating.That's right, it's strange that this heart demon that has been swallowed alive is still gloating at this time.

Hearing the voice coming from his body, Ye Guzhou didn't feel any fear at all: "The saint won't let me go? Hmph, I don't intend to let them go. If it weren't for their rampant behavior, there wouldn't be these ten The next world catastrophe..."

"Don't let the saint go?" The demon couldn't help but startled, obviously frightened by what Ye Guzhou said.But then he laughed out loud, which meant sarcasm: "Just you? You won't let the saint go? Jie Jie Jie... Don't dream, I admit... your strength is not bad, but compared with the saint, The gap is still very large. If the saint himself makes a move, it only takes one finger to crush you into powder."

Ye Guzhou didn't care about such disdainful words.After all, this is a fact, and the power of a saint is simply beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

Sage, the word is the law.It's like, the sage said: "Thunder!" Immediately, the sound of thunder resounded in the sky, and the word was a law that could not be violated.And once the saint really makes a move, it will be a disaster for the entire universe.

Every move of the saint can completely destroy the surroundings.

"Why do you think that after I seal you up, the sage will attack me?" Ye Guzhou asked, and this was also one of his questions.How could the majestic saint be the backstage for the devil?Could it be that this demon is deceiving himself?Or is there really another secret...

Hearing Ye Guzhou's words, the inner demon suddenly fell silent.It seemed that he had some scruples, or maybe he was worried about something.

The inner demon was swallowed by Ye Guzhou, and Ye Guzhou could still feel some of his feelings.

"What are you afraid of... Is it because you are afraid that you will be silenced by the saint if you say something?" Ye Guzhou said again. At the same time, he looked serious, as if he was perceiving something.

And the next second later, there was indeed an emotional fluctuation that Ye Guzhou caught instantly.This demon is really worried about this.

"It's better that you don't know... If you know too much, it's just causing trouble for you!"

The demon said disdainfully, and then he quieted down obediently, and no longer played tricks in Ye Guzhou's body.

Seeing this, Ye Guzhou didn't say much anymore.However, he didn't think that this demon would be so obediently caught without a fight.

Looking up at the sky, Ye Guzhou stretched out his hands directly, and a hole was torn open in this space.With that brute force, the space wall was torn open... This force is much stronger than that of King Kong, Hercules and the like.

After seeing the hole being torn open, Ye Guzhou didn't say anything else, just got in directly.

A moment later, in the dense area of ​​Xuanyuan Villa, Ye Guzhou's body shook slightly, and slowly opened his eyes.Then, in an instant, his face became extremely pale, as if he would lie down at any time, and he would never stand up again.

Slowly withdrew his fingers from the center of Ye Cheng's eyebrows, and took a few steps back with his body shaking slightly.

"Jie Jie Jie... Kid, extradited me into your body, have you thought about the consequences? Maybe you will die a miserable death... Jie Jie Jie..."

In the silence, a sinister smile sounded.But it came from within Ye Guzhou's body, it was the voice of the inner demon.

And with this sound, Ye Cheng's body also began to tremble, as if he had some kind of epilepsy, very violently.

However, Ye Guzhou didn't care, as if everything was expected.

"Don't waste your efforts in vain, since you've already entered my body, don't even think about leaving!" Ye Guzhou sneered, and then he stretched out his palm, and the ginseng doll suddenly appeared.

"This is it possible, how could there be such a spiritual thing on this earth? Impossible..." Looking at the ginseng doll, the inner demon immediately yelled loudly.

But Ye Guzhou ignored it. The reason why this demon could sense Ye Cheng, and even had a trace of strength to control Ye Cheng's body, was all because Ye Cheng's body had been planted a little by that demon for a long time. magic.

And this ginseng doll is at least ten thousand years old.It has a very strong effect on restraining demonic nature.That's why Ye Guzhou was so happy when he got it.

Gently pinching off a root, before Ye Guzhou could serve Ye Cheng, the ginseng baby struggled immediately.It seemed that the moment just now had already made it hurt.

Ye Guzhou immediately poured a dose of real energy into the ginseng doll to appease its impatience.After that, he took the root and slowly placed it by the corner of Ye Cheng's mouth.But any such high-grade elixir can automatically melt into the mouth when it touches the mouth, and enter the body along the throat.

A moment later, Ye Cheng's body trembled, and a black mist slowly emerged from between his eyebrows.

But after the black air came out, it directly penetrated into Ye Guzhou's eyebrows.It seems to be as simple as changing residences.



As soon as the black air entered between his eyebrows, Ye Guzhou groaned.There was a trace of pain in the voice, as if he was trying his best to endure something.

"Jie Jie Jie, let me see how long you can last. Extraditing me into your body is the biggest mistake in your life. You want to seal are still too tender..." Feeling With Ye Guzhou's current physical condition, the demon suddenly burst into laughter, and at the same time, it started to play tricks in Ye Guzhou's body.From time to time, he will release a little bit of demonic nature, trying to completely demonize Ye Guzhou, and then...become one of his servants...

It's really a bold idea.

However, Ye Guzhou would not agree to such things as becoming a slave.

Although his body is very uncomfortable now, Ye Guzhou still stands so firmly, without the slightest intention of falling down.The eyes are also fully clear, as if they have not been affected in the slightest.This firm heart, even if others see it, they will all be inspired.

"You still dare to make trouble, calm down for me!" Suddenly, Ye Guzhou, who was originally quiet, shouted loudly.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Ye Guzhou's body rising slowly, and then his whole body was once again enveloped by the purple-golden light.

"Emperor's seal? are really a complete lunatic. Let me out, I don't want to die with you...I don't want to die with you, let me out...I promise, I promise After I go out, I will never go back into Ye Cheng's body, let me go out..."

The inner demon suddenly panicked. The emperor's seal he was talking about seemed to be very powerful. It was definitely not easy to make this always arrogant guy so afraid.

The corner of Ye Guzhou's mouth twitched, and he said, "Do you think you are still qualified to negotiate terms?"

After a cold snort, Ye Guzhou slowly raised his hands, and squeezed out a seemingly profound handprint.In the next second, Ye Guzhou, who had not yet arrived, uttered a word, and there was a strong coercion, which spread out in an instant.Even the house began to shake, as if it couldn't stand the oppressive pressure.

As soon as this coercion came out, it immediately enveloped the entire secret ground.Within a hundred miles, there was no one who was able to stand, and all of them bent their knees and knelt on the spot.

"This is... this is the aura of the emperor. Could it be... is it really the man with the destiny who broke through?" The old monsters in the secret land looked at the distance in surprise, and couldn't help thinking in their hearts. Be amazed.In front of this breath, they seem to be ants and courtiers, not daring to give birth to a heart of resistance at all, and can only worship silently.

And outside the forbidden area, those Mahayana and Transcending Tribulation monks were even more unbearable, their bodies trembling and kneeling on the ground, really like ants.

"This aura... This is, hahaha... It must be that the man of destiny has succeeded, he must have succeeded. The success of the secret technique training means that the benefits of our Xuanyuan Villa are about to be obtained. Hahaha ..."

These people didn't have much fear, on the contrary they were very excited.In their view, this coercion must have been released by Ye Cheng.This indicated that Ye Cheng's secret art training was successful.

In the secret place, in the room.

Ye Guzhou's body hovered in the air, and at the same time, he could hear miserable screams coming out of his body continuously, as if he was begging or cursing.

"No...don't, let me go, you lunatic...quickly let me out, hurry up...don't seal me, don't...don't, don't..."

This miserable cry was the fate of the demon that had not changed. After a while, the cry gradually faded away.And then, he saw the purple-gold light all over Ye Guzhou's body, all gathered in the center of his eyebrows.


A mournful cry sounded, and in an instant, there was a purple-gold mark on Ye Guzhou's eyebrows, like a flame.It looks gorgeous...

"You don't want to end, ah..."

And just when this mark appeared, the heart demon completely lost its voice after this cry.

The inner demon, this can be regarded as being sealed in Ye Guzhou's body.However, the black air in Ye Guzhou's eyes proved that he was injured by the seemingly simple seal just now.

(End of this chapter)

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