Chapter 384 The First Battle of the Evil Dragon 3
The Kunlun mirror in Nielong's hand has to be said to be really powerful. Even Ye Guzhou's giant devil-capturing hand can barely support it.

Under the sudden turn of the situation, Ye Guzhou chose to rely on the so-called Emperor Xingjun, Ziwei Xingchen.

However, Nielong stepped forward to stop it.With one claw, the whole piece of flesh on Ye Guzhou's back was lifted vigorously, but fortunately, with the protection of the emperor's aura, Nielong did not let Nielong destroy Ye Guzhou's back spine.

The head is purple, and the body is full of star power.The overturned flesh on Ye Guzhou's back suddenly recovered slowly, without even leaving a scar.Immediately afterwards, Ye Guzhou's body began to tremble slightly, and even his eyes slowly reflected a purple-gold light.

"Roar..." As the star power entered his body, Ye Guzhou felt very uncomfortable as if his whole body was being bitten by ants.This time, Ye Guzhou felt the pain of thousands of ants devouring their bodies.However, Ye Guzhou was not surprised at all.It is strange that nothing will happen if you accept huge power.

And after he roared, the faint purple-gold color in Ye Guzhou's eyes suddenly soared into the sky and shot out.

As soon as the purple gold came out, it was like an emperor traveling for a while, abandoning the idlers around.All the creatures within ten miles around Ye Guzhou were all pushed out.

Nielong's body couldn't help trembling, looking at this scene with an ugly expression, obviously he was also excluded.But relying on his own strength, he insisted: "It's not good, it's still a step too late!"

With the sound of the evil dragon, the magic wind on the ground and the counterfeit were directly overturned and thrown far away.As for the two dragon veins, it was a spirit that penetrated into the ground.

At this time, those cultivators on the earth who rushed over just happened to step into this range.All of a sudden, the people who just came in were forced to fly out by a powerful momentum before they understood anything.


There was no one who did not vomit blood, and all of them were holding their chests with ugly faces, and there was still a trace of blood hanging from the corner of their mouths.

" strong, it really isn't a battle we can get involved in!" Thinking of what Xie Jinpeng and his two had said before, these guys slowly came to their senses.It turned out that those two little guys didn't was me who were too arrogant!

"Immortal? Is this a battle at the level of an immortal? Even if we are all in the Mahayana realm, can't we even resist the aftermath of their battle?" Meng Xian's face was pale, and he was shocked.The strength of this immortal is too strong, right?People like myself are all existences in the realm of Mahayana.

However, if Meng Xian knew that the so-called immortals in his mouth could be crushed to death by two people who were fighting, what kind of expression would he have?
"Bastard, do you think that you can defeat this deity with the power of Ziwei Xingchen? You are still far away... Come down to this deity!" Looking at Ye Guzhou standing on top of his head, Nielong yelled in his heart .

I am a majestic creature, but a human being stands on my head?

After roaring, Nielong crossed his hands directly, and a blue flame appeared on his palm instantly.Above the flames of the blue flame, there was a black mist.

Dead breath!This black mist is obviously the breath of corpses, mortals will die if they touch it.And monks, once contaminated, will degenerate into demonic ways and become slaves.

Nielong is fighting. As the descendant of the land, Ye Guzhou has received the attention of heaven.From the original point of view, the chance of becoming a demon is almost zero, but this does not mean that there is no chance.

And the flame in his palm is the refining fire of hell!The evil flame burns all righteous things in the world.

"Get down!"

With a shout, the two flames immediately turned into two fire dragons, and quickly intertwined towards Ye Guzhou's feet, as if they wanted to tie Ye Guzhou up and drag him down.

Buzz... In the next moment, Ye Guzhou lowered his head, and his eyes immediately stared at Nielong.The bewitching purple-gold color made him look even more mysterious and dignified.

Seeing Ye Guzhou's gaze, Nielong couldn't help feeling tense for some reason.It was as if all the secrets had been seen through.

However, although his expression tightened, the movements in his hands did not stop, and the two fire dragons were about to wrap around Ye Guzhou's feet.

"Come with the sword!" Ye Guzhou said, not caring about the two fire dragons under his feet, he stretched out his right hand, as if waiting for something.

In the next moment, a streak of purple energy flowed from his body to his arm, and immediately, a long sword of purple energy appeared on Ye Guzhou's palm.Clenching five fingers, holding the hilt of the long sword, Ye Guzhou's eyes closed, and figures flashed in his mind.

He was actually learning sword moves in front of the battle, he really was extremely daring!
Nielong was overjoyed, the more casual Ye Guzhou was, the more opportunities he had.The moment Ye Guzhou closed his eyes, he pointed out again, and this point shook the earth, and the clouds rolled around.

Beep!With a soft sound, he saw a finger coming out of his hand.The strength of this refers to Qi, so that the magic wind far away on the periphery, as well as the heads of those cultivation sects, were all inspired, and their hearts suddenly felt dull.

It's just that Ye Guzhou is still immersed in learning swords in front of battle.But he didn't put his mind on this at all, and he still didn't care about it.


Finally, that one qi and two fire dragons all occupied Ye Guzhou's body.

"Successful?" Nielong was taken aback, did it succeed so easily?He doubted himself...

"No... this is the art of feeding back!" Nielong was shocked, and immediately withdrew to the ground.His majestic generation of prehistoric creatures unexpectedly had such fear at times, and... he was still a human boy who was not looked down upon by him to be so afraid.

boom!The second that Nielong withdrew, Ye Guzhou's eyes finally opened, and in an instant, there was a sound of thunder in those eyes, the sound of rolling thunder.

The corner of his mouth curled up, Ye Guzhou smiled, and quickly raised the purple sword in his hand.The finger qi and the two fire dragons that were hit on the body instantly seemed to be pulled by something, and they followed the body to the long sword.

The art of feeding back, to put it bluntly, is similar to using the other's way, and returning the other's body.

"The way of the emperor's sword, cut in one go!"

Holding the long sword high, Ye Guzhou looked stern, and there were already streaks of purple sword light gathered on the sword body.


With a drink, the long sword fell down with a bang.

The sword fell, and the thunder roared.The wind blows, the lightning flashes.With this sword, it turned out to be like the end of the world, as if the earth could be cut in half with one sword strike.The sword light left the body, and the fierce energy shot out in all directions, drawing out a range.Turn ten miles into a restricted area.

Within this restricted area, all living beings are facing the threat of death.Those flying sword glows, flying horizontally, slowly formed a gigantic super sword glow.The whole body is purple-gold, attached to it is the finger Qi that Nielong played before, and two fire dragons.

Facing a sword, if it is in outer space, or other interfaces where there is no limit to its strength, Nielong can definitely smash it into pieces with no's a pity, this is Earth!

Nielong's eyes turned, and his aura just climbed up, trying to resist the sword.But that too huge power immediately attracted a cloud of calamity, and in the cloud of calamity, an Eye of Heaven's Punishment has slowly formed.As long as Nielong dares to improve his strength again... he will be punished by heaven that day, and he will never show mercy.

The way of heaven is fair, he will only take action when you violate the rules of the way of heaven.Therefore, even if Heaven knows that the evil dragon is going to invade the human world, it will not stop it.After all... You are not strong enough and you were wiped out. This is the principle of survival of the fittest.This is not a violation of the rules of heaven.

Even a saint would not dare to violate the way of heaven, let alone this evil dragon is not a saint!Facing the threat of Heavenly Dao, he is not yet so courageous, nor does he have the strength to insist on disobeying.

"You actually limited the strength of this deity!" Nie Long was furious. Although Ye Guzhou's sword was powerful, it was still impossible to kill him.After all, the strength and realm of the two are too far apart.

However, at this time, Nielong's strength cannot be improved. Even if this sword can't kill him, but cut off his hands and feet... This is still barely possible!
In desperation, Nielong could only use the ultimate power he could use now, and transformed the same long sword outside his body.The sharpness of this long sword was completely exposed, and a gleam of light had already emerged from the dark blade.

call out!
The moment the black long sword came out, it was directly aimed at it.

For a moment, two menacing long swords slowly approached in midair!

The sword light flew across, and the fierce energy drove away all the surrounding air, revealing a vacuum!
With a light touch on the tip of the two long swords, just such a light touch, a circle of light visible to the naked eye immediately appeared.


It was as if a comet had hit the earth, and the sound of the shock was enough to spread throughout the world.



In the next moment, when the tips of the two long swords just touched, Nie Long and Ye Guzhou tapped their right hands at the same time, continuously inputting power into the long swords.

"Emperor swordsmanship, overlord!"

After one o'clock, Ye Guzhou's eyes shot out two purple-gold rays of light again.

"Hmph, little Doyle! Tushi..." Nielong snorted coldly with disdain, and two rays of light shot out from his eyes.


Time and space seem to be forbidden.No wind blows, no clouds move...

It was so quiet all around, it was eerily quiet!


Suddenly, in the silence, there was finally a sound!However, after this burst of sound, the ground flickered, the sky was dark, and the sky and the earth seemed to be turned upside down.


A circle of light spread out in an instant, shooting around, drifting away like ripples.



Two wipes of blood floated out, dyeing the sky red.

In the next second, the figures of Ye Guzhou and Nielong flew out together.

(End of this chapter)

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