Chapter 394 Uniform
Ye Guzhou's actions had already made the old monster feel a little uneasy.In order to calm down this restlessness, he decided to get rid of the person in front of him as soon as possible.

"You little bastard, have you just made it this far with a mere achievement? I will kill you today..." With a roar, the old monster's body was already at the side of the blood-colored giant, and he followed with a heavy punch. type it out.Combined with the giant's punch, the two fists hit Ye Guzhou impartially.

The tumbling air waves once caused bursts of hurricanes in the surrounding area.

Facing the mighty fist, Ye Guzhou's complexion showed a trace of excitement.He could feel that the strength of the old monster in front of him seemed to be similar to his own.If you really let go of the fight, it will definitely be a hearty battle.

Ye Guzhou's cultivation is at the early stage of immortality, while this old monster's cultivation is at the late stage of immortality, the difference in strength between the two is only one step.Therefore, in front of him, Ye Guzhou felt evenly matched.There is even an urge to fight well.

However, looking at those people outside the black room, this impulse is obviously impossible now.

"Fist against me, give me all back." Ye Guzhou straightened his face, changed his serious look, and punched domineeringly, without paying attention to the person and puppet in front of him at all.

This is not Ye Guzhou's arrogance, but that on this earth, it is impossible for anyone other than him to exert power beyond the limit of the earth, otherwise it will attract heaven's punishment.Such a price simply discouraged those people.

On the other hand, Ye Guzhou doesn't need to worry about this problem, he can use his strength at will.This is the advantage of being a land, it is simply a cheating device.

Everyone will be jealous of this kind of treatment.


Ye Guzhou's punch immediately caused a burst of anger.The surrounding air seems to be resonating, and the roaring sound can be compared with thunder.Immediately, the hearts of those who stood outside the black room tightened.

"This is... what's going on here? With this movement, it seems that the ancestors really did something. This time, the person who came to Xuanyuan Villa to make trouble will definitely not end well." Outside the black room, the man in the blood-red robe The old man looked excitedly at the black room in front of him, as if his eyes could see through the past.

But indeed, with his strength, it is not difficult to penetrate into this corrupted black room.But he didn't dare. After all, his ancestors were inside. If they were discovered, it would be no fun.

In the dark room...

The sound of the explosion was so strong that it really shocked the old monster.Although I had already expected that the person in front of me was not simple, but I really felt a kind of apprehension when I faced it.This kind of apprehension was the first time he had encountered it in hundreds of years.Ever since his cultivation broke through the Mahayana realm, he had never felt this feeling, but today...he felt it again.


The psychological quality of this old monster is still good. Although he was a little apprehensive, he still sent out that punch cruelly.

With a click, in an instant, streaks of ice formed on the old monster's fist.The sharp tip of the ice, still under a glimmer of brilliance, flashed through the streamer.

Roar... With a huge roar, even the blood-colored giant is at this moment, as if reborn, his strength has been improved a little bit, the fist with flames, combined with the old monster's ice fist, collided with great lethality. To Ye Guzhou's waist.

The distance is getting closer, closer and closer...

at last……


Fists facing each other, flesh against flesh, strong against strong.The strength of Ye Guzhou's fist, the moment it touched it, had all been injected into the bodies of the old monster and the blood-colored giant.

This force is like red blood cells. Although it cannot be seen, it is extremely lethal.With a mere number, instantly occupy the entire body.

After that bang, the blood-colored giant flew out first, rushed out of the black room, and landed firmly at the feet of those people in Xuanyuan Villa.The heavy resentment really shocked everyone in Xuanyuan Villa, and hurriedly... there was no need to call out, such a blood-colored giant was beaten by hundreds of people outside and dissipated between heaven and earth.

And that old monster spat out a mouthful of blood, and backed up again and again.That powerful realm prevented him from being knocked into the air.However, that pale face also showed that he is not feeling well now.

" can actually hurt me? Hahaha, you are such a small person, a mere low-grade guy, you can actually hurt me? Impossible, impossible, I don't believe it, I don't believe it. Ah... "

Clutching that trembling arm, the old monster seemed to have gone mad.He looked at Ye Guzhou in disbelief, as if he didn't believe that this sign of life was just a teenager, but he could actually hurt himself, an old monster who had lived for nearly a thousand years.

The next moment, he screamed suddenly, like a werewolf transformation in a movie, his eyes completely turned blood red, and the red ones could even drip blood.

"Roar..." A roar could not help coming out of his mouth, this voice was no longer someone's roar.This is completely the cry of a wild beast, and there is a beast in that sound, as if calling for something.

Ye Guzhou did not expect such a sudden change.

Seeing the old monster whose body began to change slowly, Ye Guzhou's vigilance became even more serious in an instant.I saw that the old monster's originally black hair was slowly turning white at this moment.That youthful appearance is slowly becoming old, and everything is changing with time.This is a vicissitudes that can only be shown after time and baptism, a feeling that cannot be expressed in words.

In less than a moment, an old man with white hair and wrinkled eyelids appeared in front of Ye Guzhou. How could he be as young and handsome as before?
Moreover, what makes Ye Guzhou feel shocking is not that he is getting old, but the scars on his face.That face was covered with so many scars that there was hardly a piece of good skin visible.Moreover, those eyes were also occupied by blood, and the pupils could not be seen at all.

With this appearance, it is no wonder that he has to put on a young and handsome face all day long.

"Jie Jie Jie... You are just a mere brat. I will eat you today to enhance my cultivation. Moreover, seeing your impressive strength, when I swallow you up, at least your strength will be more powerful." I can walk up a big step." The old monster opened his mouth now, and his face could hardly be seen, it was extremely terrifying.With this face, you don't need makeup at all to act in a horror movie, and maybe even the director thinks it's too scary and refuses to let him participate.

Hearing this old monster's words, Ye Guzhou couldn't help but wrinkle.He seems to have grasped a point, to eat?eat human?Does this guy still eat people?Using such evil methods to enhance one's own cultivation?
Involuntarily, Ye Guzhou felt a sense of disdain in his heart, and even had the urge to take what he had done and then hurry up.

When it comes to devouring, Ye Guzhou himself also has this method.His land power is a good way to do this, as long as it envelops those whose strength is lower than his, it will be easy to swallow them.However, if you do this, what is the difference from a demon?Ye Guzhou can't do this kind of thing...

And the old monster in front of him actually said that he wanted to eat people, which made Ye Guzhou furious.

Boom... In an instant, the divine power of the land that had not been used for a long time was released immediately.

In order to improve his cultivation before, Ye Guzhou has been fighting in close quarters, and he has never used any supernatural power in fighting against others.But today, this divine power was released automatically.

In an instant, within the range of tens of miles, everything was under his control.Within this scope, he is a god, and he is the supreme god who rules everything!
That powerful coercion, at the same time as the divine power was released, has already oppressed everyone in this range so that they can't breathe.This is not a level of battle at all, where is there any suspense?

Being suppressed by Ye Guzhou's supernatural power, the old monster immediately felt oppressed in his heart, as if it was so difficult to move his hands and feet, and it was even more difficult to take a step.

In an instant, the face of the old monster turned pale.He seemed to feel a sense of suffocation, as if someone was pinching his neck with his hands.

"Bastard, you still dare to use spells in front of me, see if I can break your little mystery!"

The old monster was furious. This feeling of being manipulated made him extremely unhappy.What's more, what made him even more angry was that the one who brought him this uncomfortable feeling was still a young brat. How could he, an old antique who had lived for nearly a thousand years, bear it?

Immediately, regardless of other things, the old monster was forced out directly.Afterwards, this mouthful of painstaking effort dripped steadily on the ground, and a wall of ice condensed in an instant.

The moment this ice wall rose, it seemed to be able to cut off the suppression of this divine power on him from a distance.In an instant, he was able to move freely.However, the movement is still a little jerky.

But this scene was enough to shock Ye Guzhou.This guy whose strength is not as good as his own, is able to move freely under the suppression of his divine power?This simply reversed his cognition... It also made Ye Guzhou understand a truth, that is, nothing is absolute... everything is possible!
However, looking at the face of this old monster, Ye Guzhou understood that this guy must have used some method of self-harm.Otherwise, his face wouldn't be so pale. The ugly face looked more like a ghost now.

"Little ghost, it's not easy for you to force me to use this life-saving trick. But, your long journey will end here...Rest in peace...Today next year will be the day of your death!"

The old monster grinned, and the gloomy look made Ye Guzhou tremble all over.It's like being targeted by a poisonous snake...

Frowning slightly, Ye Guzhou still understands the truth that it is better to strike first, and then suffer disaster.After the old monster finished speaking, he had already set off, and punched with a steady punch with a roaring sound.

"Jie Jie Jie, do you think that this seat will be hit by you again? Ice World, Ning!" The old monster laughed suddenly, and the blow to Ye Guzhou was not taken seriously at all. He made a gesture with both hands.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the ice wall splitting out quickly, freezing the entire black room in less than an instant.The whole place has become a world of ice.And that old monster disappeared instantly at this moment, as if it had melted into a corner of the ice.

Ye Guzhou's punch hit a piece of ice hard.

Looking at the ice around him and the old monster that had disappeared, Ye Guzhou couldn't help but twitch his lips.How dare you create a world of ice within your own divine power?Isn't this asking for trouble?If your strength is stronger than yourself, then forget it, the key is... your strength is not as strong as yourself!

Thinking of this, Ye Guzhou couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

And just when his smile appeared, an icicle jumped up from the ground directly, heading towards the sword spirit standing beside him.That old monster wants to kill this sword spirit first...


But to the surprise of the old monster, the ice pick had just appeared, and it stopped moving instantly.Obviously, it is already under the control of Ye Guzhou...

"Huh?" There was a sound of surprise, but at the same time as this sound, there was another ice pick.And this ice pick went towards the back of Ye Guzhou's head.

Similarly, the ice pick was naturally controlled by Ye Guzhou with divine power, so it couldn't move forward at all.

"What's going on?" The old monster hiding somewhere in the ice was shocked, and the two attacks were forced to stop!

But when he was shocked, Ye Guzhou suddenly smiled and said: "Old guy, how old are you, and you still play with ice cubes like other children, be careful of bedwetting at night."

But these words did not force the old monster out.Ye Guzhou didn't feel strange either, after all, compared with life, this face is worthless.

However, since he didn't come out by himself, it doesn't mean that Ye Guzhou won't find him out.Within the divine power, Ye Guzhou is omnipotent, isn't it easy to find someone?
Feeling it slightly, Ye Guzhou raised the corner of his mouth, then turned around and stomped hard on the ice under his feet.

Immediately, a khaki-yellow ray of light ran wildly along the ice surface, finally stopped at the corner of the wall, then turned into a long sword fiercely, and stabbed down.


With a stabbing sound, a stream of blood immediately overflowed.


With a scream, the body of the old monster slowly emerged from under the ice, with a look of decadence on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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