Chapter 398
Sure enough, just as Ye Guzhou thought, under the explanation of Jian Ling, things got darker and darker.In the eyes of these people, I have become a beast.

Under that embarrassing gaze, Ye Guzhou could only bow his head and remain silent.It's useless to explain anything at this time.The only way to protect yourself is to keep silent.

Sure enough, after Ye Guzhou didn't answer, the family immediately turned their attention to Sword Spirit.For the convenience of addressing, before entering the Zheng family compound, Ye Guzhou gave Jianling a temporary name, Shang Ling.

At this time, under the leadership of the mother, the whole family began to care about her.As if she had suffered some great grievances, Ye Guzhou was not taken seriously in this way, what kind of person did she think Ye Guzhou was?

Night gradually fell, and all the lights in the Zheng family compound were turned off.The surrounding area was quiet, and Ye Guzhou was left out tonight because he brought back a girl. In the middle of the night, no daughter-in-law came in.

"Hey, my innocence, when will I be able to return it?" In the room, looking at the bright moon outside the window, Ye Guzhou couldn't help but sigh with emotion, which was even more full of mourning.

It is really a kind of torture for Ye Guzhou to be able to guard the empty room alone during the long night.

However, it is rare to have such a quiet night where one can watch the moon and cultivate one's mind.The bright moon, looking carefully, reminded Ye Guzhou of the legend about Chang'e.

"I don't know if there is Chang'e on the moon?" Ye Guzhou murmured, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

Chang'e's beauty has been passed down from a long time ago, as a man, there is no one who does not want to see her beauty.

Ye Guzhou, who was looking at the moon, suddenly felt the moon flicker in the sky.

"Hey, could it be that my eyes are dazzled? How is it possible...the moon can also flash, and it's not a star." Ye Guzhou rubbed his eyes, looked at the motionless moon, and couldn't help but wonder.I just saw it flashing just now, it's impossible to read it wrong.If you are wrong about yourself, who else has good eyes?
Unable to help, Ye Guzhou frowned slightly.

"Could it be that something is about to happen, but what does the moon represent?" Ye Guzhou didn't know, but he suddenly became restless in his heart, as if something was about to happen.

Just when Ye Guzhou was feeling uneasy, he was in another part of Kyoto, in a suite of a five-star hotel.

At this time, the suite was already full of people.All of these people were wearing night suits on their bodies, and they all had daggers hanging from their waists.

"Today is the moment for everyone to implement the plan. Be sure to cheer me up. Although the semi-rigid head can be restrained by our people, its strength is still very strong. Remember to catch it at the same time, Don't be bitten or hit by him. Otherwise, even if the elixir to detoxify you is given at that time, it will be useless. The corpse poison on the half-zoomed body cannot be removed by ordinary elixir of."

Among the group of people, one of the men standing in the center said loudly.

"Understood, I swear to the death to complete the task!" The rest of the people shouted in unison.

Nodding his head, the leading man waved his hand, and all the people in this group jumped out of the window.This is more than 20 floors. Can a person survive by jumping like this?However, after these people jumped down, there was no sound of falling to the ground, and outside the window, their foreheads were nowhere to be seen.The window is like a door to another world, jumping off it will disappear.

As for the leader, after these people jumped down, he smiled lightly, raised the corner of his mouth, and slowly walked to the window in disdain, and jumped.However, just as he jumped up, a light suddenly flashed from his waist.It was the jade pendant reflecting the moonlight, and that jade pendant was the symbol of the Southern League of Legends.

This group of people in night clothes are the members of the Southern League of Legends.

Inside Kyoto University, it was supposed to be a quiet night, but tonight it was brightly lit and full of voices.The students seemed to have been stimulated by something, and none of them dared to sleep, and yelled there with the lights on.

When encountering such a situation, no one from the school came out to stop it, not even a person in charge.

This is very unusual for such a university.

At this time, under the student dormitory building, a figure was pacing back and forth quickly.The way he walked and clapped his hands seemed to be very anxious.From time to time, I look up into the sky, but above this sky, what else can I see except the moon?

Every time this figure looks up, the moon will flash, which feels very weird.

Moreover, the full moon, which was supposed to be pure white, slowly turned red at this time.

"Why haven't you come yet, why haven't you come yet? Time is running out. If this continues, once these guys run out, it will really be the end of the world!" The figure muttered eagerly, looking at the lights The brightly lit dormitory, and the students who were bustling there, could not help but frown.

However, just as the voice of this figure fell, people in night clothes were seen swiftly gliding across the sky, and at the same time, each of them seemed to be holding a net in their hands.

After seeing these people appear, the person standing downstairs in the student dormitory breathed a sigh of relief.

The man didn't run up until after the men in night-suits had landed.But before she could speak, someone asked, "Yuanyuan, how is the situation now?"

Yuanyuan, the person wandering around the student dormitory is Chen Yuanyuan, the girl who transferred to Ye Guzhou's class.

At this moment, Chen Yuanyuan was looking nervous, looking at the loudest shouters in the dormitory, he couldn't help saying: "I don't know who moved my Blood Moon Corpse Nursing Formation and withdrew one of my formations!" It fell. It caused the yin and yang of the entire corpse array to be reversed, and the yin qi flew around. These students have basically been infected with the corpse qi. In addition, it is the night of the full moon today. If they really let them absorb the moonlight, I am afraid that If there are too many zombies in the world, it will be a catastrophe."

Hearing what Chen Yuanyuan said, these people in night clothes didn't change at all, and they didn't seem to care about this situation at all.Then, someone asked: "Then what about the manipulative man you mentioned? How is he doing now? Can you still control him? He is the key to us this time. As long as we can control him, when the time comes Everything will be fine."

Hearing this, Chen Yuanyuan nodded, and then shook her head: "Not sure, I've been trying to contact that fat man for the past two days, but the red light in his body doesn't seem to sense my call at all. Only at a distance of one meter can he be weakly controlled. But the time is not long at all..."

Hearing Chen Yuanyuan's words, these people in night clothes immediately laughed.They don't care about the length of time, as long as they can freeze that half-frozen for a while, they can easily catch it.

Seeing the brighter and brighter moonlight, Chen Yuanyuan frowned suddenly: "No, that half-frozen one wants Xiaoyue to absorb Yin energy!"

Zombie Xiaoyue, this is a very grand ceremony.Moreover, only those zombies who have lived for more than a thousand years have the capital to be qualified to Xiaoyue.

However, there are obviously no millennium zombies in this Kyoto University right now.The only one that was half-frozen was Fatty Wei, Ye Guzhou's brother and roommate.

Ever since Chen Yuanyuan injected that ray of red light into his body, under the 'cultivation' of the Blood Moon Corpse Nurturing Formation, he has already become a semi-rigid one.

And when it comes to why Kyoto University has become like this tonight, it is all due to Ye Guzhou.

After discovering the Blood Moon Raising Corpse Formation last time, he anxiously took away a spiritual weapon that was used as a base.Originally, it was planned to take away all those spiritual artifacts at night, but then by accident, it was delayed by other things.As a result, the entire Blood Moon Corpse Nurturing Formation began to mutate, and the aura of corpses flew everywhere.

Slowly, the entire dormitory area of ​​Kyoto University was shrouded in corpse aura.Gradually, some weak institutions were infected!
(End of this chapter)

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