Chapter 431 Acting?

Dragon, the totem of China.Chinese people have always regarded themselves as descendants of the dragon, which symbolizes nobility, prosperity and arrogance.

But at this moment, above the sky, there are two giant dragons hovering, looking at each other.It seems that they are all looking at each other, waiting for their master's order.



However, although there was no substantive action, the pair still roared.

The earth-shattering dragon chant made all the monks hiding in the dormitory start to tremble.That burst of dragon power directly suppressed them to the point where they couldn't move.

"This... this is, dragon!" He said tremblingly, and the group of people were already dumbfounded.The dragon is a noble divine beast, how could it be seen by people like them, let alone a dragon, it is difficult to see even a giant python spirit monster.

Seeing two giant dragons suddenly at this time, the hearts of these people were already beating violently.

And when they were shocked, above the sky, the face of that middle-aged man was already gloomy and terrifying.Looking at the dragon vein summoned by Ye Guzhou, he even felt a little pressure.As if his own dragon was no match for this dragon vein.All of a sudden, the middle-aged man's body trembled, and he made a bold move.

However, his target was not Ye Guzhou, but the dragon vein.Stretching out his right hand, he grabbed it fiercely in the air.

This grab had an overwhelming aura, a giant hand was formed in front of the dragon vein in an instant, it passed through the space impressively, it was considered a sneak attack.The big hand didn't seem to have the slightest strength to carry it, but with such a simple grasp, the dragon vein summoned by Ye Guzhou suddenly raised its head and screamed.

This dragon roar was full of fear.This seemingly ordinary palm actually made even such a dragon vein start to fear.

"You bastard, you are not afraid of degrading your identity, and you even made a sneak attack!" Ye Guzhou was furious at the middle-aged man's actions.

In the next moment, Ye Guzhou's right foot suddenly stepped on the ground.A ray of light shot out immediately, approaching the big hand of the middle-aged man, like an electric drill, with a bit of strength.

"The scorpion shakes the tree!" The middle-aged man snorted coldly, seeing the light from Ye Guzhou, he turned around suddenly, and the big hand simply grabbed Ye Guzhou.

boom!All of a sudden, the slap that was just plain just now, after this U-turn, unexpectedly exploded with infinite potential.As if Mount Tai was pressing down on the top, the top of Ye Guzhou's head was covered.


After all, the palm and the light still couldn't avoid the collision. The loud noise and the light generated by the collision directly illuminated the dark sky, like a feeling of a thunderbolt from the clear sky.

beep, beep...

Right after the explosion, Ye Guzhou couldn't help taking a few steps back, and his face turned slightly pale.On the other hand, the middle-aged man above the sky still hasn't changed, he is still so arrogant, looking at Ye Guzhou with disdain!
"Hmph, do you have such a little strength? You can't even take a palm from the deity, and you dare to make gestures with the deity. It's really reckless. If it wasn't for you... the deity would have killed you long ago!" The middle-aged man He looked at Ye Guzhou disdainfully, but he only spoke half a sentence, as if he was deliberately hiding something.And what he concealed seemed to be about Ye Guzhou's identity.

Shame... This death is a great shame!He couldn't even take a slap from others, and was despised by others in the end.This kind of treatment immediately made the anger in Ye Guzhou's heart start to burn.

"This guy... has the guts to disobey the will of the previous leader, and he didn't even ascend to the ascension. If he is not punished properly, then there will be no face in my fairy world." The man who slaughtered his life in the dormitory.

Being so stared at, the man with the fate of slaughter only felt his whole body tense up, and he couldn't even move.Immediately afterwards, the body slowly rose into the air and floated outward.Seeing that he was about to leave the smoke balcony.

"Ah... no, I don't want to die... I don't want to die!" After being caught in this way, the man who slaughtered his fate suddenly yelled.He could feel that the guy who captured him was full of endless anger. If he caught it in his hands, he would definitely be dead.

"No... save me, save me..." The fear in his heart made him lose his size. His strength comparable to that of a fairy in the early stage is useless at this time, and he can only be like a shrimp. Manipulated.

That heart-piercing cry made everyone worry, and wanted to stop it, but they didn't have the courage!
"Are you going to die here like this?" The man who slaughtered his fate was very unwilling, why... he had to face such a thing after finally improving his strength.If I knew this earlier, I might as well not improve my strength before!At least, you can still live well...

However, since Ye Guzhou said to keep him, he would never die with empty words.The moment he flew out of the balcony, Ye Guzhou's eyes turned blood red.The dark eyeballs seemed to be stabbed and bleeding.

"Put him down!" Ye Guzhou's voice was no longer so humane.On the contrary, the voice sounded like an iceberg in winter, making one's whole body tense involuntarily.Even the middle-aged man in midair couldn't help but tremble...

With a tremor in his heart and a frown, the middle-aged man had a bad premonition: "What's going on, why do you feel so depressed all of a sudden! Impossible, this guy with his current strength wants to defeat me. It's completely unreal!"

Looking at Ye Guzhou with his head down, the corner of the middle-aged man's mouth curled up, he ignored his words, and slowly brought the man who slaughtered his fate towards him.

"I said... put him down!"

It was another cold sentence, this time finally made the middle-aged man stop, seeing Ye Guzhou standing there with his head down, his brows were involuntarily frowned.

"You trash, you still dare to order me. Do you think you are still that superior existence? You remember, you are just a pawn now, just a pawn!" The middle-aged man was angry, three times He was frightened by the words of Ye Guzhou, the defeated general, twice, which made him feel very shameless.

Who is he?He is a member of the Heavenly Dragon Clan in the Upper Realm.Only others have ever been afraid of him, and it has not been his turn to be afraid of him.But today, on this small mortal plane, he was actually frightened twice in a row.

Anger... that full of anger has reached the verge of eruption!
Hehehe... Ye Guzhou's fists were slowly clenched, and the joints made non-stop sounds.

"A chess piece? Hehehe, a chess piece? Today, I will let you see a chess did you beat a noble existence like you to death!" Ye Guzhou smiled sinisterly, and this smile made the middle-aged man even more The man's heart trembled.At this moment, deep in his heart, he didn't have the confidence he had before. Looking at Ye Guzhou who was slowly raising his head, he felt that he had no bottom for the first time.

Looking up, Ye Guzhou's coquettish big blood-red eyes made the middle-aged man in midair take a few steps back.Looking at Ye Guzhou's appearance, this man actually felt a little afraid, just like an ordinary person is afraid when he sees a ghost.

"Blood-red eyes?, he...he's still alive? It's impossible, it's impossible..." Raising his right hand tremblingly, the middle-aged man looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief, and said Repeating the last sentence over and over again...

The trembling appearance looked like he had epilepsy.

Finally, after a while, the middle-aged man laughed loudly: "Hahaha, are you trying to lie to me? It's useless, I've already seen through your plan, that guy is clearly dead. How could he be alive? , do you think you can fool me if you have a pair of blood-red eyes like his?'s all fake, you can't fool me...die, die, all of you !"

Standing insanely high above the sky, this middle-aged man seemed to be having a psychotic attack, and he screamed wildly there.But amidst the screams, the man's eyes blinked at Ye Guzhou strangely.This time, the scene suddenly became a bit dramatic... It gave people the feeling... It felt like they were acting.

But in the real fight before, even Ye Guzhou was injured by the fighter, how could this be acting?


Suddenly, the middle-aged man really punched Ye Guzhou hard.When this punch came down, it was like a falling comet. The ferocious momentum and oppression directly made Ye Guzhou's chest tight, and he even found it difficult to breathe!
"Bastard, you dare to kill me. I will kill you today!"

Angry, Ye Guzhou was very angry in his heart.Looking up at the tall middle-aged man, his body slowly rose up, but under his feet, the piece of land rose directly from the ground, making Ye Guzhou stand on the ground all the time.

"Damn it, kill me!" Looking at the volleying fist, Ye Guzhou opened his mouth wide and shouted, and then suddenly pointed out with his right hand, "Designate the universe!"

This point is like being able to pierce the sky and go straight to the depths of chaos.That huge coercion is not lost in the slightest to a punch on the top of the head.

With a punch and a finger, the two slowly approached again!The oppressive atmosphere distorted the space in mid-air. Some unfortunate birds, who hadn't flown by here, were affected and strangled directly by the space distortion.This is also a disaster.

However, the problem now is not these birds, but people!
This space distortion is getting bigger and bigger and more serious, and gradually it has the meaning of extending to the ground.When the time comes, won't the whole school be destroyed by this distorted space?

Seeing the distorted space getting bigger and bigger, Ye Guzhou and the middle-aged man ignored it, as if they were sure that it would not spread out.

And the truth, too.Just when this distorted space was about to spread to the sky above the Kyoto school, the finger and the punch finally met in this seemingly right way.


It sounded like thunder, and it stopped the distorted space in an instant.

However, this collision is so powerful.At the moment when one finger and one punch came into contact, the two rebounding forces were directly forced back into the bodies of Ye Guzhou and the middle-aged man.In an instant, internal injuries were formed!
puff puff...

There were two sounds of spurting blood, and the two retreated one after another.That terrifying counterattack force made Ye Guzhou's face pale and terrifying, and the corners of his mouth were still bleeding!

However, at this moment, he laughed.Because in front of his eyes, the illusory shadow of that middle-aged man had disappeared.One finger of his own had already knocked him apart.

This is thanks to Ye Guzhou standing on the ground, invincible, and at the same time... this middle-aged man came out, just a phantom of him, otherwise it would not be so easy.

Looking at the golden dragon that was already at the side, Ye Guzhou immediately winked at his mud dragon.

The mud dragon immediately understood, and when the golden dragon was still in shock, it directly stepped forward and entangled it.Then he opened the dragon's mouth and was about to swallow it in one gulp.


Jinlong belongs to the Tianlong family, so he is naturally extremely proud, how could he be willing to become someone else's wedding dress and be swallowed up by others?

With a roar, the golden dragon's body trembled violently, and in an instant, a layer of golden body shield appeared on all the scales of its body.As soon as the body shield appeared, after the mud dragon bit it off, it bounced off reflexively.

It was like being shocked by electricity!
"Crazy!" Seeing this scene, Ye Guzhou clutched his chest and let out a soft snort, then pointed out.The golden dragon suddenly howled...

Alas... how could the mud dragon miss the opportunity, took advantage of the opportunity, and directly devoured a golden dragon of the same size as it in one gulp!
It wasn't until a moment later that the mud dragon slowly drilled back into the ground.Ye Guzhou's body also slowly fell to the ground.

At the same time, in Nielong's small courtyard, Nielong, who was meditating with his eyes closed, suddenly turned his mouth up, as if he had encountered some great event that made him happy.

"Hehe, doesn't it fit? This is very good... very good..."

This sentence is very good, he said it no less than seven or eight times over and over again...

At the same time, in a mysterious room in the fairy world, a man suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood from his meditation.If Ye Guzhou was here, he would definitely know that this guy is the true self of the middle-aged man he fought against.

At this moment, the middle-aged man wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and murmured dissatisfiedly: "You bastard... you actually dare to be serious with me... see how I deal with you next time!"

Although this sentence is literally angry, but the tone and voice, there is no trace of anger at all, but it seems to have a little relaxed meaning.

Well, it's like the relief after a play!
"You bastard, there is only so much I can help you with. I hope I can hide it from those people this time!" The middle-aged man sighed softly, and then closed his eyes again.

(End of this chapter)

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