Chapter 435 Pushing to Ouyang Xiaoxiao
Looking at the sword spirit sitting cross-legged on his bed, Ye Guzhou jerked, and that little heart still beat.Is this exciting?
I have to say that this sword spirit is indeed beautiful.That is not the purity and holiness of fireworks in the world. In this world, no woman can compare with it.That refined temperament, just a look, can fascinate people.Even the fragrance from her body can confuse the world.

This is Sword Spirit, a 'woman' who can confuse all beings.

Even Ye Guzhou was almost fascinated by him inadvertently.It can be seen that the beauty of this sword spirit is really extraordinary.You know, the current Ye Guzhou has a certain immunity to female sex. After all, all the women around him are at the level of disastrous to the country and the people, but even so, he was still tricked.

Touching his nose, he concealed the hotness in his heart.Afterwards, Ye Guzhou coughed softly.This sound also awakened the sword spirit from sitting cross-legged.

Seeing Ye Guzhou standing in front of him, Jian Ling immediately stood up.Fortunately, Ye Guzhou's bed is not the kind of old bed with a top, otherwise it would definitely hit his head.But when he stood up like this, he happened to be face to face with Ye Guzhou, and the distance between their mouths was less than five centimeters.

Immediately, Ye Guzhou, who was a veteran of Hua Cong, blushed for a while.Even Ye Guzhou couldn't hold back the trembling aura coming from the sword spirit.

"Damn, what's the matter. I actually became sexually interested in a spirit body? Fuck, beast, am I really inferior to a beast? Impossible, I have so many wives, all of them are beautiful , I have no reason to be such a beast!"

Feeling the change of the second master, Ye Guzhou immediately began to curse himself in his heart.After all, he is a decent man, and it's a bit perverted to have such a mentality.

The so-called spirit body is the same existence as the lonely soul.Thinking of what to do with this thing... Ye Guzhou's back was in a cold sweat, and his lips trembled.

Regarding matters between men and women, Sword Spirit is completely like an idiot.Seeing Ye Guzhou's slightly bent waist, a pair of beautiful eyes suddenly showed doubts.But the most important point was that she took a step forward, and even helped Ye Guzhou's waist with her hand.

In the eyes of the pure sword spirit, if Ye Guzhou bends over, it means his stomach is uncomfortable.She wanted to help him wholeheartedly, so she stepped forward to support him, and immediately hugged Ye Guzhou in her arms.Fragrances poured into Ye Guzhou's nose continuously, just like drinking a bottle of medicine. The flames that had already gone down rushed into Ye Guzhou's heart with a flicker.

The whole person only felt a tremor, and his face was flushed red.And Ye Guzhou's waist can no longer stand up. If he stands up, wouldn't he really become a column of parallel energy that surpasses the world!

Seeing Ye Guzhou's flushed face, Jian Ling immediately became worried, and quickly rushed him into his arms, his face full of worry: "How are you, why is your face so red, why is your forehead so red? It's so hot... Where are you hurt, what's wrong with you..."

Holding Ye Guzhou in his arms, Sword Spirit was worried.But as the so-called caring makes chaos, just hugging Ye Guzhou like that, completely sinking Ye Guzhou's head into the sword spirit's pair... ahem, that huge pair of what.

That soft feeling immediately made Ye Guzhou unable to hold back the whole body, the evil fire in his heart had already risen vigorously.At this time, Ye Guzhou started to struggle in his heart, should he go?If you go up, you're too inhuman; if you don't, you're not a man.

This is really a difficult question.

However, it took only a short while for Ye Guzhou to understand a vocabulary.

cleasing milk!
This is the fucking facial cleanser, the cool facial cleanser that men really use!

"How are you, are you okay..." Holding Ye Guzhou, Jian Ling was very worried, and even shook Ye Guzhou's body from time to time.This shaking, what, ahem... that's a treat!

Ye Guzhou, who couldn't hold it at all, stood up immediately.That column of parallel aura of peerless demeanor immediately fell into the eyes of the sword spirit.The sword spirit who had been staying in the dark room of Xuanyuan Villa didn't understand what was going on.Seeing the thing facing his face, he touched it with his hands curiously.


This moment suddenly made Ye Guzhou howl in his heart.Looking at the sword spirit, on top of the question of whether to be superior or not, in the end rationality defeated Xingqu, turned around and left the room.Leaving a sentence saying that I will be back later, I kicked the next room away with a bang.

He clearly remembered that this room should be his own woman!

If the anger in this body is not dealt with, Ye Guzhou is afraid that something good or bad will come out.The feeling of being burned with lust is not good.

But what Ye Guzhou didn't expect was that when the door was kicked open, there happened to be two girls, Ouyang Xiaoxiao and Meng Dada, chatting there.It turned out that the two of them felt tired outside, so they went into the room to take a rest.

Looking at these two girls, the fire in Ye Guzhou's heart was finally released.Ouyang Xiaoxiao was originally her own woman, and now it's nothing to do in advance... As for this Meng Dada, anyway, this girl has peeked at what she is doing more than once, so it's nothing to let her watch it up close what.

Since this is the case, can Ye Guzhou wait?

Suddenly, Ye Guzhou, who was still very reserved on weekdays, suddenly turned into a wolf and rushed towards Ouyang Xiaoxiao.

This action, like a hungry tiger rushing for food, didn't give Ouyang Xiaoxiao a chance to breathe at all, and she threw it on the bed directly.Meng Dada, who was watching such a ferocious scene, trembled in his heart, and a wave of excitement slowly grew.

"You...what are you going to do? It's broad daylight, don't...don't..."

Lying on the bed, Ouyang Xiaoxiao looked at Ye Guzhou nervously and excitedly, and couldn't help screaming.

But, this woman's cry has always only brought fun to men, and it has no effect of dispelling it at all.

For a moment, the world was shaken in this room, and the momentum was huge.

Wave after wave of sluggish sounds gradually spread until the entire Zheng family compound was covered.

The people who were discussing the matter of dating in the front yard couldn't help but change their faces when they heard this sluggish sound, and a bright red suddenly came to their faces.Especially the girls of Ye Guzhou lowered their heads in embarrassment...

Hearing this voice, Ye Guzhou's cheap father, Zheng Batian, couldn't help coughing lightly: "Ahem, this stinky boy, he has such a nature in broad daylight, I don't know how to be quieter, really..."

And mom, it's better.She originally wanted to hug her grandson more. Since her son worked so hard, how could she be unhappy?However, it was indeed a bad influence in broad daylight, so I said perfunctorily: "It's all caused by you, the old man..."

This sentence made Zheng Batian die wrongly.Looking at his daughter-in-law with a bitter face, that look of daring to be angry but not speaking, is a good-looking one.

"It's none of my business, I've been wronged..." There was a groan in his heart, but Zheng Batian didn't dare to say it out of his mouth.

As for Mr. Zheng and Mr. Ye, they thought a little more.The two actually said at the same time: "Look who is not here..."

This sentence is already very clear, let's see which girl is fooling around with Ye Guzhou!
Hearing this, my mother Zhang Xueyan immediately began to look in the front yard, and then said: "This... this brat, Si Xiaoxiao and Da Da are not here... Also, Linger is not here Here. However, since Ling'er came to our house, that brat has hidden her, saying that she has something important to do and can't disturb her."

Hearing this, Zheng Batian yelled suddenly: "This stinky boy is really outrageous. This is a man fighting three women, can his body bear it..."

Saying such a tough sentence immediately attracted everyone's attention.However, Yu'er and the others bowed their heads in embarrassment.

Seeing this, my mother once again showed her strong woman side, and slapped Zheng Batian on the head: "What nonsense are you talking... Are you going to sleep in the guest room tonight?"

Sleeping in a guest room?This is Zheng Batian's weakness, hit it with one hit!With an apologetic laugh at everyone, he never spoke again.

Hearing that sluggish voice, Mr. Zheng couldn't help but sigh: "This brat is too impulsive in doing things, my daughter-in-law, after a while... After what's over, you stew some supplements for him and send them over. There are those women, too... also stew a little bit!"

After finishing speaking with a blushing old face, Mr. Zheng slowly stood up from his seat, sighed and said: "Hey, the world is getting worse. This era is no longer suitable for an old man like me... I still Go out for a walk first, listen to the play..."

Saying that, he left the compound with a shaky shake, leaving behind a group of dumbfounded people!
Seeing the back of Mr. Zheng leaving, the rest of the people found excuses one after another and left the compound.

Until the end, in the entire compound, there were only a few people who worked hard there.

However, the waves of sluggish voices lingered in the sky above the Zheng family courtyard.

This also led to the fact that when Mr. Zheng was out for a walk, he would always see people pointing fingers at him, and some even boldly stepped forward and asked him directly.

"Old Zheng, what happened to your family? Is this a ring fight?"

Big arena, this is what the older generation means.

Hearing this, what else can Mr. Zheng say?That is really speechless... I have already made up my mind, and I must teach this brat Ye Guzhou a good lesson.

In the blink of an eye, the sky had already darkened, and the dots of stars had already come out, but the endless... still hovering over the courtyard.This combat power has already exploded!Envious of the other young people in the big courtyard...

(End of this chapter)

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