Chapter 452 Innate Astral Qi
Li Fang's boldness is famous in Mingzhu City.Basically, it belongs to a person who does things without thinking about them, who only wants to be straightforward at the time and does not consider the consequences.Because no matter what happens, he understands...he has a very tall dad who will always help him lose his ass.

And Li Qianlong's family's repeated connivance also caused Li Fang to become more and more lawless.However, in only 20 years, he has already learned to eat, drink, whoring, gambling, and drugs, and learn almost anything that is not good.Even at the age of 14, he became obsessed with female sex, and every day there would be a woman in the room to warm his bed.

Mature women up to forty years old, and young girls down to eleven or twelve years old, are simply beasts.

As for what Ye Guzhou said about having blood on his hands, this is true.This was when he was an adult, and because he went crazy after drinking, he directly killed three or four people... However, he was not afraid or remorseful afterward.Because...he has a good father!

It can be said that half of Li Fang's achievements today are caused by Li Qianlong's connivance.

But at this moment, Li Fang became angry when he heard Ye Guzhou say that he wanted to reveal his affairs.Once this murder is revealed, if the people above investigate it, it will definitely be a big trouble.At that time, maybe even my father can't protect me.Li Fang still knew this, so... after hearing Ye Guzhou's words, he didn't care why his father was so respectful to him, so he took out a pistol and pointed the gun at Ye Guzhou. Shoot immediately.

The sudden appearance of a pistol caused the entire hall to panic.After everyone screamed, they started to run around.

There was a gunshot, and the bullet directly hit the chandelier on the ceiling.

With a snap, the entire chandelier fell to the ground and shattered.

"If anyone of you dares to leave here, I'll kill his whole family at night!" Looking at this group of people, Li Fang started talking nonsense.Li Fang understood that these people had already heard what Ye Guzhou said just now, so if it leaked out, things would be troublesome... In order to solve this trouble, Li Fang decided to deal with it now.

Of course, it was impossible for him to kill so many people.But as the most well-known dandy in Mingzhu City, threatening them with guns in front of them, these people would never dare to talk nonsense outside.After is still the most important thing.

Hearing Li Fang's threat, everyone squatted down immediately.Even including Yu Jian, they all crouched down.

It's true that Yu Jian is an innate mid-stage warrior, but warriors have their own rules, and in front of ordinary people, it is absolutely impossible to show a little bit of kung fu.Otherwise, someone will come to clean you up at that time.Moreover, at such a short distance, with so many people, Yu Jian was really not sure that he would not be accidentally injured by bullets.

After all, although Xiantian Gangqi can block bullets, there are accidents in everything.

Seeing the pistol in Li Fang's hand, Ye Guzhou frowned slightly.Threats... Except for the group of Nielong, no one dared to threaten him like this.This suddenly made Ye Guzhou's heart tremble, as if he had returned to his high school days. At that time... almost every few days, he would be threatened by someone.

That embarrassing situation can be said to be the shadow of Ye Guzhou's life.But at this time, Li Fang released Ye Guzhou's shadow... and staged it again!
The black gun was pointed at Ye Guzhou, and Zhou Lan'er, who was in his arms, trembled all over.Obviously frightened, Zhou Lan'er's strength...but not strong enough to resist bullets at such a short distance!
Feeling the trembling of the beauty in his arms, Ye Guzhou's anger became even stronger.

"You are looking for death today, and I will help you!" Looking at Li Fang coldly, there was no trace of emotion in Ye Guzhou's words.That icy voice sounded like drinking a glass of ice water in winter, making you tremble all over!

Li Fang trembled all over, and then his face was furious: "Damn, brat, you are awesome? You are good at hitting, aren't you? You fucking try to hit me now... I will bang with one shot... about you!"

Seeing his son's crazy appearance, Li Qianlong suddenly panicked: "Xiao Fang, you are crazy... Put down the gun quickly, I beg you, dad! Do you know who he is? Do you want to kill us? family?"

Li Qianlong's face turned pale, he was afraid that if his son was impulsive and really shot, it would be troublesome!At this time, something happened to Ye Guzhou in Mingzhu City, and it was caused by his son, so there is no need for the Li family to exist!

After this identity was revealed by Li Qianlong, the whole hall could hear a needle drop in silence.

"Jing... Prince Jingdu?" Tang Xueyao and the others trembled all over, and fell to the ground limply, with a stream of yellow water flowing from the lower body again... They were really frightened.

Thinking of how she dared to treat the eldest prince of Kyoto like this just now, Tang Xueyao was already terrified.I'm really scared to pee... A mere Tang family, in front of the Zheng family, put it a bit harshly, that is, he is not a fart, and he is not worthy of carrying shoes.

If the Zheng family wanted to mess with the Tang family, it would be a matter of minutes.

"It's over... It's really over, this time it's a big disaster!" Looking at Ye Guzhou who was standing calmly, Tang Xueyao and the other girls were already beginning to regret it.Why didn't you just flatter me just now, and why did you even add insult to injury?It's all right now, let's get into trouble, this time when I go home, I will definitely be beaten to death!

Thinking of the torture at home, and abandoning themselves in order to keep the family, these girls burst into tears of disappointment.

At this time, they can only pray to God and worship Buddha.

On the other side, Yu Jian, who heard Li Qianlong's words, couldn't help but start to look at Ye Guzhou carefully.

"The eldest grandson of the Zheng family? The Zheng family... isn't that the one who controls the dragon group? But... rumors say that the eldest grandson of the Zheng family is a peerless master. I don't know if it's true or not!"

This Yu Jian still knows quite a lot.Hearing about a Zheng family, one can know about the Dragon Group. It can be seen that... the faction he belongs to is definitely not simple.Because... the fact that the Zheng family controls the dragon group is top secret.A group of people don't know it at all, only those who are really big families, or those who are in the martial arts understand.

Looking at Ye Guzhou, Yu Jian's eyes couldn't help but a gleam of light appeared.

"Hmph, one of the tasks assigned by the superior is to put pressure on the dragon team and hand them over the secret orders. It's really time for Ye Guzhou to come here... as long as he is caught, he will be used at that time." If he comes to exchange secret orders, the chance of success will be even greater!" Yu Jian couldn't help but think that this guy actually found out that there is a secret order in the Dragon Group. !
Thinking in his heart, Yu Jian took out his mobile phone and quietly sent someone a text message.Then, with a look of fear on his face, he continued to squat on the ground.

Holding the gun, Li Fang looked at his father, and his expression changed.Obviously, he didn't expect Ye Guzhou to have such a big background. If he was really killed, it would really be a lot of trouble.However, if he didn't kill him today, would he let himself go with what he did today and the fact that he killed himself?

With a sudden wave of his heart, Li Fang didn't care about it, and walked directly in front of Ye Guzhou, aiming his gun at Ye Guzhou's eyebrows.

"Xiao Fang, are you crazy? What are you doing... Hurry up and put down the gun!" Li Qianlong yelled nervously.

But what he yelled got Li Fang's fierce reaction: "Enough, you old bastard, haven't you found out yet? I treated him like this today, even if I let him go, he will let him go." Have you passed us? And...he knows that I have blood on my hands, do you think...he will let me go?"

Li Fang was very excited, and when he spoke, his saliva splashed everywhere.

Hearing his son's words, Li Qianlong was also taken aback.That's right, what my son said is right, after today's incident, the prince will definitely not let the Li family go, and he has also caught Xiao Fang's handle. If he really doesn't plan to let us go... then really It's dead!

Rather than dying by himself, it would be better... the eldest prince die!
In an instant, Li Qianlong's expression changed, and his whole body became a little bit stronger.And... the moment he turned his head, Ye Guzhou clearly saw a little bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

Bloodthirsty eyes?This guy is not a good bird... I never thought that he would come to Mingzhu City and help him catch a big fish!

Ye Guzhou couldn't help sighing in his heart, originally he thought it would be good to just take his wife back, but now there are so many things.

Snatching the pistol from Li Fang's hand, Li Qianlong looked at Ye Guzhou firmly: "Prince, don't blame me... It's because you know too much, and you did it better than us, and we didn't want to, you Down below...don't speak ill of us in front of Hades..."

Seeing Li Qianlong's appearance, Ye Guzhou actually had the urge to laugh.

Can you stop being so stupid, I was held at the gun by you, and you said you wanted to kill me, but in the end, I asked for it!

"How long do you think you can hide this matter after you killed me? How long can these people keep their mouths shut? You all know the handling capacity of the capital... It doesn't take long if you really want to investigate a case! "Ye Guzhou said helplessly.

"Don't talk nonsense, kill you today, tomorrow I will tell my dad to start running away with money, it's better than waiting to die here!" Li Fang shouted, seeing his hands trembling, he didn't dare to shoot The old man snatched it directly, then pointed at Ye Guzhou's head, and pulled the trigger suddenly, with a click, the trigger was pulled completely.


In an instant, Zhou Lan'er was so frightened that she hugged Ye Guzhou tightly, as if she was afraid that a gunshot would really happen, she used her body to block Ye Guzhou's body... This is to use her body to give Ye Guzhou Ye Guzhou blocked the bullet!
Looking at Zhou Lan'er who was already trembling all over, Ye Guzhou's heart warmed up.To have a woman who is willing to protect you with her life, what more do you want?This is still a woman, even a weak woman is willing to protect you with her life, so I don't need to express the touch of it.

Li Fang's trigger was pulled, but after two clicks, there was no movement at all. Where did the bullet come out?
Out of ammo?
Seeing Li Fang's shocked look, Ye Guzhou couldn't help but smile.As early as the moment Li Fang took out the pistol, he had secretly taken all the bullets from the pistol, and he was putting it in his pocket now.

"You guys are so bold, openly thinking about murdering a senior agent of the country... This is a capital crime!"

Just when Li Fang and Li Qianlong were shocked, Ye Guzhou had already arrived in front of them, and the sentence of capital punishment immediately frightened the two of them.

"Capital crime? Who the hell are you bluffing..." Li Fang discarded the pistol casually, as if nothing had happened, and started yelling at Ye Guzhou arrogantly.

However, before he could finish his sentence, Ye Guzhou's right hand suddenly slapped him.

A slap, a heavy slap.Li Fang was shot directly into the air, and then...he fell heavily to the ground. Li Fang vomited blood as soon as he opened his mouth.

This time, Ye Guzhou's strength was very heavy.This bastard dared to kill himself with a gun, and he didn't kill him all at once, which was already a shame.However, Ye Guzhou would not let him go so easily. After this slap, Ye Guzhou injected a dark energy. After noon tomorrow, this scumbag will be in danger!
After the slap, Ye Guzhou casually took out a small red notebook.This book was exactly made by Zheng Batian for Ye Guzhou to make it easier for him to walk in the future.Although there is suspicion of using private rights, who will take care of it?Which son of a big family doesn't hold a position in an important organization?These are all unspoken rules, everyone is turning a blind eye...

And Ye Guzhou's notebook is the certificate of a senior agent of the Dragon Group.Cadres below the departmental level are executed on the spot, and they will report and explain afterwards.

As a senior official of Mingzhu City, he still knows quite a lot.For example... the small notebook in Ye Guzhou's hand.

The moment he saw this little book, Li Qianlong sat on the ground weakly, looked at Ye Guzhou standing in front of him, sighed involuntarily, and shook his head...

"You deserve it, deserve it..."

With such a sentence in his mouth, Li Qianlong no longer had the strength to stand up... he didn't even have the thought to run away in the end!As for Li Fang, this scumbag, now that Ye Guzhou slapped him, he can't get up anymore!

On the contrary, Li Qianlong's secretary came here to surrender at the first time, but... this kind of person, most of them are in the same boat as Li Qianlong...

After the incident, when everyone dispersed and Li Qianlong and the others were taken away, it was almost nine o'clock...

Seeing that it was getting late, Ye Guzhou didn't intend to eat anymore, and smiled mysteriously at Yu Jian, and Ye Guzhou took Zhou Lan'er and left the Pearl Hotel.

Ye Guzhou had a premonition that as soon as he left the hotel, Yu Jian would definitely follow him, and...he would definitely call a large group of people!
As soon as he got out of the Pearl Hotel, Ye Guzhou said to Bai Chi and Chen Nuo, "You guys help to send Lan'er home. Fatty and I still have something to do. We'll go back after we're done!"

Seeing Ye Guzhou's expression, Bai Chi and the others didn't ask any questions, and directly took Lan'er into the car and went straight to the villa.

Seeing Lan'er's car driving away, Ye Guzhou smiled slightly, and said to Fatty Wei, "The fun has begun!"

Fatty Wei nodded, but did not speak. Instead, he followed Ye Guzhou into another car and headed straight for the suburbs.

In the middle of the night, driving towards the suburbs, there is probably something wrong with it.

Behind Ye Guzhou's car, there are seven or eight cars closely following him. These cars are obviously following Ye Guzhou.

Seeing Ye Guzhou's car heading towards the suburbs, the leading driver couldn't help but said: "It seems that this guy has discovered us... However, since he has discovered us, he still dares to go towards the suburbs, he is quite brave. Courage is commendable!"

The corners of the mouths of the people sitting on the back seat couldn't help grimacing, with a bit of contempt: "Don't underestimate him...they are masters...hahaha..."

This ridicule is clearly looking down on Ye Guzhou.He had never seen Ye Guzhou do anything, so how could he convince them just by hearing those rumors?

In one of these seven or eight cars, Yu Jian was looking forward with a sinking look.

"Ye Guzhou? Hehe, it's interesting... The legendary master, hmph, I want to see how good you are!"

Ye Guzhou's driving skills are good. Even though it is night, he still drives as fast as during the day. In less than a while, he is almost in the suburbs.Looking at the peaks drifting towards the back one after another, Fatty Wei has already started looking through the window for a suitable place to park.

"Don't look for it, those guys behind will let us get out of the car smoothly!" Ye Guzhou smiled slightly. As soon as he finished speaking, the cars behind picked up speed one by one, entangled them like mad dogs, and at the same time They took out a pistol and aimed at Ye Guzhou's car window together!


In an instant, Ye Guzhou's car was surrounded!

(End of this chapter)

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