Chapter 464 Blindness
Sky Eye, powerful.It is rumored that if one cultivates the Heavenly Eye to the extreme, one can break through the shackles of the Heavenly Dao, and even become part of the Heavenly Dao.From then on, the way of heaven is you, and you are the way of heaven.Even compared to Hongjun, he has a little more freedom.

But this is just a legend after all, and...there are so many ways to break through the shackles of the heavens in the legends, but no one has succeeded so far.

But now, Ye Guzhou's heavenly eyes can disperse the cloud of thunder and punishment at a glance, which seems to prove that this legend is still somewhat credible.At least... able to disperse the Thunder Punishment who is also the representative of Heavenly Dao!

That huge thunderbolt, under Ye Guzhou's sky eyes, finally began to dissipate slowly, and finally completely disappeared in the sky.Everything, as if it were a dream, looked very strange.It seems that everything just now is an illusion.

However, Ye Guzhou, who was still aloof, told them that all this was true.

With a single glance at the sky, the lightning punishment can be scattered, but the price Ye Guzhou paid is also very huge.

After all, this thunder and punishment is not something to be taken lightly.That is one of the laws that represent the punishment of the heavens. Everything in the universe is composed of laws.Once a law is challenged, it will inevitably lead to the attack of other complementary laws.

Therefore, just now Ye Guzhou seemed to be simply fighting against the thunder and punishment in the sky, but in fact he was really fighting against the law, which only he can know.

However, from his pale face and red eyes, it can be seen that when he opened his eyes just now, he was definitely not as simple as he appeared on the surface, and he was definitely seriously injured.

"Is it dark? Why, why is there darkness in front of my eyes?" Above the ground, Ye Guzhou's eyes began to blur, and everything in front of him slowly began to disappear. In his world, it seemed that what was left It was pitch black, and there was no other color.


Ye Guzhou suddenly covered his eyes with both hands, and in an instant, he saw two streams of bright red blood flowing down from the corners of Ye Guzhou's eyes respectively.

At this moment, the scene just now slowly emerged in Ye Guzhou's mind.Just when his celestial eyes shot out colored light and came into contact with the seven thunderbolts, and directly hit Jieyun, Jie Yunyun's eyes suddenly flickered.

Just like that, a ray of light that Ye Guzhou couldn't block directly pierced into Ye Guzhou's eyes.

However, the speed of this light is too fast.It was almost to the point where Ye Guzhou didn't pay attention at all. Only when he thought about it now did Ye Guzhou discover a clue.

"It's so dark... the sky is so dark!" Covering his eyes, Ye Guzhou didn't speak, but murmured silently in his heart.

"Could it be that this plan has only just begun, and I want to end it? Hehe, it's just a pair of eyes... Even if I don't have eyes, what can I do!"

Ye Guzhou snorted coldly in his heart, the disdain was very obvious.Looking up at the sky, although it was still pitch black in front of his eyes, he still couldn't stop Ye Guzhou's action by then.

"Heaven... Hehe, you are really ruthless. Have you started planning now? My plan is just beginning, are you going to guard against me... What are you afraid of? Is it because you are afraid that I will kill you?" Become the second Pangu?"

The corner of Ye Guzhou's mouth twitched: "Everyone says that the way of heaven is great... I don't think so! Since you want to be on guard against me so early, then I will follow your wishes. But... I never Will make appointments... the show has only just begun! Ye Cheng's life, this seat is guaranteed today!"

Ye Guzhou couldn't help shouting in his heart, Ye Cheng...all this is for Ye Cheng!
It seems that Ye Guzhou's plans are inseparable from Ye Cheng.Ye Cheng's existence seems to be born for these plans... However, Ye Guzhou's plan seems to make the gods feel scared.Inadvertently, it is necessary to slowly move some hands and feet on Ye Cheng, an important member.

However, in this life, being invisible with both eyes is also a troublesome thing.

Silently between his brows, Ye Guzhou's heart swayed, "Damn, since I can cultivate one celestial eye, I will be able to cultivate the other two. At that time, I will become the first person with three celestial eyes since the beginning of the world." exist!"

Domineering!Ye Guzhou's thoughts are very domineering, which is challenging the limit of the way of heaven.This is no longer my own limit, it is already a great honor to be able to cultivate a sky eye.But now, he still wants to cultivate two to replace his eyes.

This idea is really very bold.But... Ye Guzhou has always been so courageous in doing things.It is precisely because of his boldness that he has achieved everything today.

Although he couldn't see with his eyes, with Ye Guzhou's current cultivation base, even if he didn't have eyes, he could clearly know everything around him.What's more, he still has divine power to observe his surroundings...

However, the blindness in both eyes is only temporary for Ye Guzhou.It is impossible for Ye Guzhou to tolerate being an invisible person all the time, he will always find a way.Just now... Didn't he just think of one?
Feeling the power of thunder and lightning still remaining in the space due to the thunder punishment, Ye Guzhou slowly opened his arms and took them all into his body.These things, if used properly, are rare treasures.


Exhaling lightly, Ye Guzhou's body slowly fell, and the protruding ground under his feet, like an elevator, was finally level with the ground.

When Ye Guzhou landed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.But looking at Ye Guzhou's eyes, he has become adored.At this moment, what they thought of was not whether Ye Guzhou was an enemy or a friend, but they were completely shocked by Ye Guzhou's uproar just now.

What is that?That's the punishment of heaven... To put it more simply, that is, if the Daluo Jinxian from the upper realm encounters them, they will all escape death.But now... to be scattered by such a young man?

This, this is simply unbelievable!

However, the shock in my heart was quickly dispelled by fear.The sudden appearance of such a strong man, who couldn't tell whether he was an enemy or a friend, really worried them.Although I heard Ye Cheng call him big brother, it is not unheard of for this brother to turn against each other.

", are you alright?" In the end, it was Ye Cheng who ran forward, took Ye Guzhou's arm by the forehead, and asked hastily.

To be honest, Ye Cheng respected this big brother who had always protected him from the bottom of his heart.

'Looking at' Ye Cheng, Ye Guzhou smiled lightly, and then said to everyone present: "Everyone, I know what you are thinking now. But please rest assured, although we are not friends, we are definitely not friends. I will become an enemy. I am just a passer-by in the world of mortals... The greatest hope in this life is to live a happy life. If possible, I really hope to live a quiet life..."

At this time, Ye Guzhou can only say this, if he talks too much, that's not acceptable.The only thing he wants these people to understand is that he is not an enemy!
Seeing Ye Guzhou's figure, and Ye Cheng's intimacy, everyone stopped talking.However, each of them has already made up their minds.

Since this person is the eldest brother of the Man of Destiny, and... he is of extraordinary strength, he can be invited to help when necessary!

These people's minds have always been calculating.

Although he couldn't see with his eyes, Ye Guzhou's heart was bright.How could these people not know what they were thinking?

However, he didn't say it, knowledge smiled faintly.Then, he stretched out his finger and tapped it between Ye Cheng's eyebrows in an instant.

In the next second, I saw streaks of lightning slowly pass from Ye Guzhou's fingers, into the center of Ye Cheng's eyebrows, and finally into his heart, slowly forming a vortex of lightning.

These lightning powers were collected by Ye Guzhou just now.He could tell that Ye Cheng was practicing a skill that required a huge amount of lightning power.That's why Lei Jie was extradited rashly.

After finishing all this, Ye Guzhou didn't plan to stay in Xuanyuan Villa any longer.After all, his first task now is to train a pair of heavenly eyes to replace his previous eyes.

Smiling at these people, when everyone was still in shock and not fully awake, they had already started to slowly disappear in place.And at the same time as Ye Guzhou was leaving, in the sky not far away, a figure slowly rose up, looking at the direction of Ye Guzhou's departure, this figure frowned slightly.

"Was that the eye of the sky just now? Could it be that he was the one who wanted to know my secret order before?" This man is the owner of the sixth secret order that Ye Guzhou used five secret orders to find before.

"Hehe, it's interesting...I didn't expect this guy to be really bold enough. He dared to fight against Thunder Punishment so openly, and even dared to fight Thunder Punishment with the Eye of Heaven... Now you are probably seriously injured. Right. If I follow up at this time...wouldn't it be possible to take the five secret orders in your hand in one fell swoop?"

The man's face darkened and became extremely serious.After that, the body actually followed Ye Guzhou away!
In the same place, calm was restored again.

But today, Xuanyuan Villa must be full of excitement... But this excitement cannot be felt by others.

(End of this chapter)

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