Chapter 476

In the hospital ward, although it was already night outside, the lights in this room were still brightly lit, no different from daytime.

Looking at Ye Guzhou who was still unconscious on the bed, Mr. Zheng's face was full of worry.A well-behaved person just fell into a coma suddenly, and he still hasn't woken up, and was even found to be blind in both eyes.This blow finally made Mr. Zheng, an elderly man, a little bit overwhelmed.

Even with the physique of a martial god, it is difficult to sustain it under the blow of this kind of news.

"What's the matter? Why did a person who was fine when he went out before become like this! What happened..." Mr. Zheng's eyes were bloodshot, looking at Ye Guzhou's pale face, There was a burst of doubt in my heart.

Since Ye Guzhou recognized his ancestor and returned to his clan, the strength he has shown has exceeded everyone's imagination.Such a powerful person is now lying on the hospital bed like this.Could it be that someone stronger than Ye Guzhou appeared?
"No matter who you are, you have made my eldest grandson what he is now. If I find you, I will definitely not let you go!"

His eyes were full of anger, Mr. Zheng swore that if he knew who caused Ye Guzhou to be like this, he would never let that person go!
"Grandpa, you should go back and rest first. We can just come here, you won't be able to hold on like this!" Said softly in the ear of the old man, and Zheng Batian was about to pull the old man up.

Ever since Ye Guzhou entered the hospital, the old man never left, not even blinking his eyes, as if he was afraid of missing the sign of Ye Guzhou's waking up.If this continues, even if he is a warrior, he will not be able to bear it.

However, as soon as Zheng Batian said this, what responded to him was the old man's fierce gaze: "Although I am old, I am not so weak. I will sit here and wait for Xiaofeng to wake up." come over!"

The old man's stubbornness made everyone helpless, and they could only let him sit like this.

In a ward, the originally empty space was almost packed.No way, Ye Guzhou alone has seven women.

Night, endless silence.Ye Guzhou, who was lying on the bed, fell into a dream.

It's a vacuum, nothing, not even a place to stand.It was gray all around, no wind, no sunshine, no water, no clouds...

And Ye Guzhou in the dream is just floating here in the air quietly, looking around with blank eyes.His face was expressionless, as if demented.

I don't know how long it took, but within this gray space, a white light suddenly appeared.This white light is like the auspicious light that illuminates the world. After shining on Ye Guzhou, it immediately awakened Ye Guzhou who was in dementia. Finally, his eyes were no longer as demented as before, and his expression began to slowly The change.

"This... where is this place? How could I be here... I remember, I remember that I have already arrived at the villa in Kyoto..." Looking at the strange environment around him, Ye Guzhou exclaimed, but he did not wait for him to say more After going down, Ye Guzhou was stunned, " eyes are healed? Can I see things?"

"Hehe, brat, your eyes are not blind at all, but they were temporarily sealed by the force of thunder and punishment!"

Suddenly, just when Ye Guzhou was pleasantly surprised, a burst of laughter suddenly appeared, which was full of love and affection.

For the sudden appearance of the voice, Ye Guzhou surprisingly did not show any surprise, as if he was already very familiar with this voice.Even after the voice appeared, he showed a smile, a smile that liberated himself and relaxed himself.

This is very rare. Ever since that evil dragon broke through the seal, Ye Guzhou has never really relaxed.But now in front of this voice, he relaxed so easily.

"Hehe, old appeared again? So that means, I'm dreaming again?" Rubbing his eyes, Ye Guzhou lay casually in the air, and he didn't know who he was talking to, but the person who spoke His tone of voice seemed to be talking to a friend who had forgotten his age.

"Brat, there is no big or small. I am also your teacher, don't you know the saying of respecting teachers? You are still a college student, what a shame, what a shame..." The old but loving said the voice.

College Students?
After hearing this, Ye Guzhou remembered that he was still a college student.And he's still a freshman, but there are too many things going on recently, so he actually forgot about this.

Coughing softly, to cover up his embarrassment, Ye Guzhou said: "You brought me into a dream this time, did something happen again? Yes, let's talk about it quickly, I'm still waiting to wake up Come to accompany my daughter-in-law, without my company, they will be very lonely!"

Regarding Ye Guzhou's shameless words, the mysterious person who spoke to him seemed to be familiar with it: "Come on, it's just your virtue. However, I brought you in this time, there is really something important Tell you, you must be mentally prepared!"

This serious tone made Ye Guzhou frowned, he was familiar with the speaker.It must be a big event to make him so serious, otherwise...he would never joke with you.Because his identity is too special, often a joke will become true.So... he is definitely not a joker.

With a straight face, Ye Guzhou said: "Speak...I'll listen!"

"Very well, it seems that you are still the same as before. I just hope that your heart is the same!" said the voice, "Your little brother is in trouble now, and I found that his development seems to have begun to deviate from the track. Row."

"My little brother?"

Ye Guzhou was taken aback for a moment, then was shocked.Isn't his little brother Ye Cheng, the man of destiny?There is a problem with the Man of Destiny, and this is really a big event.The comfort of the entire human race is tied to him. Once he deviates from the track and develops, it will be over.

Hearing this, Ye Guzhou could no longer calm down.Ye Cheng was a crucial step in his plan. Once there was a problem with this step, his efforts would be in vain.At that time, there will be no more tears to cry...

"What's wrong with could something happen to him? Logically speaking, he should be awakened by now. Could it be that his physique hasn't awakened?" Ye Guzhou was shocked, and it was crucial for Ye Cheng to awaken his physique. step.Now those high-level members of the Dao League didn't even cultivate the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation that day. If Ye Cheng's physique hadn't been awakened, and Nie Long really brought people to kill him, it would really be over.

"Isn't that right? His physique has already awakened. But it is precisely because of the awakening of this physique that it seems to have brought out a little surprise. His physique is supposed to be strong when it meets the strong, but now there is an additional one...then It is devouring!" said the old voice.


Hearing this word, Ye Guzhou's body trembled violently.The Man of Destiny can be said to be the embodiment of justice, the representative of benevolence, and the collection of all the good things in the world.The devouring belongs to the lineage of evil cultivators, and this technique must not appear on the people of destiny.

Otherwise, this man of destiny will be considered abolished!

Hearing this news, Ye Guzhou was dumbfounded: "Impossible... How is this possible? I have already extradited his demon into my body and sealed it forcibly. How could this happen again? ? Moreover, those people around him are all carefully selected people, and it is absolutely impossible to teach him this kind of magic!"

"I'm not sure about this either. What I can be sure of now is that the development of this man of destiny has begun to slowly deviate from the original track. You must stop it, otherwise your efforts will be in vain Already!" said the old voice.

Hearing this, Ye Guzhou sighed, feeling a little helpless.

"This is all caused by your good disciples. If it weren't for what they did in the past, such a mess would not have happened now. I need to help clean it up, but he is standing on the sidelines and doing admirable things. Saints!" Ye Guzhou was very annoyed, "If I had the chance, I would definitely pull all these saints off the horse and let them feel the warmth and coldness of the world."

Ye Guzhou's words were full of anger and helplessness, even resignation.And the saints in his mouth are naturally the aloof Sanqing and others.

And the mysterious person who confessed to Ye Guzhou was said by Ye Guzhou to be the teacher of the saint. This identity... appeared naturally, the mysterious Hongjun!

It's just that when Hongjun first appeared, he said... At least Ye Guzhou's teacher died... Then Ye Guzhou's identity...

This seems to be a mystery, and it seems to have entered an endless loop!Everything has become so inexplicable...

"Hey, the sage always tries to treat other people as ants. It would be nice if they have a chance to experience it in the human world!" Hong Jun said suddenly, even Ye Guzhou was stunned when he said this.

Who is Hongjun?That is the ancestor of Taoism, the spokesperson of the way of heaven, the real golden mouth and jade words.A word that comes out carries the power of cause and effect, and it seems to imply that once a chance is given, those six saints will definitely be cast into the mortal world and enjoy everything in the world Joys, anger, sorrow, joys and sorrows!

(End of this chapter)

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