Chapter 482 Hematemesis
I thought that Ye Guzhou came here to save himself, but what he said just now did not mean to save himself.This is obviously to settle accounts with himself after the fall, and... Seeing Ye Guzhou's eyes that should have been blind were still shining with light, Ye Cheng couldn't help but tremble in his heart.A breath of death emanated from him instantly.

If Ye Cheng still didn't believe what Ye Guzhou said before, how could Ye Cheng not believe it when he heard Ye Guzhou's words with his own ears?And... that voice didn't seem to be acting at all, but it really didn't matter.

Hearing Ye Guzhou's words, even Nielong couldn't help being taken aback.Ye Guzhou's changes made him a little unexpected.And... who is he, the evil dragon?That is the power to dominate since the beginning of time, and the ability to know people is still somewhat.From Ye Guzhou's words just now, he really didn't feel that Ye Guzhou was lying...

"Could it be that this guy is really the same as in the information, and has turned against his family?" Nie Long was startled, but he is a cautious person, and he is vigilant about everything, even if Ye Guzhou just showed It's in place, but Nielong still won't believe it easily.

"Since you said so, then stand aside and wait for the deity to deal with this guy himself, and then you can get your interest back from him!" Nielong rolled his eyes and said to Ye Guzhou.

Ye Guzhou's heart trembled, and he thought to himself, this guy is indeed very scheming, even though he has temporarily sealed the emotions that control the emotions, he still cannot completely gain the trust of this guy.

Looking at the evil dragon, Ye Guzhou didn't think about it. Together with Ye Cheng, the two worked together to kill this evil dragon.But... Ye Guzhou is really not 100% sure of success.After all, Nielong has lived for so long, and his cultivation base is at the peak quasi-sage level. It would be impossible without one or two hidden tricks.

Once it fails, the consequences will be disastrous.

After thinking about it, Ye Guzhou decided not to take any risks, after all, he was not half sure.

Sensing Nielong's face, Ye Guzhou suddenly laughed: "You think I am a fool? If you kill people, what interest can I get? Or wait for me to get my interest back, Do it again!"

Seeing the smile on Ye Guzhou's face, Nie Long couldn't help but feel a move in his heart, is this guy trying to save someone?But after thinking about it, with himself here, he wants to save people, how can it be so easy?

Ever since, Nielong nodded: "Yes, but... after you get your interest, don't stop me from killing him!"

Nielong is still testing Ye Guzhou to see if he has really turned against his relatives!And this achievement is the best target, after all...the two are brothers who have lived together for more than ten years!If even him, Ye Guzhou can do it, then there is nothing to say.

As Nielong's voice fell, Ye Guzhou slowly turned around, closed his eyes, unfolded his divine power, and paid attention to Ye Cheng and Mr. Ye. The expressions of shock and panic on the faces of the two had slowly crawled away. up!

Approaching step by step, Ye Guzhou seemed to be deliberately giving Ye Cheng time, "Hand over the secret order on you, and I will protect you from dying today for the sake of my brother!"

Ye Cheng trembled and almost fell.Looking at the big brother in front of him in disbelief, is this still the big brother who cared about him before?
And the evil dragon behind him was startled: "What did you say? You said that you won't care about other things after getting your interest... Do you still want to protect him? I think you are just acting..."

Ye Guzhou shook his head, and said with a slight smile: "You idiot, if I don't coax you so much, how can I ask him to hand over things? Now that you have ruined my plan, it's really good..."

Hearing Ye Guzhou's words, Nie Long shut up and didn't reply.

Ye Cheng, on the other hand, backed away slowly, covering his arms with his hands.There is a secret order lying there...

"No, brother, refresh yourself, don't be obsessed. I'm Xiao Cheng..." Ye Cheng's eyes began to turn red.

However, Ye Guzhou acted as if he hadn't seen or heard it, and he poked with his right hand: "One last time, hand over the secret order, don't force me to do it myself!"

Delay, what Ye Guzhou is doing now is delaying time.When Ye Cheng was planning to accept the power of the heavens, Nielong seized the opportunity and stopped him.

Now, Ye Guzhou wants to seal his feelings so that he can really do it.In this way, the physique of Ye Cheng, a man of destiny, will sense danger, and once again accept the power of God.

At that time, not to mention killing Nielong, at least he can be driven away.

"No, this secret order can never be given to you!" Ye Cheng roared, as if turning around to run away!

run away?

Sensing Ye Cheng's changes, Ye Guzhou was in a daze for a while!This is something that absolutely cannot happen. How could the man of destiny attend such a thing of fleeing?This kind of thing absolutely cannot happen to a person with destiny, otherwise God will really consider whether this kind of person is worthy of that unique physique.Once this physique is really recovered at that time... then everything is over!
Seeing this, Ye Guzhou had no choice but to act early.Just when Ye Cheng was about to lift his foot, he directly grabbed Ye Cheng's collar with his right hand.With this grasp, there was a sudden burst of anger.This is the collision of speed and power...

Following Ye Guzhou's attack, that magnificent and relentless action made both Ye Cheng and Mr. Ye give up.Nielong, on the other hand, nodded in satisfaction.This at least proves that Ye Guzhou may have really turned against everyone...

"Give the secret order to me!" Ye Guzhou roared, his claws didn't stop at all, and he grabbed Ye Cheng's collar directly.That huge force directly lifted Ye Cheng up...

This time, Ye Cheng's eyes were no longer sad and shocked, but filled with infinite anger and murderous intent!
"You lied to lied to me for more than ten lied to me..." Repeating this sentence in his mouth, Ye Cheng's eyes slowly began to think about the golden transformation.

Perceiving this scene, Ye Guzhou couldn't help trembling in his heart.However, there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Trash... Take out the secret order!" Ye Guzhou roared, and the next second he punched Ye Cheng directly in the stomach.That powerful force directly caused a smear of blood to flow from the corner of Ye Cheng's mouth.

"Xiaocheng..." Mr. Ye suddenly yelled, and rushed forward uncontrollably.That aura directly rushed towards Ye Guzhou.

However, how could such a firefly compete with Haoyue?
Sensing the movements of Old Master Ye, Ye Guzhou silently said "I'm sorry Grandpa", and in the next second, he directly threw Ye Cheng to the sky, and then pointed out to Old Master Ye.A ray of light pierced directly between the eyebrows of Mr. Ye...

Headshot... headshot in one fell swoop!Ye Guzhou actually... actually exploded Mr. Ye's head!
Ye Cheng, who was thrown into the sky, couldn't help shaking, watching all this helplessly, he was already speechless.

Seeing Mr. Ye who fell to the ground, on Ye Cheng's forehead, no... the veins all over his body should be bulging. It looks like a wild beast, very scary!
However, this was exactly what Ye Cheng wanted.Only by angering Ye Cheng in this way, the power he gained will be stronger.As for Mr. Ye on the ground, of course it is impossible to hang up... But he was fainted by a special technique, but the scene was a bit scary, and it was all done to hide the evil dragon.

But is this enough to anger Ye Cheng?

"Ah... you bastard, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you..." Ye Cheng's body suddenly began to swell, and there were streaks of electric currents flashing on his body. That way... it's like an extremely powerful giant weapon.Electric current across the sky, it seems to make people tremble!
"No, this guy wants to take over the power of God!" Nielong suddenly panicked. He could see that Ye Cheng's current level of anger, once he really took over the power, even he would have to avoid the edge for the time being.Although he can't kill himself, he will definitely be injured. After all... this is the earth, and his strength is limited here.Ye Cheng, who is a man of destiny, has privileges.Like Ye Guzhou, he can ignore those restrictions.This is one of the benefits of being a man of destiny...

In desperation, Nielong didn't care about other things, his body flickered again, and he rushed towards Ye Cheng above the sky.

However, this time, Ye Cheng accepted the power with anger, and it was in mid-air, at a distance.

When Nielong arrived, the storm had already formed and entered Ye Cheng's body.

Boom!After the storm entered, Ye Cheng's whole body changed, and he automatically put on his battle robe.That pure white and golden battle suit looks so sacred and inviolable!

With a stern expression, a majestic aura, and that huge aura, Nielong, who was chasing directly, was forced to retreat.

Standing on the ground, looking up at Ye Cheng, Nielong roared in his heart: "Bastard, I couldn't stop it. This time it was really a miscalculation. I didn't expect that the people in the Tiandao League didn't practice the formation, but let this destiny The person who has stimulated his physique in advance! However, it is not for nothing... At least I know that Ye Guzhou will no longer be a threat to me in the future!"

Looking at Ye Cheng above the sky with a slight frown, Nie Long turned around and was about to leave without saying a word.He understood very well that since Ye Cheng had successfully received the power, it was enough to draw with him.And... the physical characteristics of the man of destiny, the stronger the stronger, the stronger it is, and maybe he will have to hang some color at that time.Instead of this, it is better to leave now!
Fortunately, at this time, Ye Cheng had already focused all his attention on Ye Guzhou. Ye Guzhou pointed out earlier that the scene of bringing old master Ye down had completely angered Ye Cheng.

At this time, when he received the power, the first thing Ye Cheng did was to attack Ye Guzhou.

"Bastard, I will kill you today!" Looking at Ye Guzhou coldly, Ye Cheng swooped down directly.The murderous intent on that face made Ye Guzhou tremble in his heart...

Sensing Ye Cheng's punch, Ye Guzhou sighed silently.This is one of the prices that must be paid for the plan... At least for a while, the brothers cannot reconcile!
In the blink of an eye, before Nielong left, Ye Cheng punched fiercely.The speed was so fast that Ye Guzhou didn't even pay attention to it, and it hit him in the chest.

Even Ye Guzhou couldn't resist this angry punch, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and even backed away quickly.

However, the spit out of this mouthful of blood made the corners of Ye Guzhou's mouth twitch.Nielong hasn't left yet, isn't this scene just enough to make him completely believe in himself?In the same way, maybe there will be a chance to break into the interior in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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