Chapter 498 Seeing Thunder Punishment Again
Night, slowly coming.When the night sky was filled with stars and the bright moon, Ye Guzhou had brought Bai Chi and Fatty Wei to a mountain forest in the suburbs of Kyoto.

Here, Ye Guzhou deliberately set up an isolation formation.Absolutely all sounds and movements...

Tonight, he will help Bai Chi awaken the greedy wolf fate in his body.This night, another God of Death will rise up.The whole world will tremble because of tonight.

"Xiaobai, don't worry about anything for a while, just sit in the center of the formation. Fatty Wei and I will take care of it for you. Remember, no matter what you see, don't move." He raised his head Looking at the night sky, Ye Guzhou turned around and said to Bai Chi who had already sat cross-legged.

After waking up, Bai Chi felt as if he was living in a dream.Fatty Wei and Ye Guzhou didn't tell him anything about fate. After all, it's impossible to say such things clearly with just one mouth.Only after Bai Chi really revived the fate in his body would he understand what was going on.

Seeing Ye Guzhou's cautious look, even though Bai Chi didn't understand what would happen in a while, he still nodded and agreed.Deep in his heart, he felt that what happened in a while might not be a bad thing.Because Fatty Wei, who was standing by the side, was looking at him with excitement and excitement.If there is something bad about this, with the friendship between brothers, they will never show such an expression.

"It's almost time, Wei Kai, you are in charge of taking care of the situation around you, and don't let other people in. If someone breaks in, no matter who it is, shoot and kill! Xiaobai's awakening of fate is different from you. The last time you did it was because Hanba's corpse aura and his own half-stiff strength, there is no risk. The current Bai Chi is still too weak. Even though he drank my blood, can he withstand the fate of greedy wolf? The nature of the blood demon is still unknown. You have to be extra careful..."

Ye Guzhou said to Fatty Wei with a solemn expression, there was no joke on his face, and he was unprecedentedly serious.This expression even made Fatty Wei feel a little depressed.For a moment, he let go of the excitement in his heart and became cautious.

"Don't worry, not even a single mosquito can fly in!" Fatty Wei made a promise, and Fatty Wei's eyes began to scan the surroundings, like a radar scan, very sharp.

Seeing this, Ye Guzhou didn't want to waste any more time.Immediately, both feet plunged deeply into the ground, although some hands pointed at Bai Chi and made a strange gesture.This gesture suddenly looked like a pattern.Immediately afterwards, Ye Guzhou directly pointed his hands at Baichi across the air and clicked.

Hum... In an instant, the hands actually started to make a buzzing sound, and at the same time they emitted a faint light.This light looks very gentle, as if a beautiful woman is gently stroking, making you relax instantly.And now Bai Chi is in such a situation.After this layer of faint light, he became in a trance, his mind went blank, as if he was drunk, he began to sway from side to side.

The next second, when Bai Chi started to sway from side to side, Ye Guzhou's eyes seemed to be thundering, and a lightning-like light shot out immediately.The meandering light directly hit Bai Chi's eyebrows.

"The universe rotates, the law of heaven circulates, the true body is supreme, and the destiny is immortal!" Suddenly, Ye Guzhou raised his head and began to let out a long roar. In that voice, there seemed to be an order-like tone, and he directed directly into the night sky. The brightest star of the night began to cry.

The majestic momentum directly caused the surrounding vegetation to be violently lifted up, as if a tornado was coming.

But just after this cry, the stars all over the sky seemed to be crazy, and began to flicker.It seems that the power supply of the light bulb is insufficient, and it looks very spectacular.The entire night sky became extremely bright.

Especially the brightest lesson tonight is flickering terror.That light was actually going to compare with Haoyue.There is even a tendency to suppress the bright moon.This situation made Ye Guzhou on the ground smile.

"If you don't come now, when will you wait? Destiny is here!" Ye Guzhou yelled out with almost all his strength.At the same time, a layer of relatively strong purple-golden light began to emerge from all over his body, which was the aura emanating from the Emperor Star's fate...

The fate of Greedy Wolf is the god of killing, one of the killing wolves, and the general who guards Ziwei Emperor Star!And with the aura of the emperor star that Ye Guzhou exuded at this time, it became easier to bring Tanlang's life to the mortal world.


A dragon roar sounded suddenly, filling the entire night sky with this roar.In the next second, I saw the brightest Greedy Wolf star, suddenly, a ray of bright red light appeared.Moreover, this ray of light instantly turned into a giant dragon.

The huge dragon's body, carrying the bloody aura, immediately made Bai Chi, who was still in a coma, refreshed.Looking up at the giant dragon that swooped in and seemed to be coming towards him, he felt a sudden pause in his heart.At this moment, he understood why Ye Guzhou reminded himself before, no matter what he saw, he must not move.

Seeing a dragon rushing towards him, how can anyone not move?Unless it's a fool, or someone who can't move at all, the inner feelings of a normal person will definitely make this person move.

However, thinking of Ye Guzhou's warning before, Bai Chi felt a little better.After all, he had to be a little bit prepared. When he closed his eyes, he simply didn't look at the giant dragon, and just let it charge over.At this time, it is only right to choose to believe in your brother.

And when the giant dragon ran down, Ye Guzhou didn't disappoint Bai Chi's trust, and directly flung out the giant dragon with a big catch.A move that is at the bottom of the box, and it is so simple to send out?

This giant dragon is actually the star power of Tanlang Xingchen. Once it is poured into Bai Chi's body, it can use it to revive the Tanlang's fate in Bai Chi's body, and from then on the real killing god will rise.

It's just that, compared to the power of the stars, Bai Chi's body is still too weak.If Ye Guzhou didn't stop him a little bit, and just let the power of the stars pour in, he would probably burst like a balloon.

Just like a balloon, your volume is that large, but the gas you want to input far exceeds its volume.Then there is only one fate for this balloon... and that is to explode!

Ye Guzhou would not let such a thing happen to Bai Chi.With that palm grabbing, the giant dragon's body was captured directly, and its speed was slowly slowed down a bit.At the same time, a little bit of star power was extracted from the dragon's body and injected into Bai Chi's body.

In this way, he wanted to slowly give the power of the stars to Bai Chi.In this way, it can not only help Bai Chi awaken his destiny, but also allow him to completely absorb the power of these stars and hug his whole body, killing two birds with one stone.

It's just that this awakening fate is Bai Chi's own business. If others intervene, it is equivalent to violating the laws of heaven, and it is against the sky.This kind of thing is not something that ordinary people can bear.Even Fatty Wei, the newly promoted God of Seven Kills, would not dare to go against the sky, so... only Ye Guzhou took the risk!

Rumbling... Sure enough, just after Ye Guzhou extracted the first ray of star power, there was a burst of thunder in the sky.The rolling sky thunder was like beating a war drum, and layers of dark clouds began to make up for it in an instant.Originally, the sky was full of stars, but it was covered in an instant.Even the bright moon must be covered.

This burst of rolling thunder immediately awakened all the monks on the land of Shenzhou from their cultivation and sleep.One by one quickly went to the open place, looked up at the changes in the night sky, all of them frowned.

In Xuanyuan Villa, Ye Cheng was also standing in the compound at this time, with a group of people standing behind him, all of them frowned.

"This sound of thunder... so familiar, is this thunder punishment?" Ye Cheng whispered slowly, he had extradited thunder punishment before, and he knew a little more about thunder punishment than others.The first time I heard the thunder, I thought of the word "thunder punishment".

"Who is this person? What kind of big event did he get out of? To provoke God to be so angry, to be punished by thunder!" Ye Cheng said suspiciously, "Recently, it has always made me uneasy. , What is going to happen. Why is there always a restlessness in my heart?"

Looking at the dark clouds all over the sky, Ye Cheng's body suddenly rose from the ground, and went straight to the sky, the target was the place where the thunder and punishment gathered.He wanted to see who was it that caused the thunder and punishment. This must have done some evil thing against the sky.As a man of destiny, Ye Cheng believed that he had the obligation to execute the person who acted on behalf of the sky.

Seeing Ye Cheng's actions, Old Master Ye couldn't help but feel uneasy in his heart.It always feels like something is going to happen.After this feeling appeared, Mr. Ye immediately followed Ye Cheng and headed for the place where the thunder and punishment gathered.

And in Nielong's small courtyard, Nielong was also looking up at the night sky, with a faint smile on his lips inadvertently.

"Have you started? It's really a scheming, of course, to help him awaken his fate at night? Hehe, there is another good show tonight, maybe... the deity can get some benefits from it!" Looking around, seeing that no one was there, Nielong simply stopped calling and left the small courtyard alone.

On the other side, in the mountains and forests on the outskirts of Kyoto.

Looking up at Ye Guzhou who was punishing Lei, his brows were slightly frowned.The arrival of this thunder punishment was already in his expectation.It's just that he didn't expect that it would come so soon, he had just intervened, and he was going to come out so forcefully to stop it.It seems that Tiandao has started to panic this day, and wants to take control of everything in his own hands.

"Since you want to use me, you have to be so wary of me at the same time, hmph... It seems that you are really careful!" Ye Guzhou snorted coldly, which was equivalent to scolding the sky.This is a great sin...

Maybe it's nothing to say casually like an ordinary person.But Ye Guzhou's identity is a bit sensitive, he is a monk.The behavior of monks is strictly regulated.Every word and deed can cause cause and effect, so... if such scolding things come from the mouth of a monk, it will be heinous.

Seriously, it will even be wiped out directly.

Looking at the dense dark clouds, the corners of Ye Guzhou's mouth turned up, revealing a hint of disdain.

In the next second, the thunder that was about to stop just now started to ring again.The rumbling sky thunder seems to be getting worse. This is obviously because of what Ye Guzhou said just now, which aggravated the power of thunder and punishment.

(End of this chapter)

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