Chapter 92: Being Targeted Again!
Time is like running water. In the blink of an eye, it's time to check the scores and fill in the volunteers.

With the strength of top class like Ye Guzhou and Wei Fatty, in fact, after the exam, everyone knows the bottom line.Sure enough, after checking the scores, there were not many scores, but it was more than enough to get into the top university in China, Kyoto University.

But what surprised Ye Guzhou and Fatty Wei was that Ouyang Xiaoxiao never showed up even when filling out the volunteers.It was as if after the college entrance examination, she disappeared from the world.

No matter how others searched, they did not find her.If Ye Guzhou didn't know that this little girl is not easy, he might have called the police.

After playing with his family for two months, Ye Guzhou, Fatty, and Qian Jia took the admission letter from Kyoto University and got on the train to Kyoto.

As for why Qian Jia followed her, it was very simple, this woman was actually a PhD student at Kyoto University.As soon as he said this, Ye Guzhou was shocked immediately. He didn't want to study for a doctorate, so what kind of book did he come here to teach? Really.

It also takes a long time to take the train from Chaoyang County to Kyoto.But with Fatty Wei as a living treasure, the journey was not so boring.At least, laugh from time to time.

On the train in summer, the smell was very unpleasant, even Ye Guzhou couldn't help frowning.Not to mention such a delicate girl as Qian Jia.After saying something to Ye Guzhou, Qian Jia got up and went to the bathroom.

The crowded crowd blocked Qian Jia in the aisle, and it was Ye Guzhou who came to help in the end and escorted Qian Jia out of the bathroom.When Qian Jia entered the bathroom, he waited boredly alone.

"Huh, there is a trace of energy fluctuations in this person? Huh? He's still an islander. Could it be that he came to China to make trouble again?" Just as Ye Guzhou was waiting impatiently, the corner of his eyes inadvertently let him notice A man who looks very suspicious.

This is a man, his appearance does not look much different from that of a Chinese, but Ye Guzhou can tell that this is definitely not a Chinese, but an islander.

Moreover, this man from the island nation was actually wearing a thick overcoat in such a hot weather. Although he pretended to be coughing, Ye Guzhou could still see that he was not sick at all.In this way, Ye Guzhou had to be interested.

For the islanders, Ye Guzhou didn't have a good impression of him. Now that he saw such a suspicious person, how could he let him go?

Walking over quietly, Shenwei unfolded and observed his every move.Ye Guzhou discovered that this islander was very careful. When almost everyone passed by him, he would watch them cautiously for a long time, and finally he would not look at others until he was sure that there was no danger.

Moreover, when others passed by him, his hands would inadvertently touch his chest.It seemed that there was something hidden there, something more important than his life.

Ye Guzhou frowned. It is probably good things that the islanders can keep so carefully.After all, the islanders have a reputation as international thieves.

Shenwei poked around, and through his coat, Ye Guzhou clearly saw that there was a piece of leather of unknown material hidden on his chest!This piece of Leaf Guzhou is very familiar, it is the one that he lost at the beginning, but hasn't this been taken away by the force that saved him?How could it appear on this islander?

For a moment, Ye Guzhou frowned tightly.

Regardless of this question, Ye Guzhou stretched his brows, and slowly walked towards the islander, acting like a very ordinary passer-by.

The islander was also clever, and immediately noticed Ye Guzhou's approach, and his eyes immediately fixed on him.And Ye Guzhou just smiled at him, and then walked past him without touching him at all.But when passing by, the curtain fluttered a bit, blocking the sight of the islander a little bit.

After seeing Ye Guzhou passing by him, the islander heaved a sigh of relief, and began to close his eyes to rest his mind again, but his ears kept listening to all the movements around him.

After returning to his seat, Fatty Wei had already fallen asleep lying on the table.Ye Guzhou didn't wake him up either, but took out a piece of skin from his bosom. It was just when he passed by the islander just now, he used Shenwei to come over.

Looking at the lost and recovered skin in his hand, Ye Guzhou really couldn't see anything.But why are those people coming to snatch this up?Could it be that there is really a treasure?

Shaking his head, if you can't figure it out, then don't think about it. After Ye Guzhou put away his things, he also began to rest.His idea was that even though he didn't see clearly what the skin was, he couldn't give it to the islanders.

After a while, Qian Jia also came back, tilted her head, rested on Ye Guzhou's shoulder as a pillow.

I don't know how long it took, but Ye Guzhou slowly opened his eyes until the train broadcast announced the arrival of Kyoto.

After packing up their luggage, Ye Guzhou and the three quietly waited to get off the car.

And at this moment, a sharp sound suddenly sounded in the carriage.The islander was touching his chest in panic, then he took off his coat and was looking for something carefully.

Ye Guzhou looked over and smiled immediately.He knew that the islander was looking for the skin that he had just removed.

Finally, after some searching, the islander also understood that his things had been stolen.In an instant, the islander yelled with red eyes.

"Baga, you... all of you can't get out of the car! My baby is gone, it must be you Chinese people, please let me search you carefully, so that I can let you go!"

The islander seemed to be very afraid. After the skin was lost, he became a little abnormal.It was as if he would die if he didn't get that thing back.

But this islander obviously didn't take everyone's feelings into account. So many people were searched by you alone?You, a small islander, dare to come to my great China to show off your prestige?Isn't this looking for scolding?

For a moment, endless abuse erupted in the carriage.

"Damn it, is this island dog crazy? It's none of my business if you lost something, why should I search you? You are not my Huaxia policeman! Fuck!"

"I think this is a deliberate search for Chao!"

"Fuck, is this provoking us? Kill him, shit, the island dog dares to be so arrogant on our territory..."

A series of insults continued to stimulate the nerves of the islander, and the next moment, the islander screamed and slapped the table on the side.

With a bang, the table was instantly torn apart, and the pieces flew everywhere.

"Baga, you guys, stand still... Let me search you!" The islander erupted, and this palm had already used a trace of energy, and Ye Guzhou immediately noticed the weak fluctuation of energy up.

But Ye Guzhou didn't move. It wasn't that he didn't want to teach the islander a lesson, but that someone had already gone up.

Seeing how powerful this islander is, all those clamoring people took a step back for a moment, not daring to speak anymore.

But not everyone is so cowardly. When the islander was about to reach out to a woman, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Stop it, the islanders dare to make trouble in China, they really want to die!"

As soon as the voice fell, a voice jumped out in an instant, and kicked the islander out with a steady kick.It slammed down on the seat.

"Oh? Is it from the dragon team? Hehe, this islander is really unlucky. He even made a train and ran into the dragon team. It's a tragedy!" Shenwei observed the person who made the move, and Ye Guzhou realized There is a brand with the logo of the dragon group pinned to his waist.


As soon as the islander landed, he suddenly got up again, but it was a pity that before he could make a move, the members of the dragon team subdued him first, and pressed him down hard.Then he tapped his cervical spine with his finger, and the islander fell into a coma.

Amid applause, the train finally stopped.

The three of Ye Guzhou also got off the train slowly. Although the Blast Islanders are very good-looking, it is more important for them to go to Kyoto University to report.

The university began to report that someone was picking up freshmen at the station.Even though Ye Guzhou had Qian Jia who was familiar with the road, he also walked towards the reception desk for freshmen.After all, this is also an opportunity to get in touch with other students.

However, when Ye Guzhou got off the train, someone was already watching him.

"Hey, Boss, that kid got out of the car. That's right, the one you called our attention to...Okay, I'm following! They are walking towards the reception area for freshmen at Kyoto University now, okay...I will follow of……"

In a corner of the station, a man with wicked eyebrows was talking on the phone, but his eyes were focused on the backs of Ye Guzhou and the others.

At the same time, in a villa in Kyoto.

"Prince, that kid has arrived!"

"Very good, let someone keep an eye on him. Regardless of not touching him for the time being, you are not his opponent. can make him some trouble..." The man named Prince raised his brows, and then continued to feel comfortable lie down.

"Understood! It's just that Miss Ouyang already knows the news of his arrival in the capital, I'm afraid she will intervene!"

The prince chuckled: "It's okay, it's just a small family in the south of the Yangtze River. Do you really think it's a big power? When we arrive in Kyoto, it will be our home field. As the host, how can we not give him a good preparation?"

"Understood, this subordinate will do it now!"

It wasn't until the servants withdrew that the prince revealed a trace of gloom: "Hmph, Ye Guzhou? I want to see what you are capable of!"

(End of this chapter)

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