Chapter 101
After teaching these pickle sisters, it was already past nine o'clock. After sitting there with these idiots and watching "I am the Big Brother" for a while, Nakano Sanjiu and the others were driven back to the room to go earlier sleep.

"Give me a review if you can't fall asleep, especially Yotsuba, you get sleepy after reading a book, and the effect is good."

The test is due in a few days, and Yi Lingyuan is very concerned about it. In order to prevent these girls from staying up late and affecting the next day's class study, Yi Lingyuan deliberately put down cruel words to scare them:
"Anyone who doesn't take a rest obediently leads to poor test scores the day after tomorrow, I will use the forbidden technique."

"Forbidden technique?" x4
"There is a magical high school called Hengshui in the inland of China. If you do badly in the exam, I will throw you all in for a few days of training!"

I have to admit that the legendary school's deterrence is indeed not small, even the students in the Neon Province have heard of it, and they can get a glimpse of it when they see the nervous appearance of these four.

After moving out of Hengshui, Yi Lingyuan easily bluffed these idiots. After seeing these people returning to their respective rooms, Yi Lingyuan turned off the light in the living room.

Then I continued to watch "I Am Big Brother".

Kento Kaku and Kentaro's acting skills are great, and Yuma Yamoto and Kentaro Ito are also very funny.So, Hashimoto Kanna is my wife!

Turning down the volume of the TV, turning off the light in the living room, hugging funny pillows, and eating Coke snacks, Yi Lingyuan is simply enjoying himself now.

Yi Lingyuan, who was watching excitedly, suddenly and keenly noticed the sound of the door opening, presumably it was Nakano Kazuka who came back.

Hurry to turn off the TV, put the snacks back where they were, and even adjust the facial expression to keep serious, and the tall and straight figure is also extremely solemn
If you don't wear Mr. Pan's clothes.

Although the lights have been turned off, Yi Lingyuan's vision, which has long been in the dark, is still very clear, and he can clearly see Nakano Yihua sneaking up against the wall and walking upstairs.

"Did you come back so late without eating?"


Yi Lingyuan's words suddenly resounded in the living room, and Nakano Yihua nearly jumped up in fright.

"Ling Yuan, are you still there?"

"The clothes are not dry after washing and disturbing you all night again"

"Oh~ that's right, haha~~"

While talking, Yi Lingyuan walked over and turned on the lights in the living room. Of course, he only turned on the yellow warm light on the outside so that the living room would not be as bright as day at this time.

Walking straight to Nakano Yihua, the guilty Nakano Yihua unconsciously stepped back and was forced against the wall by Yi Lingyuan within a few steps.

"Arnuo~ It's my fault for skipping class, for the sake of my cooperation with Ling Yuan, let's go around me this time."

Seeing that Yi Lingyuan's footsteps did not stop at all, Nakano Yihua was even more panicked and at a loss, and finally closed his eyes nervously, like a silly roe deer who buried his head in the snow and thought it was safe.


"Did you eat after working so late? Tell the truth."

"not yet"

"Let's go, I'll heat up some food for you, remember to eat on time next time"

Grabbing Nakano Kazuka's wrist without any explanation, he took her to the dining table and sat down, poured the warm water from the thermos into the glass and placed it in front of him.

Holding the water glass in both hands, Nakano Yihua watched Yi Lingyuan busy in the kitchen with great interest.

"Can Ling Yuan also cook?"

"Unfortunately, it can't be said that cooking is hard work at all."

"That's it~, Ling Yuan looked very imposing just now."

Nakano Yihua took a small sip of warm water, and was surprised to see Yi Lingyuan flustered.

"Ling Yuan~, the fire for cooking curry is too high."

"I know, I know"

"What~ I can't do anything, but I still have to force it"

Seeing Yi Lingyuan busy in the kitchen, Nakano Yihua murmured softly.

Hurriedly lowering the heat, Yi Lingyuan boiled another pot of hot water, poured the rice from the pot into a bowl, waited until the hot water boiled, poured it into the bowl and soaked it for a minute or two, then poured the hot water pour out.

Turn off the fire of the stove, pour the hot curry on top of the rice soaked in hot water, Yi Lingyuan proudly brought the curry rice in front of Nakano Kazuka.

"Try to see that the rice after doing this is hot and moist and not dry at all. It is super delicious with curry." (The author strongly recommends that the cold rice is super delicious, and it can also be used with tea.)
"Really?" Looking at the confident Yi Lingyuan in surprise, Nakano Yihua picked up the spoon and put the curry rice into his mouth.

"Yo Kazuki~! Super delicious!"

"Right, right!"

"Hmm~ It doesn't feel like a meal that has been cold once."

"Of course, don't underestimate the survival skills of a person who has lived alone for a long time"

"Pfft~ what, I feel so sad for Ling Yuan to say that."

Seeing Yi Lingyuan's triumphant look that was about to raise his tail to the sky, Nakano Yihua lightly tapped Yi Lingyuan's eyebrows with his fingers as white as jade.

After finishing this intimate action, Nakano Kazuka quickly withdrew her fingers and put them on her lap under the table.

"This dish doesn't have much bitterness. When I first came to Chiba, I would buy a hot pot base and cook it in a small pot. For one person, one base can be divided into three meals. It's super cost-effective."

As if recalled by Yi Lingyuan's words, Nakano Kazuka recalled her childhood life.

"Huh? Speaking of which, when we were young and wanted to eat ice cream but didn't have much money, we would always buy the one with five small ice creams in a small bowl, and each of the five sisters would get one."

"Is there such a cheap ice cream?"

"It's not very affordable, it's just the kind of small ice cream that you can spit out in one bite. But at that time, we seem to be able to eat it for a long time."

Thinking about it, five little girls with long pink hair who looked exactly like Nakano Yihua were sitting together eating ice cream, and Yi Lingyuan couldn't help but smile on his face.

“It must have been a lovely scene”

"Of course, after all we and my sister are so cute"

Saying so, Nakano Yihua turned his head to Yi Lingyuan and showed a warm smile.

"Isn't that pretty good?"


"Yihua looks good when she smiles from the heart, so don't always fake smile like that in the future. After all, it's really hard to take off the limited mask after wearing it for a long time."

As if seeing his own shadow on Nakano Yihua, Yi Lingyuan couldn't help rubbing Nakano Yihua's hair.

"By the way, Yihua who smiled like that just now made my heart flutter."

"Pfft~, Ling Yuan, are you finally going to attack me?"

Nakano Yihua propped her arm on the table, resting her little head on her palm, and looked at Yi Lingyuan with a smile.

"Eh, not this one."

Before Yi Lingyuan could explain, Nakano Kazuka leaned into Yi Lingyuan's ear and said:

"Actually, I think if it's Ling Yuan, no~mind~oh~"

"Uh, next time Yihua does this, can you brush your teeth first. The curry smells so strong after eating."

Nakano Kazuka's face turned red all the way to her fair neck, she clapped her hands on the dining table and stood up, the always steady Nakano Kazuka stammered:
"Are you, are you, are you straight? Are all your boys' EQs as low as your driver's license scores?"

Nakano Yihua bit her lip in shame and angrily, and ran to the direction behind her without turning her head.Even his usual walking posture was deformed, he stumbling up the stairs and opened the door, and before closing the door, he still gave Yi Lingyuan a hard look.

(End of this chapter)

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