My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 134 Four People Gather

Chapter 134 Four People Gather
Yi Lingyuan's phone frantically calling under the table, An Yilun also came to attract some firepower.

And An Yilun, who had promised to rush over a few minutes ago, was also trotting all the way to the rescue.

Although he was eating lunch, Yi Lingyuan, who abandoned him, gave him a frenzied call signal. Light novel hero characters like Izumi Masamune and An Yilunya couldn't refuse a friend's call for help.

Halfway through eating, An Yilun hurried over to pay the bill.

Fortunately, An Yilun also chose the maid restaurant near Akihabara, otherwise Yi Lingyuan really didn't know how to end up delaying the meeting for a while.

The attribute of a defeated dog is the most different point between Sawamura Eriri and others.

To be honest, in the 17 years of life from Tokyo to Chiba, Yi Lingyuan really encountered such a strong and distinctive character of the defeated dog for the first time.

With all these textbook-like elements together, even Yi Lingyuan, a girl who came out of Two-dimensional in Eri Sawamura, can probably believe it.

As a light novel writer, Kasumigaoka Shiwa also easily discovered the difference and light of ordinary people in Sawamura Eriri.

Even so, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu would feel inexplicably unbearable and embarrassed, all because she didn't know why the other party's expression of guilt and reduced to a dog in the water in just a few minutes left a deep impression on her.

Seeing Sawamura Eriri constantly deflated in the confrontation with her own words, Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Yi Lingyuan also looked at each other awkwardly.

The gist of it is [I didn't expect this person to be so fierce at the beginning, but the result is completely collapsed at the touch of a finger]. If it is more straightforward to express Kasumigaoka Shiwa's meaning, it would be:

【Why did you fall down before I tried my best? 】

Pushing open the door of this maid cafe, An Yilun also ran in panting, and easily locked Yi Lingyuan and the others.The handsome men and beautiful women at the table are too recognized.

Slowing down his pace, he walked towards Yi Lingyuan who was waving to him.

An Yilun like this is inexplicably imposing!
"I heard from Ling Yuan that Ying Lili was with you, so I rushed over here."

An Yilun also stood on the edge of the table panting heavily.

"Lun Ye~!"

Thinking that An Yilun also ran here for her, Sawamura Eiriri suddenly felt that her childhood sweetheart still had many advantages. If An Yilun also reconciled now, she might agree.

"In this case, the three of them can fight the landlord!"

"Hey hey hey?!!!"

Hearing Ai Lunya's words, Sawamura Eriri felt that the childhood love between herself and Ai Lunya for so many years was eaten by dogs.

Without waiting, Eri Sawamura lost his temper, and An Yilun spoke first, and was surprised to see Kasumigaoka Shiyu sitting next to Yi Lingyuan.

Although I was mentally prepared to see my idol still being abducted by Yi Lingyuan at this time, the impact of seeing it with my own eyes was still too great.

"Teacher Xia Shizi! I didn't expect to see you here again!"

An Yilun also touched the back of his head excitedly, and grinned, but the green leeks on his teeth were a bit eye-catching.

"Well, classmate An Yi, you have won the prize."

Calmly leaning towards Yi Lingyuan's side, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu showed a polite smile of an author.

And Yi Lingyuan, who was beside Shiyu in Xiazhiqiu, felt that it was really hard work when he saw that delicate smile that was almost overflowing.

It's a pity that the fanaticism of never being able to read the other person's face and always taking care of himself has always been An Yilun's character.

Perhaps it is An Yilunya's characteristic that he can't read the atmosphere and always insist on his own ideas, but at this time, this characteristic undoubtedly makes Kasumigaoka Shiwa very helpless.

"In a short time, I have read the contents of Teacher Xia Shizi's new volume. I am sorry to say that this chapter feels that Teacher Xia Shizi's approach is a bit biased. I feel that even in this chapter Sayuka and Naoto get married. surprise."

"Maybe, I think maybe my understanding is not deep enough. If I read it a few times, I might understand your layout, Teacher Xiaxia Shizi."

"Perhaps in the fourth volume, Teacher Xia Shizi, you will launch Zhenwei-chan's counterattack. It will be great to have two amazing and attractive heroines on the stage."

Seeing this, An Yilun, who became more and more excited as she talked and felt completely trapped in her own world, started to blushed and had a thick neck. Xiazhiqiu Shiyu couldn't help leaning towards Yi Lingyuan, and the two He never noticed the touch of his shoulders.

Yi Lingyuan patted the back of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's hand on the sofa and gave her a reassuring look, just when Yi Lingyuan spoke to stop An Yilun from going crazy like this.

Eri Sawamura's actions let Yi Lingyuan see the correct way to deal with An Yilunya in a state of madness.

I don't know how many kicks I have practiced and fought in actual combat. They are as powerful as wind and thunder, and they are fast, accurate, and very fast. The kick hit the middle of An Yilunye's calf bone.

Accompanied by An Yilunye's scream, he hugged his right calf and jumped up and down in place, which made people laugh.

This group of people was already eye-catching, but now with the addition of An Yilun who speaks loudly and screams through the entire cafe, this table for four has become the most eye-catching place in the entire cafe.

It's just that most of the gazes cast are angry, annoyed, and disgusted.

Yi Lingyuan hurriedly got up and nodded slightly to apologize to the sight that came from him.

Yi Lingyuan could not sit down until no one was paying attention.

"Yingli, why did you kick me?!"

"Even if you are very excited, don't make loud noises in public, it's too rude."

Of course, there is also the disappointment of Sawamura Eriri and the anger of being tricked, but An Yilun did indeed do something wrong, and this time he was beaten up by Eiri who stood on the commanding heights of morality, and there is nothing to say.

The only lucky thing is that with the arrival of Ai Lun, Eri Sawamura, who disrupted the situation, finally gradually regained her vitality.

Emm finally met someone lower in the food chain than herself, it's no wonder that Eri Sawamura didn't cheer up.

Yi Lingyuan looked at An Yilun with pity, it seemed that this guy didn't know how bad his impression was on his idol.

Adhering to the principle of humanitarianism, Yi Lingyuan also tried to convey his meaning to An Yilun with his eyes.

'Lun Ye, do you have vegetable leaves or leek leaves on your teeth'

(Ling Yuan has been staring at me madly, what are you doing in the blink of an eye)
I didn't understand why Yi Lingyuan blinked at him suddenly, An Yilun and Yi Lingyuan also looked at each other with wide eyes and small eyes for a long time.

Until Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's poisonous words came out and severely damaged the hearts of the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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