My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 139 You have to be responsible to me

Chapter 139 You have to be responsible to me

"Are you still troubled by the previous exam?"

"Well, many things that shouldn't go wrong are wrong."

"This kind of question is true. Every time I finish the test, there will be those few questions that will make me think about why I made a mistake."

Yi Lingyuan pulled out the chair and motioned Nakano Sanjiu to sit down and plan to have a good talk with her to enlighten her.

"Although every time I have the idea that I am careless rather than incompetent, when the next exam comes, I find myself stepping into this mistake again."


Probably empathizing, Nakano Sanjiu nodded vigorously.

"Although there is a saying in philosophy that a person cannot step into the same river twice, this problem occurs again and again, and the way I think is to improve one's academic ability."

Yi Lingyuan was very satisfied to see Nakano Sanjiu listening carefully, and then said:

"In fact, our personality and study habits have been roughly finalized in high school. The emergence of this kind of problem is not caused by our own personality and habits."

"When you seriously warn yourself not to make this kind of mistake at the beginning of the exam, you will be clear that you will not make any mistakes, but your own energy cannot always maintain a high level of sobriety during the long two hours. "

"It's better to work hard to improve your academic ability than to rely on it here. Maybe you failed to pass because of a mistake, but some people will not fail no matter how many mistakes they make, even if they make a wrong answer sheet."

"It's like, even though my idiom interpretation was poor this time, I still couldn't let Yukinoshita's Yukino overtake. Even though the millennium second child and I tied for first place, I didn't lose this time, did I?"

Ministry of service
Yukinoshita Yukino took a deep breath and closed the book forcefully, the pages colliding with each other made a clear and loud sound.

"It's okay, anyway, that scumbag Yi will come back to the service department in a while, and it won't be too late."

And Yuigahama Yui, who was more distressed, looked at the angry Yukinoshita Yukino, took out his phone and hesitated for a while, but still didn't send a text message.

(Let’s listen to what Xiao Yi has to say again.)
"But, what I wrote was ridiculously wrong."

Speaking of this, Sanjiu Nakano had a bitter face, as if he was very ashamed of his mistakes.

"I've also made outrageous mistakes. You can tell them in advance to make me happy. Um. I mean: when I give you the test papers at night, I promise not to let the four of them know."

"Then Ling Yuan, you are not allowed to tell Yihua and the others."

"Well, I promise you that."

"My childhood sweetheart, I misinterpreted this idiom."

Having said that, Nakano Sanjiu covered her flushed face with both hands, refused to raise her head, and was too ashamed to speak.

"Then what did you explain?"

Although Yi Lingyuan wanted to know very much now, but he still had to hold back his full step-by-step and wait for Nakano Sanjiu to speak out by himself.

"Green plum boiled horse, the sweet and sour green plum combined with the toughness of horse meat, the more you chew, the more delicious it is! It's an awesome dish."

"Puff~~Puff~~ Sorry, it's really not funny, it's not funny at all, hahahahahaha"

Yi Lingyuan couldn't help laughing out loud. Although he was always poor at explaining idioms, such a cute explanation like Nakano Sanjiu really made people laugh.

And Nakano Sanjiu hammered on Yi Lingyuan's chest shamefully and angrily. Yi Lingyuan didn't even have the intention of defending. After all, Nakano Sanjiu's little strength felt that he couldn't break through the defense at all.

"Then let me tell Sanjiu about a mistake I made too."

Yi Lingyuan smiled and touched Nakano Sanjiu's little head, finally calming her down.

"There is a question in the test paper that explains the meaning of an idiom [three autumns a day]."

Thinking of this, Yi Lingyuan couldn't help laughing,

"However, my explanation is: not seeing Sanjiu for a day is like spending autumn."

"Pfft~~ Baga Ling Yuan is also Baga oh puff haha~~"

Although Nakano Sanjiu covered her face and couldn't get a glimpse of her smile, Yi Lingyuan still thought Sanjiu's smile was pretty.

"The correct answer to this question was told by Yotsuba."

"Four leaves?"

"Well, I am very pleased with this guy's Chinese performance."

"Well, Yotsuba, and Ichika, Nino, Wuyue and the others are all very powerful. I am the most useless among the quintuplets."

"This rhetoric is too imprecise. You see, Sanjiu, your previous historical test has always been much better than those four swindlers."

in the classroom
Nakano Nino frowned and said emotionally:
"You are the cheater! You are a freeloader, Mr. cheater!"


Nakano Yotsuba stopped running, scratched her head in distress, and said playfully, "Ling Yuan, that's too straightforward."

Nakano Sanjiu curled up her legs and embraced her arms, her gloomy little face was hidden between her legs.

"Ling Yuan is always too gentle, you don't have to be a good person all the time."

"It's not tenderness, it's the truth."

"What I can do, the other four can do too."

Speaking of which, Nakano Sanjiu showed Yi Lingyuan a forced and sad smile.

"After all, we are quintuplets."

"Quintuplets? Quintuplets! Quintuplets!"

Yi Lingyuan was chanting, but a light flashed in his mind.

"Hey, Sanjiu, it is because you are quintuplets that I see the hope of teaching you."


"I'm your tutor. I can't guarantee something far away like me, but it's my duty to let you graduate happily and have enough strength to do what you want to do!"

Seeing Yi Lingyuan seriously clenched his fists on his chest and made a serious promise to himself word by word, Nakano Sanjiu still smiled reluctantly.

"It's impossible. The five of us only got [-] points in the test together."

"No, it's possible! What Sanjiu can do, Ernai and the others can do it, and the same thing they can do as quintuplets, Sanjiu, you can also do it!"

Yi Lingyuan took out the test paper analysis form she made for Nakano Sanjiu and the others from her pocket and handed it to Nakano Sanjiu.

"Sanjiu, did you find anything?"

"We, the questions we answered correctly were all different!"

Nakano Sanjiu opened her small mouth in surprise, and put down her curled legs steadily.

"That's right. In this exam, your 20th grade is [-] points per person. But with the [-]th point score, I can see the possibility of you getting [-] points."

"If one person can do it, then five people can do it!"



Nakano Sanjiu kept staring into Yi Lingyuan's eyes, and Yi Lingyuan did not avoid looking at her.

"Since what you said, although there is only a little possibility, I still want to try."

Nakano Sanjiu jumped off the seat briskly, turned around on the spot, put her hands behind her back, and showed an incomparably beautiful smile.

"Hey, Ling Yuan~~, you have to be responsible to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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