My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 146 Talking on a Rainy Night

Chapter 146 Talking on a Rainy Night
It was already raining outside by the end of the course.

With a cheeky face, he borrowed an umbrella from Nakano's house. Taking advantage of the drizzle at night, Yi Lingyuan also pretended to be elegant, following the example of the ancients who held a candle at night and walked home.

However, one disadvantage of midsummer is that it rains too frequently.

Today's Southern China should have entered the rainy season, and Yi Lingyuan still remembered that if it was at this time, Suzhou would have turned into the misty and rainy south of the Yangtze River in poetry.

The fragrant grass is like smoke, catkins are flying all over the city, and the rainy season is like fog. These are scenes that Yi Lingyuan has never forgotten in his past and present lives.

standing on the street

As far as the eye can see, there are extremely luxurious shops, blazing lamps, passers-by are mostly black in suits and leather shoes, or most of the women in warm clothes pass by in a blink of an eye.

The whole city is poured with steel and concrete, and only at this time will the noisy city show a cold and ruthless sense of strangeness.

A gentle and affectionate person like Xiang Yi Lingyuan often feels inexplicably sad in this kind of scenery, and it doesn't seem to be for anyone, nor for any pain or setback. cry.

Stretching out his hand, a few drops of rain fell into the palm of his hand, looking at the rain curtain hidden in the black sky through the gap between the umbrellas, Yi Lingyuan recited a poem without coming:
"May I ask how much leisure and sorrow are there? A river of tobacco, a city full of wind and rain, plums and yellow rain"

"Pfft~ Forget it, anyway, there are no willows and riversides in a modern city."

Between the words, the actions change, and they are no different from ordinary pedestrians.

. . .

. . . .

Pushing open the outer door of anti-gentleman not anti-villain, walked through the small courtyard, but saw someone he hadn't seen for a long time at the door.

"Long time no see, kind doorkeeper, Miss Loyal Dog."

"You have the time to speak, but let me go in to warm up and hide your head and show your tail." Liar student."

Because of the rain, Mai Sakurajima was already drenched at this time, leaning against the door of Yi Lingyuan's house with her legs curled up, her lips turned white from the cold, but unfortunately her mouth was still so stiff.

Taking out the key to open the door, Yi Lingyuan reached out to Mai Sakurajima.

"Can you still stand up?"

"Everything is fine, at least physically."

After Yi Lingyuan held Mai Sakurajima's palm, she knew that she was in a bad situation, and the cold palm looked normal.

"Come in first."

Glancing at the girl who was still supporting Mai Sakurajima, Yi Lingyuan pulled her up and helped her into the room.

Pointing to the direction of the bathroom, Yi Lingyuan said:
"Let's go take a hot bath first."


Mai Sakurajima nodded, but her eyes seemed dull again.

Seeing Mai Sakurajima walking slowly into the bathroom step by step, Yi Lingyuan rubbed the center of her brows with a headache, and her powerful sixth sense told herself that something happened to Mai Sakurajima!

But instead of exploring what happened, Yi Lingyuan felt that he should boil a pot of ginger water first, and then look for Xiao Jing's usual clothes.

After busying together in a hurry, Yi Lingyuan realized it later.

"However, Sakurajima-senpai is really bold, so you are so relieved of me when you enter a boy's house?"

"It's not very reassuring, it's just that I came here after a moment of dizziness. Anyway, I have nowhere to go."

"Could it be that you ran away from home after arguing with your parents?"


Seeing Mai Sakurajima's true appearance, Yi Lingyuan felt a little unreal, and his guess this time seemed to be quite accurate.

"However, I remember that your manager is your mother, right?"

Yi Lingyuan thought of the information he had obtained from his father's contacts in the past few days.

"Sakurajima Mai, because of the swimsuit photo shoot when she graduated from junior high school, she turned against her manager, her mother. The relationship between mother and daughter has always been at odds. It is also because of this incident that Sakurajima Mai suddenly retired."

"Thank you, Uncle Hansawa Naoki."

"It's nothing, I just didn't expect your kid to like this kind of girl. She has a good vision."

"That. No, no"

"Beep beep beep beep I read~~~~~"

"Well, my agent is that woman."

Mai Sakurajima's complexion was gloomy, and she could see that her mood became extremely bad when she mentioned that woman.

Yi Lingyuan brought the boiled brown sugar ginger water to the table in front of Mai Sakurajima, but secretly sighed in her heart, if it was Touma and Sa, the mother and daughter love each other, but they are awkward and refuse to show it, it's okay , but Yi Lingyuan doesn't want to get involved in these family affairs because of the real and real contradictions of Mai Sakurajima.

"Speaking of which, Sakurajima-senpai still wants to become a star!"

"No, that's not the case. I can live an ordinary life now. I hope that others will pay too much attention to me."

Mai Sakurajima took a few sips from the white steaming cup, and refuted Yi Lingyuan's remarks in a flat tone.

"Does Sakurajima-senpai really think so?"

"Naturally, I have retired."

"Is this what you really think in your heart?"

"You are annoying, junior."

With a calm smile, Mai Sakurajima's mask is hard to take off.

But Yi Lingyuan, who was most familiar with this kind of smile, did not give up.

"I think it's better for Sakurajima-senpai to follow your inner thoughts. People rarely live two lives. It's better to let go of what you want to do. If you give up because of your mother."

A quiet voice.However, there is an emotion that seems to be like an earthquake welling up from the bottom of my heart to support this language.The evidence is that Sakurajima Mai raised her eyebrows and stared at her.

"Yi Lingyuan, don't say unnecessary words."

The red ginger soup spilled out with the collision of cups and saucers, splashing onto the brown tabletop.

"Then, I hope Mai Sakurajima can really answer me with my heart. On that day, did you stand at that stop sign for a long time and look at your own photo feeling sad?!"

"I, I, I, I"

Sakurajima Mai opened her mouth several times but still couldn't answer.

"In any case, I think at least you, Sakurajima-senpai, and your manager, who is also your mother, can honestly express your thoughts and reasons to each other."

"Whether it makes sense or not is one thing, but whether it makes sense is another. What's more, no matter what, I will always think about your side. At worst, I will be your agent, and you will live with me in the future." Let me work hard to make money here to repay me."

"Can you say such shameless words, Yi Lingyuan, are you a running dog of capitalism?"

Mai Sakurajima said with a smile.

Yi Lingyuan also laughed.

"Isn't it common sense that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring?"

"In this case, you will become a soft food."

"Not everyone can eat the soft rice served by the dignified national idol Mai Sakurajima."

"What a sycophant!"

"It's only natural for a broker to curry favor with his own cash cow."

"Hey, I haven't agreed yet."

"That's it~ That's a pity to miss out on such an outstanding talent like me."

"Pfft~~Then Mr. Reserve Manager, I'm hungry."

(End of this chapter)

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