My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 150 Specialties of Kanagawa

Chapter 150 Specialties of Kanagawa
There were still a lot of people at Kanagawa Station at this time, and the hustle and bustle of people's voices came as soon as they left the station.

Neither the shadow of the moon nor the stars.The sky is dim, but fortunately, the city's gorgeous lights are quite good.

"Hey, are there any specialties in Lingyuan Kanagawa?"


Yi Lingyuan edited the text message sent to Nakano Sanjiu and the others, pondered for a while and said:

"Probably a Taoist high school student."

"What a strange specialty, is there a Taoist school here?"

Sakurajima Mai lightly frowned at Ye Mei, and looked at Yi Lingyuan suspiciously, always feeling that according to this guy's previous record, such words are absolutely nonsense.

"You are Mai, and you have a blind spot in your knowledge. Half of the people at the beginning know that among the high school students in Nihong, there are a lot of Taoist priests, and there are a lot of immortals. It seems that there are more people who open the system and hang up."

"I always feel that your words are full of ridicule. You feel that you are saying something that I can't understand at all. The same is true of Tachibana Taki before. Fortunately, I called you for a long time in vain."

Mai Sakurajima, who let go of her defenses in front of Yi Lingyuan, is now more like a little girl, complaining about her boyfriend deliberately bullying her by saying things she doesn't understand.

Pretending to be angry, she buried her head and walked forward, but Mai Sakurajima forgot that she was still interlocking fingers with someone at this moment.

Yi Lingyuan only pulled Mai Sakurajima into his arms with a little effort, as to whether he has no strength or just followed the trend, it is a matter of opinion.


"Unfortunately, I decline this offer."

"H~! Pervert~!"

"Oh~ I didn't expect my true face to be discovered by you, Mai."

Sakurajima Mai suddenly felt that she still underestimated this guy's cheekiness.

After struggling to no avail, Mai Sakurajima simply gave up after hammering on Yi Lingyuan's chest a few times angrily.

There are people coming and going outside the station, but unfortunately they can't see the scenery of feeding dog food.Maybe in their eyes, it's not a sweet couple fighting, but a handsome fool standing there talking to himself.



It took a long time for both of them to absorb enough energy from each other before they parted reluctantly, but the hands they held never parted.


"Me too, the snacks I ate in the car didn't make me hungry at all."

"Mai, let's go eat Chinese food."


By the way, the two walked around the mall in Kanagawa for a long time, but unfortunately no one was able to see Mai Sakurajima.

In the end, Mai Sakurajima and Yi Lingyuan chose an antique restaurant.

The one who opened the door was a tall boy in ancient clothes, taller and stronger than Yi Lingyuan.


When the boy saw Mai Sakurajima, he just glanced sideways in surprise and then returned to normal.

"Where do you two want to sit? We have a seat by the window, and a seat near the storytelling show."

"A seat by the window will do."

The moment Yi Lingyuan saw this tall young man, Yi Lingyuan's sixth sense was frantically warning, his whole body's hair was uncontrollably puffed up, and he followed behind with a normal expression, resisting the discomfort in his body, and barely recovered until he sat down normal.

Sensing Yi Lingyuan's strangeness, Mai Sakurajima worriedly took Yi Lingyuan's arm and sat down next to each other.

It was Yi Lingyuan who finally noticed something was wrong after his brain recovered.

"Wait a minute, you, you can see her!"

Probably too shocked, or out of such a Chinese-style hall, Yi Lingyuan spoke Chinese subconsciously.

"Well, there seems to be something very strange about this girl that is constantly affecting the outside world with him at the center."

The tall boy actually answered in Chinese with a slight Hokkien accent.

Yi Lingyuan patted Mai Sakurajima's thigh, and during the exchange of eyes between the two, Mai Sakurajima understood Yi Lingyuan's meaning and did not express any particular excitement.

"Are you from the inland?"

"My grandfather is from Hong Kong, and my mother is from Nihong Province. My Chinese name is Li Xuehao, and my Japanese name is Manaka Koji."

"My name is Yi Lingyuan. My ancestors came to Nihong Province to do business. Since then, the family has always settled in Tokyo."

In this way, the two people can be said to be fellow villagers, and feel that the relationship between the two of them has become much closer at once. It will only be after growing up and going to school that they will know why they are so excited after seeing fellow villagers.

Yi Lingyuan took advantage of the situation and asked about Mai Sakurajima.

"Your girlfriend seems to have a position formed by some obsessions, but this kind of thing doesn't seem to rely on spiritual power. It feels very strange but it is definitely not a curse. Otherwise, I can easily crack it."

The disappointment on Yi Lingyuan's face disappeared in a flash and was well hidden, but Mai Sakurajima was very confused and couldn't understand what Koji Manaka was talking about. Mai Shimai has roughly guessed the result.

"I guess this kind of thing must have a source, otherwise it would be impossible for such complicated and strong thoughts to appear on her out of thin air. Sorry, that's all I can do."

Probably because he couldn't help, this tall boy named Koji Manaka felt very guilty.

"There, we should thank you. Thank you, Koji, for letting me have a clue."

Although only one person besides Yi Lingyuan can see Mai Sakurajima, this also gave them great confidence.

After dinner, when the two were walking together for tonight's residence

"Ling Yuan, who is that boy?"

"It's the specialty of Kanagawa that I told you about before."

. . .

. . . . .

One person can only open one suite with his ID card, and despite Yi Lingyuan's ramblings for a long time, the law-abiding front desk lady is unwilling to open an extra room.

In the end, Yi Lingyuan, who hesitated at the front desk for a long time, was dragged into the room by Mai Sakurajima.

However, Mai Sakurajima, who was about to take a bath, blushed and wanted to drag Yi Lingyuan to buy a change of clothes. The two who rushed to Kanagawa this season seemed to have nothing to change.

Just like this, Yi Lingyuan, who had just entered the door before he had time to feel uneasy, was dragged by Mai Sakurajima and ran to a convenience supermarket not far away.

Like the most ordinary couple or just newlyweds, Yi Lingyuan and Sakurajima Mai pushed the car together and started strolling in the shopping mall.

"By the way, will the things you hold, Mai, be invisible to others?"

"Try it and you'll know."

Mai Sakurajima picked up a carrot and dangled it in front of an office worker, but that person didn't seem to see the carrot, and continued to choose good vegetables as usual.

"Then, will the things you eat, Mai, be observed?"

Yi Lingyuan deliberately picked up a carrot and handed it to Mai Sakurajima, not hiding her intention of molesting.

"I don't want to eat carrots."

Sakurajima Mai jumped away lightly with her hands behind her back.

"Oh? Is there any Miss Rabbit in the world who doesn't eat carrots?"

(End of this chapter)

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