Chapter 152 Truth or Dare
[Of course I still remember Mai Sakurajima, it’s only been a few days, have you lost your mind? 】

Seeing Yukinoshita Yukino's text message, Yi Lingyuan was the first to feel relieved.

"Sure enough, the source of Mai Sakurajima's incident is this school."

After thinking for a while, Yi Lingyuan was still considering how to tell Yukino Yukino about their current situation.

The bathroom door was pushed open
Mai Sakurajima carefully probed to observe Yi Lingyuan's movements, and was relieved when he saw him sitting on the sofa, and stepped out shyly.

The pink bathrobe, loose wet long black hair, and that timid look made Yi Lingyuan's heart flutter.

"It's not the style of a mature lady to be so timid and hesitant."

"Of course I know that!"

Holding on to her own image, Mai Sakurajima sat across from Yi Lingyuan, picked up the beer that had been pulled off the pull tab, and drank it 'tons and tons'.

"I drank that, kissed indirectly."

"Puff~~! Kekekeke~~"

The beer was spilled on the carpet, Mai Sakurajima glared at Yi Lingyuan with a flushed face.

After successfully flirting with Mai Sakurajima, Yi Lingyuan took the opportunity to leave with a smile and closed the bathroom door without giving Mai Sakurajima a chance.

Mai Sakurajima started to drink beer again after she barked her teeth at the closed bathroom door for a while.


Seeing the actual text message on the screen and the interface that was not locked, Mai Sakurajima glanced at it, and her heart moved.

【Have you convinced Sakurajima-san?I always feel that if it develops like this, it will be in a very bad situation. 】

Glancing in the direction of the bathroom, Mai Sakurajima pressed the voice button and said:
"Ling Yuanjiang is taking a bath. We have important things to do, so I can't reply to you for the time being."

After waiting for a while, Sakurajima Mai did not receive any news from Yukinoshita Yukino.

"Could it be that I guessed wrong? It feels like Ling Yuan has a very close relationship with those two girls."

Mai Sakurajima muttered, trying to send a message to Yukinoshita Yukino to find out about the situation.

【still there? 】

The system pops up a big red exclamation mark and a reminder in black font: [Because you are not friends, you cannot send messages to each other. 】

Thinking of how devastated Yi Lingyuan will be in the future, Mai Sakurajima couldn't help but want to laugh, after being molested by that guy for so long, this time he finally managed to win back.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Mai Sakurajima hurried back to her seat and sat down, then opened a can of cold beer and took a big sip with a guilty conscience.

After Yi Lingyuan sat down, he also drank a big mouthful of cold beer.

"It's great to drink this after a shower."

“It is also very good with shredded squid.”

Mai Sakurajima handed over the snacks in her hand, and hurriedly continued the topic so that Yi Lingyuan would not think about the text messages on her mobile phone.

"Oh, let me try."

Although I don't know why Sakurajima Mai is so considerate after coming out of the shower, but for Yi Ling's sake, let's eat first.

It was already [-]:[-] in the morning, more or less two people were a little hungry.

While eating, Mai Sakurajima's eyes wandered everywhere, and suddenly thought of what to do if Yi Lingyuan got angry because of this incident and ignored her?
Quickly cleared up this thought, because Mai Sakurajima really couldn't imagine how to face the future by herself after being hated by Yi Lingyuan.

"What's the matter, Mai? You didn't look very good just now."


Mai Sakurajima answered loudly, and happened to see the playing cards under the table.

"Ah, that's right! Ling Yuan, let's play truth or dare!"

Mai Sakurajima took out the deck of playing cards and said eagerly.

"It's okay too!"

Now that both of them can't sleep because of the cold beer, it's not bad to just play a game.

Yi Lingyuan's card was [3] and Mai Sakurajima's was [K].

"Oh~ It looks like I won, so Ling Yuan, do you choose the truth or the big risk. Let me tell you first, if it's the big risk, you have to do whatever I say!"

It was the first time to drink, and Mai Sakurajima, who was already slightly drunk, was more cheerful than usual.Compared with the mature style of the previous senior sister, it is more cute now.

"Then tell the truth."

"Ask! How cutest am I among the girls you know?!"

Yi Lingyuan can already confirm that Mai Sakurajima is a little drunk now, but this problem is really fatal.

Yukinoshita Yukino, Yuigahama Yui, Nakano Miku, Sawamura Eri
Well, Yi Lingyuan realized that he still knew so many beautiful girls after doing the calculations.However, each of them has their own cuteness, just like plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, each has its own beauty.

"It's so difficult~~!"

Seeing Yi Lingyuan's tangled appearance, Sakurajima Mai drank the remaining beer in the glass angrily.

"How attractive is this person? There shouldn't be many beautiful girls around him!"

"I can only say, Mai, you and my companions are the second best in my heart."

"Hey~! Could it be that you really have a girlfriend, who is the most attractive person?"

Mai Sakurajima thought a lot about the possibilities, but she didn't expect it to be so bad.

"The most beautiful person is my mother. Although she passed away when I was young, she is the most beautiful in my memory."

"That's it"

Mai Sakurajima breathed a sigh of relief, and let it go without even noticing that she was ranked second with the others.

"Second, although I raised this question myself, I still feel so ashamed~~"

Covering his face shyly, Yi Lingyuan's coquettish look with his feet staring wildly made Yi Lingyuan's eyes feast again.

"Since you are so shy, don't ask at first."

"Because, I thought you, a liar, would never answer me seriously~~"

"Hey hey hey~~ Then let's go to the next round."

This time Yi Lingyuan is [9], Sakurajima Mai is [7]

"Mai, truth or dare?"

"The truth~!"

"So... I want to know what kind of person Mai was when she was a child?"

"Huh? How could this be a problem? I'm already sitting down and ready to tell you my three-dimensional figure~~!"

"I suddenly wanted to know more about you, senior."

After shaking the beer in the glass, Yi Lingyuan's plain and unintentional words made Mai Sakurajima break out.

"When I was young, the most commented by others on me was probably that this child was very well-behaved and sensible."

"Because my parents are very busy, I have been quietly playing with my own puzzles, building blocks, and reading since I was a child."

"Later, I accidentally went to my mother's company to play, but was cast as a role in a morning drama, and suddenly became a hot child star."

"I was very happy at first. After all, my mother has been paying attention to me since then, and I am no longer alone at home waiting for them to get off work."

"But later."

(End of this chapter)

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