Chapter 154 Bullying
"What is mine?"

"The King"

"Looks like I won."


"The truth, or a big risk?"

Yi Lingyuan was still thinking about how to answer Mai Sakurajima, but he had already answered for him.

"Big adventure! Don't refute, don't refuse."

Yi Lingyuan didn't have any demands on this, so he temporarily agreed to Mai Sakurajima's request.

"Then choose, big adventure."

Yi Lingyuan looked at Mai Sakurajima who was sitting on the other side and asked:

"So what do you want me to do?"

Yi Lingyuan opened another bottle of mineral water.

"Then Ling Yuan, please carry me to the bed."

"Puff~~cough cough"

Yi Lingyuan casually touched the mineral water near his mouth, feeling that he must have heard wrong just now.

"I mean, you, Yi Lingyuan, carried me to the bed."

"But, this."

"Look, I'm out of energy now because of someone's trouble"

"That's why I'm bothering you."

"Put, I, hug, onto, bed, on."

Seeing Mai Sakurajima at this time, Yi Lingyuan made up his mind not to let this guy slam beer.

In the end, Yi Lingyuan, who couldn't handle the coquettish Mai Sakurajima at all, had to obey her words.

Sighing helplessly, he silently recited a few lines of Buddhist scriptures in the "Pharmacist Liuliguang Tathagata Original Vow Merit Sutra" that he had inadvertently remembered in his previous life, and easily hugged Princess Sakurajima Mai.

In Huaiyi Lingyuan, Wen Xiangnunyu could clearly feel the tension and stiffness of the person nestled in her arms.

"Since you are so shy, don't force yourself."

Carefully wrapping his arms around Yi Lingyuan's neck, this is not the first time he has seen it, Mai Sakurajima still feels that Yi Lingyuan is a little too charming now.

The distance from the living room to the bedroom is only a short ten steps or so, but Mai Sakurajima went from nervous to at ease, from looking at Yi Lingyuan's side face to snuggling in Yi Lingyuan's arms peacefully.

It wasn't until Yi Lingyuan put herself on the bed that Sakurajima Mai slipped into the bed worrying about gain or loss.

Looking at the back of Yi Lingyuan leaving, Mai Sakurajima smiled smirkly when she didn't come.

Yi Lingyuan drew [2] from the remaining cards.

"It's the last game, which one do you choose?"

"Then I'll choose the one closest to you."

Yi Lingyuan opened the poker,

"It is [8]."

Taking another big sip of ice water, he finally suppressed the restlessness in his heart, Yi Lingyuan paused but did not hear the voice from the bed.

(Already asleep?)
Turning off the headlights in the corridor and the living room, Yi Lingyuan also took off his clothes and got into bed.I was glad Sakurajima Mai fell asleep, otherwise I really didn't know what to do.

He was obviously lying on the big comfortable and soft bed, and the temperature of the air conditioner was also very suitable, but Yi Lingyuan stared blankly at the ceiling, not feeling sleepy.

"Truth or Big Adventure?"

Mai Sakurajima also looked at the pitch-black ceiling, not feeling sleepy.

“Big Adventure”

"Hey, Ling Yuan, let's kiss."


"A request for a great adventure cannot be refused."

"For this reason, let me refuse, and replace it with the truth."


"It's unacceptable to take away Mai's first kiss for such a ridiculous reason."

"Then what if I say, I want to kiss you, Yi Lingyuan?!"

Hearing Mai Sakurajima's words, Yi Lingyuan turned his head to find that pair of dark and bright eyes were looking at him with burning eyes.

Standing up for a while, Yi Lingyuan answered Mai Sakurajima with gestures.

Regarding Yi Lingyuan's remarks, Sakurajima Mai certainly did not believe it, and turned her back to Yi Lingyuan with a little emotion.

"I'm going to sleep. Good night."

"Okay, good night."

For Yi Lingyuan's incomprehensible words, Mai Sakurajima felt annoyed again in her heart.

(You came to comfort me at this time, where did your emotional intelligence go at this time!)
There was another silence.
In the room, there was only the subtle sound of the pointer sliding, which was never heard on weekdays.

41:[-] am.

There was a dead silence in the room.

"Hello, Ling Yuan?"

"Have you not slept yet?"


"Well, it just so happens that I don't feel sleepy either."

"What would you do if I was shaking and crying 'I don't want to disappear'?"

"Of course it's the same as you asked me to kiss you before. At this time, words have lost their power."

Yi Lingyuan said seriously word by word:

"Mai, turn around."

"No, I won't let you bully me like this again."

Mai Sakurajima was very moved by Yi Lingyuan's proposal, and finally, after shaking her body a few times, she couldn't hold back and ran into his arms pitifully.

Because, Sakurajima Mai is already sober at this moment.

Yi Lingyuan sighed silently, pulled back the quilt on his side, got up and got out of bed, and walked slowly to the living room to drink water.

Only Sakurajima Mai was left alone on the bed, and only then did she realize how flustered and empty she was.Even though the two of them were only more than ten steps apart, Mai Sakurajima stared closely at Yi Lingyuan, feeling like she was being abandoned all the time.

Forcing herself to close her eyes, Mai Sakurajima's body couldn't help shaking.

"I'm in."

Feeling someone suddenly squeezed into the space on his side, Mai Sakurajima opened his eyes and saw Yi Lingyuan's bright eyes.

Being held in her arms forcefully without asking her consent, Mai Sakurajima felt extra at ease at this moment.

Mai Sakurajima moved her body and hid herself in front of Yi Lingyuan's chest. She felt comfortable resting on Yi Lingyuan's arm, like a pet acting like a spoiled child to its owner.

As if to cheer herself up, Mai Sakurajima whispered:
"I have already decided to return to the showbiz. I want to make movies and TV series. I will be a national idol in the future."

"So... so, you bad guy can't always bully me!"

(End of this chapter)

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