Chapter 160 Four o'clock in the morning
"Ling Yuan?"

"Hello, hentai?!~"

"Teacher Ling Yuan?"

Hearing the worried words of the members of the Nakano family, Yi Lingyuan came back to his senses again, and continued to explain the sample questions to them.

This time, they didn't lower their heads to look at the book seriously, but they all looked at Yi Lingyuan at the same time, trying to see suspicion from his face.

"I stayed up late to play games these two days, so I'm not in a good state."

Yi Lingyuan casually found an excuse, pretending to be haha, trying to get away with it.

"Ling Yuan is lying."

Nakano Sanjiu was the first to expose Yi Lingyuan's lie, neither she nor the other four idiots believed it.



"Well, I'm really afraid of you."

Unable to stand these five identical faces looking at him with similar worried expressions, Yi Lingyuan simply raised his hand in surrender.

"Actually, I did encounter some troublesome things recently. But, believe me, I will be able to solve it soon."

Yi Lingyuan sincerely made such a promise to these five people.

"Don't worry, I won't delay your studies. I can make a promise to all of you to graduate under the witness of the whole school."

Speaking of this, Nakano Sanjiu shyly rubbed her legs wrapped in black silk and lowered her head, not daring to look into other people's eyes.

"Ling Yuan, if you have any questions, please let me know, I will do my best to help you."

Nakano Yotsuba clenched her fists with all her strength and made a cheering gesture.

"Well, I'll leave it to you when the time comes, Yotsuba!"

Yi Lingyuan touched Nakano Yotsuba's small head with a smile, the smooth touch made him reluctant to let go for a while.

Nakano Yotsuba also responded with a cute and healing smile in a silly manner, and the way she squinted her eyes in enjoyment made Nakano Sanku, Nino and Kazuka a little envious.

Nakano Wuyue looked around and sighed silently.

(You still worry about that thick-skinned guy, you should think about how to compete in the future.)
"Perhaps, I will ask for a leave of absence for supervision in these two days, so I will leave it to you, Nino."


Unexpectedly, Yi Lingyuan would entrust such a task to herself, Nakano Nino was a little surprised and also a little secretly happy.

"Continuing with this momentum, at the end of the summer vacation, your grades are likely to be basically passed, instead of everyone passing only one subject like this time."

Speaking of this, Yi Lingyuan blinked at Nakano Nino:

"Mr. Nakano has already seen through such clever words [five people avoided failing all five subjects], but thank you anyway."




"Is there such a thing?"

Facing the astonishment of the other four sisters, Nakano Nino folded her arms and said proudly with her eyes closed and her head held high:

"That's because although you are a hentai, you are still very good at teaching. Besides, if I don't say that, maybe Sanjiu and the others will be really sad if you are fired."

Quietly opened a slit in his right eye to observe the inconceivable expression of his sister, and continued to explain:

"I just don't want you to worry. Anyway, this hentai will continue to be your tutor. Anyway, I don't care."


Nakano Sanjiu threw herself on Nakano Nino and hugged her excitedly.

"Ni Nao is amazing!"

Nakano Yotsuba and Nakano Kazuka also offered their compliments.

Complaining impatiently about their fuss, Nakano Nino couldn't help but smile.

Even Nakano May felt that Nakano Nino was great this time.

. . .

. . . . .

After leaving Nakano's house, Yi Lingyuan was still a little guilty when he saw the closed door of Yukinoshita's house.

Under the snow, Yukino kept watch at the window until sunset, and the two simply skipped a day's class in the health room.

Yi Lingyuan felt that putting sleep aids in his drinks seemed a little unethical, and if it was really changed to a 360p drama, there might be some plots that would be blocked.

Looking at the completely dark night, Yi Lingyuan told himself seriously: You are the only one left this time, but don't forget Mai Sakurajima.

After rectifying his expression, Yi Lingyuan once again stepped into the home with warm orange lights.

Like every newlywed couple, the husband who returns home, the wife who cooks, and the hot water that boils.
Both Yi Lingyuan and Mai Sakurajima tacitly did not mention anything about [Adolescent Syndrome].

The two quarreled with each other as usual, and in the end Mai Sakurajima, who was in charge of the kitchen at the time, won.

Under the green pepper meal that someone threatened to take for a month, Yi Lingyuan obediently bowed his head and bowed his head, giving Sakurajima Mai a saddle, which was comparable to An Yilun in terms of doglegs.

Repeating yesterday's life, we nestled together on the sofa and watched TV dramas intimately.

As for what to do, the two of them didn't care about it, and each of them silently felt the few hours spent with each other in their hearts.

until the lights fade
Yi Lingyuan was sorting out the written diary and edited documents in her room. The strong tea in the cup had been finished and there was no refill yet, and there was a late-blooming crabapple next to the computer.

【At four o'clock in the morning, I saw the Begonia flower sleepless】

Yi Lingyuan wrote this sentence in the document, once again lost in thought and deliberation about Mai Sakurajima.

"I'm in."

Mai Sakurajima took the boiling kettle to fill Yi Lingyuan with tea, and stood by his side reluctant to leave.

Yi Lingyuan didn't care about it either, but typed a few more words after the sentence, and once again the plan to save Mai Sakurajima took shape.

"Aren't you going to sleep yet?"

"Even if I sleep, I won't forget you the next day. It's okay to go to bed late."

Yi Lingyuan was a little surprised by Mai Sakurajima's answer, but it was expected after thinking about it. It would be abnormal if Mai Sakurajima, who was smart and smart, still couldn't see it.

After Yi Lingyuan drank the tea, Mai Sakurajima asked a question suddenly.

"If, I said that if I can still cook for you in the future, I will definitely not put green peppers on purpose."

"If, in the future, I can continue to eat your food, even if it is a green pepper feast, I will eat it all."

Mai Sakurajima took a deep breath, and her answering voice trembled clearly.

"Unfortunately, there is no future. Good night, idiot junior."

Yi Lingyuan didn't expect that the means he used under Xueshita would be his turn so soon, and the tiredness accumulated for a long time destroyed Yi Lingyuan's will irresistibly.

Mai Sakurajima gently tidied Yi Lingyuan's messy hair and covered him with a blanket.

Mai Sakurajima, who thought she could face it with strength, couldn't control herself anymore after seeing the words behind the document.

I couldn't help but backed up, squatted down, covered my mouth with my hands not to let out a little cry, my whole body was trembling, silently, Mai Sakurajima had already burst into tears.

The newly created white document showed these two sentences alone:
【At four o'clock in the morning, I saw the Begonia flower sleepless】

[I always feel that you should be by my side at this time. 】

(End of this chapter)

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