My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 163 The Tranquility Before the Rain

Chapter 163 The Tranquility Before the Rain

The good news is that Yi Lingyuan was able to observe Mai Sakurajima.

The bad news is that people other than Yi Lingyuan are still unable to observe Mai Sakurajima.

Yi Lingyuan was still worried about this, but Sakurajima Mai did not feel much disappointed.

"It's good that you can remember me!"

Holding her face in her hands, Mai Sakurajima watched Yi Lingyuan eat the dinner she made with satisfaction.

"But, haven't you already decided to return to the showbiz?"

Yi Lingyuan did not forget Mai Sakurajima's dejected look at the big billboard at the station.

"It's impossible for something like this to happen"

On the other hand, Mai Sakurajima really wanted to comfort Yi Lingyuan, and Mai Sakurajima stared nervously at Yi Lingyuan when she thought of something here:
"You still want to carry out that plan, don't you?"

"Sure enough, you deleted the blanks in the document."

Yi Lingyuan didn't answer Mai Sakurajima's question, but asked rhetorically as if solving a case.

"That's right, there is no one else but you."

"Answer my question, Ling Yuan, don't you really want to do that?"

"So, you also made the box of green peppers at noon?"

"Yi Lingyuan!"

"Don't worry, I will carefully consider it."

After Yi Lingyuan made a serious promise to himself, Mai Sakurajima felt a little relieved.

"Speaking of this, Mai, you probably haven't read all the documents I wrote, have you?"

Thinking of the words he had written, Yi Lingyuan suddenly panicked, hating why he didn't set a password lock, and hating why he had to write the truth into the document.

It's okay not to say it, but when Yi Lingyuan mentioned this, Mai Sakurajima's eyes became more and more unfriendly.

"I said why are you so proficient. It's really amazing. You have kissed two girls before. You are actually very proud of yourself!"

Yi Lingyuan first looked to see if there was any lethal weapon in Mai Sakurajima's hands, and then carefully observed in the direction of the kitchen.

(If Mai is going to take a kitchen knife, it is more appropriate for me to stop her or run away first.)

Yi Lingyuan forced a smile that was uglier than crying:
"Would you believe me if I said that I was actually kissed by force?"

"Excuse me, do you want me to chop it into pieces?"

"I think that without me, no one will be able to observe you, so how about letting me live for a few more days?"

"You really think about me, Mr. Scumbag."

Mai Sakurajima stood up from the chair, half of her face was covered by the shadow left under the sea, and the original warm orange light became dim for Yi Lingyuan.

Behind Mai Sakurajima, there seemed to be a faint black flame, and the atmosphere that froze the air spread silently, making Yi Lingyuan feel as if he was being strangled by the throat and out of breath.

"Obviously I have an ambiguous relationship with so many girls, but they still play tricks on me"

Mai Sakurajima's voice was rare and soft, which made Yi Lingyuan flustered.

Thinking about it carefully, Mai Sakurajima, who cannot be observed, cannot be observed even if she commits a murder.

At that time, the police also observed the murder during lunch.

Thinking of this, Yi Lingyuan became even more flustered, and vowed in her heart that if she could survive this time, she would definitely search on Moe x Encyclopedia to see if there was a way to deal with sick and delicate women.

Mai Sakurajima walked in front of Yi Lingyuan, looked down at him, and nodded in satisfaction when he saw that there was no resistance.

The summer white shirt was already soaked in sweat from the rush, Mai Sakurajima looked back calmly, feeling better in her heart.

Still reluctantly maintaining her momentum, Mai Sakurajima grabbed Yi Lingyuan's tie and forcefully pulled him in front of her face.





"So, this time I won!"


Seeing Mai Sakurajima's proud look, Yi Lingyuan suddenly felt that women are really difficult to understand, and he is really a bad scumbag.

It is estimated that the anger has passed, and Mai Sakurajima can no longer maintain that queenly look, just like the conversation with Yi Lingyuan in the bathroom turned over, panic and shyness resurfaced again.

"Remember to take a shower!"

After dropping these words, Mai Sakurajima ran back to the room in a panic.

Yi Lingyuan was left alone sitting there with mixed feelings, and for a while, he really couldn't figure out Mai Sakurajima's thoughts.

"For the time being, let's take a step and see."

Yi Lingyuan, who could only use such words to comfort herself, continued to bury her head in eating the already cold dinner.

. . .

. . . . . .

Many days have passed since then
On the side of the quintuplets, Yi Lingyuan casually found an excuse and easily fooled around, continuing the normal teaching course.

It seems that others have more points than you, but it is actually a difference in the knowledge accumulated in months or even years.

Those who tried to achieve a leap in performance by working overtime for a short period of time were mostly aborted, and even if someone could do it, he was either a real genius or really had such extraordinary perseverance.

Ah, of course it is also possible to have a male lead in the starting point.

After being snarled by Yukinoshita Yukino for a long time and suffered a lot of psychological shadows, Yi Lingyuan finally succeeded in adding her line back.

It is more common for Yubihama Yui to meet Yi Lingyuan's smile in the recent morning.

Because Touma Hesa ​​complained about not going to accompany her often, Yi Lingyuan spent the lunch break with Touma Hesa ​​recently. Of course, the lunch box was prepared by Sakurajima Mai.

Being able to live with Yi Lingyuan Mai Sakurajima doesn't seem to think that it is a bad thing for her not to be observed by others.

Except when she sees longing eyes on the beach and on TV.

Human adaptability is extremely strong, from the most Antarctic to the equator, from the desert to the isolated island, there are human beings who have tenaciously adapted to life.

Thinking about Mr. Robinson who lived on a deserted island for more than ten years, Mai Sakurajima felt that it was already very good to be able to live with the one he liked, and maybe he would be very happy in this life.

However, will Yi Lingyuan marry him?But he can't be observed by others, his family must not want to.

Two married babies should be able to be observed, right?

But, what if, what if Ling Yuan, a playboy, doesn't like her one day, and doesn't want her anymore?
Although, that guy Yi Lingyuan would definitely not do that kind of thing, and even if he really did that, he would definitely not leave.

During the time when she and Yi Lingyuan lived together, Mai Sakurajima always thought about various things and had various worries about the future.

It seems that both of them have given up on the idea of ​​Mai Sakurajima breaking out of [Adolescent Syndrome].

. . .

. . . . .

After school..
Yi Lingyuan was called to the principal's office

Tong Yisa, the principal's office, is about 30 years old, with very gentle eyes with gold rims, and occasionally he will be in charge of teaching art.

The light in the room was relatively dark, and the flash of white light when Tong Yisa turned around from the seat was a bit frightening.

"Yi Lingyuan, the things you want are ready, and I have sent someone to put them in the designated place."

"Teacher Tong, have you determined its scope?"

"Don't worry, I have asked my friends in the theater company to check."

Tong Yisa threw a black object to Yi Lingyuan.

"Do it boldly and confidently."

Putting away the watch-shaped thing, Yi Lingyuan hesitated and asked:
"Although the matter has come to this point, I still want to ask again, do you really believe what I said?"

"Although it is very magical, even if what you said is false, I think they will definitely gain something based on what you have prepared."

"At least there is no harm in listening to the truth."

Yi Lingyuan stared at this man's thin face, feeling that he could not understand this principal at all.

"Actually, you can stay out of the matter and put all the responsibility on me when the time comes, but why don't you let yourself do all the actions that are most likely to be charged with crimes?"

"Of course it is, because I am the teacher of your students!"

The headmaster Tong Yisa smiled gently, crossed his hands, and said slowly with deep eyes:

"They're fragile, undecided people."

"They can only see three steps into the future"

"So we have to pave a long way for them"

"Believe in their future and worry about where they are going"

"Consider which path is best for them"

"Get close to them and find answers with them"

"It's a teacher's job"

"I can't watch them step by step into the future"

"But that's why I want them to be happy"

"So, I leave this matter to you."



The whole room was silent for a moment.

Yi Lingyuan and Tong Yisa looked at each other for a long time, and answered firmly:
"Please leave it to me."

Tong Yisa looked at the figure of Yi Lingyuan who had left resolutely, as if seeing himself when he was young.

"I wish you a prosperous martial arts!"

(End of this chapter)

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