Chapter 165

As for the number of people who abused and questioned, there were quite a few. The inland part of China was fine, but the Internet trolls in Neon Province were notoriously reckless.

Of course, the Internet is not a place outside the law. For those Yi Lingyuan who go too far, he will naturally use a strategic weapon, lawyer Gu Meimen, to take them to court one by one, even if his own family may be emptied again.

All in all, it is one sentence: warning letter from lawyer!

Everyone has their own views formed by their own experiences, and Yi Lingyuan is very calm about being questioned and abused.After all, there are trolls in the books of a writer who only has 4000 collections, let alone himself.

Permanent ban, delete comment, report, quality three consecutive words, it is more proficient than coaxing up people at station b.

Seeing that his Weibo comment area was getting more and more prosperous, Yi Lingyuan proudly shook his fist vigorously to show his celebration.

Yi Lingyuan, who proudly forgot that she was still injured, grinned at the impact of the wound.

Putting down the phone, staring blankly at the white ceiling.

Yi Lingyuan felt that at this moment, should he say: "The strange ceiling" to change his destiny.


After a boring conversation, Yi Lingyuan felt that he must not be a qualified nerd. He was so ashamed to be bored after only three days in the hospital.

Since I was sent to the hospital in an emergency, my sister-in-law, who had never been described in Chapter 170, felt the scene quickly. She was inexplicably transferred to this VIP ward and no one was allowed to visit her. When she protested, she was almost beaten to death.

My sister-in-law really contributed to the fact that I was able to rest in bed for so long.


Hearing the long-lost knock on the door, Yi Lingyuan got up quickly.This time period is obviously not the dressing change period, so someone should come to visit me.

Winter horse and yarn?Or Yukinoshita Yukino?Or Yui Hihama?
Sakurajima Mai guessed that there was no possibility. My sister-in-law didn't like Mai who was the cause of this incident at all, so it was fine not to make trouble.

Or maybe it's the five idiots of the Nakano family.
Yi Lingyuan put down the phone and quickly tidied up the hospital gown, and said in a moderate voice:

"Please come in."

"Take the liberty to come here, sorry for the interruption."

It's a pity that Yi Lingyuan was beyond Yi Lingyuan's expectation. This is a middle-aged man with a gloomy appearance, but he has nothing to do with him and is more refined. The Yinjiu's eyes are very eye-catching.

Wearing a doctor's white coat, it looks very imposing. The green water ghost on the wrist also looks very valuable.

With a casual glance, Yi Lingyuan's attention was attracted by the words on the identity card.

【Nakano Omaru】

"you are.,?"

"That's right, I am Nakano Omaru who asked you to be a tutor before, and I am also the father of Yihua and the others."

I have lost the plug-in [Memory Specialization], but Yi Lingyuan's memory is still very good, and this familiar voice is indeed calling me to invite that person.

"It turned out to be Mr. Nakano, may I ask if you are also a doctor in this hospital?"

"Let's just say, to be more precise, this hospital has a few percent of mine."

Yi Lingyuan was not very surprised by this point and was not so proud of his actions. The high-end apartment where Nakano Yihua and the others lived was enough to see.

"I have heard a lot from the driver about the changes in the daughter at home."

Having said that, Nakano Omaru solemnly bowed to Yi Lingyuan to thank him:

"During this time, I am very grateful that they have grown so much."

Yi Lingyuan directly got off the bed and bowed back with bare feet,
"Mr. Nakano, you are too polite. I am just a tutor who takes money to do things."

"I heard that Yihua has made great progress in the last few tests?"

"Yes, according to the current situation, I am confident that they will be able to graduate from this school. In this final exam, most of their subjects should be passed, but everyone is still not good at living more or less. One is her, now Chinese and mathematics are getting better, and the other is her"

"Student Yi Lingyuan"

Nakano Omaru interrupted Yi Lingyuan's eloquent speech,

"I'm very sorry, the purpose of my coming this time is to-fire you."

The smile on Yi Lingyuan's face gradually faded away, and he stared fixedly at the decision made by Nakano Omaru.

"What's the reason?"

"I can't trust my daughter to be taught by someone who is going to blow up learning and may be violent."

The gauze on the left hand was stained with blood again, and the wound burst again due to too much force.

Yi Lingyuan suddenly felt that he was getting retribution for knocking on Nakano Omaru last time.

But it's not expensive to teach those five pickle girls.

For a while, there was no silence in this ward.

The principal of the school, Tong Yisa, always insisted that the explosion was the result of a school drill, and the live speech that Yi Lingyuan assassinated had his permission.

As for the investigation of the police department, it was suppressed by the relationship between Tong Yisa and Hiratsuka Jing's family.

However, anyone with a discerning eye knew that these incidents had something to do with Yi Lingyuan.

"Yihua, Sanjiu, do they know?"

Yi Lingyuan thought for a while but still didn't try to convince Nakano Omaru. Not everyone would agree with his reasoning, and Yi Lingyuan never thought about getting everyone to agree with his ideas.

"They don't know yet, I am in charge of the tutor's invitation and resignation, and they just wait for my arrangement obediently."

"Mr. Nakano Omaru, do you think they will agree with the decision?"

Nakano Omaru frowned and said to Yi Lingyuan:

"I seem to have said it again just now. They just listen to my arrangements. Isn't it natural for daughters to listen to their parents? Their mother died early, and I raised them by myself. There is no need to ask for such a trivial matter. their opinion"

Yi Lingyuan looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, and said sonorously:

"Mr. Nakano, you are completely unworthy of being a father!"

Unceremoniously meeting Nakano Omaru's oppressive eyes, Yi Lingyuan said in a deep voice:

"When you are used to the superiors, you are used to giving orders to others, and you treat your children in this way, the most unconscious and stupid behavior"

"Really one by one, the death of your wife is the reason for your dictatorship? You really don't care about your children's thoughts at all."

"Please go back! Mr. Nakano, Ichika and the others will resign if they agree with your decision. If it's just your opinion, then don't bother me."

Yi Lingyuan rang the nurse's bell, making people see off the guests and didn't even bother to take another look. He would lie on the hospital bed and play with his mobile phone by himself.

Yi Lingyuan saw the shadow of his father from Nakano Omaru, and his anger could not be calmed for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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