My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 182 Dating under the snow

Chapter 182 Dating under the snow
"I'm sorry, I have to trouble you to come out to accompany me on the rest day."

Today, Yukinoshita Yukino is wearing a lavender skirt and a cool blue coat outside her upper body.The light blue coat only covered the arms, and a dark purple clothesline was tied around the waist.The hair is different from Yi Lingyuan's favorite black long straight hair. This time, two long double ponytails were tied with red hair ropes, and the sandals on the feet showed the crystal and lovely toes.

Yi Lingyuan held his breath and used his memory to remember the beautiful scenery in his mind.

If the snow under the snow on weekdays is the cold and solid wall of the deep sea, the snow under the snow at this time is undoubtedly more human, especially the sense of Xiaojiabiyu revealed by the cute twin tails, which makes Yi Lingyuan want to stop.

"Ah, sorry, I was just distracted."

Yi Lingyuan, who finally broke free from it, apologized quickly, but his heartbeat continued to speed up.

"I feel that your outfit is very cute, so I was stunned for a while."

Seeing Yi Lingyuan's sincere words, Yukino Yukino showed a smile again on her face, and she stood there slimly with her hands holding a small wheat-yellow braided bag.

"Yes, thank you."

"No, you're welcome."

It seemed that the atmosphere between these two became strange all of a sudden.

"Then let's start, there will be more people in a while."

Yi Lingyuan pointed to an area on the map and said:
"How about going to the north to see the dolls first?"

"Then I'll go to the south to have a look."

"Huh? South?!"

Yi Lingyuan was stunned for not understanding, and stared at Yukinoshita Yukino with a serious face, who didn't seem to be joking at all.

"It's more efficient in this way. The Chiba Commercial Building is so big that it's easier to go shopping."


"So what do you think is the point of us coming together today?"

"That's true."

Yi Lingyuan looked at Yukinoshita Yukino's appearance, it seemed that this person was really thinking about this issue.

As the saying goes, you should be constantly disturbed by it.

Yi Lingyuan decisively made a decision on the destination.

"Then listen to me, we can just walk around this area today."

While talking, Yi Lingyuan pointed at the place where Yukino was going just now with a strange expression,

"The south is the hardware equipment area. What birthday gift do you plan to buy for Yuigahama Yui, a tool box or an electric drill?"

As for the result~~
The shy classmate Yukino with two ponytails knocked on Yi Lingyuan's body unceremoniously. Of course it hurt a little, but today she was obviously cute and ate too much. Yukinoshita Yukino was obviously shy and charming.

Yukinoshita Yukino with reddish cheeks turned around after taking a few steps ahead,

"Not fast enough to keep up"

"Well, I'm here."

doll area

The two were walking normally until this Yukino Yukino saw all kinds of Mr. Pan and couldn't walk at all.

Yi Lingyuan finds it funny that Yukinoshita Yukino, who is usually cold and serious, reveals such a thing, but on the contrary, he feels that this guy is real.

"Shall we go and see?"

Hearing Yi Lingyuan's suggestion, Yukino Yukino nodded without taking her eyes off it. At this moment, she only had the dazzling Mr. Pan in her eyes.

Two people, one with sparkling eyes touching this and touching that saw that Mr. Pan's doll both liked it but didn't speak.The other one was by her side and didn't do anything but looked at the female companion with a smile on his face.

With the passage of time, the flow of people in the entire commercial building became more and more, and the combination of these two strange people and handsome men and beautiful women was really eye-catching.

Compared with Yukinoshita Yukino who has no distractions, Yi Lingyuan who has been paying attention to her surroundings has seen many students of Zongwu High School.

In this way, the rumors that the two are dating may be confirmed again in the eyes of some people.

It's just that in the end Yukinoshita Yukino still didn't choose a Mr. Pan doll for Yuigahama Yui as a birthday present, but Yi Lingyuan finally bought a small Mr. Pan doll and planned to give it to Nakano Yotsuba who also likes Mr. Pan.

Then the two walked to the women's decoration area.

There are as many girls' accessories as there are stars, sunglasses, necklaces, watches, earrings, hair accessories, and all kinds of Yi Lingyuan don't know what they are used for.

Both Yi Lingyuan and Yukino Yukino seemed to be dazzled by these things.

Fortunately, no matter how bad Yukinoshita Yukino is at these things, she still has some racial talent, and gradually enjoys browsing various videos.

In the end, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't make a decision to buy anything for Yuigahama Yui, but just danced a red headband for herself. The price was relatively cheap, but Yukinoshita Yukino seemed to like it very much.Always wear that little box in its packaging on your arm instead of in the wheat-yellow bag you brought.

Before they knew it, the two of them seemed to have stepped into a remarkable place.

Yi Lingyuan, who has always been separated from Yukino Yukino, has always been watched by women on the street. It seems that sometimes it is not a good thing to be outstanding.

Although I had encountered this kind of sight when I helped Mai Sakurajima pick out underwear before, but it was late at night after all, not to mention there was Mai Sakurajima beside me who could tease her intimately.

"Do I look suspicious?"

"It seems that in this area, every single male will be warned. It should have nothing to do with appearance."

"I said, Yukinoshita, I'll wait for you outside first."

Saying so, Yi Lingyuan was about to start walking hastily.

"Wait a minute, do you want me to choose the gift myself?"

"I'm not boasting, but I have values ​​that are completely different from those of ordinary high school girls."

Thinking about how Yukinoshita Yukino ran to the hardware equipment area before, Yi Lingyuan felt that what she said was very reasonable.

"So, so it would be better if you can help choose."

Yukinoshita Yukino's rare weak tone made it difficult for Yi Lingyuan to hold back her desire to tease her. After all, considering the strength of the girl in front of her, Yi Lingyuan regretted giving up.


Yi Lingyuan's expression was still very embarrassed,

"However, I'm still not suitable to go to that kind of store, right?"

Sighing, Yukinoshita Yukino expressed helplessness and said:

"There's nothing we can do now, don't talk too far away from me."

"Huh? Too far away from you?"

Regarding Yi Lingyuan's incomprehensible style at this time, Yukino frowns lightly under the snow, and her slender willow eyebrows are really pretty.

"If you know how to exhale and inhale, the air conditioner next to you will be more useful than you."

Yi Lingyuan, who has a poisonous tongue and never changes her nature, Yukinoshita Yukino hooked up the small bag containing the hair rope with her fingers, raised her head that was originally low, stretched her eyebrows and eyes, and said shyly:
"That is to say, today, just one day, I will allow you to act like a lover."

After digesting Yukinoshita Yukino's words, Yi Lingyuan said in disbelief:
"You, you mean that today we pretend to be a couple?!"

Yukino Yukino didn't deny it, and her blushing cheeks were enough to answer Yi Lingyuan's question.

It was the first time that Yi Lingyuan felt that life was so wonderful, muttering softly:

"I don't know this Yukinoshita, have at least eleven of the ten couples pretending to be lovers married this year?!"

(End of this chapter)

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