Chapter 185

Looking at this poor and helpless little blond girl, Yi Lingyuan and Yukino Yukinoshita looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Hey, Yukinoshita, this is the so-called lost child, right?"

"Probably so."

Yukinoshita Yukino and Yi Lingyuan each looked at the lost foreign little girl, sipping tears, the beautiful blonde hair hanging down to the waist, and the small and cute appearance was covered by this small bag that slanted across the body.

"It should be that you went on a trip with your parents and got lost?"

"Looks like it should be."

For some reason, Yi Lingyuan always had the feeling of seeing Kirisaki Chitoge when he was a child.

Fortunately, both Yi Lingyuan and Yukinoshita Yukino's English skills are not bad, which is enough to communicate with this little girl today.

"Did you get lost with your parents?"

"Well! Yes, I can't find Mom and Dad anywhere."

"Yes, so what's your name?"

Yi Lingyuan squatted down gently and asked the child softly.


As if Yi Lingyuan possessed indescribable power, the blond girl wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with her small hands, summoned up her courage and said timidly:

"Theresa Wagner"

Although he was a bit disappointed that the answer he got was not Kirisaki Chitoge, but if he really answered like that, Yi Lingyuan would doubt life.

"My name is Yi Lingyuan, and the beautiful sister beside me is called Yukino Yukino."

"Yi, Ling Yuan? Xue Zewu."

"If you can't remember, just call her sister."

"Big brother, sister."

Yukinoshita Yukino also squatted beside Yi Lingyuan, smiling and nodding when she heard the little girl call her sister.

"In this way, we know each other, and since we know each other, we are friends."

Yi Lingyuan stretched out his hand and waited for the little girl named Teresa to shake hands with him.


After hesitating for a moment, the blond girl still held Yi Lingyuan's outstretched hand, nodded and firmly affirmed:

"Well, friend!"

Silently watching Yi Lingyuan easily coax the crying lost little girl, Yukinoshita Yukino feels more and more powerful about this guy.

"Scum Yi, your talent for coaxing girls is really amazing."

"I have the right to accept it as a compliment."

Yukinoshita Yukino asked this Teresa in a soft voice.

"When did you get separated from your parents?"

"do not know."

"Do you remember where it came from?"


"Has it been a long time since we got separated?"


Seeing the little blond girl running to Yi Lingyuan's side in fear, Yukinoshita Yukino looked at him vigilantly and was so sad that he even took a deep look at Yi Lingyuan.

(This flirtatious guy can really please girls.)
"It's a bit tricky, although standing still is the correct way. But in this case, there should be no way to expect her parents to find this place."

Yukinoyuki is the solution to serious contemplation.

"And there's no police station nearby."

Looking around for a while, Yi Lingyuan used his memory to think about it, but there was no such thing as a nearby police station.

"In this case, there is no other way. I will take you to find your parents."

"Up to now, that's the only way to go."

Yukinoshita Yukino also stood up and looked around, but when she looked back, she saw Teresa hiding behind Yi Lingyuan and looking at her timidly.

At this moment, Yukinoshita Yukino felt a deep sense of frustration.

"You can't leave a girl who is in trouble alone."

Yi Lingyuan took out his mobile phone and took pictures of Teresa, but the child stood there cutely and let Yi Lingyuan take pictures.

"And this child is a little beauty. It would be bad if there were some kind of human trafficker or some kind of shogi master like lolicon."

Yukino Yukino naturally despised Yi Lingyuan's embarrassing behavior.

"For example you? Mr. Pervert."

"I'm just enthusiastic about helping others and helping international friends."

Regarding Yi Lingyuan's righteous words, Yukino Yukinoshita naturally didn't believe the slightest bit.

"Then let me ask: what would happen if a boy got lost here?"

"A man~ even a person can live strong."


This little blond girl named Teresa looked at Yukinoshita Yukino and Yi Lingyuan with wide eyes and asked:

"Big brother and sister have a really good relationship, are they a couple?"

"Alas" x2
Suddenly being asked so innocently by this child, both Yi Lingyuan and Yukinoshita Yukino were at a loss.

"Why does little Teresa think so?"

Yukinoshita Yukino bent down, blinked her eyes playfully, looked at Teresa suspiciously and asked:

"Because the relationship between mom and dad is also very ~~~ very good."

Teresa opened her arms exaggeratedly and said in a child's unique tone.

"I always feel that when a big brother gets along with a sister, it is like when a father and a mother get along, so I think so."

Hearing the words of the little girl in front of them, the two looked at each other involuntarily. After their eyes touched, they turned their heads away as quickly as if they were electrocuted.

"Little Teresa, the relationship between me and that scumbag Yi is actually not that good, at most, I and that person are familiar."

Speaking of this, Yukinoshita Yukino hesitated a little and changed his words:
"Actually, he and I are just friends."

"Ahem, rather than discussing this, let's help little Teresa find her parents first."

Yi Lingyuan coughed twice and interrupted their conversation.

"Let's look for it on the road near the police station first. A foreign couple should be more conspicuous."

Saying so, Yi Lingyuan took the little blond girl's hand, and Yukinoshita Yukino also took her other hand.

"Big Brother, will we find Mom and Dad?"

"Don't worry, we will definitely see your parents."

"Sister, is what big brother said true?"

"Big brother said it was true."

Teresa looked at Yi Lingyuan on the left and Yukino Yukinoshita on the right, and smiled brightly.

"Well, Teresa will definitely find Mom and Dad."

There are two big ones and one small child, one boy, one girl and one child. To outsiders, it looks like a happy family of three.

In a hotel storefront
"May I ask if you have seen this little girl and her parents."

Yi Lingyuan took out his mobile phone and asked the waiter at the front desk.

"I'm sorry, this guest and her parents should not have been here."

"There, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Yi Lingyuan wasn't tired, so he checked the messages on his phone.

"Before, I had a friend with a well-connected news network, so I sent a photo of Teresa, and she provided some clues. We will go to Chibata Port next, and she said that someone there has seen Teresa. .”

"Is that why you took pictures of little Tarisa?"

Only then did Yukinoshita Yukino understand the intention of the person in front of him.

 Barely finished today's work, no update, good night everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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