My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 187 Finally the Geniuses Take the First Step in the Brain War for Love

Chapter 187 Finally the Geniuses Take the First Step in the Brain War for Love

"Sorry, let's break up."

"How should I put it, I feel that little Sami is very popular. I don't feel safe with you."

"I can't enjoy being with you from the bottom of my heart."

"There's no need to associate with a boy like me."

"There are many other good men."

"Ah sauce, that's it, goodbye."

on the flyover,

This is what happened to single dogs. A girl who looks pretty and should be popular is dumped by a boy.

"It looks so pitiful."

"Well, it's true, but no one can tell what's going on between lovers."

Subconsciously answered the words of the person behind him, Yi Lingyuan reacted belatedly.

"Oh, Fujiwara! When did you come here?"

"Hee hee, I just came here too, I happened to see that couple breaking up, so I concentrated on watching the fun first."

Sticking out her tongue with a grin is Chika Fujiwara's signature cuteness.

Yi Lingyuan wanted to say something, but Fujiwara Qianhua quickly stopped him, and bent down like a thief to continue watching the fun.

"Hello wait"

The girl should still be in a state of shock, her voice was so low that she didn't know what to say, the bag in her hand fell to the ground with a 'boom', and she held her cheek with both hands.

"No, impossible, incredible."

"You didn't even hold hands, little Shamei was dumped!"

"It's the first time someone has confessed his love! The first time he's dating someone!!!"

I don't know why seeing the girl pinching her waist and shouting, Yi Lingyuan has an indescribable sense of déjà vu to this sense of defeat.

"It's okay, don't look at the girl who is very angry, but it will be fine in a while."


Yi Lingyuan didn't know why Fujiwara Chika was so swearing.

"Of course, I'm the chief love counselor of the Suzy Academy Student Union!"

Yi Lingyuan didn't know where this Fujiwara Chika took out the pipe and detective hat, and there was a strong secret self-confidence in his words.

"In fact, there is a pair of unrequited love in our student union."

Seeing that the girl who was dumped ran away angrily, Fujiwara Chika and Yi Lingyuan straightened up from the railing on one side and talked normally.

"Unrequited love?"

"Wait, if two people are unrequitedly in love, aren't they lovers?"

Yi Lingyuan still didn't understand what Fujiwara Chika meant.


Fujiwara Qianhua bouncing up to Yi Lingyuan and talking to him.

As Yi Lingyuan and Fujiwara Qianhua walked further and further away, they could no longer hear what they were saying.

The two people disguised as bushes put down the coverings in their hands awkwardly, and distanced themselves awkwardly.

"President, who does the president think the two pairs of unrequited love in the student union that Qianhua said were?"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shinomiya Kaguya launched an offensive.

(So ​​far, the student council has only me, Shinomiya, Fujiwara, and Ishigami, but if Fujiwara is excluded, it can only be me, Shinomiya, and Ishigami.)
(What should I do? I can’t say that Ishigami and I are unrequitedly in love with each other. But, if you say Shinomiya and Ishigami, it’s hateful! What’s the matter with this uncomfortable feeling? Have you already been put into a desperate situation like this!)
Allah, do you think the president thinks that the two of us miss each other?Oh kawaii oral.

Thinking of this, Baiyin Yuxing couldn't help but shed cold sweat on his forehead.

"It's a pity, I don't know, what do you think, Sigong?"

(Nice! In this way, not only do you not need to answer, but you can also counterattack Sigong her.)
(It's really cunning, President, but.)

"Qianhua has always been pretending to be a love master and the president knows it. It's hard to believe the truth in what she said."

"Ah, yes, indeed."

There was another silence between the two of them.

"Our goal today is to follow Qianhua and her date."

Shinomiya Kaguya recalled the purpose of coming today, and once again the two cheered up.

"However, now she has no idea where Fujiwara has gone, and she still found nothing in the end."

Baiyin Yuxing looked around, and found that Fujiwara Chika and Yi Lingyuan had disappeared.

"Yeah~ that's not the case, President. That boy is the protagonist of the video that was very popular on the Internet a while ago - also the runaway son of Tokyo Yijia."

Shinomiya Kaguya narrowed her long and narrow eyes, thinking that the family background of these two people should not have any obstacles.

"Sigong, do you know him?"

Hearing Baiyin Yuxing's words, Shinomiya Kaguya looked at the man she had a crush on, feeling a little worried in her heart.

If you don't know about the future relationship between yourself and the president, don't worry about Qianhua.

"Well, in terms of reputation, he is a very good person. He doesn't have the slightest problem with the young master, and he has always been favored by those people."

"If that's the case, our task for today will be completed. At least I know what kind of people come out with Fujiwara, so I can rest assured."

"Well, that's what I said."

"Then the rest of the time I. Let's go on a date"

Well, just kidding, Baiyin Yuxing still couldn't say what he wanted to say.

"Then I will go home and review for the rest of the time, and you should also pay attention to the fourth house near the final exam."

Speaking grandly, Baiyin Yuxing took the steps to leave.




In summer, she also wears Suzy Academy's school uniform and leather shoes. Baiyin Yuxing looks light but her legs are full of lead with every step she takes.

Shinomiya Kaguya opened her small mouth, raised her index finger to point at Baiyin Yuyuki's back, but in the end she still couldn't speak.


Baiyin Yuxing stopped suddenly, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said in a calm tone as much as possible:
"However, it's natural that Fujiwara has never been in a relationship, so let's continue to take care of it for peace of mind."

Hearing Shirogane Yuyuki's flawed excuse, Shinomiya Kaguya's dimmed pupils brightened again.


"Ah, of course, if you still have something to do, Shinomiya, just forget what I said."

The irrepressible Shinomiya Kaguya smiled, grabbed Baiyin Yuyuki's arm, and ran quickly in the direction where Fujiwara Chika and Yi Lingyuan disappeared.

"Let's go quickly."

(Sure enough, I still want to stay with the chairman/Sinomiya!)

On the way to the North Pole Ramen Restaurant, Yi Lingyuan and Fujiwara Qianhua couldn't help laughing at the experience of seeing the girl who was dumped quickly go from flirting with boys to ignoring them.

"By the way, Fujiwara, what happened to the unrequited love between the two you mentioned earlier?"

Fujiwara Chika sighed and looked up at the sky in distress.

"Of course it's two arrogant people who obviously like each other but refuse to be the first to confess"

"Our president and Kaguya are really worrying. When will these two people take the first step in dating~~~"

(End of this chapter)

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