My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 190 Relationships

Chapter 190 Relationships
As the end of the term approached, the environment in the entire school was somewhat solemn.

After having a hearty meal with Yuma Kunimi in the basketball gym, the two chatted with each other during the intermission.

"I always feel that I played so easily this time because I became stronger?"

After drinking half a bottle of mineral water in one go, Kunimi Yuzhen asked Yi Lingyuan about it.

"No, they're just getting weaker."

Yi Lingyuan mercilessly killed Guo Jianyouzhen's fantasy.

"You really don't show mercy at all."

Kunimi Yuma glanced at his mouth, expressing his sadness at this guy Boliang.

"Okay then, the country sees that you have become stronger, and now you are Kawaii from Zongbugao and lead the team to defeat those wall hangings with colorful hair!"

"You cool guy is definitely hinting at your former teammates!"

Yi Lingyuan's unabashed complaints and envy, jealousy and hatred for Guojian Youzhen showed that she saw it clearly.

"But I heard that they seem to have separated. The invisible black boy went to another school and a man named Vulcan beat your former teammates."

Speaking of this, Kunimi Yuzhen and Yi Lingyuan sighed in the same way. Every time they see those people playing on the wall, it makes people like themselves who have worked hard to hone their skills feel desperate.

Yi Lingyuan is fine, but it's bad for a talent like Yuzhen Kunimi who has to take care of both his studies and the basketball club practice every day after school.It's a pity to hear that he has been practicing all kinds of basketball skills hard since junior high school. Now he is much worse than his [Basketball Proficiency], which is a tricky trick.

"That is to say, the behavior of the current Heizi is simply leading the current one to beat up the previous one."

Thinking of this, Yi Lingyuan was a little worried that he would also be hammered, right? !
"No, it should be unlikely."

"Ling Yuan, what did you mutter just now?"

Guo Jianyou was really curious when he saw Yi Lingyuan's face suddenly changed. After all, in his consciousness, he really didn't know what could be difficult for Yi Lingyuan. It can be said that the guy really has a superhuman talent.

"Ah, it's nothing but distracted for a while."

Yi Lingyuan deliberated carefully, and his previous guess might not be right.Although the basketball ability brought by my cheating and the years of playing experience in the previous life can indeed be a C position in the high school league, but compared to Sharingan, the shooting range of the whole court is much lower.
This kind of thing is still a lot worse in comparison.

Of course, the main reason is that Yi Lingyuan is still a bit of a dish compared to those hanging on the wall.It seems that people in the rank of King are very strong, but some people are no different from playing Bronze when playing King. Everyone is ad in the top team, but Brother Zaozi can hold the head hammer of other ADs, and Brother Shy is able to beat the head of other Ads. On the road, one hit two, and Yingying Jiang can shoot an arrow in the opposite direction. Ahem, something seems to have mixed in.

In short, the above speeches can be summed up in one sentence: Lu Benwei nb! (Breaking sound)

In the second half, Kunimi Yuma and Kunimi educated the other side again, and the two of them went to the tap to drink water and wash their faces refreshingly.And Guojian Youzhen once again left Yi Lingyuan alone to find his little girlfriend without any loyalty.

After running to be a melon-eating crowd, Yi Lingyuan, after seeing Hayato Hayato's happy football for a while, was thinking about whether he should go to Miss Suzuki Noki and ask this person to go out on a whim. This so-called football department has been rectified.

Relying on Hideji Kitahara's super personal ability to forcefully bring the team closer to Koshien before, he also won the championship by relying on the tragic heroic self-mutilation pitch like the development of a light novel.

Yi Lingyuan didn't even think that there would be such a character in Zongwu Gaoli, plus that Aoki Si who recently punished Chiba's gangsters and Qin Feng who was surrounded by many beautiful girls and called her husband, Yi Lingyuan was in a hurry. I feel that I may be a passerby background board in a light novel.


Seeing the female fans who were watching and making a commotion elsewhere, Yi Lingyuan felt that this kind of creature should be spread throughout the multiverse like the "Pleasure Inn" and "Internet trolls".

Inadvertently, my saint warrior's sixth sense was keenly aware of a sight staring at him.

It was a girl with flaxen hair and brown pupils. Judging by the color of the ribbon on her chest, she should be a first-year school girl.It's just that those resentful and annoying eyes made Yi Lingyuan quite uncomfortable.

(Could it be that this school girl is a fan of Hayama Hayato, so she is somewhat hostile towards me?)
It seems that this is not impossible. In this broken school, it can be said that although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs, such as the Yukinoshita-sama support organization, Kitahara Hideji support club, SOS club, GJ club, attribute club, and the electronics research association affiliated to the game club. , There are all kinds of weird things.

Yi Lingyuan still vaguely remembered that all kinds of strange photos of herself were very popular hard goods in it. When Shizuka Hiratsuka threatened him before, she also mentioned using photos to make deals with those little girls.

After washing and changing into the summer school uniform dryly, Yi Lingyuan pushed open the door of the service department.

Only Yukinoshita Yukino was inside, and of course this was an agreement between the two of them in advance.

"The celebratory cake has arrived."


Yukinoshita Yukino didn't read a book this time, but looked at the mobile phone in her hand, and of course she was wearing the frameless anti-blue light glasses that Yi Lingyuan gave her.

Without the plug-in of [Memory Specialization], Yi Lingyuan needs to concentrate carefully to remember this beautiful scenery in his mind.

Trying to hold back the smile on the corner of his mouth, Yi Lingyuan said seriously:

"Sure enough, it suits you very well."


I don't know what state I am in now, Yukinoshita Yukino always feels weird.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. When you brought it, my first feeling was that it was too suitable. Just treat it as a gift from you when you came out to accompany me."

Having said that, Yi Lingyuan still couldn't help but probed:
"Well, of course Yukinoshita, if you are really sorry, how about letting me take a picture and record it?"

"That's fine. Say it first, you don't allow my photo to do certain things!"

"Hey! Is it okay?!"

Yi Lingyuan asked with the mentality of drawing cards. Anyway, the worst thing is to be venomous. My current resistance is not a problem. I didn't expect that the Africans in ordinary times would go out of their hearts and out of Heizhen's wife .

"Yeah. As you said, it's a return gift for your gift."

The usual coldness at this time is still somewhat effective in concealing Yukinoshita Yukino's shyness at this time.

"Then I really did it?"

"Well, hurry up, hurry up, Yui is coming soon."

At this time, Yuigahama Yui's fingers outside the serving department stopped in the air, and his fingertips kept trembling.

"Have Xiaoyi and Xiaoxue Nai developed such a relationship~~!!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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