My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 194 Purchasing ingredients

Chapter 194 Purchasing ingredients
I heard that the author of the book next door had a mental explosion due to the blocked chapter and wanted to finish it, but I don't know if it's true.

I just feel that it's a pity that I only raised 250 chapters and I need gg. It's really .emm
Many friends did not join the group because of the verification problem. I have deleted the question, and the group number can be entered directly. Welcome to blow the water.

By the way, I would like to confess the reason why there is only one update today - it's all because Genting is so fun.

Four forbearance and six stabs are number one in the world!


In the mall.

It was after school, and most of the people shopping here were parents with their children, and couples strolling together lovingly.

"Heh~~! Hehe."

Putting a large bag of rice into the shopping cart with one hand, seeing how her face was not flushed or out of breath was even more normal than normal.

"Okay, Ling Yuan, let's go on, next. Let me see."

Continuing to push the cart forward, Nakano Yotsuba took out her mobile phone to look at the items needed on the list sent by Nakano Nino.

"Ah um."

Seeing Nakano Yotsuba's easy and skillful movements and amazing arm strength, Yi Lingyuan swallowed unconsciously, nodded stiffly and followed Nakano Yotsuba.

After being overwhelmed by Nakano Yotsuba's unintentional hand, Yi Lingyuan helped pick vegetables and other ingredients together in a very steady manner this time.

As for molesting Nakano Yotsuba, I have no idea at all.


Two pushing shopping carts quietly waiting in line.

Yi Lingyuan was chatting with Mai Sakurajima on the line, repeatedly promising that she would be Mai Sakurajima's manager on this rest day, and was let off by Mai Sakurajima this time. .

Because of Mai Sakurajima's comeback, now the two of them can't even see each other in school.

[I haven't been here for so long, with your character, you will definitely provoke a lot of girls. 】

[Mai, slander is subject to legal responsibility. 】

Yi Lingyuan activated her strongest memory, but couldn't find the memory of provoking other girls.

Reasonably speaking, Yi Lingyuan felt that he was not the kind of person who messes around with women at will. Of course, the main reason was that the author's writing skills were limited and he dared not add new characters.

【Then let me just trust Junior Tachibana. 】

【No, I think your apprentice Yi Lingyuan can also be trusted. 】

【Ah. Yes.】

[As an actor, you try your best to perfuse me! 】

Silently turning off the phone interface, Yi Lingyuan didn't want to feel the ridicule coming to her face anymore.

Unlike Yi Lingyuan who chats with people, Nakano Yotsuba doesn't like to play with her mobile phone very much. At this time, she is looking around restlessly like a curious baby.

"Ling Yuan~Ling Yuan~, look at this seemingly nice couple here~~!"

As if she had discovered something serious, Nakano Yotsuba pulled Yi Lingyuan's sleeve and whispered in his ear.

"After all, it's this time, and it's normal for students from nearby schools to come over, whether they are club members or not, they are all out of school now."

Yi Lingyuan's stern explanation explained this, and Nakano Yotsuba nodded her little head in agreement.

"So that's the case"

Seeing Nakano Yotsuba's appearance, Yi Lingyuan lowered his head and whispered in Nakano Yotsuba's ear with a tease:
"Actually, in the eyes of those people, the two of us are actually lovers."


Hearing Yi Lingyuan's words whispering in his ear, Nakano Yotsuba dodged away in a small step as if startled.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Yi Lingyuan was very hurt by this rare disdainful treatment.

Although Yukinoshita Yukino and Kasumigaoka Shiyu's poisonous tongues have also been encountered, but it is the first time that he has been so disgusted for molesting a girl.

Nakano Yotsuba looked around vigilantly before leaning back, and whispered to Yi Lingyuan:
"Don't Yi Lingyuan always say such things so easily, although I don't hate it."

"But Sanjiu, who is sensitive and weak and hesitant, will be sad to hear that."

Nakano Yotsuba didn't say the latter sentence, and in Yi Lingyuan's eyes, she just remained coy and didn't say the following words.

Yi Lingyuan was holding a large bag of rice, and Nakano Yotsuba was holding two plastic bags of ingredients with both hands.

In the eyes of passers-by, they are either siblings who have a good relationship or the kind of childhood sweethearts who are only short of getting married.

When passing by the coffee shop waiting downstairs, Yi Lingyuan stopped walking.


"What's wrong? Huh, May?!"

If there is no one pretending, then the girl with the same beautiful face as her side and wearing the iconic two star hair accessories is Nakano Mayzuki.

There was no need to communicate, Nakano Yotsuba and Yi Lingyuan met their eyes, and with the tacit understanding of playing games together for a long time, they quietly walked into this coffee shop.

With their heads down, adhering to the latent thought of "I can't see you, so you can't see me", the two of them quietly sat down at Nakano Wuyue's table not far away.

"Excuse me, what do you two need?"

Obviously, waitress girls are more observant.As soon as the two sat down, they took the menu and stood beside Yi Lingyuan and Nakano Yotsuba.

Yi Lingyuan casually pointed to a drink on the menu, and Nakano Yotsuba also pointed to the drink she wanted on the menu without saying a word.

"Do you two want to drink caramel macchiato and mango milk cap?"


There was no voice, only two people nodded at the same frequency.

Although she felt that the deaf-mute couple was very pitiful, the polite and thoughtful waitress still smiled and nodded to show that she understood, then turned and left with the menu.

As soon as the waiter left, Yi Lingyuan and Nakano Yotsuba secretly observed Nakano Wuyue and the familiar man who could no longer be familiar with the sofa.

nakano maru
Wearing a suit and leather shoes as usual, the dial of the green water ghost is also very dazzling under the warm light. Nakano Omaru and Nakano Wuyue sat opposite each other with a serious face.

"Don't you drink?"

Seeing that his most gluttonous daughter abnormally did not drink the yogurt drink in front of him, Nakano Omaru asked.

"No, there's no need."

Clasping her hands tightly between her thighs, Nakano Wuyue lowered her head nervously for fear that she couldn't hold back.

"Did you come here for dinner?"

Nakano Omaru felt that this possibility was very high, otherwise Nakano Wuyue would not be able to hold back.


"It doesn't look like it's gone."

Nakano Omaru waved to the waiter, and said loudly:

"Hello, please have all kinds of desserts in your shop!"

(End of this chapter)

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