My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 205 Amusement Park

Chapter 205 Amusement Park

"Final exams after this weekend."

In Nakano's house, after hearing Yi Lingyuan's words, the faces of the five people changed more or less.

Compared with the other four sisters, Nakano Yotsuba's mood is obviously heavier.

"Then let's go to today's review!"

Hastily took out the book, Nakano Yotsuba anxiously wanted to study.

"No, today's review plan is - a one-day trip to the amusement park!"

Unexpectedly, Yi Lingyuan chose this time to give the five sisters a holiday, and different emotions of astonishment, surprise, and anxiety surfaced on them.

"But, but there is not much time to take the exam, and everyone is not ready yet."

"Four leaves.?"

Sensing the abnormal emotions of the sisters around her, Nakano Sanjiu cast a concerned look at Nakano Yotsuba.

"It's all right."

Nakano Yotsuba scratched her head and smiled at Nakano Sanku next to her, which made her feel relieved for the time being.

"Ahem, as the saying goes, the cathode is yang, the anode is yin, and the extremes of things must be reversed."

Seeing Yi Lingyuan standing in front of them, chewing on words, these five scumbags with poor knowledge of ancient Chinese were even more at a loss as to what Yi Lingyuan wanted to express.

(What is Teacher Ling Yuan trying to say?)

(Cathode. Tsk itch, what kind of ancient Chinese is difficult to read!)

(This guy is so godly, isn't he going to fool me again?)

(What if I go to an amusement park and talk about those review questions. I can't let them down again now.)
(Although I don't understand, Ling Yuan is amazing!)

Taking a look at the appearance of these five idiots, Yi Lingyuan knew that if he continued to speak politely, maybe the five idiots would have to sleep.

"In short, this is a necessary relaxation session on the eve of the exam. Yihua has been studying hard while juggling work, and Nino, Miku Yotsuba, and May have also been doing their best."

"However, a string is always tight but will break. Necessary relaxation will also allow you to review more efficiently in the future."

This time, Nakano Ichika, who finally understood it, made a simple summary:

"That means we can play all day today without doing homework?"

"That's right, you guys prepare for our departure goal - Gancheng Guanghui Amusement Park!"

"Aww~~~!" x4
At this moment, they were so sleepy and listless, all of them were as energetic as the students who were about to go to college, eager to fly over.

The weather is beautiful, the weather today is not bad everyone, instead of the heat in the past, this time it is a cool and cloudy day, accompanied by the natural wind blowing from time to time, it is really pleasant.

Walking with five beautiful quintuplet girls with their own styles is a kind of enjoyment even if they don't do anything.

From time to time, the laughter of Yingying and Yanyan sounded in the ears, and at the same time, there were envious passers-by's eyes from all over the place. The six of them arrived at their destination in less than ten minutes by the convenient tram.

· Nakano Wuyue couldn’t take her eyes away when she saw the ice cream at the entrance of the amusement park. The angry and helpless Nakano Erno, Nakano Sanjiu and Nakano Yotsuba accompanied her, while Nakano Yihua went with Yi Lingyuan buy tickets.

"May! Only one serving!"

Nakano Nino's serious voice came from not far behind.

"Hey, can I have a big one then?"

"If you eat a big portion, don't steal that hentai's portion! I really don't have the vigilance of a girl."

"Well! Nino is right, May is not reserved."

The rather delicious Nakano Nino and the even more palatable Nakano Sanjiu successfully joined forces to attack Nakano Wuyue verbally.

Yi Lingyuan and Nakano Yihua, who were walking towards the ticket office, couldn't help laughing at the moment, each walking forward with smiles.

"It's such a joy, them."

"In the five of us, Nina usually plays the role of a black face, and always likes to pretend to be strict. Wuyue has always wanted to play the role of our mother but has not been very successful."

Probably because of the actor incident, now Nakano Yihua has no scruples to play cute in front of Yi Lingyuan, with his hands behind his back and his waist on tiptoe, walking briskly on the road as if dancing.

"Is that so, Yihua, what kind of role are you?"

After taking six tickets from the conductor, Yi Lingyuan and Nakano Yihua walked towards the pickle girl dozens of steps away.

"Of course it's my sister! I'm their sister, and they're my sister. I'll always take care of them and let them go."

Without the slightest hesitation, Kazuka Nakano said these words.

"Speaking of which, in fact, Mr. Ling Yuan, your real purpose is to date the five of us, right?!"

Having reached a position where the other four could hear their voices, Kazuka Nakano said loudly on purpose.

For a moment, four pairs of identical pink pupils stared at him, and Yi Lingyuan suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

Without opening her mouth to speak, she deliberately took out her mobile phone and showed that the photo of Kazuka Nakano that she had taken happened to be for her to see.

"Excuse me, what did Xiao Yujiang just say?"

He saw that his handle was still in Yi Lingyuan's hands, and that photo was of himself resting on Yi Lingyuan's shoulder.

Thinking that Sanjiu would definitely be heartbroken if she saw it, Nakano Kazuka immediately changed his mind and turned to the enemy.

"It's nothing, it's really hard to spend your time with us, Mr. Ling Yuan."

As expected of an actor, the demeanor, tone, and expression of apology and shame are really just right.

Seeing the two people's verbal confrontation with each other so proficiently, the four people felt that the sudden familiarity between these two people was a little too much.

(Yihua. Do you like Ling Yuan?)

(Did something happen between these two people.)
(How can I find an opportunity to slip away later.)
(It shouldn’t matter if I take another bite of Ling Yuan’s portion.)
Several people with different minds walked into this amusement park together.

At the beginning, a mascot with a green hat caught the eye. I don't know whether it is a bear or a rat fighting a boxing fight with a tall guest.

Unexpectedly, the tall, middle-aged man who looked very fierce was actually punched OK, and the tourists watching the excitement around him warmly sent applause and flowers.

Are the mascots in amusement parks so cruel these days? !

The sharp uppercut saw Yi Lingyuan's eyes twitch, and felt that this mascot might be qualified to challenge Shizuka Hiratsuka if he practiced again.

Holding the overview map of the whole garden, when Yi Lingyuan was still thinking about where to go first, Nakano Yotsuba suggested loudly:

"Let's go to the haunted house first!"

"Ghost, haunted house~!"

Seeing Nakano Wuyue's timid and hesitant appearance, Yi Lingyuan made a quick decision.

"Target Haunted House - Phase Rush!"

(End of this chapter)

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