My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 215 Result Collection

Chapter 215 Result Collection
"Aha~~! That's great, Hachiman, my grades have improved!"

The name Hachiman suddenly attracted Yi Lingyuan's attention, and he remembered that there seemed to be a handsome guy with dead fish eyes who had communicated with him called Hikigu Hachiman.

When her eyes turned to the voice that was as crisp as a wind chime, she found Hikigu Hachiman next to her.

The girl in the boy's uniform jumped on Hikigu Hachiman very happily, and Hikigu Hachiman, who had always been silent in Yi Lingyuan's memory, also had a distorted smile with a piggy-like smirk on his face.

"My friend Hachiman, this time I also passed successfully and don't have to take the summer supplementary exam!"

This fat, white-haired man with thick black-rimmed glasses uttered an attractive second language. Such a loud and undisguised voice made many people look sideways and glare.

Every minute, Hikigu Hachiman put on an indifferent face towards this friend of the second fat house, and the girl beside him who also had ear-length silver hair just smiled awkwardly.

"Chai Muzuo's voice should be quieter, so as not to affect other people."

"Well, this is indeed my dereliction of duty."

This rather eye-catching fat house is actually a serious self-examination, and it seems to be pretty easy to talk about.

However, from Yi Lingyuan's point of view, it's better to say that all the fat houses in the world are easy to talk to.Although they all seem to have strange and oppressive body shapes, in fact they are all people with ruthless intentions and no courage.

So the white-haired fat man made a few marks from Naruto, and let out a soft drink:
"Inherent Barrier · Silencer Technique!"

Not to mention what Bi Qigu Hachiman and that petite girl said for a while, Yi Lingyuan's complaints were almost off the charts.

First of all, the seal is Hokage, but why did you add the words [Inherent Barrier]? In an instant, the play went to the Xingyue world next door.

"Forget it, go get the report card first and then go see if Yukinoshita is there."

I always feel that I am paying attention to these three people, and Yi Ling himself is about to turn into a joker.

Hiding from the scorching sun, I went to the aisle of the courtyard, and took advantage of the comfortable shade to walk towards the teaching building.

As they passed by, a few petals fell on Yi Lingyuan's shoulders, carrying a faint floral fragrance.

At this time, there were people coming and going in the stairwell. Most of the girls were jumping happily with their arms linked in two or three, and most of the boys were walking up and down the stairs with their heads bowed and in a hurry.

He had just finished climbing the stairs and was walking towards Shizuka Hiratsuka's office when he was suddenly blindfolded.

The girl's refreshing body fragrance came unconsciously at such a short distance, judging from the touch on the back, it must have been Yukinoshita Yukino's pitiful figure.

But with the memory of being overturned by Fujiwara Chika last time in front of the commercial building, Yi Lingyuan was careful not to speak.

"Xiao Yi, guess who I am?"


Yi Lingyuan couldn't hold back his smile for a moment, this group is really silly and cute sometimes.

"It's a little difficult if you don't read it."

Yi Lingyuan, who had a plan in mind, was already thinking about how to play tricks on Yuihama Yui.

"Then how about I give Xiao Yi a hint."

It's really foolish to think that Yi Lingyuan can't figure out his own Yuihama Yui, and now it's a little difficult.

"Eh? No!"

Yuiko Miura, who came out of Shizuka Hiratsuka's office together with Ebina, was covered by Ebina who had quick eyes and quick hands before she finished speaking.

This rotten girl was very clever and made a booing gesture to Yumiko Miura, and Yumiko Miura, who had already reacted, finally made a clear gesture with some brains.

The two of their own friends with ambiguous expressions, Yuhihama Yui, made a cheering gesture, and then tiptoed away together. After listening carefully, there was still a faint sound of laughter coming from the next floor.

"Ahem, no need. In fact, in this case, you can use the method of elimination."

"Well, that's fine."

Yuigahama Yui felt that she might take this opportunity to learn about the situation of this philanderer who is very good at provoking girls.

"First of all, we exclude Yuigahama Yui."

"Huh?! Xiao Yi, you! Keke, you continue to talk, why, why!"

"A word of reason."

Holding the long tone, Yi Lingyuan grabbed Yubihama Yui's arm and turned to face her, and the girl fell into his arms without any resistance.

"Duanzi, you're already exposed the moment you open your mouth, you idiot."

Seeing the girl's surprised face, Yi Lingyuan pinched Yubihama Yui's nose with her thumb and index finger and shook it strangely.

"Yubihama is a Baga, Ba~~Ga~~~."

"Hmm~~! Xiao Yi is wicked!"

The coquettish Yubihama Yui tapped Yi Lingyuan's chest with her small hand, but the attack of a certain group that was completely unwilling to give up was completely useless to Yi Lingyuan.

These two people are flirting like no one else!
It should be that God couldn't see it anymore, a certain old leftover woman knocked on the door of the teacher's office with a smile on her face.

The sudden sound caused Yuigahama Yui to move away like a frightened little animal. The thick-skinned Yi Lingyuan looked at Shizuka Hiratsuka with clear eyes, while Yuigahama Yui blushed and looked down. My own toes seem to have some scenery on the ground.

"Ling Yuan, come in and get your grades."

Hiratsuka Jing pointed to the empty teacher's office with a terrifying smile, and that look made Yi Lingyuan feel that it didn't really matter whether he got his grades or not.

"As for, Yuigahama-san can leave first."


After looking at Yi Lingyuan reluctantly, Yubihama Yui walked out with three steps and one turn.

At this time, the smile on Hiratsuka Shizuka's face seemed to be even bigger.

After swallowing hard, Yi Lingyuan followed Hiratsuka Jing into the teacher's office.

It was empty except for Shizuka Hiratsuka.

The rest of the teachers inside had already gone to the classroom to hand out the grades to the students, but this unscrupulous and lazy teacher asked the students to come to the office to collect them by themselves.

"Here's your report card."

Pointing at the paper on the table, Hiratsuka Shizuka, who was inexplicably agitated seeing that scene, took out a lady's cigarette from her pocket and lit it. After the flame disappeared, the scarlet shredded tobacco ignited and a faint mint scent.

I have already found my report card and I also found Nakano Wuyue's by the way. I haven't looked carefully yet and Yi Lingyuan frowned after hearing the sound of Hiratsuka Jing lighting a cigarette.

"Obviously, I told you to smoke less."

As soon as he put his report card in his pocket, Yi Lingyuan was about to take away the lady's cigarette from Hiratsuka Shizuka's fingers.

But this time Hiratsuka Shizuka is not as docile as before.


Yi Lingyuan's outstretched right hand was slapped away by Shizuka Hiratsuka's ruthless palm, and Yi Lingyuan, who did not expect such a development, was stunned.

The scarlet tobacco was still burning slowly, but the relationship between the two was frozen without progress.

(End of this chapter)

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