My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 222 Return from Release

Chapter 222 Return from Release
"If you say that, it's actually Yi Lingyuan who is to blame!"

"Hey, Ying Lili, don't slander good people!"

At this moment, Yi Lingyuan, Hashima Itsuki, Izumi Masamune, and Uchimaki Subaru were squatting pitifully in the police station, while Sawamura Eriri looked proudly at these bastards with her arms folded.

"Slandering good people~~~?"

Eri Sawamura showed a sarcastic smile, pointed to the font on the other wall, and read it word by word:

"The police station of Qinghe Sub-district Office, Chiba City, Neon Province, Yanxia Empire."

"And the four of you squatting in prison still have the face to say that you are innocent!"

It is really rare for a guy like Sawamura Eriri, who is not very smart, to be able to refute Yi Lingyuan's words so clearly.

Itsuki Hashima and Masamune Izumi, who already felt guilty, stared at the ground counting ants with embarrassing faces.

Only Subaru Uchimaki stared around with his big wine red eyes, he was really curious about the most obedient baby in a place like the police station.

"The culprits are Izumi Masamune-sensei and Hashima Itsuki-sensei, and Uchimaki Subaru and I are innocent."

Unceremoniously betraying Hashima Itsuki and Izumi Masamune, Yi Lingyuan still asked Subaru Namaki who was also squatting next to him:

"Tell me, am I right, Junior Subaru introverted."

Uchizuki Subaru has been watching from the previous live broadcast to help him flirt with girls. This guy is very clever.

"I didn't expect Izumi Masamune-sensei and Hashima Itsuki-sensei to be that kind of people. It's really a pity!"

Tsk tsk, listen to this heartbroken expression, it is full of unbelievable tone and the teardrops from the corners of the eyes being pinched by Yi Lingyuan.

Yi Lingyuan suddenly felt that the little brother Neijuan Subaru had great potential. If he really lived in a harem drama, he would definitely be a proper hero, and he really had his own three-point demeanor.

"Ms. Izumi Masamune and Hashima Itsuki are so affectionate, but I didn't expect them to do such a thing. I thought the messy relationship between Izumi Masamune and Hashima Itsuki was scary enough Oh, I didn't expect them to be interested in elementary school students."

"It's a junior high school student. He's 14 years old this year!"

He said it looked cute, but in fact, the person who made the voice kicked viciously at the steel doorpost of the prison cell. Yi Lingyuan suspected that if it wasn't for the railing, the teacher Izumi Masamune and Hashima Teacher Yiyue might already be dead.

She is wearing a cute pink melulu dress, and the round-toed leather shoes on her feet are even more cute, but this girl seems to have a rather bad personality, and she feels like a pampered young lady.

However, based on Yi Lingyuan's experience for so many years, this little girl with blond hair is really somewhat similar to that idiot and loser Eri Sawamura.

With the same blond hair, she also has the temperament of a young lady, and the arrogant temper that she seems to know if she is becoming a loser.
It's Lee!Eri Sawamura's long-lost sister!
The girl who heard that she was called Yamada Goblin while taking notes suddenly looked at Yi Lingyuan fiercely, which made him break out in a cold sweat.


"Huh? Me?"

"That's right, it's you! Did you just speak ill of me behind my back?!"

"What do you mean?"

Yamada Yaoji looked suspiciously for a while and then gave up for the time being. After all, there was no evidence, and immediately shifted the blame to Teacher Izumi Masamune.

"It's you, a dead house with dark green hair like weeds, who will lead them to spy on me!"

"This. I. I didn't mean it either."

Teacher Izumi Masamune is a well-known honest person, otherwise he would not have green hair all day long, and he directly admitted to the questioning of the little girl without even explaining it in a tactful way.

"That's right, that's right. Teacher Izumi Masamune took me there, but I'm actually innocent! Judge Sawamura, I'm applying for a fair verdict!"

Everyone doesn't need to think, just think with their toes and they will know who would say such shameless words.

Itsuki Hashima's obsequious look made Subaru Uchimaki next to him unable to bear to look directly at him and turned his head away.

By the way, Neijuansubaru communicated with Yi Lingyuan in a low voice.

"Hey, Mr. Lingyi, is this the legendary husband and wife who are originally birds in the same forest and fly separately when disaster strikes?"

"Student Uzumaki Subaru, your idiom level is almost catching up to mine!"

"Really? Mr. Zero One!"

"I swear to the bulb that I'm number one in my age, it's true!"

"Hey! You two over there, please be quiet!"

Naturally, Sawamura Eriri, who had no intention of taking care of Itsuki Hashima, had been watching Yi Lingyuan quietly all the time, and of course the person concerned definitely didn't admit it.

"You, Yi Lingyuan, must be the mastermind behind this act, Izumi Masamune-sensei must be innocent, and Hashima Itsuki is an accomplice, and as for the introverting Mr. Aung, at most, he was fooled by that guy Yi Lingyuan. "

, It's over, it's over, Eri Sawamura, who just wanted to cheat Yi Lingyuan, has now completely ignored Mr. Izumi Masamune's apology to Mr. Yamada Goblin, the person involved.

"Cough cough, Ying Lili, the teacher Izumi Masamune over there has already pleaded guilty to the law."

Following Yi Lingyuan's fingers, Izumi Masamune did not squat in the corner with Yi Lingyuan and the others at this time, but had already sat on the edge of the railing and exchanged apology with the calm Yamada goblin.

"I'm really sorry. In fact, hearing the sound of the piano outside really disturbed me and my co-creating friends, so out of curiosity, we followed the sound of the piano to find this place."

"We didn't think about your situation, Ms. Yamada Fairy, and I'm really sorry for that."


On the surface, it seems that she is still angry with Mr. Izumi Masamune, but this sensible Miss Yamada knows in her heart that she is also somewhat wrong. It is indeed a problem for me to play the piano like that to find inspiration. After all, this is not my previous villa or With such things as neighbors, in this way, I actually need to bear part of the responsibility.

"Boom! Boom!"

After Jane knocked on the door to let the boys and girls inside know that he was going to come in, the policeman in blue and black uniforms pushed the door open.

"Hello, I'm Lin Xiuyi, the policeman in charge of this case."

After finishing speaking, he inspected and punched and found that everyone present was listening to his speech carefully, then cleared his throat and said:

"May I ask how your discussion on this incident is going?"

"I have decided to reach a settlement."

Now that the anger is gone, the Yamada goblin didn't continue to pester her.

This is talking about Yamada Goblin turning around? Seeing Teacher Izumi Masamune's tearful eyes of hope, he smiled mercilessly:

"However, my condition is that you will be my servant for a month."

She is obviously a petite girl who looks like a primary school student, but she is really imposing when she makes this gesture.

"Hey? Hey~~~~~~!"

Teacher Masamune Izumi made a shrill sound in surprise, and Yi Lingyuan, Itsuki Hashima, Subaru Uchimaki, Eri Sawamura and others all made a sound of surprise.

What's interesting is that the policeman doesn't have any expression on the contrary, it seems that he must be someone who has experienced great storms.

"Then Masamune Izumi, do you have any questions about Miss Yamada Fairy's proposal for reconciliation?"


When Masamune Izumi was still hesitating, Itsuki Hashima impatiently raised his hand and said:
"Please let me suffer instead of Izumi Masamune-sensei!"

"Do you want to be accused of voyeurism forever, bug~"

"terribly sorry!"

Hashima Itsuki simply admitted to the terrifying expression that Yamada Goblin showed.

And Eri Sawamura, who was also outside the prison, looked thoughtful after reading it, muttering silently in her mouth and keeping her eyes firmly on Yi Lingyuan.

(This move looks very useful.)
(Why is this golden retriever looking at me like this? This look doesn't feel right.)
Uchimaki Subaru, who is good at observing, looked at Masamune Izumi, Itsuki Hashima, and Fairy Yamada with a frown.

(It feels so strange, what is the relationship between Izumi Masamune-sensei and Hashima Itsuki-sensei? Superficial x-friends?)
. . .

. . . . .

on the way back

Whether intentionally or not, they walked and let Yi Lingyuan and Sawamura Eriri walk together. Hashima Itsuki and Uchimaki Subaru seemed to have reached a lot of consensus on the topic of magical girls, and Yamada Under her intentional guidance, the goblin and Mr. Izumi Masamune kept a distance from the crowd.

When the innocent teacher Izumi Masamune didn't know how to talk to Yamada Goblin, the little blond girl raised her fair neck and said:

"Then you owe me a favor, Izumi Masa~Zong~ teacher!"

"You, how do you know!"

"The names of Izumi Masamune and Izumi Masamune happen to be homophonic."

Taking a proud look at Izumi Masamune's surprised look, Yamada Goblin continued:
"Of course, it's not enough, but it's enough to add the names Hashima Itsuki and Reiichi-san."

"One name is a coincidence, so three walks are not a coincidence."

"Well, it's really a powerful reasoning."


It seems that this Yamada goblin is very receptive to this compliment.

"Let's talk about it first. As a favor for this matter, please send me the line of Teacher Eromanga."

"Excuse me, what do you want her line for?"

"I'm also a light novel writer! Of course I asked her to draw illustrations!"

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Eromanga, she recently has a game planning CG to do and may not be able to do illustrations."

"Cut~~ What a bad luck."

at the same time
Yi Lingyuan was also talking to Sawamura Eriri at this time.

"Thanks to your timely arrival this time, otherwise we might have to stay in the police station for a whole day today."

"You're welcome, bugs"

Seeing Eri Sawamura's complacent look, Yi Lingyuan's eyes twitched, if it wasn't for such a golden-haired loser who made the Yamada goblin quiet down, it would be really unlucky for them, for the sake of this matter, she was arrogant For a bar.

"Hashima Itsuki and Izumi Masamune have written more than half of their manuscripts. I don't know what happened to Kasumigaoka's writing. When the time comes to get the script production cg, it's up to you."

"Cut~~ Let me tell you first, I don't want that woman's line, that dark mantis girl~~~~"

Seeing Eri Sawamura gnashing her teeth at Kasumigaoka Shiwa like that, Yi Lingyuan wanted to laugh inexplicably.

Blonde Baigou and Hei Chang have a straight and poisonous tongue. Thinking about it this way, these two people can be regarded as the legendary black gold official match.

"Unfortunately, I'm afraid that Teacher Xia Shizi's exit path will really be handed over to you to draw."

"Why, why!"

He looked at Yi Lingyuan quite resentfully, and guessed that if he didn't give Sawamura Eriri a satisfactory answer, the golden retriever would definitely not mind giving him a solution.

"Didn't you find out?"

"Found what?"

"Ms. Eromanga, she actually doesn't speak giant x characters."


Hearing what Yi Lingyuan said, Sawamura Eriri thought about it carefully, it really was like this!
"Is it true? I always thought it was because Mr. Eromanga is a perverted poor man."

(You're wrong. In fact, that child really likes big x. I wish there was a big x to study how to draw for her every day.)
It's a pity that this kind of words can only be thought about. Yi Lingyuan promised Izumi Sagiri not to tell others about her other identity, otherwise. The rather yellow illustrator is actually a silver-haired little loli or something
It's exciting to think about.


After seeing the mighty party returning through the gap in the window, Izumi Sagiri, who had been holding the phone, was always relieved.

It's good that my brother went in, but it would be too bad if Yi Lingyuan went in.

He opened the curtain of one window, because he lived on the second floor and there were no neighbors on the opposite side, so Izumi Sagiri was not worried about being peeped at the naked body.

After opening the cabinet for a long time, compared with girls of the same age, Izumi Sagiri doesn't have much clothes, but fortunately, the clothes I bought when I went shopping with Yi Lingyuan last time are hanging in the cabinet neatly as new.

Delighted to put on one piece after another, he stood in front of the mirror for a long time while looking at his outfit again and again, and finally gave himself a big wave of his little hand to cheer him up.

With light steps, Izumi Sagiri walked into the balcony excitedly and apprehensively.

(Will Ling Yuan be surprised when he sees himself like this?)

(I have already made changes, so I should not continue to hesitate.)
(This time, you must tell him that you are the artist who illustrated the family portrait in his novel back then!)
"You, what are you going to do with the Heavenly Party?!"

"Yinglili, don't move, there are partial petals on your ponytail."

Hurry up, hurry up!"

"I've said it all, Ying Lili, don't worry, it will be taken out soon."

How can you not be in a hurry, that Sawamura Eri's ears are almost turning red,


Izumi Sagiri, who had drawn the curtains again, stood in the shadows, like a porcelain doll full of cracks.

(End of this chapter)

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