My love youth is really in vain

Chapter 236 Cicada Firefly

Chapter 236 Cicada Firefly

Yubihama Yui on the other side of Yi Lingyuan suffered a knowing blow at this moment, and successfully caused 250% critical damage.

Firmly holding the chopsticks in his hand, Yuigahama Yui turned his little head aside with all his strength.

(Miscalculated! Completely miscalculated! ;)

(One blow is fatal, Xiaoxue must have studied the Art of War!)
A silent contest ended in Tuanzi's disastrous defeat, while the party in the center of the storm was still immersed in the happiness of not having to eat green peppers.

The three people who participated in the fireworks show were naturally not satisfied with just a piece of fried noodles. After drinking the mung bean soup that cleared the heat and quenched their thirst, they walked along the road in the forest to the market, and the melodious voice after the opera performance began to come through. The sound is transmitted here.

The lights are on, and the night is still young.Singing and dancing, Shengxiao, beside the ancient road.

Chiba is near the sea, and the air is extremely fresh. At this time, the night view on the mountain is surprisingly beautiful, but it is a pity that there is no bright moonlight tonight.

The four seasons are generally divided into three stages, namely Meng, Zhong and Ji.At this time, it means that it belongs to the end of summer season, and the cicadas who are most aware of the coming of autumn spend all their energy in the rest of their lives, facing the night sky above the treetops-singing!
Like the tide like the sea, it's hard to imagine that such a small creature with a lifespan of only one night can have such a shocking vitality.

Probably shocked by the singing, Yukinoshita Yukino sighed to the two with emotion:
"This is [Cicada Shiyu]!"

"It just so happens that tonight is also [Starry Moon Night]."

After Yukinoshita Yukino looked up and saw the stars in the night sky, she looked at Yi Lingyuan and showed the same smile.

It is probably the unique indescribable and only comprehensible affinity between those who like to read.

"Hey~~?! Xiao Yi is guessing riddles with Xiao Xue Nai again, what are you two saying behind my back?"

Yuigahama Yui watched the two fall into that kind of tacit understanding with half coquetry and half reproach.

"Duanzi, the so-called [Cicada Shiyu] is a metaphor for the dense cicadas singing like raindrops. When the summer is coming to an end, the cicadas want to burn their only life and send out the last song, just like falling rain .”

Yukino Yukino also accepted Yi Lingyuan's words and said:
"And the [starry night] that Scum Yi said refers to a night full of stars even if there is no moon."

"It's really really amazing."

It was obviously a compliment, but Yuihama Yui's heart was getting more and more depressed at this time, and what was hidden in the tone of admiration was that he couldn't easily understand the other party's sadness and lack of confidence with them.

However, Yuigahama Yui has always been a girl who can restrain her emotions, and instantly suppressed the emotions in her heart, revealing her usual silly appearance.

"What shall we eat next? How about candy apples!"


Yukinoshita Yukino who noticed it responded unnaturally.

The atmosphere between the three seems to have become wrong.

The three people who returned to the street market were about to look for the shop selling apple candy, but Yuigahama Yui did meet an acquaintance.


"Ah, it's Xiaoxiang."

There is no one remembered in Yi Lingyuan's mind, and he happily waved to Yubihama Yui, and while Yubihama Yui made an apology, he went to chat happily with her friend first.

"Do you remember this person under the snow?"

"Even I don't remember the names of people I don't like."

"Ale, Yukinoshita, do you know her?"

"During the first grade sports festival, this person was the executive committee member of your class, and unfortunately I worked with this person."

"Well, I feel like a very ordinary female high school student who likes to form gangs."

"The fact is true. There is one more person. He has no ability but likes to show off too much. He is better at forming a small group that praises each other than completing the work."

"So that's it, let's go to this booth and have a look."

After a brief understanding, Yi Lingyuan didn't care much about this person anyway, he was probably just an ordinary person with an annoying personality but realistic.

The fireworks display in Chiba is half an hour later than that in Tokyo next door. At this time, there are still many markets and people on the street.

Seeing that Yuigahama Yui was still chatting happily, Yi Lingyuan and Yukinoshita Yukino simply took a casual look at the nearby stalls.

There are many things on the stalls, such as bells, windmills, masks, ancient oil-paper umbrellas, and toys such as wind chimes and rattles.

It is not feasible to expect Yukinoshita Yukino to choose by herself, which Yi Lingyuan felt on the day she dated Yukinoshita Yukino.

Yi Lingyuan took a tough stance towards Yukino Yukino in a rare way, pulling her and gesticulating with various accessories, with an attitude of never getting tired of it.

"Hey, scumbag Yi, why are you gesticulating the wind chime next to my ear?"

"Under the snow, you don't understand this, this is called a trend."

Yi Lingyuan, who was obviously talking nonsense with his eyes open, picked up the bell again and wanted to tie it around Yukinoshita Yukino's neck, but found that his instep was being attacked miserably again.

"I don't mind letting you feel what it means to be dislocated."

"Small mistake."

The honest Yi Lingyuan picked up the oil-paper umbrella and handed it to Yukino Yukino this time.

"I promise I'm definitely not teasing you this time."

After seeing Yi Lingyuan's repeated assurances, Yukino Yukino reluctantly accepted the oily paper umbrella.

When Xue Nai opened the umbrella and leaned behind her, Yi Lingyuan was shocked by the beautiful scenery again.

With half of his lips parted uncontrollably, Yi Lingyuan's eyes, which were visible to the naked eye, were suddenly filled with light, the kind of light that you will have when you see someone you like.

Subconsciously, she took out her mobile phone and took Yukinoshita Yukino to take a photo. Yi Lingyuan asked in a sleepy voice:
"May I take a photo, please?"

"Didn't you already do that!"

Yukinoshita Yukino responded calmly with a hint of shame and joy, and the implication was that he agreed.

After recovering from his senses, Yi Lingyuan immediately paid for the oil-paper umbrella from the stall owner, but Yi Lingyuan didn't care whether he would be ripped off or not.

This kind of beautiful scenery should be preserved forever.

And Yuihama Yui didn't stop saying anything, she followed her friend's fingers and saw Yukinoshita Yukino and Yi Lingyuan who looked like lovers, Yuigahama Yui's eyes dimmed.

Even after Yi Lingyuan invited them to eat apple candy, it seemed that the group couldn't help being distracted, and the love and affection that showed from time to time made Yi Lingyuan's chest ache.

After seeing the fireflies floating in front of his eyes, Yi Lingyuan joyfully led Yuhihama Yui and Yukinoshita Yukino along the path to find the grass full of fireflies.

While Yukinoshita Yukino was still looking down at the fireflies carefully, Yi Lingyuan said softly to Yubihama Yui:

"It's as quiet as a firefly, but it's more affectionate than the chirping of cicadas."

(End of this chapter)

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